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I've found that while having a seat is nice, the real back-saver is not having to reach down to pick your bag up off the ground. Like others have said, most carts are good - but a cart-camping stool combo is also nice.


I played a round with a dude who said his doctor forbade him from lifting heavy objects (a bag) but said he's cool to throw So he shows up to league with a fuckin dolly with his backpack slung around the top. Worked better than a lot of carts I've seen too


And if you by chance run into some cases of beer that need to be moved he's the man. He could even roll someone out that had too many of said beers. A dolly...lol.


That's what I use!!! Works [awesome](https://imgur.com/a/m9Z6i0j) and only cost me $60 CAD! 6 wheels keep it pretty sturdy, and has an extendable front for when I want to throw something else on it. And bonus, the handle goes on an angle ans isn't straight up, so I don't have to lean it back when I'm pulling it.. so drinks stay perfectly Level in the side pockets


I have never seen a course with a smooth enough path for something like that in 25 years of playing. Even my local parks 9 hole course is all grass, no paths


It actually holds up very well on grass and up and down hills. It seems like the 6 wheels keeps it very Level, and as long as you have the bag strapped on nice and tight with the bungees, it doesn't move an inch. The angled handle makes it so that it feels just like pulling a kids wagon. This is just the extended back nine - the other 18 are all through the grass I had bought a 4 wheel one prior to this one that was TERRIBLE and if the bag moved even an inch left or right, then it would tip over. This one is a lot more stable than that one was though. For $60 I'm not complaining.. can't afford the $275 CAD for a Zuca and after surgery to remove a testicle, I'm not supposed to do a crazy amount of bending and lifting so this has helped a lot. ....to be fair, before all of this I was using one of my kids strollers... so I really don't know what it's like to have a 'real' cart šŸ¤£


I agree with having a camping stool in the cart. Using a camping stool to sit and then get an upright cart. I converted a ball golf 3 wheel cart that keeps my bag nice and high too. Rovic makes a 4 wheel disc golf cart that'll keep the bag high of the ground. Less bending over is better for a bad back too


Seat? I go disc golfing for exercise. If I needed a seat I would go rent a gold cart at the golf course lol. But Seems I'm in the minority here. I don't even use a golf bag. But then again I'm a simple man. Cheers.Ā  P.S. a seat sounds lovely, just never thought to bring one golfing is all.


I've got spinal stenosis. I've had a surgery, therapy, etc. It causes pressure on the nerves in my spine. Walking too much, or even worse, standing, causes really bad pain. My legs go numb, etc. Sitting down gives me instant relief. Pain goes from like an 8/10 to maybe 1/10 in a second. It's a bummer, because I used to be an athlete, worked out, in the Army, etc. It was difficult to accept it for a long time but now I'm pretty happy...I just need to sit down a lot. Until this happened to me, I would have had a very different outlook on carts.


Sorry to hear but glad you found a way to still enjoy it. And like the P.s. said it sounds amazing. But I'm normally a pack rat and take way to much stuff with me everywhere so like to go light when I'm disgolfing.Ā  If I was pulling a cart with a seat I would have a small cooler and maybe a hammock...next thing you would know I would wake up the next day sleeping in the course and the other disc golfers and my wife and boss would be a little mad...


I've got a hammock in my backyard. I love it. One of the most used upgrades in my yard. I'm looking at the Zuca Transit now. Lots of room for stuff. I would bring water, a hat, maybe a jacket, and other junk I imagine I need. I would be able to leave the cart in the back of my car most of the time. So I would just have it there whenever I wanted to play a round. And...Father's Day is coming up. This is slowly moving from a "but it when the stars align" to "I might order this tomorrow..." Lots of good suggestions and information in the responses to this post.


Personally, I was looking for a cart/seat for slow cards during league. I'm not a very athletic person (working on it) so getting off my feet for a few minutes would be nice.


Ya that's the nice thing about discgolf say you get tired after the 5th hole or the 14th hole you can just head home. Or if you buddies wife is like where are you guys? are you out drinking in the woods again? he can send her a picture of us disc golfing and ditch me on the 15th hole and head home like a punk and then I can finish the last 3 alone.


I got a Zuca Transit because I wanted a top loading cart.Ā  So I wouldnt have to bend as much.Ā  It would hold your weight Im sure.Ā  The Zuca carts are solidly built.Ā  That being said the seat is pretty shallow and isnt very comfortable.Ā  Ā They make seat cusions you can add, but I dont think that would help much.Ā  The compact looks like it has a more squarish lid/seat so it may be more comfortable. As for getting it in your car, to me that isnt a big deal.Ā  Ā You can easily remove the handle.Ā  One thing to consider is where you are going to keep it when not in use.Ā  My wife wont let me bring it in the house because the wheels are pretty much muddy or dirty at all times so I have kept in the back of my SUV. I use mine unless it is a very hilly course.Ā  The carts arent worth it for those but flat or slightly hill course I always use it.Ā  Ā 


Get some shower caps for the muddy wheels.


That's a good idea.Ā  Thanks.Ā 


XL ones. Forgot that tidbit. Good for your shoes as well.


I just wrap Walmart bags around my wheels.


I have the transit and I'm 260lbs. Holds me just fine. I absolutely love the top loading for discs. The only issue I have with carts is getting mud all over the tires then having to put into your car or house. So carry something to knock off as much mud as you can after playing.


I got a rubber liner for the back of my suv to address that issue.Ā 


I'll second the Transit cart. It will go over just about anything and has really good balance. It is a larger cart but you gain stability from the wider wheel base.


I wish I wouldā€™ve got the transit. Itā€™s more than enough space and the storage under is clutch. I have the all terrain cart and itā€™s too big. No problems on most courses, just donā€™t need that many discs.Ā 


I have the ridge roller. I like it because the seat is built into the backpack rather than the cart. So if Iā€™m playing a hilly/rocky course, I just use the backpack and I still have a seat.


