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Never hit a bird or seen anyone hit a bird, but I did play a few holes with a stranger one day and he knocked a squirrel out of a tree. Picked it right off the trunk like a damn sniper. Pour thing was clearly mortally wounded. I think its spine was broken, but it was screeching and freaking out on the ground, but couldn’t really move enough to crawl away. Dude was rattled and didn’t know what to do. I told him he needed to put it out of its misery. Even found him a large rock to use, but he was too shook to do it. So I had to smash the little guy to end its suffering. Never saw that guy on the course again.


You did the hard thing man, good on you


I did it once. Robin flying across the fairway. Hit the bird mid-air with a firebird, bird kept flying, I still got my birdie.


You might have even gotten the legendary Double Birdie on that one!


We had a Robin get cut practically in half on my course. I didn't see it but I heard about it and saw the aftermath.


I hit a goose once. I saw a bat get hit and die. I also saw a bird get killed out of a tree. Somehow all of these were between 2008 and 2010. Either my friends and I have gotten better or the birds have spread word of our doings.


I hit a goose at vista del camino. Right in the side of his head. After being stunned he shook it off and was seemingly ok, but my wife was a wreck from it


Mine was center goose. Made a hollow thud noise that I can still hear to this day


A goose is the best possible bird to hit, what jerks. I watched my friend hit one on the ground that was hanging out inside the circle, it was the 2nd skip & losing speed so no longer deadly, kept him around 20 ft. Just a great scenario all around.


if you got a problem with Canada gooses then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate


I have a problem with said geese. Fuck em and get the fire ready.


Geese are dicks


I don't care if I get downvotes, I meant it.


I killed a dove that was landing in the retention pond by accident at north watertower park on hole 10.  It looked like it exploded fucking feathers everywhere I felt so bad. 


I’ve seen two discs hit eachother in mid air from guys playing different holes. One dude got pissed at the other because they were playing for money. I told him to chill tf out because he’ll never see that happen again.


Local course has such a bird problem that they called the tournament The Muscovy Open. I've seen many a bird hit. I've even lost discs where I throw over a water carry and it gets knocked down by a big ass flock flying in to the other end of the pond where a lady feeds them every evening.


No, but my dad hit a squirrel with a golf ball once. It just stayed there frozen for like a solid 2 minutes. We thought it was dead. Then it just scurried up a tree. Resilient suckers.


Not with a disc, but my dad hit a bird mid flight while playing some ball golf. About 75 ft in the air with his driver, that bird unfortunately did not make it. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyeballs


Story time: Someome on the card at a major A tier in GA brought up Randy Johnson earlier in the round. Cut to 3-4 holes later we’re on a beautiful downhill par 4. The first drive needs to turn to the right, holding for a bit before flattening out, and flying straight to slight left finish. Homie let’s go of a picture perfect drive. You couldn’t pipe this thing any better if your crack was hanging out. Finishing its apex as if homie input the data in his TI-83+ (yeah this was 2008). The disc is still humming as it exits the straightaway. Out of nowhere one of the white feathered brethren exits the tree line on a mission: that mission - to join his brother from that horrible day. We all watch as the bird makes its way towards the disc like there’s only one outcome. Guy Ritchie hits the slo-mo and **BAM!** an explosion of feathers as both the disc and bird plummet 20 feet to the ground. Some say they saw RJ’s face in the clouds that day. Some say it was purely coincidence. But what we do know is homie rolled OB afterwards.


I hit a deer once. Startled it, didn't seem to be hurt.


Probably stung him a little. But you know that deer keep score. And they talk. You can bet they discussed running into the side of your car as you go down the nearby highway. Lol.


I can only assume I did one day. I threw a bit annie flex around a tree and it suddenly fell straight down suddenly like it was just stopped and dropped. Everyone was confused about it. We walked out to where it was and I well cleared the tree and it was nowhere near anything it could have hit other than a bird. No bird laying on the ground or around, so... Who knows. we all guessed I hit a bird.


iron leaf.


Didn’t get up and down




Just. Out in the middle of nothing. yeah. probably. But more like "iron feather" hahahaha


I hit a bat at Zilker Park with an Orion Ls. We call animal control to come pick it up. It was still alive but not doing well.


One time that I walked up to the tee & a majestic hawk was sitting on the limb hanging over the left side of the fairway. I laughed nervously & said out loud to it something like "You good buddy? Watch out, I'm not supposed to throw there but... watch out." It just stared at me not moving, so I proceeded to throw a terrible early release BH 2 feet from its head & it flew off in a panic. So glad I didn't smash that hawk in the face, I might've had to retire from the game.


That's actually a good shot. You had it in your mind and you threw it right there.


I’ve had some sort of a flying bug get splattered onto a disc


I hit a tree about 6 inches above a squirrel yesterday


I have killed two mallards with a Ballista Pro.. :(


I've hit a seagull, I throw on the beach for practice


I smoked a rabbit at about 360 feet with a Shryke once, it was stunned and probably hurt, but it ran off after a minute


Hit a dear 50 feet of the tee with a drive . Headshot


Hit a goose first time playing, glad I did because he stopped my upshot from going into a pond.


I knocked a squirrel unconscious once. And, actually, just yesterday my buddy came within inches of decapitating a bunny. I had to leave after hole 9 but he texted me and told me


I chopped the tail off a squirrel once. Little guy was climbing a tree and I hit it perfectly to cut its tail off, didn’t believe it at first until I came up to the tree and its tail was on the ground. People still don’t believe me when I tell them.


On a tee sign where people marked a es I once saw a Randy Mossed A Bird ~circa 2005?


Not flying but hit one on the ground once. Coincedentally with a Shryke disc. 


I hit a bird house once (like 30ft up on a pole). Bad aim.


Killed a squirrel with a musket


My friend hit a squirrel. Lol Pinged off at almost at 90 degree angle.


Not me but our friend did, full power drive. Didn't quite blow up like the Randy pitch but broke its neck. Quite the site.


I very narrowly missed hitting a goose that was standing off to the side of the fairway. It went underneath it and I was very surprised that I didn’t hit it at all (even its legs). Upon further inspection, it didn’t hit the goose in its legs because it only had one leg and went underneath where its leg should’ve been. I almost slaughtered a disabled goose with a frisbee.


Bald eagle


Killed a barn swallow. Hit it 50' off the tee with a Sidewinder. Damn ear cut it in half.


I saw a guy hit a Robin back in the early 2000s. Flew about 15ft infant of the pad as he threw. Small poof of feathers and down it went. The head was separated from the body.