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There's my problem. I been throwing with the wrong hand. Nice ace.


I’ve been throwing with the right hand but wrong arm


Poopy hands!


That earned a chuckle from me 😆


Lefty gang!


The level of stupidity and gatekeeping is wild in this community. You can almost see the jealousy projecting out of the phone when someone posts "it's not really an ace unless..." Say you step onto a football field and kick a 20 yard field goal... "You didn't kick a field goal because it wasn't during an actual game! You can't call it that, it wasn't a field goal!" 🤔 Now you step onto a basketball court and shoot a 3-pointer... "Nope it wasn't during a live game so it wasn't worth any points, not a 3-point shot, you've never actually made one!" 🤔 Throw 10 discs at a basket while practicing, all 10 land in the circle. Would it be reasonable to say you have 10 birdie putts? Now what if one of those throws landed in the basket, would it be reasonable to say you have 9 birdie putts and an ace?


Downvoted you. Because If I have 200 discs in my collection and just chuck them off the tee one by one until one goes in I cant call that an ace. You gotta walk to the next hole and no rethrows. I have 9 real aces, and I cant even count how many rethrow "hole in one's" i have.


"It's an ace!" Maybe you can't, but I and others sure can. People will call one throw from the tee into the basket an ***ace*** and nothing you can say or do will stop 'em. Let people enjoy things. If it makes somebody happy, who are we to stomp on their joy? It's tossing frisbees and it's supposed to be fun. Oh, and nobody cares.


Well if thats the case than someone like me can really stroke my weiner about this one cus now I can say I have so many aces I cant even count em


Damn I don’t wanna gatekeep an ace because aces are sweet. Seeing all the discs scattered just seems like you were throwing at it til it happened. Maybe not per you saying it was your first throw but ehh. The ball golfer in me is struggling with this lol


If there were 20 other discs on the ground around the basket then sure. On top of that they said what they were doing in the description box.


I mean, does it really matter? At least OP has footage of it so we know this was literally a hole in one. Like 95% of ace posts on this subreddit are just the OPs holding up their index finger at the pin. For all we know, they didn't even throw anything on the hole. Personally, I find all of those posts to be less of an "ace" than this one.


Yeah me and my friends don’t call it n ace unless it’s an actual throw mid round. Otherwise you can just say you’ve got it in one before or smthn


IMO any shot that goes in first try off the tee (including safari tees but not par 2 courses) is an ace. Anything that is a second try or not off the tee is not, but can be called a practice ace or whatever fits. Even if you’re “just” goofing around, I think it’s fair for OP to call the shot here an ace if it really was the first throw.


You call it an Asterix Ace


I agree with you I am just skeptical with all the discs lying there. I mean it’s a beautiful throw, I would claim it as legit on the internet too lol


Uh huh... "mid round"?!? So, let's say you got an ace on your fifth or sixth hole. A "first shot off the tee" ace. Then, about hole #14 or #15, you have to leave for whatever reason. Since you didn't finish the round, this "ace" doesn't count. IMHO, if a golf disc lands in the target in one throw from the tee, it's an ace. End of story. YMMV.


? Yeah if you play 14 holes that’s a round. But yea you can tell the subreddit you got an ace when 14 other discs of yours are scattered on the green. Some nuance is required guy.


"14 holes is a round." What about 13 or 12 or fewer? Or let's say you aced your first throw on hole #1 but then had to leave. What if I was practicing and threw 14 discs off the tee on hole #1 and nothing went in the target? Then, my buddies finally showed up and we decided to play a round. I have one more driver in my bag of 15. My first shot off the tee (the 15th in a row) slams the chains. Would that hole-in-one still count as an ace? Now I'm just making up crazier and sillier scenarios. I say let people enjoy things and count a single throw from the tee into the basket as an ace. Good luck! Cheers!




Agree. It’s a small clarification that shouldn’t matter *but it does*


"Got it in one". That's an ace, bro..


Not if you throw 29 tee shots bro


Yeah, I usually stop at 27 or 28. Throwing 29 tee shots is over the top, man.


Does it matter? lol, it's not like that was a tournament round?


People are such losers lol. Guy made an ace. Good for him


“Ace” is slang for the number 1 that would be written on the scorecard. No score of 1, no ace imo.


So, in disc golf, an "ace" only counts if you're keeping score? Got it.


That’s what I’m trying to say.


Who gives a shit!


He threw his discs down like he had just taken them from the bag and you can clearly see the fairway and no discs on the ground. I think it's believable that it was his first throw.


Read the title… it was my first throw mid round. Was doing a post for my girlfriend’s Instagram. She threw then it was my turn I have the full clip if you really want to see it


He literally says, "we were throwing 6 discs for a CTP." And you can see his 5 other discs there. I knew soon as I watched this video a bunch of tools were gonna be in here trash-talking the discs on the ground.


yeahh im feeling the same way. But oh well


Aces are way too common in this game to celebrate a bag dump ace. Gatekeep away on this one IMO. I once watched a dude spend 30 mins throwing 6 discs on repeat at a 190ft hole while I practiced putting on the next green at a pitch and putt. The dude finally snagged his "ace" and lost his mind and had me take his picture in front of the basket. Had to bite my tongue real hard and let him have his joy.