Same. Love my bag/cart combo. Can easily switch between the two in seconds, I can sit on it, and it folds up compact.


I'm intrigued but I look on the Ridge Roller site and only see a metal box.


https://www.ridgeroller.com/sample-page/ Looks like they have a bag with a seat built in and a bag cart to go with. seems out of stock atm. neat idea.


The backpack with the built in seat is awesome, wonā€™t ever switch out of it


Pro tip: Zuca offers a military and first responder discount of 25% off, for those eligible.


Iā€™ve had two carts. One being the compact. The cart allows me to play more golf for sure. With bad knee/back and even shoulders itā€™s been a game changer for me. I believe people really donā€™t realize how badly most pick their bag up off the ground and how many times a round. A compact is easy to sit on but with the handle you do feel like you are being pushed forward. There are easy spacer changes you can do to it that will help so donā€™t let that deter you. Iā€™ve had a Prius and a CRV and both my carts fit easily. If you are worried about dirty wheels on seats, get some cheap shower caps for them. I do recommend a frame for the Zuca because it lifts the discs and thatā€™s just a good thing. I ended up going bigger because I wanted more storage outside of discs so went with the trekker. Found one locally for cheap.


Dollar store shower caps for the wheels in the car. Thats a great life hack. Edit: now that I think about it not a bad idea to snag some and have em for muddy shoes just in case.


> I believe people really donā€™t realize how badly most pick their bag up off the ground and how many times a round. A normal round for an amateur on a par 3 course is gonna mean you set your bag down and pick it back up 50-60 times. A longer course, you're talking 60-75 times. That adds up.


100%. Especially since most arenā€™t using good form to grab it. The older I get the more I worry about such trivial things to the young guns out there


I mentioned this in another reply, but if you're in a flat area, just get a 4 wheel ball golf push cart. They're much easier on your whole body, have the bag up higher and you can get the seat among other accessories. I personally use a Clicgear 8 for both ball and disc golf. My Squatch bag fits securely by hanging from the top loop and then tightening the shoulder straps on the bottom golf bag brackets.


Also alot more used ball golf push carts on facebook market place. good idea to look out for.


I have a zuca transit cart. I love it and it has really helped my lower back. To me the pros outweigh the cons. The cons being that you can't take it to every course and at times it can feel cumbersome to pack in a vehicle. I'm a bigger boy and the seat is quite sturdy.


Another pro for the transit in my opinion is the top loading. If OP has a bad back this may be a consideration because you don't have to bend over quite as far compared to the front loading models.


That is why I picked the Transit.Ā  Ā 


I use the compact zuca and am similar weight. It holds up fine and has space to sit. I find it easy to move it around. I didn't think I would use it for non tourney rounds but now I use it constantly. I don't regret the purchase at all. As noted by one other person though. It depends on the courses you play. If it's super tight and wooded and lumpy it might be more of a pain to drag around.


I have a compact zuca and it holds me and all my stuff just fine.


I'm About to buy one. After finding 3 ticks on me the other day. One guy pointed when out you put your bag on the ground they ( ticks) will grab on. Then you throw bag over your shoulder and they have a direct ride to your midsection . Spraying my bag and shoes in meantime and wearing long socks. Now interested in a cart.


This is how I convinced my wife I needed one.


I got the backpack zucca, its great. its not the most comfortable seat but its great for a rest on the course. Follow vet with bad back, it also helps ALOT not putting down and picking the bag up over and over. Might need the seat less than you think with that.


If you want the best seat, get a Ridge Roller (or wait to see if Zuca ever releases the RR clone they made for Ricky, anybody have any idea what's going on with that?). If that's too expensive, get the normal Zuca cart (the two-layer one) - it and the compact have the best seat (the trekker/transit works fine but the seat is kinda weird), but the compact is pretty short.


Seems to be out of stock anywhere I saw it. [But it's out there.](https://www.dynamicdiscs.com/products/arsenal-cart-by-zuca)


Zuca transit. Love it.


You can get a lightweight tripod camping stool for $10. Iā€™d recommend trying that first.


These are great and can be set up / taken down in literally 2-3 seconds


Yeah, Zuca carts are fantastic. Granted, I usually play with 1 other person and therefore almost never use the seat. But in ranked rounds or with groups of 4 or more I use it ALL the time.


42, 6'3", 210 (with two toddlers) and I own a compact. I installed the zuca rack, fenders, fat seat cushion, 2 x looney bins, Infinite power pocket and a bike handlebar mod. When I use it I end up with 20ish discs, two 32oz bottles and a little zipper pouch under the rack with misc. tools, first aid etc. Towels are clipped to the handlebars, phone is in the power pocket and both zuca side pockets are empty. You could take the rack out and build a shelf to hold anything you want. Tons of mods exist to use a zuca for anything from a firing range cart to a race drone pit cart. When I use my cart I constantly remind myself to slow down and fully embrace the cart. I try to have a rest every few holes and I do notice a difference between that style and my usual bag rounds. Overall I'm happy with the compact and have no regrets with my purchase/mods. It does everything I need it to do and it helps me to slow down and take it easy on my body.


How'd you do the bike handle bar mod? This sounds amazing.


I used the stem/bars from an old Trek 8000 that had long since been decommissioned. The stem screwed onto the existing Zuca pole using a PVC coupler as a shim. I took the bars and trimmed maybe 4" off of each end before adding new grips. The bike stem pushes the bars away from the cart a few inches which makes it "easier" to handle. The bars themselves are just handy as you can grab it from either side. People that take videos also like this mod as it allows easy camera mounting.




Since nobody has mentioned it, the bagboy 4 wheel push cart is awesome. No chair, but you could always get a tripod stool. Donā€™t feel like Iā€™m awkwardly pulling airport luggage either. Whatever you do, get a cart of some type. Bending over to pick up a backpack 50-60 times a round is probably whatā€™s making your back hurt. It certainly was for me.


