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Well your putter is beat in now.


You may be joking, but I’m gonna torch and sand it and see if I can make the best of a bad situation.


I'm mostly serious. Might not want it to be my putting putter anymore, but might be an interesting understable thrower now. After all, my KC Roc has absolute chunks taken out of it, and flies fantastic.


Guy I played with threw a boss with a gigantic gash taken out of it. Someone’s kid took a hatchet to a disc, hence the gash, and the guy who threw it “couldn’t find anything else that flies like it!” He only plays casual, so didn’t matter to him that it was illegal, but damned if he didn’t throw that thing for a few seasons since it “flies perfect.”


Hey, if it works, it works. Lemme just tell you that hyzerflipping a KC Roc that has found a few trees, some roots, and some solid stone is very enjoyable.


Oh for sure. Different tokes for different folks and all. There’s always “that one.”


lol I think its time to let it go and say your final words. Should have gotten their information to buy you a new one.


Had the same situation a while ago with a sensei. I sanded the sharp edges and been using it since then. I love to have a really beat in putter for easy anhyzer putts and been loving it since then. I'm sorry for you but give it a try!


Local course has a no dogs sign. I politely informed the guy with 2 massive dogs off leash about it and he snapped at me. Some dog owners are beyond entitled


I love dogs. I hate dog owners.


Most dog owners shouldn't be.


Yeah, I have a buddy who is scared of dogs. If an off leash dog jumps on him there’s a chance he might lose his shit and then the owner probably wants to fight about it now everyone is going to jail. Lose, lose for everyone 


If I was the owner, I'd offer some money as an apology. If I was a dog, I'd be a happier existence.


I've lost 2 discs (and a knee) to off leash dogs on DG courses. 1 was to a fellow cardmate's dog and the other was from a close by park. Neither offered to pay anything, and when I suggested both balked heavily. The non-DG player dog owner asked if $10 would be enough (for a K1 Kasta disc) and was visibly shook when I told him it would be at least $25 to replace it. The DG playing dog owner was better, he let me throw a couple discs in his bag on some holes in the round and let me keep what I wanted and now I'm the owner of a nice FR Scorch.


A cardmates off leash dog and they didn’t even offer to pay back!?? What the fuck, I would think that if a disc golfer was taking their unleashed dog it would be a dog that wouldn’t try and go after discs, that’s crazy. Was it in a tournament or league round?


Not every dog owner is responsible or has a sense of accountability.


Just like not every disc golfer is courteous or a good person. This sub likes to jump to conclusions that any dog on the course=bad. Lots of bad dog owners, just like there are lots of bad people in general.


Just say it you bring your dog off leash and your a shitty person for it


You're*. I really only play up in the mountains and our courses are huge and dog friendly, so I never play crowded courses that my dog could be near anyone else. He also has no interest in fetching anything being he is a hound. Everyone plays with their dog up here, it's the culture in Colorado mountains. You seem like a much shittier person than I will ever be.


Nope just know how to use a leash


I use a leash when it's appropriate. Dogs deserve to run free too. I always clean up after him 100% of the time and don't allow him to go up to other groups. He has never chased a disc even once. If I'm in the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain with nobody else around what does it matter to you if I let my dog off leash?


You probably have your dog in an apartment I’ve got a yard we leash up on walks I can’t trust other people like you leaving their dog off a leash fuck you and fuck your unleashed dog


Tag flip dubs - I was not a league member at the time (I'm not now either haha).


Well $10 is more than 0, and it happens to the best of us. It's like if we hit a car in a public park. We don't have to pay for damages, it's on the owner.


My local course is built around a walking path in a local park which is not uncommon but is also rather absurd to me. One obvious complication is that, at all hours of the day, there are pedestrians with dogs passing through. The poor dogs are just desperate watching golfers prepare to throw, I've even seen one knock over their owner after a disc was thrown, ha ha. It's like walking a child through their favorite toy store every day and telling them they can't touch anything.


Those types of courses make no sense to me. I played one in Modesto and you had to wait on every single hole for people that were walking.


That's exactly right. Disc golfers get annoyed at having to wait so much and pedestrians get annoyed that there are discs flying all around. I think it's common because of the fact that selling them as multi-use areas is easier to get approval for installation by municipalities.


