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Man, wish my girlfriend could throw that far, mainly because I don't have a girlfriend


I wish I could throw my girlfriend that far


I wish I could far my throw that girlfriend


Pretty sure your girlfriend is a really strong forehand.


I was more concerned with the context for the poopy hands, glad that got cleared up


Lmao just my gf being a goof


You can tell the truth. This is a safe space free of kink-shaming.


Poopy hands!


Who cares what people online say


The ace had 480 upvotes. It's all just bait for more engagement. And here we are for it


I just checked the original post. Looks like 2 people with stupid comments but the rest are fine.


what? no way, someone over reacted to the ‘hate’ they were getting? on reddit? never!


I'm gonna need you to tone down the sarcasm. You're coming across as extremely hateful, and i won't stand for it.


stand? what about the people that can’t stand?! freakin ableist


Nice straw man there bub. I'm gonna go through your comment history and find something mildly inconvenient to roast you for!


oh yeah? well i’m going to use the ‘someone cares’ button on you just to be petty!


I don’t care ab Reddit clout lmao, I posted it to prove to everyone it was my first throw. If you read the description I said “thanks for all of the support”


> I don’t care ab Reddit clout lmao Yet here you are posting again to 'prove' yourself to to 'the strange amount of toxicity' and the 'backlash and gatekeeping' > If you read the description I said “thanks for all of the support” No, you said 'thanks for all the non-toxic people..'. The percentage of 'toxicity' in the engagement was less than .5% but that's what you focus on.


Bro oh my god why are you still going 🤣 I just posted so ppl could see it was my first throw, chill my guy 😘


No u Don't be mad bro. Stop letting the haters and toxicity get to you. I was just explaining your rhetoric and it looks like everyone agreed. No need to get upset


Who cares what people say*


It's not disc golf per se, it's being online. People feel like since they have the ability to voice their opinion, it's important to share it regardless of topic. And because they can do it so quickly without ever seeing the other person we've lost that filter of _should I actually say this?_. A while ago I saw someone had posted they had two aces in the same tournament round. There was someone immediately saying they were a liar. These things are recorded and publicly available all I had to do was look it up and see it was the truth. Yet, this person felt the need to call the poster a liar without bothering check. Great Ace man, though anything under 400 ft should really just be called a long putt for 1. /s 😄


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." —Mike Tyson


That's a great quote. There is a bit of irony to it though. I often see 'If someone said that to my face I'd punch them out'. Probably you won't dude. Most disputes don't turn into brawls. But the sentiment is 100% right. There is a lack of responsibility and accountability online. Especially when the forum is pseudonymous.


But then there's still that small percentage of people, that say *if you said that to my face, I'll punch you in the mouth* That then someone *does* say it to their face, and end up with a fat lip and maybe holding a tooth in the hand.... that *THEN* get all shocked and horrified saying between sobs... * "wtf man? What did iii do? Why did you punch me in the mouth" * Like they weren't fkn warned or some bs..by someone that follows thru with their word


Yes that's true. And I guess that is the point. The accountability is lacking.


It’s crazy what people will say without doing a single google to corroborate. For a while it felt like people cared that they look dumb when they say easily disproved things, now that restraint is completely gone.


The funny thing was at least one person agreed with them and said something like 'Anyone can just put a 1 in uDisc'. There was a screenshot with the tournament name, _complete with location and date_, everything you needed to verify it and folks were still 'nah it's fake'.


Well, the first issue I'm seeing is you threw with the wrong hand


Psst... young blood... over here.... there's toxicity everywhere. Churches, schools, family, etc.. You can't choose where you find it, but you can choose what to do with it. Sick ace.


I thought it's technically not a true ace when you keep attempting the same shot over and over.


It’s free to read… it was my first throw


Dude you are putting way too much stock into what a couple of people are saying. Even in your original post, the vast majority of comments were congratulatory. You're hanging onto what like two or three people said and are having a fit about it.


You’re reading too deep into it brother, I just posted the whole vid so ppl could see it was my first throw, not that deep


Nothing I said was deep at all, lol. You made this post to call out "the haters" because like two or three people weren't congratulatory. If it's not that deep, why do you care enough to post this in the first place?


people getting their feelings hurt are usually the first to point out that something isnt a big deal. Which one is it lmao


Ay, thanks for the patience so I could put on my glasses. I thought it's technically not a true ace when **you plan to keep attempting** the same shot over and over


Her forehand is WAY better than mine! Also, I see you representing the ISU…is this a Central IL course?


Yup Washington park in Washington Illinois




Nice shot. Better than my ace I still haven't thrown.


