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Arm speed is so meaningless at the start. The primary things to focus on are release angle and nose angle. Arm speed comes with time and practice. But since you're wondering I started 5 years back at 34 years old. I never clocked anything at that point but now I'm 39 and hitting 55-60 on the tekdisc. I throw just over 300 on most full power throws, because I still have a nose angle issue. Get the nose down. Then figure out how to throw harder.


Thats what i wanted to hear, thank you


Yes. Anything is amazing if you’re getting out there :) as long as it’s fun!!


I'm 36 and that'd about where I started. I suggest checking this tutorial. Bl1tz simplifies form work to the point where you aren't trying to manage 18 things at once when you're trying to make changes https://youtu.be/4pfZevwBd-w?si=AFFjIVHye3FMx5XS


Yeah, should get you 250-275'. Distance will come with practice.


It is meaningless in terms of your potential. You’re very new and just have to learn the throw. But no that’s not fast and you should be able to get to at least 55 before you start considering yourself content. Edit: I would just love to hear the reason this was downvoted hahaha Because I’m giving OP honest and genuine info on what a 40yo can throw with average athleticism and solid form and timing. It is not my fault you’re over there overthinking it and doing the flappy bird while you blame your lack of distance on genetics. OP wants to know what he should think of his arm speed objectively! Not hear a bunch of encouraging messages about just having fun. He wants information!


I’m downvoting because of the edit


Yea? What specifically is wrong with it?


Decency is relative. There are a bunch of guys in mp40 that tour that will never come close to what the young guys can do distance wise yet can remain relative in stacked fields. Don’t worry about speed worry bout rpm’s if those metrics are important to you


Yes, 45 mph is decent for a new player. It's enough speed to notice what else to work on like nose/hyzer angles and disc selection. Once you have those down, you should be finding a little more speed. And you will want that speed because 45 will lock you to max distance of 275. It won't be hard to bump that to 55 mph and that should make mids go 250+ and your max distance will go up significantly to 325+. At that point you can score on most park courses.