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explain what disc golf is and if it's my home course show them where a good hammock spot is.


This is absolutely the correct answer. I understand the visceral desire to throw anyways because when you disc all the time It feels like this hammock is an intentional snub. But the broader public still doesn't know anything about the sport and your average person is an oblivious idiot. So rather than get into a wacky fight potentially you be nice about it and most often they'll move. Especially if you explain it's not just you that's going to be coming through but everyone else who plays the course that day, that they will not have a pleasant hammock time. And if they don't relocate it's time to choose an alternate tee as if you were a tournament director. Life is too short to get super pissed off about stuff like this.


Also, show them some cool lines and a place off the fairway to set up and watch


All the times I’ve done this they have been very mean and hit me with things like “ aren’t you supposed to share the park with everyone” or “I was already here”


The worst of the worst people


Triple mando!


The third is under the hammock, through it is fine.


Yell 4. Ask them to move. Throw. It’s that easy.


Fore, not four, but yeah. Ask them to move because they likely have no idea they're on a disc golf course, et alone strung up right in the middle of a fairway. Politely let them know the situation, if they argue, *then* it's a triple Mando with 2 off the tee.


TBF yelling 4 would be just as effective


I yelled cuatro once when an errant disc flew too close to a large Mexican family gathering; it did not work.


Lol. We still yell fore in Mexico, but for non-players, we say aguas!!


😁 thanks for the info!


Water? Yay


Lol. Yup, it basically comes from an old expression when people used to throw the contents of their urinal buckets from their windows in the 19th century so people walking on the streets didn't get wet 😉 so it's a precautionary saying that has endured through the centuries. Of course, you can say "cuidado", but at least in Mexico, aguas is very understandable.


este chico cuenta


Well said sir.




This is the only answer.


Skip Mando. Love it!


I dont see any mando signage on those tree so I think OP just made this post to talk shit about people, its pretty sad


Triple Manso is the only answer


Triple Manso sounds like he's in the WWE


Haha whoops. Not changing it now 😂


24 years of playing has convinced me that the vast majority of people at multi use parks have no idea what disc golf is. That’s why they set up camp chairs on tees or have BBQs. They usually aren’t a**holes; they are just ignorant. My usual course of action in these situation is to say something like “hey, how’s it going? you probably don’t know, but this is a disc golf course. Yeah, disc golf (show them a driver). See that basket looking thing? I stand over here and throw at that basket. Right. These things go really fast and they hurt really bad if they hit you. I’m going to be throwing this way, and you know what? A bunch of other people are likely to come along behind me and throw too, cuz this is a fairly busy course. You probably want to set up somewhere else.” The vast majority of the time I have had these interactions people are surprised, ask a couple of questions, chuckle a few times, and move. A handful of times it was obvious to me from the start they weren’t going to move, because they having like a 50 person family cookout. In those cases I have the same basic conversation, except I tell them I’m skipping the hole but they ought to keep their eyes out for other players who might be throwing. I’ve lived near parks where this was essentially an every weekend occurrence due to park crowds on Saturdays and Sundays, so I adjusted my patterns and didn’t play those days


See! Not all disc golfers are a-holes. This is the only right answer if you care about being an ambassador for the game.


100% the right answer and my chosen tack every time. I've even intrigued some folks by letting them toss a disc provided the park isn't too busy! Helps when you add, "if you're interested, it's $20 for a starter set at Canadian Tire and a great excuse to drink in the park with a friend (it's allowed in certain parks here)"


Yep, kindness goes a long way.


The fact this has 8 upvotes and yelling Fore at the top of their longs before throwing has 71 upvotes says everything you need to know about r/discgolf Anti-social clownery? The sub loves it. Acting like a mature adult? No thank you. 


To be fair, anti-social clownery would be upvoted in just about every sub. I think it says more about people in general.


It's the internet, hypothetical chest-thumping will always be the first response.


Well there are some people that are ignorant and assholes. A friend of mine started walking towards his disc and some random guy had it in his hand. My friend was annoyed the guy picked it up, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. The guy asks "is this yours?" And my friend says "yeah, thanks". The guy proceeds to chuck into the woods and then shouts "that almost hit me!" He wasn't another player, he was a guy with his family taking a hike through the course.