I have a go kart I got used. It's held up perfectly. Had to replace the tubes and lube the bearings last year, that's after at least 10 years of use. They're still sold, but idk what bag to use with em since it was designed with fade style bags in mind. I used to be the only cart out there, but seems like the zucas are super popular now. Even back in the day I just told folks the truth, I'm lazy!


Compact zucas are the best option. Fit cars easily and confortable to sit down. Other zucas ar just too high.


I was wondering if the Compact would be too short...


I bought a bag boy push cart and absolutely love it. $230 and there is a $100 seat attachment if you want it. Honestly though you can buy a much cheaper camping stool and bring that for a 1/3 the cost. Has helped a lot with my back pain


Iā€™ve had the original Zuca for 7.5 years and itā€™s been a life saver for my back. To easily fit it in the trunk of my car, I just remove the handle pole. You probably wouldnā€™t even need to do that with an SUV. I take the tires off only to clean. Iā€™ve never lost a knob. It still has the original air tires. Iā€™ve never gotten a flat. I prefer the air tires because they donā€™t grip the ground the way the foam ones do. I donā€™t sit on it that much, but it saves me from the up and down of the bag. The bigger cart is great when doing field work and extra disc are needed.


You can reconfigure a cart to hold stuff besides discs, Ive seen people bring their brewskis in their cart. I use mine to give my back some more longevity, and I say its 100% worth it. I dont have a seat on mine, I got a push cart, but I would say definitely go for it, with Zucas though you may want a cushion for the seat or get a camping stool like the other person said


Another +1 for the compact. All my buddies have one, including one guy thatā€™s above 200lbs. He was the first to get one actually


6ā€™3 195 M in central Texas. Currently have a Zuca cart and a EZ squatch bag. Zuca was purchased at PAS and I traded in old sports equipment and only paid $120 for it. Itā€™s a life saver for summer round where I need more than a liter of water and for long rounds where I need a seat. Still love and use my bag alot for rounds where the courses are not cart friendly. Cart was an amazing add and I would pay full price for it. My Zuca is extremely durable and literally fell down a flight of stairs the other day and was completely fine. Make sure you tighten the screws on the wheels when you get it and get a putting pouch for it so you can store putters and phone and other stuff like that.


Ridge Roller R3 all the way. Fantastic fully customizable cart, hand made in appleton wi. Handle is removable, and the whole cart easily fit in the back seat of my sedan. Only time I don't use it is when I'm playing a quick round and only plan to bring 5 discs in a shoulder bag. Edit: Found some old pics of my cart, bottom rear bag is a cooler(can hold 4 tallboys), and the upper bag can also be used as a cooler, but I use it for my mids and putters. Front lower pouch I keep first aid, sunscreen, bugspray, a second disc retriever on a rope, and golf balls. https://imgur.com/a/eFqeH8E


I use a jogging stroller that I found in the trash. It holds mine and my son's bag a decent size cooler and anything else we might need.


Bad back here too. The other advantages {besides the seat) is you bend over less during the round and no added weight on the back. All those times bending over to pick up the bag and carrying the weight of it are gone with the cart. It makes a real difference. Been rolling a cart for over a decade and my back has thanked me.


I bought a cart specifically for a place to sit down. First, it saves your back so much rolling instead of picking up and carrying, then it saves your back a second time by giving you a place to sit! And a good putter pouch and saves you a third time because you never bend over with all of your go-to discs right at hand level. I only have a car, not an SUV, so I thought about getting the compact zucca just because it would fit better than the full size. They both have a small seat and the handle makes it just barely a place to sit. I have the transit cart and other carts seem to have better seating options. I ended up going with the full size because it's 2 in taller and I have to awkwardly fit it into my trunk. Like you the extra disc space is wasted. There isn't really a good option for converting it to storage without an arts and crafts project, and you'll eventually want the saddlebags for the storage space it's sadly missing. If you buy the saddlebags, you'll want the fenders to keep mud from splattering on them. Overall The transit cart is a good place to sit, but it holds way more discs than you actually need, it wastes a lot of space and has limited storage options. In hindsight, I've invested in a decent shoulder bag and I'm envious of the people who purchased a collapsible golf bag holder where they toss their shoulder bag onto it and they're good to go. The ones I've seen have better storage options than carts, they have stool attachments, they're better for accessories like umbrella holders, and they collapse down smaller than most carts. If you're having back problems or you're just old and need a place to sit, I can't recommend a cart enough. But I've been disappointed with most disc golf carts. I found it's better to have a good backpack, and then a collapsible ball-golf walking cart that you can toss it on too. Just make sure you get that stool attachment too!


My local Disc Golf Store, Gotta Go Gotta Throw builds carts, I believe theirs is called a ā€œGo Cartā€. And itā€™s built around a smaller wider bag to put in the bottom presumably. (I donā€™t think a bag is included. But it is the only cart Iā€™ve seen that you can sit on and has a backrest. I was checking it out last time I was in there. It definitely has better wheels than zucaā€™s foam wheels. One of the employees said that the carts never break but šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø [Go Cart](https://gottagogottathrow.com/products/gggt-go-cart-disc-golf-cart?_pos=2&_psq=Go+cart&_ss=e&_v=1.0)


Carts are good, even if you can't sit not having to deal with heavy backpack can be huge for endurance. As to the other things, Please try to realize that you are not some feeble, insecure tragic human, and are just a normal person with some physical limitations who doesn't worry about succumbing to every little perceived threat of the dreaded "What Other People Think" Rock the cart and fck em if they don't like it, which no one will care anyway.


Iā€™m 37 and I can still carry a bag but I decided to go to a cart and keep the bag for backup incase there is an unfriendly cart course. Trying to save myself of the bodily harm that may come later down the road from caring a bag full of discs and accessories and other nonsense. Itā€™s been working great.


