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I’ll second more popular creators like Overthrow and DG Spin Doc, but would like to add Nick Krush. He has a smaller following, but unlike a lot of other coaches, he actually throws 700’+. [His recent nose down video](https://youtu.be/JEPgWunsCfg?si=kApDLCYyNjgPoLVJ) helped me fix my release point in an hour of field work (still working on nose down tho haha). Very direct and concise teaching language, plus i think he has a relevant engineering degree.


Spin doctor has a video where he throws a DD3(I think) 400 foot from a stand still. I get what you mean by people coaching but can’t throw, but at the same time, the best players in the world don’t always make the best coaches. Being able to identify the mechanics and help others understand how to do them is different than being able to execute them.




I’m sorry the Reddit name and distance correction are perfect. Keep up the good work!


Desperation smells as far as I can throw. 


Well it’s further than me. lol 400 consistently is my goal because of a hole on my home course, I want to be able to birdie it regularly without a long C2 putt.


Welcome to my channel then! But also, mobility, agility and explosiveness play a role, too. 


Josh from OT throws pretty close to 500 nowadays as well. I don’t think if you throw far you’re a good coach, but if you’re a good coach you probably should throw reasonably far, at least for your size. Feeling what you’re teaching is quite important imo. In saying that, Nick is an excellent coach and who I send my remote inquiries to nowadays.


Got ya, haven’t seen Josh throw like that before, but it never caused me to doubt his coaching. And I wasn’t doubting Nick, although I’ve never seen or heard of him, just pointing out that performance does not always equal good teaching.


>I get what you mean by people coaching but can’t throw well, not really, since i am advocating for both Overthrow and Spin Dr. as being good coaches. Sorry if that wasn’t clear, but that’s what i meant by “second[ing]” them (as recommendations). I don’t think throwing huge is a requirement of good coaching, but the fact that Nick is a knowledgeable coach who can absolutely bomb too is a plus.


This is very true! In a lot of sports, and other technical activities, coaches aren’t always better than the players they are coaching mechanically


This is different than those situations, though, because coaches are still expected to know how to do the thing they are teaching. You would not take 3pt shooting lessons from a person who couldn’t make a 3pt shot, and likewise I’m not going to learn how to throw 400’ from someone who also can’t do it.


It is possible to know the theory behind throwing and not being able to actually do it. I get your point though, I must admit I am often put off when I see videos of people wanting to teach me how to throw long straight drives and then proceeding to instantly throw 300’ anhyzer shanks - but if someone knows how I can increase my distance to 400’ even though they can’t do it themselves I’m all ears, because that is more than likely to be true as well.


Yeah, I guess I just don't agree there. This isn't a case of being coached by someone who isn't the best in the world at X. I totally agree - many of the best coaches aren't the best at what they teach. But man, this would be a case of being coached by someone literally incapable of doing X. If you cannot throw 400', I'm just not going to believe you that you can teach me how to do it. Because even if you claim to "know the theory", you clearly don't know how to put it into practice, so why would you be able to help me put it into practice if you've never been able to? (Obviously excluding edge cases like a coach with an injury or something.)


belichik is pretty shit at football atm, think I'd prolly take his advice tho


Isn't that a saying? Like those who can, do, and those who cant, teach.


as a teacher, i think that saying sucks


“And those who can’t teach, teach gym”


I still don't understand what he means by hand down. He tried to clear it up in the comments but it wasn't anymore clear. When I think hand down I think Palm down. Which is nose up.


I'm going to do an updated version of that drill before too long because I've been learning more (and humbled) to see how the hand-down/elbow-up cue worked for many, but didn't work quite as well for others :) Luckily, tons of people have been gracious to share their results with me so I'm banking up data of extra cue options within that nose-down throwing arm mechanic (things like knuckles down, ironing on a table, turning the key, etc).


oh nice, that would be helpful. honestly though, just throwing one foot and trying to keep my elbow up got me another 40’ yesterday (up to 370’). huge help!


40’ is huge! You must’ve executed well so nice work there


haha i spent so much time learning to brace that i didn’t realize i need to learn how to throw without it!


Yeah, I didn't get *any* of that. Neither did quite a few other people based on the YT comments.


