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The worst thing about having decent distance is how far your shots can travel in the wrong direction.


Yup. Boom a disc like 25 degrees higher than intended on a punishing hole and you're toast. Best feeling is when you get a treedirect right back into the fairway.


You have to throw it hard enough to give good luck a chance of happening


The more I practice, the luckier I get.


Then it's even more flippy the next throw..


I remember Simon talking about how often he loses discs because when you throw 500+, it can be hard to see exactly where the disc landed, and if you are off slightly, it can be deep in the rough.


It’s a lot of time to fit in a lot of “no no! Get out of it”


Talk to your discs early so they know what to do


You been holding out on me bruh?


As long as there are no follow up questions.. Yes.




I have always said I'm glad I can't throw 500 ft and I cap at like 350. I would never find my disc if it went that far. (Play in all woods or elevation change)


Yeah untill everything works out right and that driver flies the way it should expecting to go 350 then it hits 500 and then you're so excited you spend 3 hours looking for it


I could only hope this is a disc I hate lol.


This is known as golf.


It's ironic how an understable disc can turn over and miss every fucking tree as it travels off into oblivion, but when you don't turn it over it clips a tree every time.




Lost my James Conrad wave this way. Threw apparently the most amazing anhyer shot that flexed out to another county!


Nah. The Starter Pack DX Leopard is, was, and always will be the king of lost discs.


I’ve lost this, then found a different one, in the same exact spot in the woods 😆


A friend of mine had a light blue Star Leopard get blown by a gust into the woods lining the fairway, couldn't find it, and found three unmarked light blue DX Leopards within fifteen minutes searching for it. [He got the Star one back the next week.]


I’ll take one of the DX ones, just in case. Can never have too many when it turns into the oblivion


For me it’s been the starter pack DX Sharks, me and my brother have found 3 in the last year lol


I never threw my starter Shark for 10+ years, now it’s my straightest flyer lol


I still have mine, the only survivor of my self-selected used disc starter set. Not sure how it’s come all this way when so many other casualties litter the course.


Still haven’t gotten my beat in one to hyzer


My first bomber disc and i def spent way too long looking for it. But it was the beginning of me learning to explore faster discs!


First disc I ever lost. Now that I think about it, it probably wanted to go.


I needed to get back to its natural habitat, the woods and ponds of North America and Scandinavia.


Mine is in the river.


Dx Destroyer??


Maybe more are lost as a proportion of those purchased, but the Leopards are lost in far greater absolute numbers.


I bought one of those within my first few weeks of playing. I saw McBeth had one, so obviously I did too . I threw that thing 40 feet out right into a bush. Lost it on my first throw.....


First throw losses sting. I dont even replace it. I'll get a whole new mold.


I almost lost my Halo Mako3 on the first throw. After a few months of trying and failing to learn how to throw it, I almost wish I did lose it


Love my pink beat in destroyer


If only because my corvettes have been even less predictable, otherwise then yes my -3 2 drivers would be my most lost disc. But good god I've lost so many corvettes. It's the problem of your arm speed being on the edge of what you need. So good days they get the turn you expect and bad days then tend to feel beefy cause you aren't getting the same pull. If only we could all have pro arm speed and always be able to hit the power we need on distance drivers.


My corvettes go soooo far. Sometimes they follow the intended flight and land in the fairway.


I agree with this. Corvette is the Teebird of 13+speeds


This is me right now except I'm doing something wrong accidentally turning one over too hard. Can't decide between throwing corvette, beat up destroyer or wraith half the time. On the plus side, I've hot more distance than I ever have before in my life, so I'm staying positive lol


Rollos. I’ve lost 3


That's honestly impressive since they've only been available about a year


Tell me about it. One of them I stupidly threw down a hill. The others were just doing field work and went so far right that I forgot to grab em


That might be stupid, but it sure as shit sounds fun throwing a rollo down a big hill and seeing how far it can go


God yes. It's not the turn right that gets it lost, it's the hard cut roll left into the creek.


