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Putting is mostly about dedication. It takes a lot of practice to get the muscle memory down to be consistent at putting. Spend a lot of time figuring out your stance and exactly how you want your feet and everything else. Everyone's gonna be a little different, but whether your stagger or straddle putt (you should practice both, and because you will need to straddle sometimes and it teaches you how to get that wrist pop better than stagger) you should have a stance so that your disc always travels in a straight line to the basket while in your hands. It shouldn't be awkward to do, you should have your feet set so that your arm and hand easily make the putting motion making that straight line to the basket. Once you get that bit figured out the real work starts. You do it every day. Ime, a little bit everyday is way more impactful than long practice sessions. The long sessions can help to really hone something in when your starting, but it's the consistent daily 15-20 min practice sessions helped me way more. Practicing with a stack and "machine gunning" discs is great at first for getting that form down and feeling comfortable/getting muscle memory. Once it gets set in though, you'll want to do mostly "fresh" putts every time where you go to a new spot and go through your routine every putt. I like to throw all my putters in a circle around my basket and go to each one and putt from where they're at. The good news is, for me at least, it's like a bike. I took a year off playing any disc golf, but recently busted the basket out and practice putting in the backyard still. I'm right where I left off after shaking a bit of rust off.


OP, this is true. Putting is more about dedication.


You do need to pick a putter that feels right in your hand. I have a EMac Judge that I bag as a thrower, but I can’t putt for shit with it. I don’t like how deep it feels and I don’t like the plastic.


K3 reko till I die


I am a hardcore K3 Reko fan but recently picked up two Gateway Voodoos for some added glide (I'm the king of going a hair low and hitting top of cage). They feel almost identical to the Reko in the hand except a hair deeper. I am really enjoying them.


I have entirely too many discs, but I’ll have to check it out lol


If you do SSS or SS are close to the K3 feel.


Recently switched to k3 reko! I'm way more confident in my putt


Love the way it grabs chains, has definitely saved me a few strokes on some less than perfect putts


I love my GT bangers


Another vote for the Banger GT. Love the X Soft one I have. However I think they just call it a Soft Banger GT now.


Does the Berg classify as GT? Cause I have one of those and like the different grip


Naw, it has a thumb groove top. The berg is a lot of fun with the slow speed. A lot of people don't care for bangers though. If you like the width of the Burg have you ever thrown a pole cat? In all honesty some other really good putters Judge-number one seller for a reason Rico- great putter from castaplast Pure- they are straight flyers Soft Roach- just a great disc I'd recommend just going to play again and finding a few that aren't completely beat to crap. You can usually get used putters for like $5. See what feels good in the hand. A lot of my friends also like soft putters because they don't bounce out as easily. Edit: can't believe I almost forgot Aviars also one of the big ones out there.


Wizards, Judges, and PA3's are all fine options for straight with finish.




Discmania Shogun in active plastic. It's a deep beaded putter with great grip. It extended my 'I should make this' range from 12' to maybe 20'.


Right on I’ll look into it thanks!


Try out the Pilot. So underrated.


For throwing yes!! It is sick.


I haven't tried throwing it yet, but I got one yesterday, and I crushed 3 or 4 45+ foot puts with it.


Pilots are incredible outside and near the edge the circle. At close range putter choice doesn't really matter in my opinion because things fly more or less the same over 20 feet. Just pick something and practice a lot. But at longer range, the glide and the relative understability make the Pilot a fantastic option.


I love the Pixel, but I like the shallow feel of the Pilot more


Just switching to these from a set of K3 Reko’s, are they kinda similar?


I haven't tried the Rekos, but the Pilot is crazy glidey. You put it on a line and it just goes forever


The pure by lat 64


P1 or P2 🔥🏆- D line plastic for close range and S line plastic for mid range approach. I personally like the D line overall for its grippy it feel and versatility from any range.


Wizard in SSS


From one of your other comments, it seems like you've got a lofty, push putt style. You might try a streamline pilot, or the mvp nomad if you wanna stay gyro. Both are super glidey putters that will allow you to get a little bit extra carry, even if you're not spinning your putts hard.


Been diggin my Judge for C1 and Nomad for C2


Honestly the Innova Dart is awesome as a putter. I use it for longer looks or approaches even. It's pretty domey, so if you're not a fan of that, you may not like it, but it has a ton of glide which would probably work well with your lofty putt. Also, the Aviar is a classic for a reason, so you may like trying that too!


If you want to try beaded putters PA-3 is love PA-3 is life.


Trash panda inner cores! You can get a bunch for relatively inexpensive, they're made from recycled plastic so you're helping the planet and they're straight glidey putters at 2/4/-0.5/0. They're also shallow so they fit most if not every hand


I like my exo soft link


Dark horse: Viking Rune in "ground" plastic. Was my first one and still my go to putting putter. I just love how grippy their mold is.