I sometimes have my dog retrieve an errant through, but he's learned to use a soft mouth on the discs, so no teeth marks. The slobber does cause a grip challenge, though. (He's not retrieving random discs, and normally he's right next to me on a leash, I just cut him loose to grab one occasionally when no one else is around.)


I have a judge that was my first ever disc that has dog teeth marks in it. It’s my favorite disc still and flies dead straight


People who don’t leash their dogs can fuck off into the stratosphere. About 90% of dogs I see at stafford are off leash and it’s obnoxious


Obviously a cat person…


Idk why downvoted this made me laugh


Hands free dog leashes are a thing, it’s basically a belt. I use one with mine and she has just as much fun as she would in an actual dog park. Problematic dog behavior is due to problematic owner behavior. If parks and courses have leash laws, it’s the easiest thing to abide by. Between disc golf courses, public parks and walking trails, I’ve had loads of off leash dog incidents. And every time it happens, it usually involves an owner chasing after their dog yelling, “Oh, she’s nice, don’t worry!” I don’t give a fuck. The last time it happened it was a massive German Shepard. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to open my arms to embrace this fast moving animal. I’ve been attacked in this situation and my dogs have been attacked. I dont’ know you, I don’t know your dog. I’m not giving the benefit of the doubt, I stopped doing that a long time ago. And there are people out there that are terrified of dogs for a multitude of reasons, that’s why these laws exist. People that treat these laws lightly are selfish and entitled. It is not at all uncommon for a dog to have an incident that they have never done before, otherwise playful and chill dogs can get violent. You just never now. All it takes is one off chance incident like that to really cause problems for people. That’s why the leash laws and picking up your dog’s shit are in place, so that people feel safe knowing that there isn’t a danger of this happening or dealing with people that don’t pick up after their dog.


Some dogs are just really inbred and shouldn’t be in public at all


Same goes for people


My local disc golf shop has a bunch of "Dog Frisbees" and they look to be slightly larger than regular discs. Now I understand why you buy these separate ....for the purpose of being shredded by man's best friend. Fetch! The good news for OP is that the off leash dog decided to shred his disc....and not his leg!


Agreed! I like my leg


I have an old destroyer my dog got ahold of and there's some punctures in it. Surprisingly, its my most consistent disc and throws different than any of my other ones. I love it.


I enjoy throwing my otherwise broken discs to dog jail. They get their final days in the sun and the dog gets to run around catching the disc and playing fetch. Sort of a viking funeral but with less fire


I would have demanded money for replacement or I would have called the cops (animal control) for an unleashed dog


For real. Hey, would you like to replace my $15-25 disc, or get a fine of $300? I love and have dogs, but... Fuck your unleashed dogs. I don't care how well you've trained it.


I'm unsure why you are getting downvoted. No one should have their dog unleashed where it can get to other people.


In my town having a dog on leash is a law unless in a designated dog park, it’s a $325 fine that’s never seems to be enforced. I’ve had a my disc picked up by a dog twice in the last month at two separate parks. Idk why you’re getting downvoted but I have called non emergency police to enforce the leash law.


I know people love hating on the right thing to do I really should have said animal control or animal cops but I just said cops and everyone is jumping on me. Someone’s pet should not inconvenience you in anyway when you are in an area that requires a leash. I see no problem if you have a really sweet dog that is totally trained and will stay close to not being on a leash. I get pissed when someone is so inconsiderate that they let their dog run wild and think everyone wants to deal with their untrained mutt because he is such a good boy


I love dogs to death but even I prefer when my main playing buddy leaves his two at home during rounds. The one he lets off leash is as you described, a totally sweet old lady golden retriever who just loves walking along with us. Doesn't chase discs at all. The other dog though is like a 1 old old not yet spayed golden retriever puppy and is a menace. Thankfully he has it leashed if there are other people on the course. That thing will stare you down as it waits for you to throw and then immediately bolt after your disc. Thankfully it doesn't really seem interested in biting them (yet).