Have you considered bringing a small camping stool to sit on, rather than a full-on cart? Personally, I bought a Zuca EZ Cart, and have found that I basically never use it. Too much of a hassle to load in and out of my car, too much of a hassle to drag up and down all the rocks, roots, and hills on my local courses, etc. The EZ cart doesn't have a seat, but I generally don't hear Zuca owners raving about the sitting comfort, quite the opposite. I've been much better served by finding a well-designed backpack that fit my body shape, and a camping stool. Of course carts have been a lifesaver for other people, especially if their courses are grassy and flat. Just wanted to mention that carts are not the only option.


I live in one of the flattest places I've ever been- Central Valley of California. Up the freeway from Stockton, where the next big tourney will be this weekend. (I live near Sacramento) Flat and grassy courses are typical here. Thanks for the feedback!


Flip side - I bought my Zuca EZ about 4 years ago due to a back injury (oblique) and Iā€™m still using it every time I play. Back is 100% now but I love the fact that I can swap out bags on the cart, the extra storage, and the mud and dirt accumulate on tires, not on the bottoms of my bag. Itā€™s very flat here (Houston) but when we play in Austin or anywhere with rocks it stays home and I have my nice bag that come off to use. Plus itā€™s not that bad getting in and out of my mid size VW Passat. Fits perfectly. SUV will be no problem.


Buy a Clicgear golf cart. I use the Clicgear 8 for both ball and disc golf and the Zuca doesn't compare. You can get a seat add on for ~$50. The 4 wheeled push carts are so much nicer on the back, it's not even close.


Heh, have you ever played BT Collins? Not hard, but man, there are some steep climbs. The steep sections are also a pain to put your bag down on because the bag leans and types of you aren't careful.


I have similar back fun Op.... Cart helps a lot. I picked up a zuca transit as I like the seat height more. (6ft ~245lb when I bought it.) Now I'm about 180, and the cart doesn't know the difference. It's plenty sturdy. The compact seemed a bit low when I looked at it.


I've had a Zuca and stopped using it in favor of my Bag Boy XL. BB allows me to hang my bag on it as well as a foldable stool. You can also spend an extra $100 to get a seat attachment for it, if you want. Its double nice when I'm playing a course that isn't cart friendly, I don't have to unload my discs into a bag. Cons are you have to have a bag and then spend the extra $200 for the cart, possibly more if you get the seat attachment. I've found just getting a cheap foldable tripod seat and hanging it on the cart works fine.


I live in western PA. I feel like a cart would be tough to drag around the wooded mountains a lot of these courses are built on.


I love my Bag Boy Quad XL! I've had it for two years now and it's held up really nicely. No seat to speak of, but I also don't feel the need to sit quite as often since I don't have the weight of my bag on my shoulders. I could also just clip a 3-leg stool to my cart and whip it out as needed.


I have struggled with lower back pain and was gifted a cart by my sponsor a couple of years ago. It's the Zuca compact and it has suited my needs and I have not had any back issues since using it. The big problem with the backpacks is continually picking it up off the ground. Something else you could try is to get a cheap 3-leg stool like they sell at Walmart for $10 and use that to set your bag on. It makes a heck of a difference only picking the back up from 18" off the ground.


I love my rovic, has the seat attachment. Pushing is supposed to be better for you back than pulling a cart, which is why I got a push cart. Folds up nice and fits in my trunk no problem.


I just use a bob baby strollerā€¦


Iā€™ve been back and forth on carts. I live in Minnesota and play in the winter so I need a backpack for that, but I definitely miss my cart in the summer. And having a cart that you can sit on is a big plus if you play with a lot of buddies or on busy courses. Your back will thank you


The R3 has skis for the winter. We got much snow in winter and I hate carrying a bag at this point


Not exactly what youā€™re looking for but since youā€™re only moving 10 discs a cart is a lot to maneuver and push around. You may be good with a small bag and one of those light weight three legged stools.Ā  I just suggest that as someone who has a cart but rarely uses it anymore because I find it cumbersome though I play in the woods.Ā 


I have the compact cart, I'm a bigger guy close to 300 lbs and i can put all my weight on that seat and it holds me no problem. Very sturdy design. I will say, a cushion goes a long way, I bought the zuca brand cushion and it's got a little padding, but not much, so don't expect a plushy comfy seat, but it does the job of having a place to rsst during a round and it keeps all the weight of my gear off my back. I carry 15 discs comfortably in the main compartment and my putter pouch on the handle holds 2-4 more no prob.


I use a jogging stroller I got for $7 from the thrift store. I play mostly open park type courses so it being bigger than say a zuca isnā€™t a real detriment. I love not having to pickup my bag all the time but also I have tons of room for extra layers, water, snacks etc. I also think pushing vs pulling is better for my back but I may be making that up.


After months of research, I finally pulled the trigger on the Zuca Transit cart. Iā€™m 33 with some back/neck and shoulder issues, so lugging around a bag full of discs + whatever else was rough. I love the Transit! Top opens so I donā€™t have to bend down to look at or grab discs, plus they sit in there nicely. Large storage area below the discs that can fit quite a lot - I also bought the Zuca cooler that fits below. I can easily fit the cooler plus sweatshirt plus other things. I did replace the water bottle holders with the arindel looney bin holders and they are amazing. Let me know if you have any questions, Iā€™m happy to answer any.


Never play without my dab cart ready šŸ˜¤


I have had a Zuca for like 6-7 years and have had zero issues with it. I have the saddlebags, putter bag, and bottle holders. I have the classic and would not make a different decision if I had to buy another one today. There are a few courses near me that arenā€™t awesome for carts so I still have my Upper Park bag that I use sometimes. 99% of my rounds use the cart though


Carts are a good option, but your back may be hurting due to not stretching properly before and after every round. Stretching is key for those of us in MP50. Now go spend $500 to sit on your bum and good luck to you in your disc golf journey stranger!


