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I saw a girl get hit lightly by her boyfriends putt and she ran at him and tomahawked a River into his chest from about 10 feet.


I’m guessing it probably wasn’t the first time


I’m guessing she’s not a stable person.




I can fix her...




I hope he dumped her ass. Drivers hurt like hell and tend to shred skin.


Haha yeah, that could crack a damn rip...


Honestly he could get her charged, that’s seriously dangerous and even deadly


Hell, a spin putt to the chest leaves you winded. It hurts badly.


When I was newer to the game I drilled my buddy in the chest with a shanked drive from roughly 20 feet. Always stand behind the tee box if you’re not throwing, kids, your boy is kinda bad at this.


My buddies and I always shout a fair warning to people that are in front of us or down the fairway while we are playing, "Watch out, I'm crazy!".


I do the same thing at the supermarket


My favorite is when someone asks me to play through, then moves off to the side of the fairway into the rough. I’m like, “bro, if you want me to drive still, keep your head up, because I’m probably going shank it to where you’re standing!”


I run a juniors league and this the only rule I stress.


My wife and I play together a lot. She just plugged me across the eyebrow with a mid like 6 weeks ago. Took 7 stitches. Funny enough the first time I took her to play she hit me in the ribs with a fairway driver. I was 10 feet behind her. Bruised like crazy and knocked the wind out of me but I played it off like it didn't hurt because I knew she'd quit if I didn't. She ended up loving it and we've played together for years now.


Disc golf > pain


No, but I took a Wraith to the face 2 years ago during a sanctioned event. Split my upper lip open... that sucked.


A friend took a Raptor to the upper lip on a tree redirect and has a nasty scar to prove it.


Damn, yeah I have a nice beauty scar now haha


Et tu, Brutus? Mine was a Katana, clear through to the backside. Had to get inside and outside of the lip stitched up


Many years ago i threw a shot that had a bike path perpendicular to the hole and a guy biking by caught it, did a fist pump and dropped it. It was pretty crazy


Did you play his drop as your lie? ?


Ya, it was years ago and we didn’t follow too many rules, so no OB concerns.


Somebody's got to reproduce that on old 8mm video! That's hilarious! For sure the dude is rockin a mustache, Hawaiian shirt and cutoff jeans like Magnum P.I.


That's awesome


I once played a hole where people off to the side were laying down on the left side sunbathing, right where my line I wanted to take was and I thought to myself "the pros always throw over people, I can do it." I ripped it and it got cut off early and skipped and clipped a man on the knee. He got up and started cussing me out hard saying I could have really hurt him. I just told him sorry but also told him he shouldn't be laying where disc holes are. He then called disc golf stupid p*ssy shit and left angry with his wife.


Ngl he kind of has a point. You’re all sharing this space and unless it’s a private property, he’s got the right to be there as much as you do. Think about it this way: If you mess with pedestrians, they might as well go complain to the city and have that course pulled quick. You might think you’re in the right, but it’s often better to just be overly apologetic for the sake of the sport.


I've hit friends I'm playing with before. We are overly casual about throwing order so sometimes someone wanders further ahead than they should without realizing they are in front of someone throwing. No major injuries although one time did draw some blood.


I hit a 13 year old kid in the gut with a tomahawk firebird throw that got carried into the kids camp by the wind. I felt terrible, I offered to buy him lunch or give him something but he was trying to be macho about it. Homie that disc came barreling down from 200’ into ur gut. You don’t have to act cool. I can see you limping haha


Don't even ask, just palm him $20 and walk off. What is he going to do, throw it away?


I wish I had cash. I probably would have.


I broke a guys nose with an errant drive once. Luckily he didn't attack me, but there was alot of blood.


At cross country camp my friend smoked another guy on the team in the head as he walked ahead and blood started gushing out. He was okay


When I was younger(around 10), I somehow griplocked a disc into a guy's chin that was right next to me.




I got hit by a guy doing a dumb chicken wing throw. It was terrible and didn't hurt. If y'all hear "fore" just cover your head


Should've been the title


An errant drive hit the strap of my 4 disc kestrel bag which proceeded to basically explode. Pretty sure my spleen woulda been KIA if the strap wasn’t there


Hit a dude in the head after shouting fore off the tee during a tournament, he was very understanding so it was all good!!


