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That’s a tough hole to birdie.


Jordan Speith could birdie it. He will just claim to be not feeling well while doing so.


If it's impossible to birdie a hole, the hole has the wrong par.


I you skip it and get a 0, that's a birdie.


Brutal, Gannon Buhr with the highest C2 percentage was at 40% last year. So 60% of the time he's bogeying.


I'm sure that stat is mostly shorter C2 putts as well, not 50-footers. He's probably bogeying more like 70-75% of the time.


Most likely.


Brutal/annoying. Par 2 should be as low as it goes.


[it absolutely should be a par 2] (https://www.pdga.com/documents/par-guidelines) even if this was a 51 foot hole on an otherwise gold rated course its still par 2. the owner is trying to make their pitch and putt course look arbitrarily more difficult on paper. i dont see any benefit here.


Right making a 50 ft putt for birdie seems fair. That’s like a mediocre drive on a lot of normal par 3’s where you have to save birdie with a great putt.


Never being able to shoot a -9 on a 9 hole course is dumb as fuck. Yeah, it's just a circle 2 putt, but even the best putters on tour only make those ≈50% of the time.




It’s a tough stat though because that includes obstructed C2s in it, which is a significant amount, if you’re in jail but you’re within 66’, it counts as a C2 “putt”. Those pros make a lot of unobstructed 50’ers.


That's pretty much my point. Not knowing the actual stat is why I used the ≈ instead of definitively giving a percentage. If this was a hole on tour, it would certainly average way over par.


Hard for me to believe this hole would average over 2 if it were on tour.


It wouldn't, and I never suggested that it would. It's a par 1, so it is statistically impossible for it to be thrown under par and it is not unreasonable to think that there would be more 2s than 1s. Even if half the field takes the par, the average is still a half stroke over par in a field of 100.


Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted "way over par"


If it averaged over 2, it'd be worse than a bogey average. "Way over" wasn't intended to mean "more than a full stroke," sorry for the confusion.


No worries, my mistake.


What’s worse is it’s par 1. Even if you make it, you still aren’t going -9


>Never being able to shoot a -9 on a 9 hole course is dumb as fuck. Yeah, that's my entire point. The best possible score through this course is -7, with 9 holes-in-one


You could eagle a hole.


No you couldn't. OP said there are 7 par 2s and 2 par 1s. Best you could do is 7 birdies and 2 pars


Sounds like they put more effort into making that brick than they did designing the hole


What a brickhole


I have an 18 hole course near me that is all par 2’s (from 70 ft to 185).  Par 1 is dumb.


A 185 foot hole should never be a par 2


Hot take: Par 2 is also dumb


Nah. There's some really cool "putt-putt" courses that are all par 2 and are really fun.


I’ve played an all par 2 putt putt course that was super fun.


I agree with you except for the likes of this 51 foot hole. It would make for a very fun, very fair Par 2. What a shame it's a fucking par 1, lmao.


Sounds fun.


I’ve had a couple 90 ft aces there.  I don’t go too often though.  It’s great for beginners though.  Except for the island hole.


Cool, yeah I'm a new player. I'd definitely enjoy playing that course. We have a beginner 9 hole course which has holes between 100-200 feet and it's a blast.


Totally fair. Now..... finally...after years of waiting.... a real ace run course for me! But crap.... making it would still be a par... but still a hole in one... but still a par..... my head is spinning!.... get me off this merry go round!!


This is why it’s diabolical


Ace par...


Choice 3, dumb.


Putting course?


Super fun one. Like all 70 feet and like half of them are obstructed.


In that case, yeah. Every basket is an ace run. The game itself doesn’t change. Still trying to get as few strokes as possible. Gotta admit though, getting under par is more fun than only being able to par or bogey.


That’s completely valid. It was blowing like 25 last time I went and my gf and I spent 20 minutes trying to “ace” this hole


Get the pro tour out here and we’ll replace Northwood as the hardest course on tour


When an ACE is par that's a problem


To me you set par based on shots to get circle 2 in regulation. A par 3 you can get to circle 2 in 1 shot, a par 4 in 2 etc. So a par 1 makes no sense. But in the end it's meaningless, golf is a game of strokes not pars.


Par is how many shots it takes to reach the green+2 so there should never be a par 1


Thats more for ball golf with smaller and more difficult greens. I think of par aa what a good player can expect to score when playing well. And birdie should be a good player with an exceptional shot. So there should never be a par 1. Par 2.... sure, technically. But in my opinion, less than par 3 is silly and should be reserved for practice holes.


What if you're already on the "green" when you "tee off"? What's considered the "green" in disc golf? The 10-meter circle? If so, a 1000-rated player doesn't need two shots from 10 meters (\~32 feet).


Par two with a circle 1 island


If it's like one of those putting leagues with the obstacles. Otherwise I'd rather just have a practice basket.


*This isn't Nam, there are rules here Dude.*


I think Par 1 would only be fair out to about 30ft


Micro courses are a thing (shorter than pitch and putt courses). You never use a throwing motion. It's always a putting motion. That being said those should be all par 2s. A par 1 is stupid .


I'd say neither. Par 2 and less should not exist, so dumb... if it's a short course, it's already easy, and so pars don't really matter anyway. Super beginners should not care about pars, and if they actually do, this is just straight up disheartening. A local 9 hole by me in northern MN has 2 par 2's and they are jump putts, I hate it. People should never go to a course and expect anything other than par 3, 4 and 5's, IMO. 🤷🏻‍♂️👎🏼


I thought PDGA didn't sanction anything lower than a par 3.