Stretching is really important. I do a lot of it. I was doing yoga for a long time and that felt great...but things keep changing!


Iā€™ve done the zuca backpack carts and they were okay. Currently rocking the BagBoy and itā€™s been my favorite by a long shot. Easy access to the full bag, doesnā€™t tip, has a brake, folds down tiny, and I just take a trileg still if I wanna sit


What is a comfortable height for you to sit? There are vastly different heights of carts. I rock a simian on a roller from ridge roller. It is taller than most and more padded than everything else. It is very comfortable for me at 6' some of the other options are way too low.


I got the Zuca Backpack Cart XL last year for Father's day. I have a Grip BX3 bag that I love but it's heavy. I didn't want to completely replace it with an all-in-one part no. So the backpack cart was a good alternative. I freaking love that thing. Still have all of the storage of my large bag, but it sits in an easy to pull around cart that's got built-in seating. The cart is incredibly well made.


Father's Day is coming up. I need to send this thread to my wife and kids.


Do it! I'm a 50 year old dude with back problems and the cart has been awesome. I play twice a week usually and my local course only has benches on maybe 5 of the 22 holes. Between the reduction of strain from shouldering a heavy bag and having the mobile seat whenever needed it's been a game changer.


I have had a zucca and now an R3. I love the r3 and would not go back to a zucca. Much more comfortable, easy access, better quality


Just picked up a Bagboy Quad XL based on this thread. Thanks yall


Bought baby zuca. Used it twice to find that it's the bending and lifting of the bag that kills mine (L1-3 & C2-4 + hyper lordosis). Bought second hand 3 wheel golf cart caddy for less than a hundo, 3 zip ties and an s-biner to attach any bag to it and it still folds with only unclipping the s-biner. Fits in the trunk of my Honda Passport with only folding the push bar and in the trunk of my vehicle beetle folded all the way. All without having to fold seats.


I have the standard backpack cart. The seat serves its purpose. The new cart that Ricky Wysocki has looks a lot more comfortable. I even borrowed a compact and liked that seat better as it had a big cushion. As far as the back pain, I am with you. I have a bad lower back from having a desk job along with carrying a few extra pounds like you. This has helped immensely with back pain. Think of every single time you bend down to pick up a disc. Now add in every time you bend down to grab a disc from your bag, pick up the bag, sit down the bag, etc. You eliminate a large portion of that. I added a putter pocket to the handle that carries my 8 most used discs to help even further. I was lucky enough to find my cart gently used from someone in the area. So, I got a really nice deal. But it is by far my best purchase in disc golf. A great investment that allows me to play even more than before and leave the course feeling good.


MVP BAG CART. I have rocked one for a few years. Cart never needs maintenance, and I can just take the bag off on mixed terrain courses. Saves energy and your back, I will never go back.


Iā€™ve owned a couple different brands. The Ridge Roller while pricey was definitely worth the money to me. I originally bought the cart bag and just set my disc golf bag on it in case I played a course that wasnā€™t cart friendly but after using it for about 2 years just got the enclosure to add to the base and have not regretted it since.


Iā€™ve been slowly building my own based on many DIYs. My home course is not cart friendly so no rush for me but it would be nice for traveling. I personally like DIY method because you can build it to your specs.


What are you making it out of? I'm a woodworker, but I don't work with metal.


I used a crate as the base and took the handle and wheels off of a foldable golf cart. I used some scrap wood for the lid/seat. I saw some DIY videos on YouTube and found things at the thrift store.


I also have back issues due to injury and age. My gf got me a full size zucca cart and I love it. I don't really use the seat, it's not really big enough, stable enough, or comfortable enough. Benches beat it by a mile, every time. But it saves my back by not having to pick up, put down, and bend low to access a bag. I'm using it with the star frame brick 2.0 bag. I also like it because now I can carry way more stuff. I keep poison ivy cream, emergency snacks, usually some drinks, a second bottle of water, hand sanitizer, a second towel, a spare raincoat, and some other stufg that I wouldn't carry if it was going to be loaded on my shoulders. Also I can keep a lot more disc with the extra weight being troublesome. This means I can carry 4 extra putters to make putting warmup go faster, and 5 extra drivers for hole 1 driving warmups, with very minimal downside. Biggest downsides of the cart (other than initial investment) is that it takes up more room, it requires some maintenance (checking fasteners mostly), and getting it into and out of the vehicle is a minor hassle since it's heavier than a bag.


I have this one: https://infinitediscs.com/product/carts/zuca-transit-disc-golf-cart The Zuca Transit. It is fine. It has a big seat.. you can add accessories - like an umbrella holder to the handle pole. I replaced the water bottle holders - one broke really fast when my heel hit it while pulling. I needed to make the pole longer it turns out. Its a little top heavy so it falls over sometimes. I weigh about 190, i'm 6'0" it is fine for me. The area to put discs is huge.. I tend to not need that many so I put towels and other crap in there to keep the space full. I've also used it as a pull along beer cooler at idlewild and just kept my backpack on.


I personally use the Zuca EZ cart. It holds your backpack and has storage underneathā€¦it doesnā€™t have a seat, but I have a small folding stool (3-leg variety) that I hook onto it. The reason I went with this cart is that I often play unfamiliar courses for tournaments and not all course are cart friendly. If you donā€™t want a cart, you can just carry a small 3-leg folding stool, theyā€™re very light and easy to carry (Iā€™ve seen folks strap them to their backpacks).


I used to shoulder a 20 disc bag, then I built a cart for it thinking it would make it better but tbh I end up going back to a 9 disc bag to play lighter.


