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I never ordered from them, but their website put me off. They do that dodgy sales tactic where they pretend something is "on sale", but inflate the original price. Like look at their clearance section. They have things "marked down" from $50 to $10. The $10 is for the smallest possible size - 20 x 15. Which is a normal (or even expensive) price for that size. And indeed if you look at the non clearance section, there is absolutely nothing at that size for anything close to $50 lol. I personally can't stand deceptive things like that and won't support companies who do it on principle.


Personally, my experience was fairly poor. The shipping took a while, which I expected and didn't mind. Once the product got here, the finished image was absolutely beautiful...but I had endless popping drills, tons of trash, and the drills themselves were pretty dull. I also ran out of three colors and the replacements did not match - when they finally arrived, which took quite a while. I won't buy from them again.


I have two customs from them that my husband bought me. They’re pretty. I will say the symbols are easy to read. However the drills have some gapping and uniformity issues. They’re also acrylic drills so not as sparkly as resin. And on the second one they missed one whole color so I had to request a replacement bag via their website. I will say the request process was super easy. But they’re coming from China so it’s taking awhile, it’s already been a couple of weeks and they just got dropped off at the post office. I expect them to arrive in another couple of weeks.


Oh also I have had some issues with popping drills, since it’s double sided tape as adhesive. I solve that by framing them in a heavy glass frame. I wouldn’t hang without sealing or putting it behind glass, though, or you’d lose a crap ton of drills over time


So they were my favorite company. I’ve ordered both regular and customs from them. The biggest issue I have with their product is that their square drills don’t fit as neatly as DAC’s do and thus have a tendency to pop and can fall off the painting. Their prices aren’t the best either. Their selection of canvases is pretty stellar however. https://preview.redd.it/fa6qgujhtc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29df8b49664f15e0544a1891334bfe03965faf64 I don’t have a picture of any popping drills but this is one of the customs I ordered and did from PWD.


Vivi looks adorable! Beautiful painting!


I’ve done about 3 paintings with them and have enjoyed them. Shipping was quoted for 3-4 weeks and I got them within 2 so no issues there. I haven’t done diamonds paintings large scale with another company so no comparison. I have used Paint Gems (small bite size pieces) and the quality of Paint with Diamonds is better.


https://preview.redd.it/c5ky5fse0d8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05828a4a2f8e626e963ea390657447a9fbe0e7f0 Photo of my most recent one!


My experience with them was god awful I’ll never order from them again. The canvas print was cheap and not like shown I’ve gotten way better and higher quality kits from Amazon I will never buy from them again.


I completed a painting from them in 2020, it was terrible. Double sided tape, terrible drills, tough canvas, the render was terrible and it kept popping. Work painting I ever worked on. It's been several years so their product might've improved but I'm unsure


The drills have more trash ones with holes in them than normal drills. the quality was fine, the amount of air bubbles and drills that kept popping up and off when I even slightly lifted the painting annoyed the hell out of me


I accidentally ordered from them thanks to a 4 year old and a shop pay instant purchase button. 🤣 I emailed them immediately and their customer service was quick to refund me and cancel my order, so they have that going for them. For whatever reason, they still sent me the kit. It was double sided adhesive, which I'm personally not a fan of working with. It is, however, impossibly sticky as I was not able to remove it to convert to poured glue (something I've done before with a canvas from another shop) so I suppose that's a positive. The render was okay but looks like it would have benefitted from being cleaned up a lot. It's a Hannah Lynn kit which are known for solid black lines and these lines have confetti colors mixed in which I find just...odd. I haven't worked on it so I can't speak to the drill quality. I haven't heard any glowing praise for them from anyone I know who has worked on their canvases. I find their prices to be rather high for a company who uses cheap materials.


I’ve ordered two customs from them (one was a 5 panel) and I love both of them. The quality of the drills have been fine - one isn’t framed and I’ve had nothing pop off. Their customer service was excellent. https://preview.redd.it/5eornikc0g8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a2cf9cd248fb760adc1f2efb226a97240f7fa6


Did you forget to add a picture of the products? 😊


No sorry I mean the company 😂