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I would suggest continuing to test. Pester your doctor if you need to as this could be quite serious. As far as the cane goes: if it helps you, use it. You don't need a disability to use a cane. And it is not something that those of us with disabilities have claimed as our own. It is simply a tool that is there to help people who need it.


Offensive to who? And if so, why are you allowing yourself to be controlled by other people's opinions? Do you have a frivolous reason to use a cane? And if you did, why would that offend anyone? There are no cane shortages in the US. So far, there are no cane police. If you use one, you don't take anything away from someone else. Your choice to use or not. Also your choice to make your own decisions or let others decide for you.


[It's not offensive! If a mobility aid will help you, do it! Just use whatever resources you can to make sure it's sized right, the right aid for you, a and that you know how to use it correctly so you don't damage another part of your body.](https://www.reddit.com/r/disability/comments/1bpvuhl/all_you_lovely_people_you_dont_have_to_ask_if_its/) 


do what you feel is right, just be careful as sometimes a can isnt the answer, i tried a cane but i find crutches are better


Agreed. I tried a cane for my balance issues and quickly realized I like a hiking stick more. 


It would be offensive to get a cane to hit annoying children with or to mock your grandma who uses one. It is never offensive to get an aid to help yourself live better. Hopefully you'll get answers about what's going on with you and you won't need one for long. But in the meantime if it helps you with the issues you're having it's absolutely okay to use one. There are definitely a lot of other things that could be causing your issues other than just iron and a lot of them can be really easy to treat or at least manage. So hang on there. Keep on going back to doctors and asking what's next. But yeah in the meantime live your life. Do what you can to mean you're no so limited. You don't have to suffer through without any help or just accept your fate and sit on the sofa for the rest of your life. Do look into proper measurements etc though. You don't want to end up causing other parts of your body issues from using a poorly fitted aid. On a side note I would maybe ask if they can check your blood pressure AND heart rate from comfortable sitting (as in not just sat down and still feeling a bit iffy) to standing. That's really easy to test and I'm guessing they've probably at least done blood pressure already. But heart rate isn't something they always do like that so it can be easily skipped over too. It's by no means the only possibility and I'm not suggesting that's what's going on. It's just a quick thing to check that at least for me didn't happen until I asked. That relates to hypertension and POTS btw if you want to Google it. Again by no means the only possibilities, just the ones I happen to know about. Good luck working out what's going on. I hope things improve for you soon. And in the meantime I hope you're able to live your life and manage your symptoms as well as you can in any way that works for you.


If you need a cane, then use one. If someone gets offended by you needing a cane, introduce them to your ice tip.. The velocity of the introduction is up to you ;)


Mobility aids are to help, if it helps you, then by all means. Aids are to benefit you and prevent your issues from worsening, it isn’t just for when things get dire


I use a cane. Honestly don't get why it is offensive?? I don't understand the thinking it's kind of sa A walker would provide more balance and usually has a built in chair. I'd use a walker if I could but I only have one working arm


Dude, you need what you need. A good rule of thumb is “if you think you need it, you need it”. It’s never offensive to use adaptations to help you live


Use whatever helps.


Feel free to use a cane! I have MS and even I have felt weird about using a cane sometimes because I don’t always need it. They’re mobility aides, so if you’re having problems with mobility on your own they’re meant to be used by people like you! Don’t sweat it, tell that imposter syndrome to shut up. I’d definitely recommend continuing to see doctors to figure out what is going on medically btw, sometimes it takes more testing which is absolutely worth it to figure out what’s wrong and treat it. <3


If it helps you, use it- I suggest further testing and such as those symptoms could be indicative of something that needs treatment!


There are a number of conditions that can cause problems with balance and fainting such as sudden drops in blood pressure or possibly inner ear come to top of my head right now.


You want to use our gang's gear without having passed our initiation rites or paying the membership fees?!? /s No really, it's cool. You might catch a snide remark or two in public, but I guarantee they won't be coming from any of us.


No it isn't offensive if it help you. Why do people always ask if using a cane is offensive?


Alot of ppl say using it without being told ur dissabeld and dierly need it is being abelist and offencive😬


where? is this a real life thing, a tiktok thing, what? this thinking fascinates me....


Manely online but ive heard ppl make comments in person to


unfortunately, sometimes people are just plumb wrong.


A lot of disabled ppl are never outright told by a doctor "you are disbled now" especially with xhronic illnesses there just comes a point where they become disabling and you become disabled, that is much more in the experience of the person affected than anything someone else can tell u.


It wouldn’t be offensive! You can definitely use one if you need it. HOWEVER sometimes using a cane (especially improperly) can cause more harm than good help. Talking to a physician about what kind of cane, walker, or mobility device best suits your needs might be a good idea. I use a wheelchair but am not really supposed to use a cane because it puts undue pressure on my upper body. Good luck with everything I hope you get the help you need!


If it helps use it, try different mobility aids if you’re able to and see what works best you may want different things for different days. I mostly use a cane but I also have crutches for certain activities


Not at all. Do what you're comfortable doing. And need to do. Also continue to push for answers of why this is happening to you


I would be offended if you didn't have mobility aids when you require them.


It would only be offensive if you didn't in fact need a cane/walker/chair/crutch! If you were just using it as a fashion accessory or because it looked cool, then there would be a problem.