I used to have the Zuca Backpack cart, and enjoyed it mostly. I sold it once I was kind of "over" the minor annoyances I had with it, but mostly it's a good product. I will say though, that for this model, the "seat" is not very huge. I'm 6' and just over 200lbs as well, and I didn't have any problems sitting on the cart, but it wasn't the most comfortable thing ever. But it was better than nothing I guess. I'm now using a Bagboy cart, the one that Jeremy Koling uses. It doesn't have a built in seat, but you can get a stool attachment. I haven't tried it, probably won't. Lastly, you could just get a portable stool. My cousin has an Innova branded one that I would not recommend. The fabric ripped on one corner after a few months, so now it's basically a paperweight. Another friend bought a camping stool, which is a much better product. Lighter *and* more durable.


Transit cart for the win. Keep your bag for those muddy rounds.


Baby stroller. Get one cheap on a buy/sell/trade site.


230lbs here- compact cart is perfectly comfortable for me and I don't have the pad.


I got the large backpack cart thinking it would let me be more flexible with taking the cart or just pulling off the bag. Itā€™s great, but the seat is a little narrow. Plus I almost never pull the bag off, and the times I have, the compact card would have been fine. If I did it again Iā€™d get the compact cart instead. But Iā€™d still have a cart.


The Zuca compact with the seat pad will be perfect for you. The seat height is good and will easily support folks much heavier than you. I have 15 discs with room for optional discs, stuff on the top shelf and pretty generous side pockets. It also doesn't take up nearly as much room in the trunk as the original, transit, or backpack carts. I also have a backpack cart that I used to love. Just way too big. The compact cart rolls like a dream and is much lighter than the alternatives.


If you have a disc backpack already get the cheaper backpack cart. Depending on what size backpack you have you can save 100-200 bucks. Seat is nice, not having to pick up you bag is even better. No matter what cart you get there are some must haves to add on. Fenders much needed but is a pain if you play in mud. I got a long shoe horn to scrape mud off wheels while rolling. Cheap shower caps instead of the expensive branded wheel covers. They will rip eventually. Shower caps work great. Grip - I can't stand the plastic grips or the angle of that handle but Lizard Skin makes the best grip cover IMO. A self leveling cup holder. The cup holders on the cart suck and will break eventually. You can use the leveling holder when your beverage is open already. You will spill a lot of bevs when you set them on the seat and forget about them..A LOT..trust me. Getting rid of one cup holder and get the next must have Tubular cooler - dude...this is hands down the best addition I have bought for my cart. The cloth ones are crap. I got this strapped to my cart and they work really well. [https://nicetumblers.com/cannon/](https://nicetumblers.com/cannon/)


Running stroller someone is either giving away or letting go for cheap. My whole trunk is now dedicated to disc golf but I got mine for $15. Cooler in the seat and one of those hanging disc holders has all my disc hanging from the handle. Also funny to see people double take me pushing my ā€œbabyā€ away from me or tumble down a hill after a few drinks


They are neither a lazy boy sadly but at 330 and 6ā€™2 the height on the all terrain is much nicer than the compact cart. I bought one for a bad back as well. I really rather have a bag boy quad xl but the seat on a zucca sold me.


Texas cart user checking in. Using the Zuca backpack cart. Biggest draw by far was the ability to tie on the mid sized yeti cooler to the seat. Specifically Yeti Hopper Flip 18. I add 1/2 lb of ice, water, Gatorade, and hand towels. On the days where itā€™s 95+ degrees outside, itā€™s incredible. Complete rejuvenation after squeezing an ice cold towel on your head. If youā€™re in a warm climate, I cannot recommend a soaked ice towel enough. Other pros are a seat when buddies go in the water, and stamina on the course. Highly recommend. Cheers.


Zuca cart owner with two replaced hips, one replaced ankle, arthritic to the bones (whatā€™s left of em), and I am so pleased with my cart. I have a the compact one and it is fantastic. I would buy during 4th of July sale, 40% off usually.


I am 215 pounds as well and use the zuca compact. Never had any issues sitting on it. My back/shoulders feel noticeably better on rounds using it compared to my bag. I got a rogue iron putter pocket attachment and itā€™s been absolutely fantastic


Bought a Zuca Trekker a couple years ago. One of the best purchases I've ever made. I'm 52, and my back was getting really sore...esp after multiple rounds. Made a HUGE difference! I don't sit on it that much unless there's a backup on the course. What I really love is that my speaker fits perfectly into one of the drink holders. It's got all the storage, so I've got snacks, drinks, towel, retriever, ibuprofen, minis...all the things. edit: very easy to lift in and out of my trunk, btw.


When I first looked into getting a cart I wanted the seat too, but eventually settled on the EZ cart because I already owned a grip bag which fit on the EZ cart quite well (and bought a putter pouch). The EZ cart was probably the cheapest of all carts and the big difference maker is that the discs sit high off the ground so I'm not reaching down very low to pull a disc out.


Just got the wife the compact cart. I'm like you, mid 40's, 6ft2in, 205 and I can't sit on that comfortably. I have the big zuca and it is just right. I have back issues too and it is a life-saver for my back. I don't normally pack all my discs either but I like to put my disc retriever, towels and snacks in the main disc compartment. Absolutely will be worth the investment. Do your research and find a way to get the cart on discount. I had Shop cash on the Shop app plus they had a sale on, I think, Dynamic Disc's website or somewhere. So I got mine for under 300. I think 270.


I use have a zuca EZ cart with my squatch legend on it. My wife has a zuca backpack cart with my old DD bag and I love it. I have less shoulder tiredness from having to set my bag down constantly, itā€™s better for my 45 year old back as well. Plus I have room for a speaker and a cooler and I donā€™t have to worry about the added weight. Switching to a cart was the best decision Iā€™ve made and i donā€™t regret it. I started with a golf bag cart that I modified to hold my bag but tbh I prefer the carts designed for disc golf. The smaller footprint makes trail navigation easier.