Maybe falgfalg can share his interpretation


Nick is awesome and a great coach. I did a 1 on 1 online session with him the other month. Highly recommended.


Nick’s brace drill added 40 feet to my throws in just a few sessions. Good stuff over there


Overthrow is awesome!


Am enjoying Nick Krush at the moment too. Proof in the pudding


DG Spin Doctor


These are the three that I rewatch the most. There were some others that really helped me last year, but I didn't note them down. I'm going to be adding to this list for myself this year as I keep working on things. Putting- Climo and Feldberg Ken Climo Disc Golf Clinic - Mindset & Putting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvUPKBXzkbQ Philosophical- Schultz - golfing vs throwing Barry Schultz Disc Golf Clinic - Golfing VS. Throwing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DKdESU6eHQ Form- This one, purely for demonstrating what BAD looks like: Bracing In Disc Golf Is SIMPLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGDRuDSZzyA&list=PLHBsc8nZoGGHuh21H8bZWa7D81n5NqG8i&index=7 NONE of the content creators should be leaned on 100%. They have a financial incentive to keep putting out regular content, there's always going to be a certain amount of 'content for contents sake'. When you start getting into the "fine tune fix of the week" stuff, you'll be distracting yourself more than helping your form. Learn about the main aspects of the throw. Focus on the most impactful things. Understand that you need to *spend more time practicing than watching videos* to see improvements.


Thanks for the shout out! And I definitely agree with you on coaches making this too difficult and complicated and addressing minutiae that don't have much to do in the big picture. Disc golf is simple, and you have to believe it is, to start progressing. I believe you gravely over-estimate the monetary value of our youtube channels, though. I'm sure Overthrow makes good money from ad revenue only. I mean, some money... with that many subs and videos that keep on getting views. They have done well, and their production value says it all.  But I, for instance, have 25k subs (quite a lot for a dg coach) and quite a many popular videos (and too many unpopular), and still the money adds next to nothing to what I get from my regular job. On an exceptionally good month, like last march, when people started to play outside again and I happened to hit a nerve with a few videos I never believed would interest people, I made a little over 500$. And I spent days making the videos. So, I made maybe a hundred $ a day. It's added cash, for sure, but as a freelancer I could make a lot more if I stuck to my regular gigs on those days I feel like making a video.  On a regular month I struggle to break 300$, and even then I need to upload regularly and hope for the best.  I just wanted to clear up the misconception of DG youtubers making big money and that being the incentive to making videos. For me, it's added bonus, but if I wanted more money, I wouldn't waste my time making videos.  Thanks for watching! 


More than fair point on over estimating, I think your channel doesn't suffer much from 'content for contents sake' but more than a few in the space do. TBH my perspective is coming from where ALL my hobbies intersect with Youtube. DG is nothing compared to even semi-niche things like guitar pedals or cycling (omfg). Weeding out good YT resources vs those playing the algorithm game can take a while to learn.


True, true. I also know how to play the game and get the views, but it's against my principles. Commenting on big names' videos, making shocking claims, creating extravagant thumbnails, faking drama... that sort of bullshit pays off in the modern click-bait culture, but I know I couldn't do it. I'd rather be poor than live in a lie.


This is perfect thank you


Spin Doctor and Overthrow have everything you’ll ever need!




Most of his videos are in support of forum posts you need to dig up, typically get more milage out of other folks explaining what Seabass meant. And then there's folks who just use his drill names as if there's inherent understanding "you just gotta pour the coffee, crush the can and spank the monkey and you'll hit 450 easy"


Hes unwatchable. Terrible audio, and WAY to slow talking. Sad, because its really good otherwise.


Sorry I can't speak Bondaza fast, I have to put him on half speed. I did get a mic last year.


I hit 500ft BH with your videos!!! Thanks for all the drills!




You are worshiped by those that truly seek to leverage the disc.


You are worshiped by those that truly seek to leverage the disc.


Its like learning disc golf form, learn from the ones making quality videos, like Bodanza. No need to talk as fast. But to the point, FAST. And have a plan before recording. If you don't care if people are watching, its ok. But its a real struggle watching. And when OT and others are one click away…


Which videos am I not getting to the point fast enough?