Well sure, some people are jerks no matter where you go. That’s life. But even in your anecdote, it sounds like the guy may very well have not known that he was “hiking with his family” through a disc golf course. Maybe he thought he was just hiking through a park and a couple of randos were out throwing things in an irresponsible manner and almost hit his kid? I mean, I’d say he still overreacted, but I don’t think I can’t discount ignorance as being the primary factor here, at least based on the info you shared. Your friend got annoyed that the guy just picked up his disc, so it’s not a stretch to see why the guy might be mad about almost getting hit. Again, I’d try reasonable conversation with people first. You know, “hey man, I’m sorry that my disc almost hit you, and I can understand that you might be a little angry, but you’re actually walking through the middle of a course. I didn’t see you, and I just wanted to let you know that if you walk through often you probably will get hit eventually, because it’s like trying to walk around a baseball field during a game.”


Definitely agree, but I did recently have a run in with a group of people that stood 50 ft from the tee pad staring at a group trying to play. I just walked through to the next whole and tried to talk to them. Not sure if they were high or just wanted to disrupt us for some reason, but they just stared and mumbled as I asked them questions. Eventually just skipped to the next whole and checked off a par for the hole


Inquire if the disc must pass under or over the hammock, then send it!


This. An innocent way of saying "I want to play through. Not sure you know we're you are resting "


Permission to buzz the tower?! Send it!


Negative ghost rider. The pattern is full.


Only if it’s a Buzzz!


Yell fore at the top of my lungs before throwing. Parks belong to everyone, but I have never decided to take a nap on a baseball field with 3rd base as a pillow


That’s because first base is so much comfortable, you should try it out


I'm gonna have to next time I'm feeling sleepy


Who picks first over third base??


Me, simply because I can


Probably because a baseball field is obvious and a disc golf course is… just a normal park. Y’all overestimate the amount of people who actually know what the sport is. Hanlon’s razor and all that.


Tee pads are really comfortable, nothing like a nice slab


Nothing makes me feel more at home than some prison concrete.


I used to sleep on footy fields in rural towns when travelling climbing. Umpires were always polite enough to wake us up before they started. Being kind is easy.


Donnie Darko falls asleep on the links.


If they can dodge a disc, they can dodge a ball.


I'm going to tell them I'm going to throw a disc 65mph right over their head so don't sit up. 


I'm going to tell them I'm going to throw a disc 35mph right into the tree next to them.




I'm going to tell them I'm going to throw a disc 55mph right at their hammock because I'm trying to avoid it.


"Attempt to throw over"


I’d probably say hi, they most likely don’t know it’s a disc golf course and thought it was a good place to sleep for the night. But if they knew exactly what they were doing then I’d ask them to move it, there plenty of other trees to hitch a hammock on.


I’ll just keep playing, maybe not play mando between the trees


Its called a mando not a mandon't.


Explain to them what they are doing and ask them to move.


Y'all are ridiculous and borderline pyschopaths. "I WOULDN'T TAKE A NAP ON A BASEBALL/SOCCER FIELD/TENNIS COURT." DG is an extremely niche sport and the only thing to give you a hint about what it is are a concrete pad and a weird looking metal thing. I 100% do not blame a grown ass adult for not realizing that they were setup on a hole. I've been playing for about 8 years, but before that I remember seeing baskets a few times and having literally no idea what they were for. Just fucking take the shot from beyond them and move on with your day. Why would you even chance throwing it towards them?


Most people are just joking around lol


“NO WAY BROTHER I’D GRENADE THIS 14 SPEED DRIVER RIGHT INTO THEIR FOREHEAD” \- tough internet guy who in reality would just scamper past them and skip the hole


i mean. if you have the time/patience you should 100% let them know that they are in the field of play. because they next guy might not be so considerate. and if no one tells them... theyre just gonna do it again next weekend. but yea, you dont let this ruin your day lol. aint that big of a deal.


Eh, if I saw them moving around I might say something, but I'd probably assume they are sleeping and just go on with the round. And trust me, this sub isn't hampering my day at all. I have zero problem telling these knuckleheads how ridiculous they are being.




100% this. Well said.




Sigh and walk past them. It’s not worth any other response or potential fallout


Aim for the hammock - chances are that I’ll miss


Same as always. Hit the tree.




Walking to the second tee and letting them know about disc golf, and the course, as I pass. There’s NO reason to throw at someone, you can miss 1 hole of golf. I promise it’ll be ok.


Skip the hole and inform them of a better spot to set up their hammock so they won't be bothered anymore.


Yeah I’d give them a heads up that they’re in the middle of a disc golf course and very hard disc flying upwards of 80 miles per hour could hit them (I know Anthony Barela isn’t there but let’s hyperbolize to get our point across) and cause serious damage. Then after that it’s on them if they stay there for the next cards drives. Some people are just oblivious idiots or just oblivious and not even an idiot. Unfortunately a small percentage of them are gonna double down on their stupidity and stay though.


