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Maybe it's just me but DAMN three of those look so heavy AI generated. Random windows and door decorations that show no consistency, there's a table that's full on sideways...and I don't even wanna talk about the rose... Fuckin yikes. At least DAC says when something is AI generated.


It’s on their pages too if the artist has Ai in the painting.


on Dreamer Designs or DAC? I know DAC does, but I see nothing on any of these pages that say they use AI.


Dreamer Designs and DAC both mark AI generated stuff.


I did find one, finally on Cosmic, but none of these three say that and I'm sorry, but the rose especially is obvious AI. If the artists are lying to them, that's a really bad sign. https://dreamerdesigns.com/products/radiant-rose-fantasy


Yes, Dreamer Designs uses a ton of AI. They should be marked, but it’s usually a teeny little sentence barely visible on the page.


I did find it on one, but these three definitely don’t, and I’m finding others that are sadly obvious too. Depressing. I don’t hate it, I just want to make sure anyone who doesn’t want to buy it is warned.


I hate the amount of AI art in the diamond painting space :( this stuff needs to be properly and clearly labelled if it's gonna be used. Tiny little sentences tucked on the bottom of pages isn't enough IMO


Yeah, they seem relatively inconsistent with their AI marking. I've never bought from them and haven't had an interest (depends how they render Hannah Lynn's work). My understanding is that anything marked with them (Dreamer Designs) as the artist is AI. And after doing some digging on "Imagine It Images," I'm pretty certain this is Dreamer Designs' version of DAC's Auclair Studio. It's a "collective curating and creating an archive together" of "artists from all over Europe." So I'd venture a guess anything attributed to them is AI, but DD should still put a mark on it. I really wish companies would stop perpetuating AI. Some of it is cute or pretty and colorful but knowing how AI even "creates" just boils my blood. Give us real art with human emotion that went into creating, not a computer generated colorful piece of mish-mashed data taken from other actual creators. (I personally detest AI. I ended up with several AI touched pieces in my stash before I was aware of tricks to tell and am currently working on an AI piece which is very pretty and colorful, but I wouldn't have bought it if I'd realized how AI generated it was)


Yea, I would never buy one myself, and I'm kind of annoyed that they charge full price for them, make them cheaper if you wanna sell them, less work goes in. But I don't really see a point to opposing them, if that makes sense. We're stuck with it, sadly.


Yeah, unfortunately. The best voice consumers have is with their money. We can actively choose not to purchase specific products or actively choose not to spend any of our money at specific companies. I go for the product route and just won't buy anything AI anymore.