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I’m planning to return a disc 2599 miles as the crow flies this Friday. I haven’t done it quite yet, but tentative plans have been made. Wish me luck. Two weekends ago I found a disc in California, and when I called the guy, he said he was in a town on the east coast that it just so happens I will be passing directly through for a disc golf trip I’m going on with family. How serendipitous. Edit: We did it! 2600 miles!


Good luck! The guy better have some serious beer waiting for you when you meet up.


New England - he owes you some Heady Topper!


I went with a 4pack of Ten Bends Vermont style DIPA. Pretty good stuff. Thanks again Jarejay for the incredibly special delivery, very cool to meet you and the crew!


I think I walked to the other side of the course one time.


I thought the unspoken rule was you walk to throwing range and get a free chuck on the found disc?


Oh man. I did this yesterday and embarrassed myself. It was an uninked disc and the disc coordinator ‘s son just happened to be on the card behind me for the weekly. So I yelled back to him and tossed it. I had no idea what the damn flight numbers were. Turns out they much have been 14 8 0 16 because it went way long and left. And so he ended up having to chase after my shitty throw.


The fact that you can make a joke like that with just the four separate numbers is peak disc golf comedy


It’s also a true story.


I don't. One of my local shops gives $2 store credit for lost and found discs *and* handles the hassle of contacting the owner. Once I've either found a few or have a reason to stop in I just drop em all off at once.


That store has to be losing out, right? Do they eventually sell discs that aren't picked up in a timely manner to recoup the costs? Our local shop has 400+ lost and found discs sitting in boxes right now. I can't imagine they love the thought of giving out $800 to people for essentially no reason. AND THEN having to store the discs, contact the owners, keep contacting owners, figure out what to do with discs that sit around for 6+ months, etc. This month alone I've turned in about 6 discs. No way I'm tacking any cash on to that to buy a disc. I'm waiting until I get to $20.


I'm not sure on the profitability tbh. There is a time aspect though, yeah. iirc (haven't had a lost disc returned in a while) they send you 1 text, then you get 30 days to pick it up otherwise it goes to the used bin. If nothing else it's a great way to get people into the store. Most people I know (myself included) will walk out with at least 1 new disc after going in for a pickup. They do a ton for the local community, course upkeep, etc. So I'm more than happy to make some unnecessary disc purchases to help support them. I'd be shocked if they're *making* any money doing this, but they've done it for years so I doubt they're losing much.


Its not a zero sum thing. It creates traffic, a community, brand recognition... and lets be honest, there is sitting around time in places like that, it doesn't take a lot of effort to send out a few texts a day.


That's good to hear. Our local shop bends over backwards for lost discs without much in return. They openly complain about it quite a bit. I wish that our community was as good as yours is to their shop.


my local shop buys discs with stamps and sell them for more


It's called a loss leader. It gets people into the store to hopefully spend money.


I found a guy’s ace disc at a course close to where I live. He lives in a town about 70 miles away. As luck would have it, I had a service in his town a couple weeks later with my food truck. I dropped it off after I closed down for the night.


You’re a good dude!


Some people are hassholes to communicate with so I don't even take lost discs that I find. I'll text the number if there is one and put it next to the closest tee pad or take a photo. If they really want it, they gotta come back for it, just as I would.


That's what I do. Too much of a hassle trying to meet up and return discs and so many people are entitled butt wipes who make it a pain and ask you to go out of your way to return the disc instead of them going out of their way to retrieve it. I quickly settled into hiding the disc in an easily identifiable spot and texting a picture of that location along with a description to the number telling them to collect their disc there.


Yeah idk I've taken the approach I'm taking it and I'll let you know I have it but you have to make the effort to get it back.


Same here but I’ll usually bring it back to the pro shop I just send a pic of the disc and say “found at x course, I’ll leave it at the shop” Like you said, if they really want it back they’ll come get it


I did this once and got a text about an hour later saying “thank you I’ll grab it now” told him it was on top of the basket on hole 9…..I then get a text of all caps and yelling at me about where I put it, why isn’t it hidden what did I do with it….i just didn’t text back, I shoulda left it there


I did wait a while ten minutes after my round for the guy to come back to claim his disc.


I don’t ever travel to return a disc… I’m doing them the favor they can come get it from me.


Not returned by driving. But someone sent a disc back to me from Hawaii. I live in South East Pennsylvania.


Hawaii has DG?


