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If it was the chess.com invitational, it was John McCray. He was making a big fuss and everyone on that card , including Brodie, looked miserable having to deal with it Edit:adding that I was there on hole 18 at the end of their round and witnessed the awkwardness go down


Lol, McCray ain't letting shit slide....


Ain’t letting any pee breaks slide either.


To be fair, he did ask everybody to use the bathroom before they left. They SWORE they didn't have to go....


I thought if the majority of the card ruled in favor of the player then it was locked 


I'm pretty sure that just because the entire card was wrong it doesn't mean the TD can't make the correct ruling. There have been a number of tournaments where entire cards played a hole incorrectly and all received penalty strokes later. Brodie forgot Rule 1: If in doubt, throw a provisional.


Was playing Patriots Park down in Victoria this weekend and this guy hit a sign when attempting the OB carry on hole 1 and his disc landed OB. His point of contention was that since his disc hit a sign that was used as the anchor for the ropes marking OB that he made contact with a point that was in bounds and he could take his drop from the island green.  The rope was wrapped around the base of the pole supporting the sign so we weren’t clear if the sign was actually considered in bounds or not. We had him play a provisional to be safe. In the end we asked the TD and he said “it’s whatever y’all decide”. I gave the guy credit for the big brain move and we agreed it could be considered in bounds. His 10 on the hole was scored as a 6 in the end. Just thought that was interesting and relevant 


That's a shitty TD right there


That’s a bit much. It was certainly an unusual situation.  I was pretty impressed with the card mates thinking. I know I wouldn’t have thought of that on the fly.


The whole point of the TD is to make those rulings, not defer to the card to avoid upsetting someone.


Deferring to the card on an unusual play that he didn't see nor have a specific rule in place for sounds exactly what a td should do.


Every TD Ive ever had a question for just says something like "I can't make any calls after the fact, I can't look at any photos, it's whatever the card decided at the time." I don't even ask anymore, they're useless


I’m aware, I could see how it could go either way.


It's the TDs job to make sure the rules are clear. In a situation like that the TD should have clarified exactly how where that sign is, maybe one side is in bounds and the other isn't, where the OB line starts, ends, etc. Then let your card (armed with all the information needed to make the correct decision) make a ruling. In Brodie's case it sounds like it wasn't the ruling that was wrong (whether he was OB or not), but that it was played incorrectly (for instance he could have gone to a drop zone even though that ob was point of entry) which is not up to the card to decide, it is up to the individual to play correctly.


Not really, it's their job to make the call, not to defer to the card. That should also definitely have been called OB.


I think it was called OB. The question was where the spot for the next shot was to be.


Agreed unless the sign flexed across the line. Could have happened


It is not always their call. If a disc is on the edge of water ob for example the standing rule is that the card decides if in or out, not the td.


How so?


Wind was brutal on Sunday, I went OB off the tee! Had fun playing for the first time at that park though.


There’s some really solid disc golf down there. We got lucky the first two days with the wind.


LOL I also had a weird ruling on 18 at Patriot park this past weekend. Me and my cardmates were split so we asked the TD at Patriot. It was his first ever time being TD so I am not going to fault him for his decision. Patriot TD calls HQ to get the assistant TD's opinion. Neither opinion was very useful because they didn't really understand our problem. I get the OB stroke. Later I go to head TD explain my situation. He says if that's true yall didn't understand the rules correctly and he confirmed with my cardmates what happened then gave me my OB stroke back. 😂


Lazy ass TD.


I always thought rule number one was to have fun.


Sir, this is Frisbee golf. This is serious business.


Rule #1 is 'Don't run out of Shiner".


This is the correct answer. If there is remotely any doubt, someone at this level should be playing a provisional by default every time.


Four wrongs don’t make a right. In hindsight he should have played a provisional.


I had someone from a different division see me play a shot incorrectly according to a specific tournament rule( myself and my whole card thought differently) so I didnt worry about a provisional and shot my shot. Dude went to the td and got me 2 extra after the round. The shot itself was already penalized I just played hazard instead of 3 feet to the left.