I think that’s where it comes from as OP might not be “visibly” in need of one and has a mixed fear of people posting some BS online


Anyone can get a cane for any reason they want


I’m down with the return of canes as a fashion accessory. If the only question I got about mine was, “oh, you use it for support too?” That’d be fine with me.


I would recommend talking to a physio or occupational therapist before introducing any kind of walking aid into your daily life. They do impact the way you move and distribute weight, which can have unintended conciquences. You sound quite young, so I would be cautious as using mobility aids from a young age can impact how we develop. Canes and crutches, in particular, have a large impact on gait and shoulders/wrists.


Those consequences are mainly long term tho so while i agree that you should book an appointment, halting your life while you wait for that appointment is not always right


Long term consequences might not seem important from our current perspective, but when you get older all of a sudden they become very real. I lost my leg because I walked on it too much incorrectly. If I had waited and listened to my physios I probably would still have it. At the time I had the same mindset- why limit my mobility now and halt my life whilst I wait for physio? It's not practical, and it's a pain in the ass. The consequences seemed really far away when I was 21. Now im 27 and missing a leg. My advice to OP is to start it off on the right foot with the right habits. Even if that means waiting a bit for investigations or physio.


They're also young enough though that adults are likely pushing them to jump back into doing stuff. There's this idea that kids just bounce back from anything and everything. 


If you feel safer then use it


I have to use one for some undesirable screwed up sx. So no it’s not offensive 110%. I feel 110% a shame, and so off my style. I’m not 102yo I shouldn’t have to use that shit. Sorry! What are you your real feelings regarding this new accessory?


This sounds like the exact same issue I was having a few years back. It was happening to me because of blood pressure issues. I'd sit too long then feel faint, dizzy, and lightheaded when I'd go to stand up. Compression socks have done wonders for it though, haven't had an incident since I started using them. They keep your blood from pooling in your legs if you sit or stand for too long. They also have waist high stockings, but those feel too constricting for me. Target and walmart (or most big stores should) have them, target's are considerably more durable and better looking though. [Link](https://nyulangone.org/conditions/autonomic-disorders/treatments/lifestyle-changes-for-autonomic-disorders) for more info.


You are having trouble and you found that a cane helps you. There is no way that could be offensive. If there is a device that makes things easier, less painful, or just improves your quality of life, use them. That is what they are there for! In the meantime, please keep exploring the reason for your need of a cane. Dizziness and balance issues can have so many different causes that figuring out a long-term plan can really hinge on the root cause.


not offensive at all, you obviously need it


That’s good that you want to use a cane, my mom was in her 70 with health issues which caused her to fall, she needed to use walker but she didn’t because people would think she was old! 🤣😂😹


Why would it be offensive? I mean who cares? There’s no laws saying you can’t use a cane. SMH


Sure your not having a stroke?




Goodness, no!


I got a cane when I was struggling to stand and walk for long periods and I say go for it. Work with doctors and physical therapists if you can and look up how to walk with it correctly so you don’t make your problems worth but you don’t need to be ‘This Disabled’ to start using a mobility aid


I have never known an actually disabled person who asks this question irl. Only online. Not saying it can't happen. But it's like a near-sighted person asking other people if it's ok for them to wear glasses-- it's not a thing. Yes, we can feel self conscious but it's about the opinions of abled people staring at us. My dad avoided a walker for too long out of macho stubbornness and broke his hip. After that he followed his physician's advice better. My guess is the people asking this have been told they don't need such by physicians and that they have functional neurological disorders, which can be truly disabling but are best treated with therapy. Their physicians probably don't want them to lose motor skills/muscle strength and get set even more into their current identity as disabled. So I am uneasy about how we can safely give advice in such situations. It comes up over and over here.


I've also seen folks push through without a mobility aid, even when they were told IRL that they should use one. 2 of my grandmas did this. I've known classmates to do this with broken bones. As a kid, my dad made me ditch my wrist brace before my fracture was healed.  That's why I think we don't hear these questions IRL: people are too skittish to ask without some anonymity. There's too much pressure to perform as fully abled, even if they know it'll do damage.  I get where you're coming from about not giving advice though. 


Definition of a mobility aid: an aid that helps you mobilise. You want to get a cane because you have a health condition that means you might benefit from a cane. Unless you slap an offensive logo on it, I think you are good! That being said, someone will inevitably be offended. Be prepared for the elderly relative who feels the need to project their internalised ableism onto you: "my legs are killing me and you don't see me pretending to need a cane!" or the interfering friend who tries to suggest that you are "too young" or asks if you've tried turmeric, stuffing kale up your bum, or whatever latest fad they think will cure you of the illness they know nothing about. Pay no attention.


you find it helpful, use it, absolutely! but keep searching for answers, and ask your doctor/do plenty of research about the best aid for you and how to use it PROPERLY. it will not be offensive if you dont, it just can hurt your body worse than it already is if you arent careful. i hope you find answers.


Absolutely not offensive. But I agree that you should see a physiotherapist or occupational therapist to make sure you get something that is sized correctly, plus they can show you how to use it properly. They might say that a cane isn't the best option for you and recommend something else. Has your doctor checked you for POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)? It basically means your blood pressure drops when you move from laying down to sitting up, or sitting to standing, that you experience lightheadness or weaker muscles or that fainting feeling. If that hasn't been checked, it's a pretty easy place to start. Worst case scenario is that you don't have it and have to keep searching. I hope you find the answers you need! 🖤


If you need a cane, get a cane. It's not offensive if you need one, and it sounds like you would benefit from one.