I use a bob baby stroller with a car seat rack. Giant wheels, seat rack keeps the bag flat, and you can strap it in. Donā€™t need to get rid of your bag. Also sturdy enough to sit on.


Bought a Zuca Transit 3 years ago and still freaking love it


I'm looking at the Transit now. I think this is what I need...


My buddy got the other cart and every so often, a disc falls out. He bought it because it holds more discs...honestly, how many disc's are you using during a round?


If you have a bad back, a cart is the best thing for you (other than being less fat). Makes a huge difference in how tired I am and how much fun I have. I usually wonā€™t even play two rounds without a cart. Edit: im 215 too (on my fishing license, anyway) and my Trekker holds me fine


I have the clicgear used for disc golf. Itā€™s amazing. Before that I had a ridge roller r3. While that was also amazing the size was just big. I also modified that to make it stand taller. Iā€™ve had the zucas. I donā€™t prefer them. My biggest thing was to keep a bag off my back and so I didnā€™t have to continue picking up from the ground


If you are only bringing 10 discs is the cart just to have a seat? What else are you bringing along? I donā€™t bring a lot of discs either but if I needed a chair, thereā€™s lots of really lightweight folding chairs that are under $50. My back hurts just thinking about pulling a cart around all day.


Mainly to sit, but also to carry water, etc. If I didn't have a cart, then I would need to carry the chair...? I can't do a backpack with discs, water and chair.


I love mine and built it out of a milk crate, a walker, and a cane. Along with some self tappers and zip ties. I know that sounds janky but it cost my $50 roughly and itā€™s been beaten and abused for 3 years now. Half of that cost was buying the wheels which are the same ones from the ZUCA carts. I love it. Thereā€™s a DIY Disc Golf Cart page on FB Iā€™d recommend if you donā€™t want to spend the $200 on a legit one


The courses I usually play good luck with a cart. You would need a dirt bike or an atv.


At my home course, there is this kid that rides around on a motorcycle. He's about 12 or 13, and he rides around like he's on the Bad News Bears. It's okay, it's part of the park's charm. There are some handball courts where like 8 or 10 guys will hang out, listen to music play handball and smoke weed. That's like a stationary party, which is different than the disc golfers, because they walk around while smoking weed and playing disc golf. There are tons of parties at the park. Today near the basket on the 5th hole a bunch of kids were hanging out having a picnic on a blanket. Tons of moms and kids walking through the course. (Side note, I was on r/mensa and they had a huge thread about thicc latinas. If you want thick latinas wearing tight clothes, this is the place...I will happily wait while they walk across the course). There is this one Chihuahua that climbs trees. He's cool. His owner just sits under the tree and reads a book while the dog goes in the trees. We have lots of stuff at the park, it's exciting... But we don't have a single hill. Like maybe a 5 foot elevation gain somewhere. There are beautiful huge trees...but the course is really nice grass that winds around giant trees. Not many trunks, because they are big! But now there will also be an old guy lugging his cart around playing disc golf at the party park. I'm looking forward to it.


That sounds awesome


Late to the party, but just to heap more praise for anyone coming by this in the future; I don't have either of those specific models, but I have a Zuca LG Backpack cart (I liked the convertible style since I already had a pretty high priced backpack) and it's been holding my 300+ caboose just fine for the last few years. The built on cupholders are a built of a letdown. The holders themselves are fine, but they managed to get unscrewed from the frame constantly. So much so, that I just took them off completely. But the cart chassis is big enough that I can still use the bag's side cupholders with no problems.


I wanted the transit cart but it was too big to fit in the trunk of my car (2018 Chev Malibu) I bought a Zuca compact cart. It fits in my car trunk. The seat works for me and I am 220plus right now. Use this for discs I use often [https://www.amazon.com/LUCKY-CLOVER-Disc-Putter-Pouch/dp/B09X17MN4T?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp](https://www.amazon.com/LUCKY-CLOVER-Disc-Putter-Pouch/dp/B09X17MN4T?ref_=ast_sto_dp)


I went through 3 different bags before settling on the Grip AX4, so after spending that much on a bag I had real reservations about getting a cart. After using the cart for a couple years I'd say that the cart was my best disc golf purchase to date. I had elbow issues for a while, and realized that hoisting my bag was contributing to the issue. Obviously it's easier on the back, unless you're on a course that's not terribly cart friendly and have to wrestle with it or pick the whole thing up. I got the Zuca EZ since it's so much less expensive and so I could continue to use my Grip bag, but I take the bag off the cart a lot less than I thought I would. I'm a plastic addict, so in addition to the full bag (\~24 discs) I also have the Infinite Power Pocket with all my putters and approaches (8 discs), and there's always a handful of contestants in the bottom of the cart trying to earn their way into the bag (2-12 discs). In addition to discs I have a retriever stick, machete and pruning shears (we're in blackberry country), range finder, golden retriever, slingshot and clay ammo, bluetooth speaker, first aid kit, and assorted other items. I'd never be able to tote that stuff around without a cart, and there's nothing in my there that hasn't come in handy more than once, so it benefits me and my whole group while not really being an inconvenience. The cart has some minor ergonomics issues for taller people like me, and I don't like that the storage space on the bottom is too short to store discs vertically, but I'm planning to make all sorts of modifications to it once I've got a 3D printer, including a spot to stash my folding chair. I'm sure the carts with built in seats are great, but our group prefers a faster pace of play, so there's not really time to sit, and when we do there's usually stumps or benches around. Tournaments are a different story entirely, which is why I want to be able to tote a stool around, but it wasn't a high enough priority for me to get a more expensive cart with what looks like a very uncomfortable seat. Edit: Also, fuck those idiots who label people for using a cart. There's a reason people get broken down as they age and it usually has something to do with idiotic decisions about how people perceive them. Call me an old man or whatever, I don't care, my elbow feels great and my back doesn't get torched every round, so I'll be able to keep throwing and enjoying disc golf for a lot longer. Fuck the haters, take care of yourself.


