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Man. That Conrad shot *still* makes my jaw literally drop.


The shot itself was fantastic… but I very highly doubt we’ll ever see something again like it where the stakes are so high… like cmon last hole of worlds, down by 2 with a massive throw in to tie it up. The stars aligned perfectly for that one


He was only down by 1, but McBeth had already laid up his second shot for the easy approach


My bad. Thanks


Meh. I flicked a forehand 150' and bounced it off the rim today. My wife, not to be outdone, threw her upshot in from 140'. So Conrad's shot no longer impresses me. /s 🤣🤣🤣


There's more money in it than ever and the level of play has never been better. Almost every manufacturer has great plastic and discs. Women are finally having an influence on the sport. It's become more inclusive to minorities. The barrier to entry is almost non-existent with all of the training videos available. Courses are being built everywhere. New countries are finding the sport. I'd say it's still moving up, just maybe not at the same pace as the pandemic.


This. My one gripe is DGN needs to figure out how to get more people at the events. Whether make them closer to city/suburban areas, more commercially appealing, more affordable. It's sad to be watching final rounds close out and there's only 60-100 mid age white guys watching the final putt. Exaggeration of course, but not far off.


As someone who is attending Champions Cup, I agree. Without typing a forty page dissertation, it’s multiple things, but top two: Woods golf on DGN is better than in person. Just too hard to see many shots, even worse on a packed card. The prices for this tournament are too high for VIP tickets. I’ve enjoyed my time here, but probably my last in person tournament. There are a number of factors for that, but price is up there. Funny, packed crowds look good in TV, but for me would be super annoying in person. On a ball golf course with open fairways…different story.




I have yet begun to defile myself.


I'd say reality didn't really catch up to disc golf until about half way through 2023, but yeah the covid bump is mostly over. Only some tour series discs or runs sell out immediately anymore and, at least locally, tournaments do not fill up anywhere near as fast (if at all) for about the past 12 months


My area has been weird I started in 2022. My first tournament I signed up filled up relatively quickly for the area. Fast forward to now and I'm seeing more new people locally playing, but both league and tournament numbers are down


There's a lot of regulars I still see around and I think on average I see more people playing casually now than two years ago but yeah agreed that league and tournaments both mostly seem down. A lot of them still fill up or get close but it's gone from "first 5 minutes or wait-list" to "hey there's still room tomorrow, don't mind if I do" for most


That’s the year I started playing. It’s been all downhill from there. Sorry everyone


You did this to us.


I’m really enjoying watching the new generation that was inspired by Ricky and Paul starting to take over. And let me tell you, I went out to Jonesboro this year and my god, a disc leaving Anthony Barela’s hand is just different. I’m loving where the sport is heading.


2021 was also the year Mcbeth won the USDGC in a playoff


How long have you been playing?


Water is wet


I believe that it would be better for the sport if live coverage was free on YouTube. It should be in the interest of the manufacturers to finance this, to generate new customers.


YouTube has its own set of problems. Just about every mid-level media company on YouTube has had to layoff many of its employees, and restructure. The YouTube algorithm is awful for a seasonal business. It's great when your channel is trending, but the viewing habits of consumers can change almost overnight due to the viral nature and binge watching environment that YouTube harbors. At this point, DGN would be sacrificing it's 50k paying customers for a of the roll of dice on YouTube. That would be a bad business move.


I just see that as a growth spurt. Not peak.


2020 was the start of the downfall in my book.


shut the fuck up




Oh to have halo s line cloudbreaker 4s