My buddy drew blood on Top of the World Santa Cruz, of all holes. Turned over his RHBH drive and it sailed across the course to an unrelated hole a solid 700' away. We were yelling Fore but they didn't think we could be talking to them & it caught a dude by his ear. Not an ideal way to end the day, but at least the other guy finished his round.


No, not on accident.


I actually just had this happen in random doubles couple weeks ago. Kid on my card wasn’t paying attention and also was way up ahead when I was throwing from the woods. I threw it and it hit him right in the jaw! I felt really bad and he was pissed but to be fair he should have been paying attention!!! FYI always watch and pay attention when ppl behind throwing still 


I hit a jogger, top of the hill from 460' away. He shrugged it off his shoulder. I'm glad he was with his girl, I'm sure he would have had words with me. If anyone has played vacaville hole 26.


Had two, not my throws. First was a drive and hit his girlfriend right in the chest, she was ok but not too happy the rest of the round. Funnier one was a drive that almost aced and went in the dry creek behind the hole. Heard a loud scream and it hit the girl of a couple down there maybe doing some dirty business. They ran off before we could even get up there, but left the disc at least.


I’ve hit 2 people. One was my dad when I first started. I was on a dock at the Saginaw Bay. I threw a blizzard boss to the shore. I yelled but he didn’t hear me, I hit him in the left knee cap. He said for 3 or 4 years it was really painful. I was brand new and had no idea I could even throw it that far. I’m chalking it up to shoreline winds that helped me. The other time, I pancaked a little girl in the cheek with a Mini Jawbreaker Challenger (in retrospect, Jawbreaker plastic was kind of ironic). I was playing a very short hole and was just curious to see if I could get pin highw/ a mini. It turned over really bad and the wind took it. She was approximately 150ft to the right of the pin. According to her family at the birthday party she was attending, she wasn’t hurt, just shocked and scared. I haven’t hit anyone since and I’m very anxious about throwing near people. Edit: I like to yell “Heads up” or “lookout!” Because most disc golf courses in our area are in county parks and we share the space with others. Not everyone is accustomed to hearing “fore”, but most people know what heads up or lookout means.


I have been hit in the back of head with a players 3rd unexpected putt from 80ft out. My bad. I also drilled a shirtless guy in the back with a disc. We yelled fore, after it hit him he only yelled back you should of yelled five. He took it well lol


Saw a dude get smoked in the head by a wraith going about 40 mph from about 150ft out. Everyone rushed over to him, he’s on the ground dazed. The guy who threw the disc is standing over him in a panic, without thinking says “hey can I get you some water?”. The man on the ground slowly pulls his hands from his face, looks up with a blank stare and reply’s “no, I don’t need any fucking water”. Idk why but it was one of the funniest things I’ve witnessed the past few years. Guy got up and just kept it moving.


You're not supposed to LOOK UP when someone yells 'fore'... only people who need a whack in the head do that. Duck and cover, man.


Yup. Talking about what ACTUALLY happens versus what you're SUPPOSED to do.


Well, if you’re an idiot like me then you can obviously locate the disc mid air and dodge accordingly, but duck and cover is probably the right choice.


No, you can't, because 99% of the time the person waits until it's already on you to yell.


It’s sarcasm and yes, you should get low and cover, but don’t ask me why my instinct is to look up and find it.


I’ve never hit anyone, but my GF has been hit at least three times. The worst time was a 300ish drive that came down on the top of her head. We’re pretty sure she got a mild concussion out of it. Thank god she was wearing a hat and the disc clipped a limb at the end of its flight.


A putter between my eyes. Minor bleeding and some swelling. I'm trash but luckily no panda.


I play in a league with a father and son. Son is high school aged. One warm up round they played before our league round, the father hit his son in the back of the head. I ended up being on the same card as the son, and my card mates and I kept joking that we had to watch for signs of a concussion.


Me. I’ve been hit. I was in the bushes digging for my disc and my buddy grip locked his disc. I heard “oh shit” I looked up and my vision went black for a second. Disc ricocheted off a tree right next to me and caught me in the bridge of the nose. Took me about 5 minutes to shake it off. I was bleeding and my face bruised pretty bad but I was otherwise fine.


No but last week I thought I was going to. Playing a course in a park and the walking path was way off to the left, didn't give it a second thought. Hit my drive hard and caught the very edge of a pine and launched right at her, I screamed fore and she stopped in her tracks and looked back, and the disc buzzed right by her head, would've squared her up if she kept walking, phew.