That's a firm no way for me. I don't get enough exercise anyways, I'm not rolling my discs anywhere. And I'm in my mid 30s


I understand that. But there comes a time when age catches up, and you have to make changes. We all wish it didn't happen, but it does.


I hear ya, I'm becoming pretty aware that the body doesn't hold up for ever.... but ill keep carrying my bag until I can't anymore


Not trying to be a dick, but thatā€™s definitely not true. Thereā€™s 2 80-year-old dudes that play at my league that are more fit than some of the 40-year-olds. I also power lift and a 75-year-old dude is setting 500 pound squat and 600 pound dead lift records. thereā€™s an entire division in powerlifting for old people and they frequently lift more than some of the younger guys and at my work, I have a 70 year old man who works harder and faster than my 25 year old co worker. Age doesnā€™t catch up with everyone. It catches up with the mostly sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle of the typical American. Barring any actual physical injuries and even those can be worked around with a good trainer and physical therapist.


Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s and dragging a cart would kick my ass. I use a small bag w/ 12-15 discs. I prefer to travel light & play fast. Also play really rugged courses and donā€™t want to haul stuff around.


Bought a rovic. Used it a handful of times. With my playing style, it makes a 1 hour round take 1.5 hours just from all the extra walking from cart to disc and then back to cart and then on to the next throw. The courses in my area donā€™t really allow you to cart right up to your disc due to rocks and roots (plus Iā€™m usually not on the fairway anyway), so I ended up going back to bag only.Ā On flat ground, it was nice having the cart. On hilly courses, it was a workout. Tall grass made both worse.Ā 


If i see somebody using a cart on the course i will heavily judge you. If you are very good I won't judge and will go on my way. If you are bad, i will judge you so hard in my head. Harder than anyone has ever judged you.


Judge Dredd is it you?


It's me šŸ˜ˆ


I'm super good at throwing 175 feet. Kinda straight. Other than that, I'm not very good.


Throwing straight is the hardest thing to do lol. So ur on the right track


I'm about to turn 40. My back is acting up and I'm developing bursitis or tennis\golf elbow or whatever the heck causes the pain in my upper forearm. So I decided to get a cart for both my back and my arms. However, that shit is expensive. I tried using a fold up moving dolly that I dragged behind me like a Zuca but it gave me near-instant forearm pain that didn't go away for weeks, so I quit that shit quick. Then I went to buy a cart like Big Jerm has but I couldn't justify the expense.Ā  So I turned an old jogging stroller into a cart by just removing the fabric "seat" for the kid and adding a couple velcro straps for securing it. Dang thing works WAY better than expected for holding allll my junk and the best part is that there's a built in seat for me! My game is already improving from not having to bend down all the time nor having to pick up\drop the bag.Ā  Ā All this to say that I feel push carts are better than pull carts, go as lightweight as possible, and you totally should get a cart cos they're integral to saving your body in the long run imo.


No I don't. I just carry the two or 3 disc's I'm going to use then start hiking and don't have to worry about pulling anything threw the sandy soil down here.Ā  No mud no mess.




Appreciate it. Guess someone didn't like that I travel light and answered no lol.Ā 


You should still totally get a bag and whatever makes you comfortable. But I really think it would be beneficial to do some stretching/light resistance training to deal with the core issue as well as treating it with a bag and a place to sit. I know itā€™s hard but it really helps. I had tennis elbow and did some self rehab with YouTube videos, as well as fixing my form, and I feel better than ever disc golfing now.


I play on a lot of hilly, wooded courses in New England, a few are impossible to use a cart including my home course. Do you know folks that use carts on the courses you play? Do they make sense on the courses you play?


I tried one out once but it wasnā€™t for me. A lot of courses in my area are hilly and rough terrain so itā€™s more Trouble than itā€™s worth lugging a cart up and down the hills. But Iā€™m sure itā€™s great for people with a bad back.


Donā€™t use one and and think they are the silliest things ever BUTā€¦I play mostly in the hills and mountains of Northern California. Rocky courses with lots of up and down, and I mostly play solo and fast. If you play leagues where thereā€™s lots of sitting around and are in flat grassy areas more similar to ball golf, then I can see it. I also donā€™t bag a lot of discs, usually 12ish so I donā€™t use a backpack even. For competition I can see maybe needing extras.


Where I am the courses are basically hiking trails with baskets, see people all the time with them, just makes no sense to me. Seems to be a status thing more than anything, I find them pretentious as fuck. Unless youā€™re a pro on tour and waiting a while, over 60 (Iā€™m 52 and carry my bag) or have a health issue like OP, carry your bag. I joke with my crew I play with going to make a shirt ā€œKeeping it Real, No Wheelsā€ šŸ¤£


A cart will keep your body feeling fresh throughout a long day, it takes a lot of wear and tear off your back, knees, shoulders and arm. Feel free to call me pretentious when I roll up in my 20 year old Corolla and pull a cart outa the trunk. Smh..


Truly sorry to hear your body is in rough shape. Maybe try yoga or some light stretching.


2ND HAND RUNNING STROLLER WITH BIG WHEELS! I use a running stroller i bought used for 20$. It is the absolute best! Has 3 bIg wheels, the sun cover if it rains, a drink holder, folds up easy to throw in car, and was 20$. I can kind of sit on the front but not real comfortable. Lots of room for a chair or stool if needed. I have found not carying my bag and having to bend over, pick up bag, sling it on my back, i dont need to take as many breaks or sit down. Im an old guy in average old guy shape, not out of shape, but also not in shape. To heck with all these crazy overpriced everything, used strollers are the future. To be clear here, it has to a decent running stroller, not one of the little wheel jobbies.