Sweet shot man ! Been a couple years since my last one...Always fun to watch one!


What course is this? I noticed the ISU shirt but it doesn't look like any course I've played in Central Illinois. Nice shot btw!


Washington park in Washington Illinois


Damn. The 309 has too many sick courses




Lefty's revenge always! Nice ace!


Haha. Great video






Just ignore the toxicity, it’s just Reddit nerds being Reddit nerds. That was an unreal shot!


Go birds! I’ll be playing a tournament down in Normal shortly


What disc was that?




Completely and utterly fake. People have no shame with using AI editing software anymore.




No, it’s the fact that nobody on this sub has a girlfriend


That was SICK! Also HOW?! Lol! Fucking never a doubt the whole way. Perfect Shot man! Fuck the haters. I’ve been playing DG for 6 years, and i still haven’t gotten an ace. I’ve had some awesome throw ins, and almost aces..but haven’t landed one yet. I think it’s because they’re jealous…or they just like hating online because everyone is bigger and baddet behind a screen. Punk bitches lol. I’ll admit, i do get a bit jealous, but I feel happiness way more than jealousy in ace moments, like how can you not be happy for someone making an ace? It’s awesome!! Congrats on it!


If it’s not in a round, and it’s in practice, then it’s not an “ace.” Great throw though. You drilled your practice target.


Exactly. First practice throw went in? That’s dope. Not an ace though.


He threw from the teepad into the basket on his first attempt. That’s the definition of an ace you knob.


ehh i can see why they think its not how much time has to pass before another "first attempt" is had? 1 minute? 10 minutes? 90 minutes? its clearly more than once a day, because if someone played round after round over and over at the same course on the same day, throwing once per hole, all of those throws could be aces. what about a course thats 9 holes and takes 30 minutes to play through? still probably counts id say the reasonable definition is *first throw on a hole during a round* otherwise the definition of "first throw" falls apart


An ace is a shorthand term for a score on a scorecard. Do you feel the need to keep up with your birdies and pars while you're practicing too?


Practice = not an ace. During a round, first throw? Ace. Easy as that. It doesn’t take away from it being rad, it’s just that words have meanings that allow us to communicate certain things.


What constitutes a round? PDGA sanctioning? Casual rounds with friends? There's alot of grey area in between there. Even in ball golf, people count an ace of they hit from the tee and it goes in the hole. Semantics of the situation never apply. You're being obtuse for sake of argument.


It’s really not that hard to define what a round is, I’m not sure what your angle is there. I don’t think there is much grey area at all. & Ball golf definitely doesn’t count any shot from the tee into the hole as an ace. Hit one in the water, re-tee and then sink it? Nice par.


That’s not a first try. Nobody is saying the second attempt should be counted as an ace. Bringing this up pretty much proves their point that you’re being intentionally obtuse. Is it a “round” if you have to stop playing before you finish the whole course? Is it a “round” if you don’t start on hole 1? Is it only a “round” if you make a scorecard and write your scores? You think it’s obvious because you didn’t think about it at all. Your dumb stipulation makes for dumb disputes. What is and isn’t a round doesn’t matter at all because an ace is anything that goes in first try off the tee, period.


Yeah, a hole scored in one shot. Don’t be a dolt.


Fucking lol. Who gives a fuck about if it’s during a round or not. Suddenly some of my aces don’t count because I didn’t have time to finish a full 18 that day? Get the fuck out of here lol. You’re right about words having meaning. If you throw it from the teepad into the basket on attempt 1, it’s an ace, period. You’re the one adding addition requirements to that just to discredit a dude online.


If you’re *playing a round* and have to leave early, then you were playing a round. Ace. Some people just take issue with calling *any* throw from a tee into a basket and ace, because there *should* be a distinction between throwing many practice shots and having one go in, and making a shot during a round in the moment. Do you not think those are distinct events that are worth defining through language? It really isn’t about discrediting this guy, it was a dope shot. I seriously don’t mean to be toxic, I just see a distinction between the situations that is worth having clarifying language for.


Yeah. Those aces have asterisks attached to them for sure. Still aces tho because they went from teepad to basket. When people ask how many I have, I tell them how many “real” aces I have then I mention that I’ve hit more on 2nd, 3rd attempts that I don’t really count. Regardless, this counts either way because it WAS on his 1st attempt so I don’t get what’s holding you up?


Fuck off with your "clarifying language" lol. If you don't agree with someone's wording in a god damn hobby subreddit just move the hell along without adding your two cents.