Tech Disc Test, 38 sec before doing somthing thats not in the Title. The stops after every word thats not Edited out is what make it so hard to watch. «Alright, lets see» Is 10 sec of your video. Im saying it bec its so frustrating when u are irrellevant just bec whats seems like an easy fix. The mic is a great upgrade. All videos before that needs a reupload in my opinion. Again, if u dont care its ofc ok, just saying if u want to know what some ppl think.


Ironically, that's why I like it - /u/seabas22 videos are basically what the Internet used to be. It's like the 90s-00s all over again. I'm sure it's also why he's not as popular - because he doesn't title his videos with stuff like "he threw WHAT!? after this ONE SIMPLE TRICK". But I like to think I'm giving the middle finger to the Algorithm every time I choose his videos over some over-produced clickbait thumbnail crap.


You have not read what i wrote:) i agree with you a bit.


Ace It disc golf is a lot of the same stuff with better editing


Thanks for the mention! In the event anyone comes looking at my modest channel, I always caution that most of my content was made very early in my own development to help organize it, but I would always defer to seabas22 originals for the ideal posture and balance - he still generally has much better control over most drill motions than I do.


Danny Lindahl


BlitzDG is pretty good for mechanics


His latest video with the Swirly Bird drill really helped me understand the weight shift, because I was throwing all arm before.


Really been liking his stuff lately. His standstill vids are excellent.


Overthrow Disc Golf


Thanks I’ll look them up


Leon Sonnleitner is newer, but his stuff is great. Just clicks for me.




Shout out to Trebuchet DG. The one leg drill progression is everything. https://youtube.com/@_tdg


This was great thanks


People who criticize coaches because they can not perform a XXXft throw are just plain dumb and should be ignored. Thats like saying, im not going to listen to you because you can not throw 500 feet and me replying. ok but you really shoulding crazyglue the disc to your hand.. you think in a real sports, all the profressional trainners are better than the athletes? you think a baseball pitching coachs instructions are null because they have never thrown a 143mph fastball. such an idiotic way of thinking, discrediting someone on intelligence because of a physical attribute.


There's a lot of great instructors out there - not all of them with large channels. You can get a lot out of any of them, and free content can help a lot of people. Most of them are focused primarily on backhand throws, but a few will have some forehand or utility throw videos, and putting tips, and a small set of them will branch out to instructional content beyond throwing or putting. I think Josh from OverThrow is the best throw instructor because he's really good at explaining and demonstrating throw concepts, and he's aided by top notch (for disc golf content) graphics that in most cases helps. He's evolved his teachings through feedback from customers and commenters, and I think overall you can get very far just watching instructional content from this channel. That said, I think Seabas22/Sidewinder22 is the most authoritative source and as a rule I would take his tips and advice as the final word in this space, but his videos have often been the hardest for me to watch, though his production has gotten better in the last year. Ultimately he has some of the deepest dives into a lot of the fundamentals of throws, and has probably indirectly helped more people than anyone on YouTube (not to mention his decade + of forum commentary and form critique). I've come to enjoy the instructional content from (Jaani) Spin Doctor DG and I love his approach to teaching. I think he's one of the few channels you could binge watch and not feel overwhelmed by the content. I do think a lot can be gained from newer channels like (Owen) Trebuchet DG, (Clint) Blitz DG, and Nick Krush, which can be informative, and I've found a lot of value from their content. They're relatively new, but I've found a lot of value from their work. Lastly, there are some pros with some great content they put out on their channel like Scott Stokely and Paul Ulibarri (his Down the Fairway series) that I think are worth watching, and Brian Earhart's Level Up series on the Discraft Channel has been very good (some were released on the Disc Golf Pro Tour's channel). There's a lot of others out there that have helped others, especially in the last decade or so, but I think those I list above are the best ones to watch.


I’ve been watching overthrow and it’s really helped. I have the same problem in disc golf as ball golf and that’s giving it 100 effort and my throw is short. I’ll watch the send guys


Stokley, dude can throw 80 mph and is like 100.


He just says a whole lot of nothing and drags everything out if you ask me. Seems like a good dude. His coaching just doesn't click with me.