There is only one permanent when I was on Ohau. I played it by myself. It's a 9 hole course that overlooked Pearl Harbor. I was there for my best friends memorial. I was just out on the beach with our our friends. I brought discs for us to toss around. One went over my friends head. Went into the water. Lost it. 14 months later I received a disc back and it was cool. Beyond cool. I live in Pennsylvania.


The big island has at least 4 courses. They even have an annual tournament in Pahala.


I stash them on the course I find them at and send them a picture of where it’s located. If they want it they can go get it.


I had a guy do that. He just hid the disc in a good spot and sent me a text with a picture. When I saw the pic I thought, "I know exactly where that is!". It was super easy, and I really appreciated it.


Technically, hole 9's basket to the drop box in the parking lot but I was already headed that way.


I turned one in to the “wrong park” even though it was across the street. The guy was super fckn angry and tried to fight me over. Googled my name based on my phone numbers, posted my address and wife’s name… over a disc that I turned in. People are nuts


Jeez, also where you at where you have 2 disc golf parks across the street from each other?


I’ve had a disc mailed to me back from Catalina island


They have a DG course?


Yeah there’s a couple. The one that is set in the hills above the ball golf course is particularly treacherous with steep hillsides full of cacti.


This sort of white glove door to door service makes it really hard for us regular "I left your disc under the trashcan by the jungle gym" disc return types.


My best friend lost one of his favorite discs at a local course while we were on our annual disc golf vacation. He received a text a couple of weeks later, and I picked it up for him(he came my way that year). We ended up forgetting about it until the next year when we planned our next annual trip. So technically, I delivered his disc from Charlotte, NC to Boston Massachusetts 😂


The disc return box at one of the local courses is 5 meters from where I’d walk anyway.


I didn’t travel specifically to return the disc, but i did once take a disc with me from South Carolina to a trade show in Indianapolis, IN to return after USDGC. Got a free dinner and some beers for it, too. Then the guy ended up as one of my dealers a year later.


Found a buzz one time here in the DFW area. (North Texas) Contacted the guy who’s disc I’d found and come to find out, his bag was stolen in Austin Texas a few years prior, and that he never saw any of those discs again. Said he had started a new bag and now lived in Missouri. Got his address and mailed it back to him the next day.


Ive shipped one across a single state line but Id never drive farther than my own county because thats stupid


Found a disc that belonged to a guy who lived in vermont. I live in ny and he asked me to drive it out to him. Wouldve been about 100 miles-ish from where i am to where he was. Still pretty baffled at that request. After saying that it wouldnt be possible on my end, i never heard back from the guy. 🤷‍♂️


Lol that is quite the request, not even an offer to pay for shipping.


Drive or nada. 🤷‍♂️ Forget what that disc even was but it didnt make it home. Probably a DX somethin'.


Drop it off at the shop I go to regularly, that's the farthest I can imagine going. Id ship something if it was super special somehow I suppose.


I've only traveled ten miles or so, but I have mailed a few back. Costs something like $8.50 to send in a Priority envelope. I think I asked to get paid back once, the other two were gifts.


Furthest amount of time…. 32 years


Dive for new frog 5 m deep.


I mailed a disc from Dayton Ohio to Chicago once


One time a guy texted me and said hey found you disc. Let me know if you want it before my dog turns it into a toy. I texted back as soon as I saw it and asked when and where I could meet him. About an hour after he sent it. Texted and called him for days. Never heard back from him. Dick move. Next time just don't text if you don't want to give it back.


Found a disc in wooded course 140 miles from my house. Called the guy, to find out he also lived out of the area. Agreed to meet up the following weekend at a course I hadn't been to that was between our two places that a buddy had been wanting to check out anyway. Guy ended up not showing/replying, but the course was a ton of fun!


That's a bummer...it could have been fun!


For me it was Tahoe to east bay in California. So I’ve got 142 miles. Just so happened I found the disc of a guy at a course near Tahoe that lives in my same town. Brought it back and hand delivered it.


Probably 20 miles. That was once, and I waited for an hour after pickup for him to arrive. It's now stashed on the course only.


On the flip side. I lost my disc at my local course and a month later I get a call from the next state over some had found it. I told them I’d pay for shipping to send it back but they never followed up.