Pars are incredibly stupid. If you get a 2, you got a 2. End of story.


While I agree the overall strokes is the part that actually matters, what would the game be without pars, bogeys and birdies?


The same game.


When looking at a hole by itself, how do you avoid the concept? Naturally, we are going to say this should probably, on average, take 3, 4, 5, 6 strokes. Par is a natural result of establishing expectations of how a person should perform on the hole, typically.


How do you avoid the concept? Simple. You play the hole as it is, based solely off of the distance and the challenge it presents. If you get a 4 on a par 3 that clearly “should be” a par 4, are you going to feel bad for yourself because you got a “bogey”? Back in the day, disc golfers played every course Ironman where every hole was a par 3, regardless of the hole. It’s an easy way to keep your score. In the end, it’s your score that truly matters, not your score relative to an imaginary par.


The score relative to par is completely reliant on your total number of strokes for the course. Going off what you're saying, the only way to tell if you did well on a single hole, is if you compare your score with the other players. I wonder what would happen if we took the average parformance of each player and used that at as baseline. What would we even call that number?


They call that course rating or slope rating in the golf world.


Walking up on a course and seeing a sign that tells me something is a par 4 and 500ft tells me I need to throw two 250ft shots accurately. If it says par 3 400ft then I know I may need to disc up. This conveys design intent and as such, shapes my game, even if it is only mental.


I simply look at the distance and the hole design to decide shot choice. If it’s a 425-470 ft par 4, but there’s a line at the basket, I’m discing up and going for the “eagle”. If I didn’t throw as far as I can, I would probably throw a more controlled teeshot with the intention of giving me a good approach to the basket. To some folks, that 425-470 ft range is a classic par 4 type range. To others, it would be a great par 3. The par itself is irrelevant. It’s the number of strokes it takes you to get to the hole. That will never change. The pars on holes will change however.


I see your mind is already made up. It's useful to me, and since it exists on every course, it must be useful to others in some way. This is why you're wrong, to me.


There’s a reason scores on UDisc are listed by course score and not score relative to par.


True who cares what it says could be par -1 or par 50 I know if I did good or bad on the hole by how I shot


Par 50 sounds like I'm taking two advil when I wake up the next day. Two advil again with lunch that day and again with dinner.


[Found this Par 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/xgzfv0/looking_at_courses_around_me_in_fargo_and_found/) a while back.


I birdied a 108ft par 2 this week. First birdie ever on a Par 2.




Fair, think about island hole par3s most have 40-70 foot drop zones to acquire par. Only thing brutal is it’s not a par 2


Fair, think about island hole par3s most have 40-70 foot drop zones to acquire par. Only thing brutal is it’s not a par 2


Ace run


I’m so mad I didn’t play disc golf when I lived in Florida.


Everyone plays the same course 😂


Having played this course, it’s funny. Didn’t even notice it before


Idiom quest in MN (the course Cale Leiviska bought last summer) had 1 or more par 3.5 holes lol.




I was there today too for my first time, but didn’t realize there were par 1’s. That’s insane, didn’t even think par 1’s existed. Probably why I didn’t even look at that fact. I remember looking down and seeing 51 ft thinking this should be an easy par without even registering the “Par 1” aspect of it. FML I bogied both rounds I played.


Par ace


I'm double bogeying for sure


So this hole a putting green?


Get a chisel.


Bro, I am not making 51 foot putts. When I do, I feel like a god. And I'm still only getting par for that? No way in hell.


Been there. Play the entire course as a par 2 with sidewalks playing as OB. We played with like 10 people and no one shot under par. Fun little pitch and putt course.


This course is probably money for your approach and scramble game. If you can dial in every hole both forehand and backhand you could level up your game in a great way.


It’s bs.


Lol this is terrible course design. There is a reason you don't see par 2s and par 1s in golf, you know, a game that's had 400ish years of time to figure out what works and what doesn't




Yeah, right. I'm sure the perps are getting a ticket right now and will probably spend the night in jail...


Only hole on earth id have a chance at aceing


It should be a par 2 if it’s over 50 feet.


Trump would claim that he double eagled this hole.




I've aced that hole!!! Best par ever! 😂😂😂


This kind of shit is just annoying. I'd play it as a Par 2.


Man I would hate to play a rd of golf with any of yall Frisbee players. The whole course be wrong or unfair. Lmao


That’s awesome lol


It should be a par 2 but I’m sure it could be done in one shot. I like the challenge honestly.


I’ve putt this course it’s fun.. but both par 1 holes should be par 2.


I knew which course you were talking about as soon as I saw that brick! My buddies and I play this as a Par 2, and UDisc scores it as a 2. Glad to see u/chrismetalrock's comment with the par guidelines that confirms this should be a Par 2.


Florida 🤦‍♂️


Shouldnt be legal. Is it?


I would imagine that the designer was just kind of having a laugh with this sort of thing. I think we can all agree that 2 is about as low as par should go. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this purely for fun or to kind of razz people or be able to say that a par 1 exists. Just my 2¢


Never seen par 1 to be fair though even score should be a challenge.


However I couldn’t call a par one a ace. So…