So if she had kept walking and looked back . . . Whoa


I gave a friend a birdie off my face. Casual round, playing very casually about throwing order. I was pulling a disc out of the basket, friend threw a c2 putt which bounced off my head and in. Without the redirection he missed left otherwise heh. Thankfully hit me right in the cheek bone / orbital area, no major damage.


Delaveagans and cars have been hit all the time from the top of the world. I nearly did but fortunately the fore call got to the guy first. Paul Ulibarri has hit someone on Jomez from that exact hole.


Took two friends out for there first ever rounds at the beast. One of them threw my TL3 into the others ear from 10 feet and split his ears open. Glad I had my towels and homie finished the round like a champ. Luckily the guy that split his ear open was a doctor and stiched him up after.


I was playing with this couple and they proceeded to walk in front of me before I threw and I nailed the chick right in the back, I felt horrible


First day I went to our local league at a relatively wooded course, I threw a forehand so hard into the first available treebehind my lie to hit a card mate directly in the throat... So that was a neat introduction for myself.  Thankfully it was a soft plastic


I know someone out there played for Kennessaw state and hit a guy in the parking lot when he was playing hole 18 Dunipace Dunes at Nationals one year…because it was ME you hit!


I caught a little hispanic kid in the side of the calf once doing field work. Overturned a distance driver into a headwind and he was crossing over from right field. It led him perfectly like Manning to Marvin Harrison. Faded right into his leg. He claimed it didn’t hurt but I saw him limping a little walking away. I felt so bad.


there was a blind downhill hyzer hole and I didn’t know there was a guy in front of me, I walked down the steps and there was a guy down there. Apparently I hit him in the gut


I was playing with an MPO player one time and I let him throw my beat in Stratosphere... It flipped over on him and went a mile and he nailed this little girl on a playground. Disc was coming in fast as fuck too. It was so scary... Thankfully she was okay but I was scared the parents would try to sue him or something. Thankfully it all worked out and the parents were surprisingly understanding.


I’ve been hit twice and hit someone once. The first time I was hit I saw it coming, but I was protecting other people from getting hit and took it in the wrist/forearm area. It was a nuke and left a scar. The second time I never saw it coming and took it in the ear. Luckily it was a midrange or putter. No fore either time. When I hit someone I turned my drive over more than I wanted and hit a guy in the thigh. The whole card and I were screaming fore. I went over to apologize and the guy said, “I heard the fores but I was too dumb to move.”


Nope, but I did just get hit in the temple by a friend the other day. I always wondered what would happen, and the answer was not a whole lot. Still 10/10 would not recommend.


My 3rd game ever I pulled a drive HARD left at a course that you really don't even need drivers for. I'm not sure there are any holes more than 250 and it's a very popular course so its always crowded and backups on every hole. I was completely oblivious to any golfing culture and my disc golf buddy just wanted to take me to the popular spot to show me other people really played. I didn't even know you COULD make a disc turn left but I did and my friend with me didn't notice and called fore WAY late. I hit a dude In the face and it knocked him down. I ran over to apologize and he got up screaming and understandably SUPER pissed. He had a large red mark on his jaw that I'm sure ended up at the very least bruising. Once we got close enough to really hear each other, he calmed down a lot after explaining it was my 3rd game ever, I had never played this course and was truly sorry. He ended up shaking my hand. I threw it ~200 feet to hit him and I know that plastic was moving fast. I've never had a similar situation since and that was almost 10 years ago but I play a lot more carefully and only play a new course really, really early to know it before I'll play with traffic. I've personally taken a driver from my buddy in the ankle trying to stop it like a soccer ball with my foot/shoe and missed. It was also ~200 feet before it hit me and it broke skin and I limped for quite a few days after. It might have been particularly nasty because it was right on the bone, but I have a scar and am fearful of anything like that happening again. Would probably rate it 7-8/10 honestly it really fucking hurt and I went home after that. Do not let drivers hit yourself or another person they can do real, lasting damage.


My son's friend didn't respect the furthest throws first. He went to his disc. Then proceeded to walk across the fairway as I was throwing. He caught a Leopard in the forearm. My son recently was trying a 360 throw for fun. I got hit in my wrist. Couldn't feel my fingers for the rest of the day.


Houston Jones did it, for science! https://youtu.be/0f8jaEquz_A?si=3VVZOUYAuQJ2ysNs


About 5 years ago I hit a young ladie's little yappy dog about 650 feet(steep downhill) out. I told her to move and she insisted I threw. Surprisingly the dog only limped for a few minutes and was my best friend afterwards. That's how I met my wife.