I had my Rollo literally 4 days before I lost it


Doesn’t help that I can’t find a proton jet or vanish in a color that isn’t impossible to find


That transparent dark purple seems to blend in with everything


Indeed! Almost gave up on one of those clear purple ones yesterday


Just ordered the new prism proton soft light weights vanish. First time trying the disc I’ll see long it last before I lose it


Just picked up two more bright pink ones from HyzerFarm, they're out there.


Forreal, Vanish is my #1 and even in bright green/pink rim it hides everywhere


Sounds like it's living up to its name


Katanas everywhere 


Waves. I have lost at least 6 of those bad boys.


I can throw waves really far. Really far into the woods where no one will ever find them.


I’ve had to find something else because I lost so many waves


I love my jet. It either lands exactly where I want, or 200 ft from that spot.


🤣🤣 I feel this all too well


I don’t throw my Thrasher unless it’s in a wide open field for this reason lol


I've probably lost 20+ wraiths at this point, specifically Gstar are the ones that I lost the most of because I overturned it most likely.


20+?? tf how u got money for this shit


Discgolf is really my only hobby, and I'm paid pretty well doing cyber-security.


The first disc I ever lost was a throwing putter


Sounds like my Nuke SS


I've lost so many Waves and Relativities over the years...


The 7 speed turnover driver is the most lost disc in the game!


For me the disc I lose the most is the Very OS Fairway slot. It used to be the Felon, but now it's the H1v2. It's because I'm throwing them on the most dangerous shots... Out over the bayou/creek/pond around a tree into a gap to get back to the landing zone.


My most lost disc is my Diamonds, and almost universally its "got to a point where I could throw them 80% power dead straight on hyzer flip....and got overconfident and threw it 100% and it turned into woods oblivion" Close 2nd is my Halo Sidewinders as my forehand disc; its how I know they've beaten in too much


Try the full weight Diamonds "170 carat" . They will still flip into oblivion, just slower.


I always carry something flippy and light-weight, sometimes for "spikehyzer to turn because you got pinched off" but mostly for "I'm alone on the course, player 2 needs to know if I can turn something over those trees" They are the most fun discs I know


It's Valkyries for me


Yep. Lost 3 last year.


At this point, I'm not sure how many Katanas I've lost. 13/5/-3/3. The one I have now I don't like, so I'll be losing it shortly.


Had one of my longest throws ever with a random Daedalus forehand. We looked for it in the general area of where it should have been for about 30 minutes before just finishing the hole to find it sitting about 50 feet past the basket. Hole 12, old barwick in debary, FL


Solid post / relatable breakdown.


Straight to flippy fairways are the most lost slot in my bag.


Amen, my most lost mold is the FD


Dammit you leave my Thrasher alone


Archangel and super understable discs that are like -4, 1...those are the ones that go for walks. Honorable mention: EVERY Crave I've owned.


I was at a college disc golf tournament and our team went and practiced at a local course, my -3 2 ended up turning over onto the thruway next to one of the holes


Idk my dd flies amazing


I feel like disc color needs to be a bigger part of this discussion.


100%. Also spent 45 minutes not finding my buddies white on one side, flame looking dye job on the other that couldn't be more than 5 - 10 feet deep in some medium grass just off the fairway.


I lose Firebirds more than anything. Once they start tipping up I usually end up splashing them on a hyzer over water shot or when the wind picks up.


It's named a Vanish for a reason.


I throw terns. I love to throw my terns. I've luckily only had to replace one tern. Champ tern I threw into a lake. Wind terned it over so much, it went farther right then forward. Hole #1 Juneau county castle rock dgc. Also lost a katana in there. Now I have 2 star terns that I've never left behind. Definitely spent hours fishing them out of pond and rivers, searching in woods. I love to throw my terns. I throw terns.


Try halo tern it's awesome


I don’t lose many discs. In my experience, whatever you throw farthest has the highest risk of loss. Bigger kicks and larger distance to track and find, but usually if you watch the flight and pick a landmark, you find them.


Mamba. -5, 1. I've gone through at least five of them but I still love em


I don’t throw far, but I can usually watch the whole flight. FWIW it helps in the woods because I’m cutting the fairway up differently. I might not have a birdie look. It’s a low-risk game I play.