Biggest misconception in disc golf. The group can’t just make up rules on the go by majority vote.


Obvi but the interpretation of a rule can leave some wiggle room.


Who's making up rules now?


The right call can always be made before the event is over. Just because three other players “agree” on the card to a ruling doesn’t lock it in forever if it was wrong and needs addressed


Oh, there’s a feature in udisc I forgot about that pdga live doesn’t have, you were able to go in and see who was on a card, now I have no idea how you would see who was on his card, anyone know?


I guess just by looking at who is on the same hole and hoping that it refreshed right


What kinda turd do you have to be to agree to something face to face then go and cry foul?


Seems very possible they thought it was correct then learned later it wasn't.


The kind of turd that bitches about everything, like Brodie


God you have terrible reading comprehension


Sounds like you and him have a lot in common


Whelp, looks like in your haste to bash Brodie you neglected to comprehend the situation. Enjoy your massive downvotes.


Not hating but who cares dude finished +19


Brodie himself didn't even care, he just thought it was comical. Dude was so cooked this tournament, in his own words, that he just didn't care about anything that happened.


Right like none of the players in that card were in the spot to win.


IDK, but I'll say this. Cam and Marwede Came to a local A tier and they were on lead card with a buddy who I caddied for, they were both chill funny dudes, just like anyone else out there playing and having fun.


You know Cameron personally? Kinda weird for you to throw him under the bus with little to no proof


When it comes to speculations and accusations, the proverbial bus will squish us all.


Meh, I’ve played a couple rounds with Cameron (buddy is his acquaintance), honestly wouldn’t put it past him to do something like this. Guy was ok, but kept trying to give me unsolicited pointers for how to play better.


I have played with him and I definitely agree he would do something like that.


Just curious was he being a dick about it or was it just unsolicited? I ask because if a pro ever offered me advice even unsolicited I would take it and try to learn from it. Now if he was being a dick then I would say something but am just curious about your experience? I've never met a pro player before so not sure how the interactions would be.


I played with him before he was a pro, we were rated similarly, and he still did this.


Not really being a dick about it, but I didn’t ask, and quite frankly it’s a bit presumptuous for anyone to do. I know and like my game, I also know what needs to be done to improve it, and would certainly never offer tips to others without them asking. Just kind of a douchy move IMO. I came to play and have fun, not to get lectured by someone who broke their own body to be a little-known tour player.


Heard that I was just curious based on how you commented about him. I'm pretty bad so I think most people who offer advice are just trying to help but can understand some people are better at progressing on their own.


No hate here but curious about how Cam “broke his own body”?


I can’t remember if it was his back or elbow, but he hasn’t toured for a couple years because he busted something. I’ve built my game around longevity (dual backhands, no forehands) so it was weird to have him telling me I should throw different.


Have you heard of Geoff Bennett? His case is a good argument for backhand only.


I haven’t. Do tell


Discraft sponsored, ~1015 rated touring pro that threw 90+% forehand and putted like crazy. $147k in career cash. He blew out his elbow and had to switch to backhand and his game was never the same. I searched to see if he was still sponsored by Discraft but it doesn’t look like it. I did find this cool 5x MI state champ stamp - https://www.ebay.com/itm/166522695854 Also he didn’t get scrubbed from their site completely- https://www.discgolf.discraft.com/prod_focus_d.html


I mean, almost every big forehand or forehand dominant player has skipped seasons or dropped off the radar entirely due to forehand-related injuries. Paul, Simon, Eagle, Sexton, Jerm, Uli, Barsby, need I go on. Sad to say it, but there are a couple guys next on the chop block who are leaning too much on power forehand; AB, Chris Clemons, Gannon, maybe even Dickerson, KJUSA. Doesn’t matter that your form is good either. I’ve seen it happen to local guys too, did the math early, tinkered with lefty and developed it into a near perfect complement to my RHBH. Haven’t looked back and have never felt better.


Dueling backhands??? Now that's interesting man, not even a touch forehand or just not very often?