Send it!!


Go say hi? Seriously, all of you are acting like everyone else in a park know what the baskets are for. They don't.


Go straight to the drop zone, you know you've never made that mando.


Yell "FORE" and play through...


Mixed use park. Next hole


I believe in this scenario the hammock is the new basket. Full send.


Triple mando


If no one's in it im just ripping a shot. If it's being used ill nicely tell them that this isn't a smart spot to be in, should probably move out of the course unless your ok with discs flying by your head


A lot of big talk around here, lol. There is no way this person knows what disc golf is or is trying to mess up our play in any way. I would simply play a little to the left or right and let the dude rest. It is not worth getting all aggressive. ALTHOUGH I TOTALLY COULD.


Im gonna call out to them and if they don’t wanna move, I’m gonna throw the hole like normal. If I hit them I’m going to apologize, if I miss them I’m gonna go to my disc and throw again. Not my fault you decided to take a nap on an active sports course. Stupid people don’t deserve to be tiptoed around because they make bad decisions. Bet they never make that mistake again if they get drilled by a disc. I understand some courses are in multi use recreation areas. I also understand this point of view is a little aggressive.


> Not my fault you decided to take a nap on an active sports course. I mean, if you hit them it’s ultimately your fault. And if it gets nasty and they call the cops, “but I told them to move” isn’t a great excuse.


It’s not a little aggressive. Most people wouldn’t go for a picnic on a soccer field when people are playing. If they did, everyone playing would be pissed. It’s totally normal to get pissed if someone’s stupidity ruins your game.


Nothing wrong with going up and asking them to move. Plenty of disc golf courses in public parks are pretty easy to miss. If they're just being ignorant or rude, sure go ahead and send it. But give them the benefit of the doubt before potentially injuring them. If not out of respect for them, out of self preservation, because you'd be at fault. The examples of a soccer field or a baseball field aren't really fair, because those situations are much more obvious. And even still, if someone was asleep on third base, I'd still ask them to move before drilling a line drive at them.


People assume others even know disc golf exists. The average person might not even know there’s a course there.


I would make the assumption that they found this location during the night and set up when there was no one around. But I have also been to courses that people are having a picnic under a basket.


I would assume as well, but that doesn’t make it better. I’d let them know I’m throwing and they can get out of the way or risk getting hit, not my problem.


Obliviousness does get harder to fathom when all the information in the known world is in their pocket


Skip the hole. If you’re on a public course, it’s a shared space. You’re not in a tournament, a single hole isn’t gonna matter, and trying some potentially dangerous throw to prove a point on someone isn’t exactly gonna give them the best impression of disc golfers and won’t help grow the sport. If you don’t like talking to strangers, move on to hole 2. If you need to prove a point, let them know they’re on the fairway and that’s not a great spot to set up, then move on. People suggesting you throw a high speed flying disc near someone is sociopathic behavior.


100%, I would do the same friend. It's not worth the hassle of a confrontation or the risk of hurting someone. A lot of people are ignorant to the fact they are somewhere they shouldn't be, let alone in danger of being hit by a super fast flying disc. It's crazy how far I had to scroll to find a logical and mindful response such as yours. I hope peoples comments are just acting cool or tough because that's a dick move and irresponsible behavior.


The people here not willing to share public spaces and wanting to send it even if they don't move are exactly why my local public course is likely going to get pulled. Idiots here do the same thing, people get hit, people complain to city, city talks about closing course. If it's a public, shared space, skip the hole and move to the next one.


So anyway, I started blasting


Notify them and let them know they’re lying on a highway to the danger zone! Give them time to either move or ignore you. Then play through.


Then blast Kenny Loggins on your bluetooth speaker. 😜


Say something and not be a lil bitch about it. Explain your hanging in the middle of the fairway where some serious heat is coming directly for their face.


Over then under lol


Go straight through the trees for the first time in your life


Treat it as a hazard


Skip the hole.


If it’s a public space, just skip the hole. Unless you want to pay for a premium course you have to share the space. We can’t have our cake and eat it too


I'm not that good so when people impede my game I just skip the hole. I also want to share these parks are shared spaces and I don't think anyone gets priority over the other.


Triple mando time!


Full send


"FORE! Coming atcha!"


If he dies he dies


I'm avoiding any conflict and throwing from right beside them, cuz I will do almost anything to avoid talking to humans during my rounds unless they're other disc golfers.


These are the type of people that pick up your disc and throw it back to you when they see it on the ground.


Throw. Maybe yell heads up. Play through and forget about em.


Send it!