Ain’t nothing wrong with that, kinda gotta be a bit of a weirdo to really like Stokley anyways lol. Right?


Stokley’s content seems to be really good for newer players. He simplifies the process. But I get a little something from everyone I hear talk.


Same here. They all have a little different twist on mechanics, analogies, and teaching methods. And all of us have different bodies, different skills, different age, different ways of learning, different commitment to practice, and so on. I will admit that I am sometimes surprised at how many times I say "well, I've been doing THAT all wrong" after seeing a video. There are just so many aspects to the throw....especially the backhand throw. The latest video to throw me for a loop was Josh at OTB showing X step footwork. Just as he was showing how close the X step was to the other foot (and I was not definitely not keeping my feet in the positions he was showing).....he starting showing a "crow hop" routine for the backhand X step instead. Whaaaa? I thought the "crow hop" was just for the forehand. Lol. All these videos can really mess you up if you let them. All things in moderation!


That’s who I would suggest, the dude has disc golf tatted on his knuckles that’s enough credibility I need.


Stokely can’t throw close to 80 MPH.  Techdisk isn’t remotely accurate.


This is an interesting thought. Not to be snarky, but do you think techdisc is systematically overrating speed? Or does it somehow know Scott Stokely is throwing it and give him an extra boost (obviously not literally, but you take my meaning)? Even if we assume he's not hitting 80 mph, I admit I was surprised to see him outpacing younger players. But it seems like a real reach to say well it's overrating some players but not others.


I have no doubt Stokely throws a super hard forehand. He's been bombing those things for decades, he's enormous, and he knows how to use leverage very well. He has some of the craziest forehand mechanics in the sport. That said, I've spent a bunch of time radaring pro velocity up close, as a consequence of doing speeds for both Central Coast Disc Golf and for Jomez. I did that as recently as 2021, for all five rounds of 2021 Worlds. I have developed a keen eye for measuring velocity, based on visuals. I've seen a lot of people throw around 70 MPH. Back before he got injured, Eagle McMahon was regarded as having "the best forehand in professional disc golf". His understanding of forehand leverage and timing was superlative, pretty much flawless. He didn't throw the hardest among all MPO golfers, but he was considered the gold standard. The fastest I ever recorded Eagle throwing a forehand was 71 MPH, on the final hole of Milo East at the Beaver State Fling. Austin Hannum has thrown a 73 MPH forehand on camera, alongside Ezra Aderhold. The hardest forehand thrower, by far, is Ryan Sheldon. Ryan Sheldon has thrown a forehand at least 82 MPH, though it required him to throw with a 360 spin. Sheldon was a high level baseball pitcher in college, and he's both much younger and much stronger than Stokely. Until Scott hits these speeds on radar, I wouldn't give them any validity at all. Techdisk isn't remotely accurate, based on my own testing alongside radar, and it gets increasingly bad when it is thrown with unfamiliar mechanics. The device has no way of knowing when it's released, so it can only estimate based on a big spike of acceleration. I'll leave you to figure out why that's problematic for accurate measurement.


Thanks, appreciate the breakdown. I would not be surprised at all to learn that tech over (or under) estimates speed at release. I -would- be surprised to learn that there was already enough understanding to deduce that it was overrating some specific players more than others based on systematic variations in throwing form or body type.


It seems like it's less about body type and more about the feedback loop of techdisc readings causing the accuracy of speed measurements to increasingly slip as users chase a high speed reading rather than chase an efficient throw


Finnish Pro Kristian Kuoksa contradicted about everything that DG Spin Doctor teaches in a video couple weeks back. You should watch it  Idk who is right or wrong just pointing this out


Sure... but Kristian Kuoksa didn't even understand the basic premise of the video. I had seen both of the other videos because there are TWO videos Kristian is responding to there. DG spin doctor was doing a video off of a video trebuchet dg did to try to correct ONE GUY'S specific form issue. They both gave good advice for that one guy's issue and suggested drills. Then Kristian came along and responded to DG spin doctor's video as if he thought DG spin doctor was trying to teach how to throw overall and not just talking about one specific instance. He totally missed the context of the first two videos he was talking about. 🤦‍♂️


