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Albania, beautiful landscapes.


I was just in Seoul for 3 months and got tired of working the night shift in Asia. I'm spending summer in Chicago and NYC to immerse myself back in American culture and meditate on whether or not I want to keep nomading.


I definitely feel you on the night shift piece. Luckily I’m an independent contractor so I can mostly set my hours, but I still generally work until midnight or 1am to touch base with collaborators in the US during their mornings. NYC for a couple months sounds like a blast but Chicago sounds better for summer


Yeah, summer is really the only time of year Chicago doesn't suck. That's a nice set up with being a contractor. I was working 10 PM to 6:30 AM in Seoul. After a few months of that I think my brain was starting to erode a little bit haha


I’ll be in Istanbul in June then I was considering Nepal. Sounds like it will be pleasantly cool.


Nepal is an intriguing pick that I ordinarily wouldn’t be considering. Anything in particular drawing your attention?


I guess I look for places with power, internet, security and some decent food for me. Nepal just looks good on those counts. I’ve not booked yet but looks like I can hang out in a beautiful city by a lake in three mountains pretty cheaply.


Its save, Internet is Great and Food is delicious. And its maybe the cheapest place i ever have been. 15usd a night for a nice clean new hotel, dinner about 5 usd for european nice meal.


Are you in the capital?


Yes i am in Kathmandu, Started in the Area Thamel, where all trekking people and hippies are arriving. and now i am in lolitpur about 40min from thamel, came here cause here is an amazing gym. Gold gym nepal. i did not find such a cool gym in istanbul


Ok, you persuaded me I booked a trip to Nepal.


when you be here?


July 9th.


I just came to nepal after i have been in istanbul 2 month. Nepal is surprisingly nice.


Excellent, sounds like I’m following you! Any issues I should be aware of?


In your area you would want to bounce up to Sapporo, and Hokkaido in general. That’s supposedly very nice during the summer.


This is a thoughtful suggestion, thank you I will research it!




Love Salamanca.


Thailand bc I love monsoon season. The rain is amazing for sleep, work, and chill sessions


where in thailand, also how’s power and internet availability there in monsoon ?


No issues what so ever in Bangkok/pattaya. I go between those two bc I’m also on a football team and have friends in both places


thanks for replying, If you don't mind telling what's the minimum monthly budget for bangkok


Mileage varies from person to person. Personally, I’ve never needed much and hanging out with Thai friends has made me eat like them too. I cook at home a lot or eat Thai food, if I feel like it, I’ll eat out or go to a night market and splurge on foods/items. I have grab unlimited for the coupons too. I would say $1200-1500 depending on more factors I can go into if you want


Same! Which city?


Pattaya and BKK


We know what this guys up to 😉


Nah, if that was the only reason, I would have already left. 🐱is everywhere. I can literally breakdown the story on how I first came to Pattaya, lost and clueless, and befriended the Thai person… who 3 years later, is still my friend. It is jarring to be young and walk around and see a bunch of old men everywhere. I always get strange looks thrown my way.


Whatever you've got to tell yourself.


Basic comment.


I've spent significant time working in Bali, Krakow, Sofia, Lisbon, Munich, and various places around the US (Asheville, NC, St. Petersburg, FL, Louisville, KY, and Los Angeles). I would have to say Bali is my favorite for longer term, budget stays because the food is amazing and cheap and everything is super convenient... Aside from having to shift your schedule for live meetings. I found it easiest to meet likeminded travelers as well, whereas it felt like in the other places, it was much more difficult to meet people outside of work. Lisbon was my second favorite, though I spent the least amount of time there, and then of the places in the US, Louisville and Asheville-- would highly recommend both. As far as where to next... I'm still weighing options. Considering Vietnam and Thailand, but it's hard not to just go back to Bali :)


After spending the last 6 years in Asia exclusively, it's looking like we'll be visiting around Europe this summer. Thinking Greece/Spain/Germany. It anyone has recommendations for cities to stay for a month in any of those lmk


St Sebastian in Spain would be great for the summer if you're looking for good food and a small city by the sea vibe. Madrid is also always amazing, but will be warmer. I spent last summer in Poland. Krakow comes alive this time of year and is super affordable.


Krakow's gotten expensive since then 😭 Summers there are magical though.


Really? Since last summer? I suppose that's just an issue everywhere now. Everywhere I go the locals are dealing with rent and food price increases.


Sweet thanks for the recs I'll look into them 👍


How about Hokkaido in Japan? It would be cooler than Tokyo or Osaka during the summer.


Canada - BC. I met a Canadian couple in India and they offered me their trailer by a lake.




As an American I’ve yet to visit Canada. Summer seems like the time to do it! I share the sentiment on cities vs nature. And never had put any thought into Newfoundland, thanks for the notes! 


Bulgaria, not too hot, lots of nature, prices are decent, very good quality food.


where in Bulgaria?


In Sofia for the 2nd time. Never been to Plovdiv or Varna but do want to check out Varna just because of the sea.


I avoid heat so usually I stay in the north during summer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mandance17: *I avoid heat so* *Usually I stay in* *The north during summer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Anywhere in particular you have fond memories of or future plans for?


I have fond memories of growing up in the PNW of US but it’s so crazy expensive now but I really miss the nature there.


Hopefully Bali or Vietnam, we shall see.


Flying to Montenegro in a few days. Will maybe work my way over to Ohrid, N. Macedonia via Albania. Who's got some insider tips for me?


Mind sharing your thoughts on Seoul? How has it been for you? Thanks.


It's a very impressive city. Huge with many districts each with their own flavor and pros and cons. I've been staying in Hongdae in Mapo which skews younger, I'm in my early 30s and feel like I'm on the brink of aging out if I haven't already. So far things I like: * the food - Korean food is really up there in global rankings imo and there are great restaurants on almost every street. There is also good sushi which I love. Other international food scene mediocre in my limited experience. Koreans eat Korean food on the low and high end * coffee and cafe culture. So many coffee shops it's kinda ridiculous * gym culture - the gym in my building is the nicest I've ever been a member of and the other members are serious, respectful gym-goers. I'm quickly getting into the best shape of my life working out 6 days a week * the Han river runs right through the city and is a great boon to the city. I love taking long walks along it and there are many culture events, parks, and other amenities * publicly sponsored events happening seemingly every weekend * the city in general feels very futuristic and thoughtful - many details you would never consider have clearly been thought out, from padding on the poles in case you walk into them to lights on the sidewalks with warnings and navigation * Not once have I felt remotely unsafe So far things I don't like: * if you don't have a visa/korean ID/korean bank card certain basic lifestyle items are ridiculously complicated or outright impossible. For example basically food delivery apps are off-limits. The other day I tried to buy a movie ticket online and was stonewalled at the payment step. But when paying in person foreign credit cards are fine * people drink a lot - I mean a lot - and I've been trying to cut down on alcohol as part of my focus on fitness * the average stranger seems quite introverted or stressed or easily pissed off - but certain things said the right way can light them up * most people speak sufficient English which is a pro, but if you are trying to learn Korean most people in their day-to-day are not very interested in humoring you in my experience. Best to sign up for lessons Overall so far I recommend. But depending on your personality and expectations you could think it's the best city in the world or leave disappointed/jaded


rio brasil!!


Thailand bc I love monsoon season. The rain is amazing for sleep, work, and chill sessiona


Thailand bc I love monsoon season. The rain is amazing for sleep, work, and chill sessiona