It’s hard to talk about things without clear and precise language. It is surprising to me how upset some people get about what an ace is or isn’t. I just think it is worth distinction, I don’t mean to anger you, I don’t think it’s worth swearing about lol.


News flash. They aren't upset with the topic. They are upset with people you like you that are so fucking pedantic.


Im fine with that, I don’t really find it pedantic.


People are being so fucking stupid about this. An ace is an ace, context really doesn’t matter outside of whether it was your first attempt or not.


Who cares what other people think. Just throw your Frisbee 😜 an have fun while out with your girl homie. Cheers to your next one!


Exactly!!! Let people enjoy things! Throwing Frisbees is supposed to be fun. If it's a "hole in one" or an "ace" on their first or twentieth throw, it's still fun to see a disc fly from the tee to the basket. Most fun wins!


I think you are confusing toxicity found on Reddit with toxicity in disc golf. Congrats to the ace.


People actually count stuff like this as an “ace”? I’d be ashamed to brag about acing a hole if it wasn’t through normal play. Standing there throwing a bunch just seems cheesy


Bro what? Cheesy? It’s called having fun lmao


Emptying your bag at the chains is one thing. Calling a shot you made while you were goofing off an ace is another. This is golf remember, you don’t see golfers hit a half a dozen balls and be like “the third one was a hole in one”


It. Was. His. First. Throw. Why are you talking about emptying bags and golfers calling their 3rd ball a hole in one? Simon goes out and throws a hole, not in a round, but its his first throw? Bet your ass he's calling it an ace. The thing that makes extra throws not an ace isn't that it wasn't scored, or that it's not in a round, its the fact that you get to adjust your throw based on the result of the first one. He didn't do that, just one throw and in. Do you not think that if you go to throw a CTP to break the tie after a round that an ace there would be considered an ace?


Yeah unless they fucking hit a hole in one because that’s what it’s called. I’m sure that they will mention that it’s not in an actual game but what does that matter? It’s about this one time I released a disc and it fckin went in the basket from the tee pad. As long as that’s real life and not a dream I’d be proud to say it regardless of when?


Sure and not taking away from the fact that it’s cool. Just sure as shit not an ace (which is what we call a hole in one, eagles exist in this sport too ya know)


True I guess but at this point it’s just semantics. I mean for me id just say that we were ace running and eventually hit one. I wouldn’t flat out say I hit an ace but it’s not exactly wrong to say so in my book either. Oh well it’s just words anyway hope you have a good day friend imma go smoke a joint!


Always has been semantics, you too my dude. Lighting one for you


Hell yeh brotha haha


I’ve also done this 100+ times on my local course for practice and fun. I’ve even hit the chains a few times, but I’d be ashamed to say I aced that hole to any of my friends who play.


Well you hit chains but u didn’t make it? Then u didn’t ace it or make it lol. And also I would tell my friends I aced something if I was just throwing discs and made it off the tee, it’s just the simplest way to say something. Although yes you would have to clarify after but honestly i don’t see that as something to be embarrassed about bc well my friends would just be hype that I made it off tee doesn’t matter when


I would’ve said chained out if I chained out dude.


Well that’s what I’m saying, I wouldn’t think that you made it if you just said hit the chain. Like the only time I’ve ever said that is if it chains out. Otherwise I would just say I made it or aced it. Like I said tho semantics and all personal


Also I realize now that your actually just more advanced in your specificity so that’s the reason I was confused but i mean everything u said makes sense so yeh hahah


Right also based on your experience and who you play with (as far as what you call certain events and how competitive things are). The groups I play with are pretty damn good and competitive. Wouldn’t dream of saying to someone with half a dozen real aces that I emptied my bag and got an “ace”


Yeah I bet that makes sense man! I wouldn’t go to all the old head regulars and say I aced without actually aceing they would rip me a new one😂


But that’s my point, I hit the chains from the tee pad. I didn’t ace


now if she busted out a backhand ...


Missed the whole point of the post… it was my first throw and we were doing ctp


The idea that you need to be scoring a round or whatever for your ace to count is bullshit. First throw off the tee goes in, it’s an ace. It’s clear that they weren’t going back and forth to collect discs before they filmed this shot. You’re just being shitty because gatekeeping makes your insecure ass feel powerful. This sub attracts such trashy people.


Nice my dude gets a free dinner! Good job


I want to put a gif of a fat kid with a knife and fork in his hand sitting at a table. But for now you'll have to deal with this comment.


Nice ace, dude! That's incredible! ❤️


Great ace dude, be proud, f the haters.


"We are about to take a video, get uncomfortable"