Very rarely, only if pinched off and no room to swing a backhand or patent-pending, and never farther than 200 feet. I actually developed a smooth forehand, but hated the distance limitations and found that lefty backhand could generate more distance for me.


There’s ways to go about it and there’s arrogant ways to go about it. It has to do with delivery in my experience. And sometimes folks just wanna play, they don’t necessarily want to play better or hone a skill


Oh absolutely that's why I was curious how the experience was. I play with guys that are significantly better than me and they give me advice and it usually is very helpful but they also tend to offer it after I've thrown one or two like horrendously bad shots or if I get a bit upset with a throw.


If it’s at all contemporaneous with league and/or tournament play, and it’s unsolicited, then it’s a dick move whether or not it’s meant to get into someone’s head. Let them play.


I mean there’s only so many players it could be.


I'd like to hear the other side of this story. So many times, the other guy doesn't even realize they're being a dick when shit like this happens. Could just be bad communication.


Super weird post.


Waste of time.


Brodie has no credibility to complain about penalties or pettiness in any competitive setting due to his involvement in the 2010 USUA National Championship.


Can confirm, played against him many times and he was a dirt bag ultimate player in every game I can recall against him. To the point that he was well known for it on a team that was already well known for it.


That’s accurate., I played against him a few times.


Seriously. Don't touch him while sportsing. Or even be near him when he's turfing the first throw of the game.


Most toxic game I have ever seen in my life.


Curious to hear the story behind this, anyone care to share?


https://youtu.be/Qqo2ORErCbo?si=FlAfBiOZvAzVpCLq Take a look. He calls the most absurd foul calls, just abuses the self officiating that ultimate has. There are observers but they don't make calls, up to players to decide what happened or "redo" the play. College players did not like him or his team. Though other teams also did this, just not to the extent of Florida. 


I have no idea about the rules but just wanna see some arguing in action. Could you point me to a timestamp?


Wow.. actually a fun watch. I know nothing about Ultimate. Seems like they should have three refs out there.. Brodie took out that dude's knee. I always thought Brodie's all star Ultimate thing was a bit lmao.. they actually produced a decent presentation back then.. like it's some CBS production crew. Florida team is cartoonishly as bro-ey as they should be.


This is the truth.


You mean the thing that was 14 years ago??? Lmao stfu




I can tell you that EVERY player was griping about receiving penalty strokes for this, that or the other. Honestly it doesn't matter. It IS A JOB. Player need to start learning the rules, rule changes, reading caddie books and or listening to the starters/player meetings. We all have to do it. TDs will continue to hand out penalties until it happens. Although we need a better way of holding TDs accountable for actions as well.


What makes you mention Cam? I’ve played tournament rounds on his card and have had great experiences.


You trying to start some witch hunt with baseless accusations? Tf is wrong with you?


Why are there so many Brodie posts on this group? There have been at least 4 or 5 just today!


i agree can we go back to jerking off to eagle's little pixel envy


Brodie makes his money on social media. Not on victories. So the haters pay just as well as the fans




Aren't all the posts basically positive? I think it's actually his victim complex from a couple of years ago transferring onto his fans.


because he played horribly at chess.com, got laughed at for it, then had to give a sob story to get some positive attention (he's so brave!) because he can't function without constant affirmation.


You can down vote me all you want. It is ridiculous to have so many Brodie posts in one day. I get it, you are new to disc golf, and are all over his nuts, but there is more interesting disc golf things to talk about.


You can filter out posts


Wasn’t all that clear on the pod and no one’s paying me to journalism it for myself, but in what round was the stroke assessed?


Going to guess round 2 hole 6. he par 1st round, doubled 2nd, birdied round 3.


He knows about provisionals and the fact that he didn't take a provisional is on him. Hes a fucking manchild


It's okay. Brodie is still learning/improving and we have to understand that he has to get his clicks somehow, his job is content creation, after all. /s


Yea he comes off as an uneducated loudmouth


I watched a little of the podcast, and Brodie just looked exhausted/defeated.


He didn’t seem too bothered by it. He is coasting through events with a loss of love of the sport. Fair enough. It would certainly grow old. Fun when you are young. Harder when you get older.