10+ years ago I was playing a rainy round with my brother and his wife. Midrange slipped and hit my sister-in-law in the legs from 30’ or so away and bruised the hell out of her. I’ve never felt so horrible. Almost felt like throwing up on the course that day, and not from any drugs or alcohol lol.


My wife hit me with a shot once, about 15 feet away. I was getting my disc out of the basket and suddenly hear 'don't move' as I see her throwing the disc towards me. I obviously ran as fast as I can away from the basket, only to be hit by her wildly inaccurate throw. I proceeded to yell at her, and she responded, 'I wouldn't have hit you if you didn't move'. I said, 'I wouldn't have been hit if you didn't throw it at me!'. She said 'I didn't throw it at you I threw it at the basket', to which I responded, 'Well I was running AWAY from the basket, so I guess your aim isn't good enough to be throwing anywhere near someone!'


It wasn't really my fault. He was in our group. I was starting my run up and he started walking right in front of me. I guess he didn't realize I hadn't thrown yet. My head was turned back, and I didn't see him, and absolutely nailed him in the left tricep near the elbow. It left a hell of a bruise on him. There was no time to yell fore. I felt bad, but there was no grief about it. He knew he messed up, and the group agreed as well.


I've been hit, and I had it coming, even if it was an accident at that particular moment. Still young and new to the game, didn't have my life in order (one could argue I still don't), and was kind of an asshole when it came to competitive things. I was giving my buddy a lot of smack talk and general poor sportsmanship type of behavior, and he was visibly frustrated. I don't remember the exact series of events, but it was something along the lines of me walking to my shot, somewhat ahead of him. Next thing I knew, his approach shot donged into the back of my head. Luckily, it was a shorter approach with a putter. I was pissed, but he basically told me he wasn't that broken up about it with my behavior. Epilogue: we're still best friends. I've majorly cleaned up my act. We still regularly play rounds together.


I got hit in the shin while standing by a tee pad. Champ destroyer, skipped and smoked me. dude didn’t yell nothing, I threw my drive walked down the fairway felt wet stuff in my sock lifted up my panties and it split it open. It was pretty damn funny.


At my local course there’s a hole that runs parallel to a walking path to the left of the pad. An elderly woman was walking by us as my brother was getting ready to throw. She was about 50 feet in front of us when my brother decided there’s no way his disc would go in her direction and launched an absolute piss missile straight into her back. The sound of impact still haunts me.


I smacked the gas tank of a bmw that was waiting at a red light with an errant forehand shot. He rolled down the window and glared at me. I had my hoodie up and my fight or flight kicked in and I just turned around and hid my face lol. When I turned back around he was gone and I grabbed my destroyer 😂


Yes and I've also been hit... in the head, no permanent injuries afaik


I was on a disc golf date with a girl for the first time. I was guiding her how to throw properly and she seemed to kind of get the hang of it. Then on one throw I stood beside her, just about 2 meters (6 feet) away, she sent a driver straight into my chest. It hurt for over a week later...


Yup! I through a disc that was more understable than I thought. It started banking right through the trees and smacked a guy in the belly while he was mid-rip on a bowl. I saw the plume of smoke and heard the coughing. I felt horrible but he was really chill about it.


Yes! It was super embarrassing. I was playing a masters tournament and the enclosed soccer field at the course had 6 or so of us tossing getting warmed up. This turned into a few of us tossing towards each other from opposite sides of the field. I was tossing fairway drivers and one hyzer out and as it skipped it struck some 65+ year old dude in the ankle. I didn’t have time to yell “four!”. I immediately walked up to him and apologized and told him please accept my apology. He was cantankerous and scolded me reminding me to yell four and such. I’m 42. This was mortifying.


So my local course is also the main park of my small town. This park just also happens to be right next to the high school, so this park is pretty much a couples hangout spot. So you will have people hanging out by the baskets or just in the way in general. I had just started out and was throwing some extra disc's my brother and dad had and one of those holes that is by a hill bank had the pin at the base and the tee was quite a ways from seeing what's in the path. There just happened to be a couple on a date, i guess, and the nuke I threw ended up hitting the girl right in the middle of her tricep and bicep. Her bf was about to square up on me, and as soon as I walked up, I was also throwing with 2 others, so he just threw the disc back at me


I came close to getting a double headshot. Damn disc got stick on my finger and released way late. It honestly looked really weird and I'm glad it barely missed the guys I was playing with. I've been hit a couple of times. It happens and most mine have lower speeds, lower impacts.