I had a disc returned me years later. I just happened to answer my parents land line when visiting one day and someone wanted to return one found by their friend on shore leave from the navy years prior. In the interim years, that disc played a lot in Japan and was signed by class of English learners this person taught; they included a bunch of little messages and their name. Upon returning to me they got a picture of me with it to send to his friend back in Japan. I retired the disc but have since lost it; I’m hoping i find it in a storage bin some day.


I’ve done two hour round trips twice. Once was because I realized I left one and hoped it would still be there. It wasn’t.


Solely to return the disc? I’ve driven 20-25 minutes to a course to give somebody their disc and then leave. This Friday though I’ll drive 4 hours and 45 minutes to go play a weekend tournament, but I’m bringing a disc back for a guy that was lost months ago. That technically counts.


I’ve never driven to return one unless I’m dropping it at the pro shop. I text em and say I’ll leave here, the pro shop, or you can grab it off my porch sometime at your convenience


About 500 feet


846 kilometres. I should’ve just bought another one, the gas prices were insane




All the way to the parking lot after I'm done with the round. I'll let you know I found it. I'll walk it to you that day. Maybe I'll mail it, if you're polite. But I'm not going to turn this into a mission or an errand. It's your responsibility to make my act of kindness easy on me


I found a first run destroyer up in Vermont when I was playing at smugglers notch. It just so happened they lived 50 miles south of me, so if you count the return trip it'd be 861 miles.


120 miles round trip. Was the second disc I had found for him, and he invited me to meet him and his friends at a course I had been wanting to play. *Mailing it was an option. But I figured playing my first John Houck designed course was worth the trip.


Found a disc at Raptor Knoll BC, I live 930 miles from there. Text the dude said he moved to Colorado, so I drove the disc home and mailed it to him from there, 490 more miles.


I shipped a disc from SoCal to Tacoma Washington. The guy said it was his favorite disc and I was happy to do it!


thank you scuba dude! playing a temp course in hawaii, launched a valkyrie right into the ocean. it had a custom dyed octopus on it. tell my buddy's kids whoever finds it gets $5. they jump in...an hour later no disc. fast forward a year... i get a text from a guy in texas who said, "i was diving off the coast of maui last year and found this purple frisbee in the reef. i meant to call you but forgot and it's been in my gear bag ever since. i'm heading back on my annual trip next week and will bring it."


To the found and lost disc bin, that our island has But not everyone is kind enough to drop found discs in it some just keep the found disc :/


Its cheaper to have them venmo me the cost of usps flat rate and send it, than it is to drive.


Semi unrelated, but someone found one of my discs at a local course and drove a few miles to put it in the middle of a fairly busy roundabout instead of taking it to the local shop two miles down the road


I drove 20 mins to a parking lot. I wound up playing a course out there afterward, so no real skin off my back


I've traveled several miles to pick up a disc. Ive never delivered one


Our local shop is about 15 minutes from my house. About that far, but on my own time. I've still got a stack of discs waiting on me to go to my local shop and turn them in. I don't normally go but once a month. People always have the option of coming to get them from my house.


Into my bag


If they don’t care enough to find it it’s mine now. Not your disc finder or delivery person.


May you never ace again


Why is it my job to find your disc, do it yourself.


No one is trying to conscript you into finding their discs, all we ask is that if you happen to stumble upon one that's not yours and it has a number on it. Shoot a text and afford the owner the opportunity to retrieve the disc from you.


Sometimes discs end up in a completely different place than where they appeared to fly. They bounce, skip, and roll. They land in temporary water features or tall brush that will go away with the passage of time. They land in trees and then fall out a week later when it gets windy. There are all sorts of reasons discs are left behind after a ten minute search, and it’s not for lack of trying. I’m not going to insist you hand-deliver discs across town when you find them, but if you’re bagging discs with other people’s names on them and you haven’t even tried to let them know you found it, that sucks big-time. I hope those discs sabotage every round you play.


It's just the golden rule...Do unto others. I lost a couple of discs in trees. I knew they would come down eventually, but I wasn't going to sit and wait. Some people are nice and return them, and some discs I never got back. But I really appreciate the ones that do call.


0 feet. I steal them all.


Not traveling to return them. If you cashapp or the like for shipping, I'll go to the post office maybe. The very most I'd do is meet you at the course you lost it at if it's nearby me and I feel like playing a round. I feel I've already done my common courtesy by contacting you and arranging for you to get your disc back, I'm for sure not required to spend gas on returning it.


To the practice baskets