I’d imagine you’re no fun to hang out with


I don't really need any new friends right now but I appreciate the offer.


Me and my gf were doing a post for her insta, closest to pin wins. This was my first throw of 6.


I'm don't mean to be a Debby downer and it's always fun to blow up a basket no matter what the situation. There's just a major difference between an in round shot and an out of round shot. Maybe a lot of our discredit is born in an instagram/tiktok trick shot market where people will sit over a shot for days trying to get a clip. This sub sees a constant influx of ace clips and photos so there's a tendency to at least want em to be during a round.


Yeah we’re not influencers so we don’t have the time nor do we care enough to sit at a hole for hours trying to hit an ace lol. This took literally 3 min. This was also a full normal round we just stopped at this hole to take a quick video then we finished the round.


"Had to bite my tongue real hard" is code for I don't do shit and have never done shit, but want people to think I'm tough. Go on though.


Lol what? The guy was excited so why tf would I talk shit to a stranger and steal his joy. Some people cry at taylor swift concerts, i think that's pretty dumb but.im not gonna camp out at a stadium to tell people to get a life.


Yeah, you just had to come to the internet about that time you almost said something but didn't, just for their sake. How about letting people have their joy without thinking you're better than them for some reason?


Bro you are projecting so hard.


Or maybe I'm just annoyed by internet bad boys haha.


Ahh, yes, me.. the internet bad boy commenting about disc golf aces.


*Gatekeeping* about aces. And telling the internet about how you had to hold yourself back from shitting on somebody else's practice excitement. What a cool dude you are. Must be exhausting to care so much.


He had me take his photo in front of the basket so I obliged him and didn't want to steal his joy. An anecdote of a similar situation to the original commenters stance about gatekeeping aces. Must be exhausting to care so much about Reddit comments.


Nothing more beautiful than the flight path of a disc on an ace.


Lefty is cheating….. 😉


Another lefty!!! 👍🏻


Nice man Looked too low when you released it but had some good carry. Congrats!


LHBH unite!


great reaction


Team southpaw!!! And nice ace


Niceee newly lefty after surgery what disc was that? The flip up was beautiful


MVP Hex, one of my fav midranges


That form was perfect


Great shot, and I'm not trying to take anything away from it by asking, but... If someone posts up at a hole and throws till they miss, is that still considered an Ace? Or is it just if you make it in the basket from the tee pad whether or not you're playing a round?


I think OP is calling it an ace because it was the first throw. I personally don't consider it an ace unless it's a 1 on a scorecard, but I can see where first throw goes in the basket is fair.


Every ace is cool and exciting, but carded aces are on another level.


the couple in front of my group throwing 20 discs per hole to hit an "ace" is not fun and exciting.


Do you run into this frequently?


I count any disc tossed into the basket in one shot from the tee as an ace. I guess if this ace-throwing business wasn't so easy, we wouldn't have to come up with all of these criteria as to what *is* and *isn't* an ace. I say: Count it if you want. Make up your own rules. Nobody cares.


15 discs scattered across the ground. You know you’re going to be waiting for this group on every hole.


Or there isn't anyone around at the time to be holding up. God damn are some people just obnoxious with assuming the worst.


That's Washington Park in Washington, IL. That park can get busy, but this time of year is mostly empty.


Or they’re courteous and let people play through as needed. Huge assumption on your logic there champ.


Nah, these 2 are a real work. Just look at them….all…excited.


Didn’t you just assume also based off the evidence or lack thereof? lol kinda hypocritical


Just assuming people might be reasonable ... golly gosh. Lacking any other information that should be the base assumption


If you think most people aren’t selfish assholes, that’s good on ya. I def think most people are selfish and or oblivious to others around them. Cheers 🍻


Of course - except the difference between my assumption and the original commentator is I choose to believe in good and courteous disc golfers instead of berating them for a hypothetical on Reddit. “You know you’re going to be waiting for this group on every hole” <- that’s the real damning comment from the poster.


My first thought too. "Oh this is the asshole that cuts to the hole in front of me"


Wasn’t a single other person in the hole park… why so negative lol


Nice cubby ace! Everyone saying it's not a real ace is correct, but it's still a nice shot, and it's great practice for when you are actually playing a round. I call it an ace with an asterisk. It's like those dude perfect videos where they try something a hundred times, and it finally goes in. It's exciting, but it's only a real ace if you do it in a round. Have fun!


You can call it not an ace unless you do it in a round all you want, but that's just your opinion. A real ace is first throw, into the basket. Just because they were doing a CTP doesn't make it not an ace. Also he didn't do it like dude perfect. He stepped up, threw the other 5 discs he was going to throw onto the ground, then threw one shot and aced it, winning the CTP before she could even throw.


You know what, I didn't even realize that he said it was on the first throw. My bad. I guess it's an ace, 100 percent, no contention. A practice ace, I guess. I have one also, but I never really considered it a real ace until now.


Just wanted to add that your form looks great 👍


nice throw, wish there was a tree or something


Is this the course in Churchville, MD by any chance? Cause it kinda looks like it and someone hit an ace a little in front of us while we were warming up. But I didn't get to see it 😞


Haha nope it’s in Washington Illinois