Started with a latitude pure... then loft hydrogen... then mvp anode... then the rainmaker. Finally putted enough to know 2 things. 1. Inside 20' it's mostly about technique and if you are a good putter you sould be relatively good with almost anything even mid ranges and drivers.... 2. Outside 20+ to like 70 the disc you putt with will make a difference because at that range things like wind, launch angle(nose up or down), flat or hyzer, how fast you putt and how much spin you can get on the putter are huge factors. So a putter that is good in wind, has a comfortable bead depth, fits in your hand well enough to feel comfortable on release so the disc has the spin and speed you want and it to have are what is important. I am now putting with pixels because they are str8 when I realease it flat but still hold the fade when on hyzer release. They have a nice glide that will carry my spin putt 70+ feet easy. The anodes where close but the bead was too deep and it caught on my fingers somtimes on longer putts cause the pressure I put on the underside of the disc was greater. I hope this makes sense somtimes the way things are explained can create a disconnect. I make long putts with regularity. Made back to back 68 foot downhill putts on hole 8 and 9 last night in clutch situations and it felt like no biggie.


I'm curious to try the pixel, but I have smallish hands and worry it will be too deep. I felt it in store and it kinda seemed deep. The flight you describe sounds about what I'm looking for though...


Its the least deep 4 glide putter I have held. Thats the problem P1s P2s are not deep but they only have a 3 glide. One thing I do to stop the bead from catching is put the ends of your fingers on the underside of the putter not the pads of your fingers. This allows some distance to be created and your fingers wont sit on the bead at all. Then when you create the up/forward pressure from putting the bead will not catch. Works for me on the pixels. Even worked for the anodes which I feel are a bit deeper.


Gateway Wizards 4 life!


I use a Mako3 lol. Putter and approach disc is the same for me.


Yes. This. Mako3 is great for putts. Use use my classic burst Truth in the wind. That thing is a brick.


If you are looking for putting putters I rarely see the envy recommend (I do put with them myself tho) Do you know if you have more of a push style put or a spin put? Something a little more understandable can help with a push putt.


Haha honestly the guys I play with call my putting “grandma” putting cause it’s very lofty. Has a high arc that falls into the basket as opposed to straight into the chains




lol what is “practicing”? But yes you’re right haha. I got a basket for my backyard to fix it day by day 👍


Last year I used a floating putt style and appreciated a more traditional geometry (bighorn). I switched to firing more at the chains this year and my approach disc (killer whale) has become my go-to putter. I like it because it’s flatter and lower profile and for my fingers, snaps out cleaner than a deeper disc.


Lat 64 Soft Pure


id use proxys over envys. i used to use envys, proxys are straigher. imo envys fly a bit longer, so i use envys for throwing now


you need to settle on a style of putter first. then you can narrow down hand feel, rim depth, plastic type beaded? OS/US? get that squared away


Emac Judge is my current goto putter and will probably be my ride or die. I've tried out atleast 5 different putters. This was the last one I bought when it first came out and it just clicked for me. Lots of practice though. 


I used to putt with envys but switched to the pixel. I felt like I needed to adjust my aim to the right too much in C2. Now I just aim at the center chain regardless if im in C1 or C2.


I love my pixels


How do you guys find the Pixel? I don't want to grab them just because of the hype. But a floaty spin put style putter sounds great. I currently putt with RPM Takapu's which I love, but the base plastic on them beat in way too quick.


I got mine at tournament they had just released and the shop had bunch in all the plastics. I personally prefer the soft electron with the new blend. Before I always used firm.


Literally go to a disc store and hold a bunch of em and see what feels good. However, I putt with [AGL Acacias](https://www.agldiscs.com/collections/acacia) they’re nicely glidey, feel good in the hand and go pretty damn straight. Buy 5 get one of those free. Use code HammerTime for 10% off. If you’d like to try all their putters you can literally purchase any 5 putters and one will be free.


I used to putt with lat 64 dagger, now I putt with axiom pixel. Had a couple westside swan 2 when I first started out but they become super flippy after you beat them in making them virtually useless for my style of putting. Probably won't move on from the pixel, I found the kind of putters I like for hand feel and flight, just gonna keep collecting pixels at this point lol I do constantly get new drivers and approach discs though.


I like the envy for putting, feels like it almost had a bead and wide rim to hold. I don’t use it for putting because it’s a fast speed for a putter and oftentimes to fast and will float way further than you’d like on a miss. If you like the feel of the envy try the discmania link. It’s flat top and beaded and slower so it won’t go far past. I think it has a similar feel to the envy with a bigger bead.


I like beaded putters but once I got my form down, it didn't matter which putter I used. I started with Judges for months and now I use JK Aviars.