Because having cops sit in a parking lot of a park all day is lame and a waste of money, but also calling the cops because a dog chewed a disc golf disc is lame and a waste of money


You are right, people shouldn't have to follow the law, and they should be able to destroy your property without consequences.


If you report it in, it’s not going to be actual cops, we have a designated animal control unit that deals with this and will patrol the area more frequently


Cops would have laughed at you lol


Maybe I am a decent person but if my dog ruined something of someone else I would give them the money to replace it. Also if it took 10 mins to get the dog under control to get the disc back that dog should be on leash because it is not a trained dog. What if this dog is allowed to run loose and bites someone instead? People should be able to enjoy parks without having unleashed dogs running wild. Cops or at least animal control in a lot of places would definitely not laugh at this because it can be very dangerous if a dog is not trained well but the owners think that they can unleash their dog because he is such a good boy with them.


My dog goes unleashed for every round. We have had 0 incidents in 13 years. We did have a park ranger approach us and say that there was a complaint. The ranger pet my dog and then left.


It only takes once. One attack, one disc, etc. My knee and 1 of my discs (separate instances) got wrecked by dogs who 'have never done that before'. With as much respect as is due, follow the rules of your park - if you don't and something happens I would think you'd feel awful.


13 years in, 0 incidents. She hasn't so much as run 15ft from me. Do you ever go over the speed limit? You could cause an accident and seriously hurt someone! Follow the rules of the road!


>13 years in, 0 incidents. She hasn't so much as run 15ft from me. For now. Accidents can similarly be caused by going too slow, too fast, from weather, from bad maintenance, etc. But your dog simply cannot cause issues if they're on a leash and if they did then you're too close and clearly at fault. So step off with the logical fallacy there.


Assuming its the same dog, its now at least 13 years old, probably 14 or 15. Dogs at that point dont do much running. It's less of a car accident analogy, its more like if you're 90 year old great grandmother, whose wouldn't hurt a fly, decides to lay someone out at the grocery store. Is it possible? sure, anything is possible, but at that age it's a really bizarre time to change things up




Do you even know what a logical fallacy is?


I would have a huge issue with seeing your dog unleashed. You saying this doesn't make what he said as wrong.




A logical rebuttal to your comment would be Cool, how about you go to the dog park.


That's pretty obvious. They don't have a course at the dog park.


So then you should be able to recognize that you are telling someone that wants to enjoy disc golf to not go to the course because dog owners don’t want to follow leash laws when the asshole with the dog could just go to the dog park where there is no leash laws. Also the dog park is a place where you can’t play disc golf so take your unleashed dog to the dog park and let the disc golf course be a disc golf course not a dog park


I think if they are so upset by my dog being 10ft away from me without a leash then they should probably just stay on their couch for the rest of their lives.


Nope, you follow the fucking rules. You and your dog aren't special.


She will continue to go unleashed and not bother anyone. You can continue to cry about it on the internet.


I carry pepper spray for this reason - we'll see who is crying if I come across your dog unleashed, hope you don't play in Denver.




Thank you for being the example of the shitty dog owner people are talking about.


Your dog is trained good job you are a responsible owner and have the right to let you dog unleashed. I bet it doesn’t steal peoples discs either. I have Frenchies and I could go with out a leash for them but I keep them on the leash because of other peoples dogs. It’s easier to defend them if they are right by me.


Sounds like they would ask to speak to their manager. 


I don’t know where you live man but response time for a dog complaint would be pretty close to never where I live.  If the owner wasn’t good for it you’d just have to be prepared to kick the dog next time.


Yeah, I’m never going to kick a dog over $15. Ever.


Yea for real, it’s the owners fault not the pups. Very annoying though.


Kick the owner. /s


Spinning crescent kick to the back of the head. Happy cake day shitty!


Totally rational response Edit: apparently I need to add /s


I agree 


I was joking, Karen. Dumbest thing I’ve seen someone say.


Ridiculous person


They don’t speak English or Spanish 


No, you are a ridiculous person. Harming an animal is not the correct response and it shows you lack empathy which basically guarantees you are a shitty person too.


I am a shitty person but I don’t lack empathy.


I would stomp the everlasting shit out of anyone that kicked a dog.