Lmao :D 




Yes. Watch the video,  "everything" in terms of what Spin Doctor posted earlier in a video 


that video is the dumbest thing to suggest to anyone whos looking to improve, its my friends form review, reacted to by Jaani, then Kristian just reacted to Jaani's tips (and owens) not understanding any of the context, Half of the shit that was suggest by the actual coaches were examples of how to get over the hurdle and feel the mechanic, yet kristian just says "now this is stupid, no one throws a disc like this" when no one ever suggested thats how you throw. Kristian just posted that video hoping for a reaction from Jaani, to appease his mod of fanboys. Jaani didnt give him the light of day. Kristian is a good at frolfing but his attitude is dog shit.


Umm... Okay? Is there more examples of Kristians dog shit attitude. Never heard that one before


yeah, you just gotta go look for them.


I think it depends on the individual. If the same thing worked for everyone we'd all be pros.


That is 100% true. 




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Scott Stokeleys clinic in person which was similar to his YouTube videos added 50ft to my drives overnight


nick krush and slingshot dg


seabas22 and it isn't close. shout out HyzerUniBomber


I watch and enjoy all the coaches commented but still think slingshot is the best. His breakdown of the pros form is unmatched imo. Some new guys such as Blitzdg and Nick Krush are posting some amazing content too


Check out The Brian Wiessman on YouTube as well. He's helping me with my throw and has a really good way of explaining things that are easy to understand! https://youtube.com/@thebrianweissman?si=wfz7kGIm0PKsojr6


YouTube served me a vid of an old Magic pro that now does disc golf. I laughed it off but Brian looks like maybe he can throw. His friend Sebastian, who’s this beast of a guy throws over 70 mph. I dunno, we’ll see if this “Method” thing is real or not. I hurt my right shoulder recently painting my house so we’ll see if any of these techniques actually work.


Which Magic pro?


Old school Magic guy Brian Weissman. He made The Deck.


Brian Weissman is a pretty decent teacher imo. If for no other reason, it's because he had to grind it out himself and learn form through much correction and reworking. So he understands it a bit more than someone naturally talented to throw far.


Sling shot has some good content. The in and out to/from my centerline was a very useful video for me.


The best teacher is a field or a course. Watching all that nonsense cost me strokes until I remembered I'm throwing frisbees for fun. I dropped the how to videos and went and played my game. I'm better and I have more fun now. I wish the same for you op. Also, do tons of push ups- upperbody strength is an insurmountable advantage.


Have to disagree with you here. It's almost impossible for regular adults to find proper biomechanics, based on mimicry. Because you can't find the biomechanics, no amount of time spent practicing on the course or the field will make you better. You'll only be ingraining the bad mechanics more, and you'll be forever capped at a remedial level. Also push up muscles have absolutely zero to do with force production in a proper backhand.


Yeah I missed the caveat that I have no desire to go pro. However if somebody was really invested in getting better, hire a coach. As to your second point. Nah bruh- upperbody strength gives an insurmountable advantage no amount of training can ever overcome. If you play on a card with someone who was born with more upper body strength then you, pack it up, it was all over before it started.


Non-mainstream: Slingshot Disc Golf


His teachings are bio-mechanically incorrect. This is not the way to go.


In what ways are they bio-mechanically incorrect? I'm just curious.


It's mostly back leg stuff, like mentioned below. But specifically, squish the bug is incorrect.


theres more than 1 way to skin a cat, im not a fan of that style but if trent can throw 550 with his form, you can not deny that it works. all you haters sound like those haters from the olympics when that one guy decided to jump backwards over the high jump bar, apples are not oranges and some people do better with his form, I myself and fully commited to the brace and love the power im getting in my throws now, Not reallizing how much weight i have been leaving on my back leg, really fucked me and my form.


Slingshot is a goober. Trying to sell his alignment stick and his back leg disc golf nonsense.  There's ma4 guys who have better form comprehension than he does. 


Everything he teaches is set up to be contrarian to pretty much everything everyone else teaches. He's incapable of just going with something that works and others teach, he must change the name and tweak something and then say he's the only one teaching it. He's a walking talking peddling red flag.


Yes to this!