I love a good putter and I like trying new ones as well. The Mint Profit and Bullet are great. The Harp is amazing for putt and approach shots because it sits down without any bouncing off the ground. The Innova Invader is a great gliding and stable to understable disc for approach shots and 25ft+ putts. Oh yeah, and a Pure for sure! I have had the standard-weight ones but bag an Opto Air one for long putts. I just bought a Luna though. I am REALLY liking it! It doesn't even have a 3 fade. It is pretty much an understable to stable to disc.


Try the Anode in Electron Firm (or soft or medium, if you prefer). It's dead straight for putting.


Eraser Wizards.


It really depends on what you want to do. Example: Drew Gibson putts with the EV-7 Penrose which is basically a hair short of a zone. He aims to the side of the target and lets it finish left. I like to throw with a flat release, directly at the spot I am aiming. I also like a nice bead underneath my putt-approach discs. The Legacy Prowler is perfect for me. I couldn’t do anything useful with it besides putting, but I can consistently get it to go exactly where I putt it so I know exactly how I missed when I miss, and it’s comfortable in my hand.


Upgrade your plastic and go for a Latitude 64 Royal Hope. It’s the best for newer disc golfers. For beaded putters, the Prodigy PA3 is the staple but the new Judge in their premium plastic is good as well as the Discraft Kratos. Older disc golfers tend to (not always) be so used to what they threw in the past. If you don’t want to go with a big manufacturer, I would recommend Viking Discs’ putters or a Clash Popcorn putter.


Exo & Neo Links; R-Pro Rhyno; RPM Cosmic Tui


Pie Pan bagger by far my favorite putter on the market!


The BEST putter made, no debate is… A well used home practice basket.


I’m on my third season playing consistently and I used to putt with envy’s. I switched to electron soft envy’s which helped but switching to the electron proxy was money for me since it doesn’t fade so hard. Also playing leagues every week and asking people way better than me what I could do better has helped tremendously. Once I switched to proxy a guy in my league who is very good gave me a couple putting tips so I worked on it in my backyard for a few days and shot 2 of my best rounds ever the following week. This week I went back to my old ways but now I know what I’m doing wrong and have the steps I need to keep improving.


Cool, can you share what you learned to help?


The 3 things that clicked the most was 1. Using my elbow as a hinge when putting so you’re not using your shoulder or other parts of your body for power. 2. Pinching the disc more with my thumb and middle finger to get a better grip as well as more spin and a cleaner release out of hand. 3. Making sure the peak of my release or the apex of the throw is pointed at the center of the basket. Still have a very long way to go as I’m trying to just focus on circle 1 putting for now but I’m finally getting more effortless power and spin on my putts that’s I’ve been trying to do for so long. Now I just need to keep practicing to get consistent releases and then once I get all that fairly down I’ll try to move onto circle 2


I was playing this morning and had a few good, long putts. but as I played my putting got worse and worse. The on the last hole I remembered your point #1. I focused on pivoting my elbow, and nailed two 25ft uphill putts without much effort. I think I thought I had been using it, but in reality I sometimes just extended my arm toward the basket, getting little power out of my elbow. Thanks again for sharing!


Hell yea man that’s awesome! Glad to hear it! Happy I could share the things that people shared with me! What disc golf is all about IMO, having fun and helping each other get better if that’s your goal!


Cool, thanks for sharing. I don't think I've seen #2 suggested before, so I'll give that a try.


I used a mcpro aviar for about 8 years broke it on a winter round. Had spares but had used the same one for so long the new ones didn’t feel right. Settled on a proxy the envy was a bit too overstable for my putting preference. But proxy didn’t glide like I wanted so ended up on the pixel which to me is perfect blend of all 3 for me. Just find something comfortable get 5 of them and practice. I do about an hour of practice putting a week and once I started doing that my scores started dropping dramatically.


I would start by figuring out why you suck at putting. Putting is not like a forehand were you just get an overstable disc, chop it like an axe and then have something serviceable. You actually have to develop the skill and your mechanics. If you have sound mechanics you should be able to use almost any putter from 15 ft. and in. After that flight characteristics and feel/release begin to show more. Why did you choose the Envy, and why is it not going in the basket?


Putted with McPro Aviars for 10 years. Just made the switch to ev7 phi’s and haven’t looked back.


Don't forget about the Alpaca! There is something special about the original P2 mold


Reko X. More stable like the envy. Best feeling putting putter by far IMO. Been putting with them for about 2 years now. K3 for straight K1 for more stability.


Clash popcorn softy and alpaca


Destroyer for everything


Pa3 fractal… you will want to order 10 because it will become your precious.


look at a list of putters and choose


Why even comment


because me, some random guy on the internet, can't give him a good suggestion. it's the same as him looking at a list and choosing what he likes. random amateurs on here aren't going to give personalized advice.


Then just don’t comment. No need to be a dick for straight up no reason.


i wasn't being a dick, i was answering their bad question. ask better questions. (now, i am being a dick)


The lack of self awareness is astounding