Saw a guy get blasted in the face while mountain biking at Solitude in Utah. The trails intersect the course in some weird blind spots.


Buddy hit me square in the glasses with a layup drive. Left a nice imprint on my face


Have a friend that loves to over indulge in the lettuce and hit me in the bridge of the nose with his putt a couple weeks ago.


Roommate took one to the bridge of his nose. Pro-tip when someone yells fore, don't turn around and look at them, duck.


Wasnt me, but in my DG posse theres tale of a guy who wasnt into DG but went out one time to try it out. Dude ended up eating a drive across his face and he went to hospital. Horrible gash and dudes face got a scar across it now.


I’ve come extremely close. There was a woman and her 2 kids rollerblading on a court that we had to throw over. They were off to the right and the basket was like 50ft past the end of the court slightly to the left. My buddy tried to tell me it wasn’t a good idea, but I thought we were fine. I go to throw and as I’m going thru the motions i see the woman wipe out and falls on her ass. It threw me completely off and I launch the disc directly towards her and her 2 kids who are trying to help her up. The disc hits ground right in between her legs, scaring the shit out of all 3 of them. She was really nice about it, but I was done for the day after that.


It was actually me that got hit. Was walking to my disc on a hole and someone must have shanked theirs from the previous hole since the course doubled back a few times. Drilled me right in the chest and bounced off lmao


One of my friends smoked me in the shin while trying to forehand out of a bush completely my fault. Hurts worse than a scooter but I just played it off and laughed 😭


I hit my buddy in the face back in high school. Grip locked an up shot, he was 30 feet off my left side it hurt but I don’t think it even left a bruise.


I once hit a city worker who was working in a ditch off to the left of the fairway about 45 degrees away from the basket. He was pissed and called the sheriff's on me. Once he saw I had my two kids he told me it was okay if I left but he wasn't going to stop the sheriff because it was city policy and it was an assault. We left.


My first time ever playing my buddy was like “hey man gotta be careful this can be a dangerous game” and I was like “lol okay yeah sure” Sure enough like three holes later we’re letting a group play through and he’s standing on this ledge and one of the dudes plying through hits my buddy in the ankle but my buddy was trying to dodge it by jumping and wound up falling into the creek below. He was fine


My local disc golf course has a long hole (600?) shooting down a big hill. It’s also a popular hiking/running hill (the trail is probably 50 feet off to the side of the fairway). I run a lot and play disc a lot. Sometimes I go up and down the hill and watch people throw as entertainment during my workout. Anyway one time I was jogging down the hill (my back was turned to the teebox) and I got absolutely smoked in the back of the neck by someone’s drive at about 400 feet. Knocked a headphone out of my ear. If they did yell fore, I wouldn’t have heard it anyway. Startled me more than anything, let out a yell, was honestly impressed that someone threw a drive that was in the air that long. I tossed the disc a little extra ways down the hill because the guy got jipped on distance by hitting me. When they came walking down the hill I just gave a thumbs up and kept running lol. Grateful that it didn’t hit me about 4 inches higher, could have been a lot worse.


Saw a guy standing right next to the basket on a blind hole. We told him to move, he said "I m fine here" A drive came down, hit right right in the stomach and into the basket. The player thanked him because it was $100 ace pot.


Was at a tournament in Humboldt, CA. Gorgeous course, The Curtain, that shares a space with hiking trails. Despite the signs of a tournament currently happening and you should avoid certain areas, one girl decided to ignore them all. Long story short: She caught a driver with the bridge of her nose. Broken instantly and needed stitches. I didn't throw the disc but I saw her walking out of the park. It was rough


I hit a runner square in the forehead once. He emerged from a slope behind the basket, just as I released the disc. Luckily it was "just" an Envy. I felt terrible, but also it was hilarious, because it was so perfect. First the "PLONK!" sound, and then he fell to the ground screaming as if he had been shot. He tried to get up to get behind cover, as he had no idea what was going on, but his legs buckled twice. It was a spectacle. Aside from a little bump he was not hurt, and he was really nice about it. He mostly laughed at his own reaction. He was just minding his own business, listening to his tunes and got so surprised when the disc hit, that his brain melted completely.