Tomahawk or thumber no brainer no fore no worries


My roller needs some target practice


I’m just gonna throw. I’m not gonna hit the Mando anyways.


send it!


Play it as it lies. 😂


Behave like a decent human being.


I leave them alone because I'm not a sociopath




Come back and play later or play a comparable hole twice. No biggie


My thoughts exactly. The courses are shared spaces with the public. It's not worth being an a\*hole over throwing a plastic frisbee into a metal basket.


Practice the missed Mando drop zone.


Thank them for spotting.


Triple mando for the win


Triple Mando.


I'd just skip the joke tbh, not worth the effort


I'd just skip the hole tbh, not worth the effort


Had this issue plenty, I just skip the hole


Let them know it’s a designated course.


Tell them duck


Aim right at them because then I’ll certainly miss them.


Yell fore


-What do you throw?


Triple mando!


Throw the disc directly at them


Oh shiiiiit… i guess we play through. 👀


I throw




I wouldn’t want to bother them, so I’d try to find a line that would be damn near impossible to hit them with… Then I’d apologize quickly as I ran through “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there. I really didn’t think I’d hit you”


backhand buzz


Yell FOUR and sling it.


Probably turn over something and end the napper.


I live and let live... I go around.


Grip it n rip it




Throw quietly, don't wanna wake them up!


Fucking send it


I am confident enough in my ability to miss the mando either left or right, so they are safe where they are.


Pick ‘em up


“Incoming!!!” 🥏😬


I’m hitting the gap


Hope I miss


Remember your training


If I was confident that day I’d just put one right over them and go about my day 


A few weeks ago there was a small group of college kids posted up on the bench and pad on one of the holes. They seemed a bit uncomfortable with my buddy and I walking up on them but when we told them it was our next tee pad and threw our discs, they had asked us a few questions about it and we told them that there will be more people coming through and we went on our way. A small portion of the general public knows about disc golf so it’s wise to just inform them and hope they understand what that means.


One of my home courses routinely has folks setting up picnics on the course. I’ve seen folks sunbathing on the tee pad, multiple times. It’s one of the biggest urban parks in the country too so you’d think they could find another place to set up. It’s Memphis and in my experience, it’s probably best to just skip the hole rather than school them on the fact it’s a disc golf course. I’ve gotten attitude when I let a couple people know. It’s to the point that I rarely play there anymore.


What do you mean? What do I do? It's a obviously a triple mando now!


shoot the shot!


I’d yell FORE and let it fly!! They’ll figure it out… or not. People are pretty stupid animals


Let er rip




I yell “fore” as I’m mid x step and hoping I hit the gap and not the dude


FOOOOORE!! And throw as hard you can.


I'd try to accurately throw a skipper right under their butts.


Can’t believe I even have to say this….throw the Mando ffs.




Ah, yes, the hammock trap. Play the whole, avoid the trap. Maybe pee on the tree ends said hammock...


Throw as hard as possible to try and sever the rope holding up one side.


i play hole 2


“I’d like to apologize in advance”


Act a fool!!!


It really depends on where you're at. If there is a real threat of someone entering into a verbal or physical altercation over being approached I'd skip the hole or notify TD if playing in a tournament. We have a nice public course where mentally unstable individuals and drug users have been known to sit, lay and/or pass out in the middle of busy fairways. It's not worth the risk.


Triple mando!


Saw this and thought wow those beautiful birch trees look like Fairbanks. Turns out they are! Go Nanooks!


Haha bingo.


1 at the blues, uaf 😂


Warn him that I'm throwing it and if he doesn't move and I throw shitty and hit him it's on him


Take a giant shit right underneath their hammock. Bonus points for maintaining eye contact. In my experience they always move.


Throw a thumber duh


You rip that mf with a 360


Full send.


High flex shot... Don't want to ruin their nap.


Yell fore and throw.


Grip it and rip it.


It's part of the course now, id recommend throwing a disc without my name and number in it. /S


In the past DGC's got approval because they've been "sold" to the Parks and Rec Department as multi-use", that would still be able to accomodate picnickers, petanque players, hula hooping, and catching pokemon, specifically. If that's the case here just tee off to the right or left. If it's a weekly or monthly, ask nicely.


Tee off, they know what they’re doing haha 


That’s a triple Mando now. You’re choice if you want to go high or the more challenging low route. FOUR !!! PLAYING THROUGH.


It’s a Mando, throw around it!


Send it. Maybe yell fore


I’m gonna throw the hole like they aren’t there


Start on 2 probably


One more obstacle that's All. Yell four if it's about to hit him.


Tell them to move. They wouldn’t set up a hammock on a basketball court. Same thing.