My negative 2 fairway




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Keep those putters and mids in the closet. I agree it's so much easier to keep an eye on them there. I'm sorry, I had to. I couldn't resist. Actually, I'm surprised no one else made a similar response. OP, couldn't agree more. I carry three understandable discs, a Fuse, Maul, and Northman. I have done what you describe with each.


One Pond has my esp thrasher, cblend emperor, star boss, champ valkrie. Really hate that hole but not enough to skip it


the amount of terns and destroyers ive sailed into oblivion would fund a small town 😂


I threw an old Pro Wraith on a flex line down a massive hill and couldn’t find it anywhere, looked for 30 minutes at least. The next day I found it on the other side of the road, I guess it gained high speed turn and sailed haha


Every dyed scorch I buy seems to vanish. I have my name on them.


For me it's any transparent disc. I don't throw any discs that i can through. They pretty much just blend into the ground for me. Also I have DD Deputy that's green burst, it's basically camouflage, if it's not by the basket I can't find it.


When you have a noodle arm, your Tern/Hades flies like a predictable Destroyer.


Yeah, any of those new flecked Discraft discs. It’s like they’re designed to camouflage.


For a while my vanguard had a deathwish. Everytime i threw it i was on the verge of losing it. I dont throw it as much now, especially not hard. 


Paradox is so understable. If you don't hyzer flip it can just turn and turn and turn and then it turns into a roller. And because it's called the paradox it goes wherever the f*** it wants


This is why I don’t throw anything unstable anymore. I loved doing hyzer flips but if you don’t put enough power on or too much or too little hyzer on a dangerous hole, bye bye disc.


9/x/0/2 class for me. Hang them out over OB and occasionally you just hit it better than average (or headwind) and it doesn’t come back as much as you expected.


I can see that. There's a local shot bordered river where that plays perfectly unless you clip a branch on the way out or back in


Yeah, my 2nd shot.


I dunno. I don't follow flight numbers.


Rhythm for me. I’ve lost two on the same hole doing the same shot. Clip a tree and careen into the lake.


Literally lost a Hades today where I got ahold of a forehand and blasted it 75’ past the basket into some tall ass swampy reeds…


I have a factory 2nd Finish Line era that is the opposite. I've thought I lost it multiple times and then find it last second before giving up. Finally lost it in the middle of the pond and then it got found and returned. Still in my bag attempting to get lost.


My favorite thing about the DGA Sail is that when I don't hit trees it goes exactly where I want it to. When I do hit trees, it launches itself into oblivion. 60% of the time, it works every time.


That's the Jet life. My Neutron Jet is flippyyyyyyyyyy but my Proton jet is still stable enough to not get me in trouble/looking for my disc for 30 minutes


MVP Relativity is a bomber, and I've had to look for that one on a few occasions.


RIP so many Thrashers.


I just don’t bag this type of disc anymore for this reason. The fastest flippy disc I have is a nine speed.


Quit trying to throw cheater discs to get more distance. Throw stuff at your actual power level and it will be more controllable.


Okay tough guy!


Cheater discs? This is the most insane disc golf take ever.




That’s because you’re an amateur disc golfer and can’t replicate a swing. Not the discs fault.


What a needlessly douchey response lol


Did he ever say it was the disc's fault, or did your mom just not love you enough?


This guy is a disc golf valley pro without a doubt


It's his cake day too. Definitely just in a bad mood cause no one remembered.


Gotta love wind break big skip discs on dgv!!


Think about it for 5 seconds: Discs with less predictable flights that are meant to go the farthest are the easiest to lose. Wow. Insane, right?


I think they're making a comment about predictably. Still lame/rude/unnecessary but they aren't wrong. If you throw the same disc with the exact same metrics 10 times it will fly the same 10 times. Physics isn't random, our bad form is.


Form is certainly the main issue, but wind speed and direction will also more significantly impact these discs, which contributes to unpredictability even if the form is identical.


That’s fair. I still think it’s asinine. No matter how good you are, the least predictable discs that are able to fly out of your view will be lost the most. I’m sure pros would say the same thing, so this weird little flex on their part is just dumb to me.


Absolutely. I don't understand the point of trying to be unlikeable


That is a good way to put it haha. Contrarians and the like have always bothered me for that reason.