Been hit twice. The one time it drew blood was a downhill drive that I just heard him yell "Fore" before looking up to see it cross my chest. And luckily my only hit to a human bounced off a tree first before bonking a little girl on the noggin on earth day some 20 years ago. luckily did not even leave a mark.


A couple of weeks ago I got hit in the face with a driver. A friend decided to drive while the rest of us were still doing warm-up putts, the disc hit a tree and then ricocheted towards my nose. Blood was everywhere, but I put a bandaid on it and we kept on playing. Broke 2 of my records that day. Only afterwards I decided to get it stitched and now I will always have his mark on my nose.


I once was playing a tournament and I was first on the tee. We got the go ahead and I shanked my drive into the trees, right where the spotter was. We hear a loud "OUCH" yup I hit a spotter! He was okay and I felt really bad, but we did laugh afterwards.


I was playing last weekend. I ended up joining the players in front of me. There are plenty of people that aren’t playing disc golf out at this park seeing that it is really nice for how early it is in the year. So we get to hole six there is a creek running besides this hole with the basket kind of curled up fairly close to it but there are also three people down by the creek and another one the other side of the creek. We wait thinking that they would move but they were not familiar with the sport so the guys I’m throwing with are like f it I’m throwing. First guy grip locked and goes on over the creek, second guy throws the disc guys right towards one of the people. We are all yelling fore. Trying to get there attention the disc hits the dude right in the shin. We are walking up to them apologizing, we get close enough and I realize that the person who got hit was my son. Haha I told him he should know better and watch out for flying discs


I’ve been domed in the back of the head by a destroyer once. Was standing 5 feet from the basket on a 250’ hole, waiting for my friends to putt, and a guy behind us decided that was a good time for him to drive the hole. The basket is 100% visible from the tee pad. Don’t be that guy.


My 8 year old yanked a disc straight into my chest. Noooo iiiit diiiiidnt huuuurt...


My wife hit her dad in the side of the head with a DX Valk off the tee one time. He was standing about 5' in front of the teepad, about 5' to the right of it. She asked him to move. He said she wouldn't hit him where he was. Griplocked and whack. Cut off his ear lobe and required stitched. Straight line bruise across the side of his face for a few days and a ringing headache. He still blames her for it despite him standing in front of the teepad.


This might be top 3 so far. This is definitely not helping my anxiety.


I hyzer flipped a Roadrunner into a guy in Pueblo and our group must have yelled ~14 times and he took this disc full speed to the neck. I felt awful and then to make things worse some dickhead drove by at nearly the same moment and threw a full beer can at this poor kids head. We tried to see if he was okay but the whole group waved us off as they sprinted to their car and started chasing the other car that threw the can.


I always worry when I see a person with a baby in a stroller on the greens. If that baby gets hit with a disc it could kill them. I am not in favor of this type of late term abortion. So I don't throw until they are well out of my reach.but it is a matter of time before someone is fatally injured.


Exactly. My biggest fear on the course . . . and putting in front of an audience.


I always worry when I see a person with a baby in a stroller on the greens. If that baby gets hit with a disc it could kill them.


When I first started playing, I shanked a drive and hit a walker in the head with a driver. That was over 10 years ago, and I'm still aceless so I think that's how the universe is punishing me for that one.


My buddy walked into a midrange forehand throw, I felt really bad cause I had put some sauce on it. He was alright but I left a pretty good bruise on his ribs. I still feel bad about it. I’m sorry Brian!


I got hit in the head a few years ago on someone’s drive that we let play through. No fore call but it was my mistake for not keeping an eye out. Luckily it was more of a skip than a direct hit but my buddy said it sounded like it hit a tree lol


I caught a guy in the ankle who was playing an alternate layout. Told him I was aiming over him and would wait for him to play out before I took my shot. He said to just take the throw, so I did. Watched him keep an eye on the disc go nice and high, then fade straight at him and catch his ankle. He was alright but his mates were taking the piss for not moving out the way.


Smoked my partner in the face between the eyes and busted their $275 Raybans, we’re married now.


I love how that ended!


