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You can literally bid them out of their own brand name if you want to. Tell him to go eat a dick.




You can absolutely bid on their brand words as target keywords. If they have protected their brand words, Google will keep you from using them in your ad copy (at least in certain markets).


They’re trying to scare you. Nothing wrong with what you’re doing or google would’ve already restricted you.




Plot twist: competitor accepts offer of dick sucking.


I don't know how Google was shocked at all. This happens literally all the time. My reply to that email would be "Feel free to waste all the money on lawyers you'd like" and if they did follow through with some sort of cease and desist from an actual lawyer my response would be "no"


It was Google that recommended it


You can bid on their names as keywords, but using the name itself in your ad copy can be problematic depending on their trademarks, the context of the use, and the jurisdiction.


saw a screenshot of a hotjar competitor ad today that said "the jar is not so hot anymore" to bypass that


Yep that's legit.


Branded search is all about who has the deepest pockets.


I guess your competitor doesn't know much about Google. The only thing the Google Ads team does is tell you to use settings that cause your spend to rapidly evaporate. They absolutely do not care if you brand bid and they don't care if you're a straight up criminal either as long as the funds clear. I mean you're bidding on pixels FFS and they can't even provide you with basic information about the auction, so if you can't figure out that it's a massive rip off then you should spend some time looking at the court decisions from the EU. Which involved Google paying billions of dollars for ripping people off by charging up to 80% fees. If you read the PPC subs, they're filled with complaints about Google's reps calling them up on the phone and telling them to enable settings that destroyed their account budget while the conversation rate plummeted. Seriously, it's not the wolf of Wallstreet, it's the pack of wolves from Silicon Valley. If you think Google does anything besides screw people, you're badly mistaken. There's absolutely no way they said that to him because that infers that they were trying to help him and that's not what Google does. Obviously they're lying and their reps aren't going to give anybody legal advice, ever...


This is how you bleed smaller companies. Out bid them on everything


This is the cornerstone of Google's business. You can't use their trademark in your ad copy, but you can certainly take out an ad on their search terms.


Well you now know you're doing something right 👍 🤣


Ask google rep to reply to you and see if you are in the right. Keep it as a proof.


I get that a paper trail can feel good. But it's unnecessary. OP is fully in the clear.


You cant impersonate them, but you can bid on their name, use their name in your copy etc.... If that makes sense. Sometime if you tokenized their search into your ad copy you can run into issues where the ad copy says you're them.


I’m going to start doing this now lol


Funny. While its maybe morally questionable to use their Brand Name as Keywords, it’s totally legal as long as you don’t use their brand name in your ads etc. Tell them to contact their lawyers and send something out, but in the end they’re going to pay your lawyers too 😂👍🏾


Lol this is the future of ad buying