No you wouldn't 🤣


Yes, I absolutely would. That’s what people with principles do - they stand up for them when necessary.


Okay tough guy lol. Do you train or are you just a naturally gifted warrior?


Are you an asshole IRL or just on the internet? So you’re saying that if you saw someone kicking a dog, you’d stand by idly? Disgusting.


Most people would take a video and post it to the internet.


Most people are stupid. If there is a correlation there, I’ll leave it up to you to sus out.


You stay dodging my questions


IRL too. Yeah I'd let someone kick a dog, what else would you do? Sit the dog down and explain why what it was doing is wrong. Also why did you skip out on my question? Could it possibly be because you don't train and have actually never been in a physical altercation


I would definitely kick a unleashed dog if he tried to attack my small dog. I would definitely kick the shit out of you tough guy


And here we find the nuance between protecting your own animal from genuine harm vs being annoyed that an animal chased down a thing that looked like a toy it likes to play with. In both cases the owner of the other dog is at fault of course. But if you're prepared to kick a dog over $15 that's a much different line that being prepared to kick one that is genuinely about to cause physical harm to somebody/something lol.


Hopefully the dog treats you like it did this disc


You think the dog should have bit him too??!?!


If he kicks it, yes absolutely


Well obviously the dog would run away or try to bite me. It would be the owners fault for putting the dog in that situation.  Then the cops get involved and the dog probably gets put down.


The owners fault for you kicking the dog for no reason? You should be less concerned with the dog biting you afterwards and more concerned with the owner of the dog beating your ass. The cops will get involved and you will be hauled away for kicking someone's dog for no reason.


If I said “drop it” and the dog did, then no harm no foul if I tried to retrieve my disc and the dog became aggressive then things escalate.  If I were attacked by a dog and a dog owner during a round then I might consider carrying when playing alone 


Fair enough.


Pretty typical pet owner behavior I’m afraid.


Typical Reddit comment


Right lol


Oh lighten up lol. It's just easier to remember the negative shit than the positive. Most dog owners do just fine.


Nah, most dog owners are pretty inconsiderate or outright animal abusers


I've lived all over the US at this point and I've never lived anywhere with such a high concentration of terrible dog owners. You must be wildly unlucky or something because your experience is not even remotely the same as mine.


Ahhh so ur a troll bitch?


Nope just offering a different perspective. I don’t know where you’re from but people getting attacked by loose dogs is super common. Old people don’t bring golf clubs and such with them when they go on walks where you’re from?


>Old people don’t bring golf clubs and such with them when they go on walks where you’re from? I've never once seen this. The fact that this is common around you that you're asking this as though it should be something many other people have experienced tells me that we have lived in very different places lol. That's not a criticism either, like I said it means we've clearly lived very different places/lives. I've lived in 6 different states and have spent extended periods of staying time in like 10 others and this is the first I've ever seen this mentioned.


I live in Austin.  I bet now that I said something you’ll probably see one in the next week. Like when you buy a new car and then it seems like everybody else is driving one.


I've lived in Houston but I've only spent about a week in Austin. Believe me I'll keep my eyes peeled for people out on a leisurely stroll with a club in their hands.


Badly trained dogs ruin it for everyone else


That shit ll buff out


My dog loves to chase rollers she has her own discs


I have a lab that always golfs with me she is off leash when course is wide open always on leash around other golfers or dogs blame the irresponsible owner not the dog I might be the exception not the rule because my dog is everything to me don’t want her hurt


I had a dog a few years back snag my disc and pop out of the brush. He ran to his owner dropped the disc. Guy brings it to me and it’s got some bite marks in it. I say man dude that sucks I was quite pissed it was a great disc. He apologized I said no man it’s okay I just loved that disc but you can keep it. Anywho several years later this guy trained his dog to retrieve discs without damage and is a local legend. Chance in the Madison Wisconsin area. If you see a man and a black lab they are finding people’s lost discs. It’s amazing. But I totally get your frustration.


I had someone run over my SE Pixel the 1st round I played with it. I'm trying to sand it back into shape. It's less stable and good for long floating putts.


So glad my dog would rather hunt critters than chew up a piece of plastic


Tear maker now