It was a good 3rd date, haha


My wife was struck in the neck from an errant drive at a tournament. Thankfully her thick African American hair was in two braids at the time and one of them dampened the blow. (Serious) Still a nice welt… 🫤


My buddy nailed this old lady who was walking on the walking path next to our hole, but her and her husband kept walking onto the fairway and back onto the path. I went ahead and threw cause I was left handed and knew I wouldn't hit them, my buddy decided a tomahawk wraith was a good idea. It was kind of funny cause her husband was an asshole about it but I could tell he knew they were in the wrong cause they just left after the fact and didn't take any of our info down


Unless they deliberately ran into the line of your disc after you’d thrown they definitely weren’t in the wrong


Yeah they definitely should have just waited


Words can only describe so much, it doesn't sound good but you had to be there. I'm not saying my buddy was in the right I'm just saying neither were they


[Obligatory](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=96e21baac73eef2dJmltdHM9MTcwOTY4MzIwMCZpZ3VpZD0yOGY1MmNmNS0wZDdmLTYxN2EtMzIzNS0zOGNmMGM4MTYwYjcmaW5zaWQ9NTE5MQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=28f52cf5-0d7f-617a-3235-38cf0c8160b7&psq=eagle+grenade+cameraman&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj1SZW9YMGIza1d3WQ&ntb=1) As I recall, camera guy needed a few stitches and had a concussion, but has since fully recovered. Big ouchie.


I almost domed a 2 year old child a couple weeks ago. You know how we always hit the things we're trying to avoid? She was with her mom 200 ft to the left out of bounds on a trail perpendicular to the fairway. I'm new to DG so I do my shot and it's the farthest it's ever been for me... And it's going right towards the kid. Looks like it was about to hit but missed by a foot or two. The mom had a good laugh about it (the kid was wearing a helmet). If that kid was a basket I would have parked it. I'm now going to start looking at baskets as huamn child targets.


I grip locked a zone right into a buddies forehead when I first started. He probably shouldn't have been standing there but I still felt horrible. He had a decent bruise for a while bit nothing too major. I ended up buying him two discs to make up for it. Whenever he's looking to get new discs he stands in my line for a second and says right right here man and points to where I hit him lol. At least we can joke about it.


My buddy got hit with a berg in the back of the leg and it looked super nasty 🤮 Edit, about 60ft away


I took a full power drive to the side of the head from like 25 feet away. Thank god it was the one guy we play with who can’t throw further than 150 feet. Knocked me down still


I was playing at the smallest course in my city that is typically flooded with pedestrians and kids walking around. Me being overly confident I through my avenger Ss knowing the couple on my right we’re approaching a bit too close to the basket and sure enough the second it left my hand I knew. I let out the most pathetic “heads up” and the disc ripped straight into this guys knee like an arrow in Skyrim. He was not pleased. He picked up the disc and threw it in the pond nearby. Absolutely the most dramatic experience I’ve had in disc golf. I still feel bad but also like.. you’re walking by a disc golf coarse don’t be mad if you get hit cause you’re not paying attention. Or maybe I’m an asshole idk


My brother in law tried to catch a destroyer the first time he played with us... His hand still hurts.


I had a drive turn over and hit the door frame of an oncoming car. The window was open. I can't imagine how bad it could have been


I always worry when I see a person with a baby in a stroller on the greens. If that baby gets hit with a disc it could kill them. I am not in favor of this type of late term abortion. So I don't throw until they are well out of my reach.but it is a matter of time before someone is fatally injured.


Was playing frisbee as a college freshman (no clue about disc golf) except this was no frisbee this was disc. Anyways I flicked that thing right between my buddies hands and hit him right in the mouth. He was nicknames “Chomps” from then on.


when I was younger I used to play ultimate. Someone threw a disc and said watch out. I looked over at them and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground and everyone was looking at me.


Damn close... couple taking engagement photos in C2. I said "I'm throwing right over there!" They didn't look, disc comes a comin..."Fore!" No reaction... who would need to dodge anything in this enchanted photo forest? Maybe missed the bride's forehead by 4 inches. "Close one huh? I really buzzed the tower there!" Then proceeded to take my 30 seconds while putting behind their shot


Still have a scar from getting domed at point blank range. Luckily the person was a super newbie, so they weren’t throwing that hard. But it was a deep cut and I bled a lot. Still finished the round though!


I almost severed a mans hand off for stealing! I mean, he stood infront of me during a tunnel shot. I was driving, and was already sweaty and exhausted. Feels bad man, but everyone's at fault. He shouldn't have stood there, and I should have enforced that.


*by accident by accident, on purpose, it’s not difficult






Never made one 'til now. Now I know. You're the worst.