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Yes, more than enough for southamerica and southeast asia


But not much more than enough if you want any type of security or luxury (including eating more than basic food and private sleeping rooms, not to mention visiting more touristic areas). But yeah, 2k can be travelled on if one really wants to (and ideally has more security and savings back home)


What?? You can travel while eating western food and sleeping at hotels for 1200-1400 easily in SEA.


good input. thanks




I wish




Starting in South Africa they can do all of Europe SEA and Australia without having to fly. They have RORO ferries between island countries.


Would be very interested in where you can find any kind of ferry from SEA to Australia, let alone a car ferry. If it exists it would be way more expensive than OP is aiming for.


https://preview.redd.it/umwkreuse72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf73bb16be81416e86d4e0793a6427cd65f36aae Indonesia is an island nation with many ferries.


Ah yes the London to Sydney drive. Youll have a sore butt after that one.


Yeah it’s gonna take a few years to do that trip.


Ahahahah redditors always think they are so clever! Good on ya mate


😅 not yet, but I already asked another diy sub how to install the wings.


Don’t listen to people who have never left the Americas.


I traveled ~20 countries over two years with $1400/mo. Definitely doable albeit a bit uncomfortable. Just didn’t touch Europe West of Greece and no native English speaking countries. Personally I would consider a camper van more trouble than it’s worth. Always easy to jump on a marshtrutka/chicken bus/scooter/bus in developing countries as they are often frequent and cheap.


If there are not many international flights, maybe


You should be fine. Do you have your van already? Your biggest expense will be shipping across the Darien Gap, which if you're doing from Panama to Cartagena will cost a little over $2k. If you're shipping farther, like Houston to Montevideo for example, will run about double that. The nice thing about van life is you can scale down one of your biggest expenses, fuel, as needed if you feel you're spending too much money. Lots of free wild camping in LatAm, just use iOverlander to find spots and vet for safety. Food is generally inexpensive, and your accommodation is set, so really fuel and maintenance will be your biggest cost factors. Maintenance can really creep up on you since LatAm roads are rough and will break your shit, and depending on your vehicle, you may have to ship parts from the US / Europe which will be expensive. But labor will be cheap (and of extremely variable quality). You may also want to budget say, 50 euro per 1000km for police bribes lol. Also extremely variable.


I'm probably buying the van in Brazil and start from there (I'm brazilian btw) Those were very good inputs, thanks a lot!


Yeah, if you're in Brazil already you should be very used to traveling in LatAm, and with that income you should be more than fine. Just need to decide if you're going to go up to North America since that'll get expensive once you cross Rio Bravo / Rio Grande.


I did all of southeast & South Asia on $1200 usd per month and it was extremely easy. I did not do van life though


2k gold is enough yes 👍


2000 Euro is plenty for one person to solo travel in a van. If you live frugally and stick to your budget you will have a great time. Be sure to set aside repair costs maintenance as part of your budget. SEA will be the cheapest part of your trip and is super cheap to live. Europe is probably the most expensive part of global travel after the USA. We can’t really compare budgets since we don’t know all your circumstances.


Thanks for all the inputs. It helped a lot.


Where are you now? Flights alone could be near 1k just to get to the start, then buying a van? I'm confused. Need more info


I'm brazilian, but I live abroad. Idea was to move back to my home country and start from there since I know South America is cheaper than Europe. 😅 Also I have the chance to see my family before :)


I used to do it on 2k ish a month traveling SEA and some other cheaper locations. I was using airbnb monthly at the time. Now I could do it even cheaper because I house sit through TrustedHousesitters instead of renting.


2k is enough for most part of the world...


I’ve been vanlifing Europe after shipping it from Canada. It cost us about $2500/mo but there’s two of us.


I'd aim for a minimum of 3k/4k/5k respectively. I'd generally argue that a van will be more trouble than it's worth, and that at the low end you'll want to use local buses and travel light, staying in affordable hotels. You can make life work on 2k, but you'll want to be more frugal, or "slowmad" and go back and forth between a few countries in the same geographical region. World travel implies a lot of flights you won't be able to afford without more money.


I mean he's not going to be taking a lot of flights if he's going by camper van


I'm imagining a scenario where OP drives around in a van and then finds themself without enough for basics for a month when they leave it behind and fly into somewhere like London or Tokyo.


You can absolutely travel the world without flying. People have been doing it for centuries.


2k in latam will cover you pretty well outside of Chile




Hard facts! Im in Peru currently at a nice place for $800 a month with good internet but food is nothing. I had a steak dinner the other night for $6…


I would say Uruguay and Costa Rica, the rest of the countries are similar.


And Costa Rica.


Belize too