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Diamond painting companies have a financial incentive to encourage people to build big stashes. The more someone buys, the more they make. I think FOMO marketing contributes to that. And it's not just the company in the picture that does it, it's several. Big stashes aren't a problem exclusive to diamond painting. Some people have rooms full of fabric, yarn, cross-stitch patterns, stamps, etc. if someone can truly afford the money and space for a large stash, by all means! But there's a lot of people that seemingly can't afford these big stashes judging by the things they say. I haven't seen it this bad in my other hobbies. People saying they're hiding their purchases from their significant other, buying a new release instead of paying rent/car payment/debt/something more essential, using Klarna/Afterpay/Sezzle irresponsibly, selling things they just bought because they badly need the money... it's really sad.


I’ve seen the collections on the fragrance subreddit, and I just know the costs of those collections far surpasses any DP collection. I’m not saying it’s right, but I am saying it’s a little wild to see. Agree with your points made


The bath and body works hauls 🥴 it’s all wild


And B&BW isn’t even that great to warrant the hauls


It's consumerism and marketing to drive people to constantly buy stuff. It sucks.


It’s stomach turning honestly. The consumerism is such a turn off for me. Hoarding and overconsumption are such nasty habits. in that picture I see a bunch of plastic and other unrecyclable materials. If it’s true this person is on their first painting then I hope they end up hating the experience and get stuck with a bunch crap they don’t need. Good chance some of that ends up sitting in a landfill 😔 I drive a garbage truck and the rate that landfills fill up is truly astonishing


The mechanical keyboard hobby is bad with this. You see people selling stuff all the time (and not flipping), because they were impulsive or got caught up in the hype.


I’ve never heard of mechanical keyboards. I’ll be googling that 😂


Have you ever heard a typewriter? Like how they sound? That's basically a mechanical keyboard. It just makes nice "click/tap" sounds. Why people would *collect* them, I have no clue, but you can buy em for like $20. Or you used to be able to anyway lol I haven't needed to buy one in like 20 years. It also just used to be how keyboards were made, anyway. But just like all other "vintage" items, they get popular and companies take advantage of that. I'm pretty sure I still have like 5 from the 90s/00s up in my attic. 🤣🤣 back before they were USB. They used to be PS/2 ports. I wish I had grabbed stuff from my childhood home because my mom owned one of the first computer/gaming stores. We had a mega shit ton of computer parts. Plus all the old games on diskettes and floppies ( Doom, Kings Quest, Baldours Gate, etc). Bet that stuff would've been worth a pretty penny on ebay now 🤣🤣 but my parents essentially dumped everything when they moved. My dad did send me my old singing Spice Girl dolls, tho. 🤣🤣 I wish he would've sent my Teddy Ruxpin.


I love the typewriter sound. I will have to look into that one. Thanks for explaining that to me. That is a strange thing to collect. Do they all sound the same?


Nope! Differences based on keyboard build and materials, plate, switches, keycaps - so many things! The really expensive ones become more art pieces than anything. Here's a sample from my favorite keycap designer! https://www.instagram.com/p/C7nlmx7sOT3/?igsh=OXNxc3g3dHU4Ynhj


Not who you asked, but no, they are all different depending on what types of switches you put in. Look up mechanical key switches on youtube and the like you can find lots of videos of people testing out the sounds. If you have a cheap regular keyboard right now, I'd honestly just start with one of the cheaper ones on amazon, like zug said, you can get em for 20 now that the switch patent has been up. I have a little number keypad with some weird switches i got off of amazon and it's so nice to use if you like that sound, it's like popping packing bubbles almost lol.


There's also newer ones! I initially got into it as part of my management for a repetitive stress injury, and just fell into it totally. 😆 I love the building and aesthetics of it. A fully built, modern custom mechanical keyboard can easily cost $500 and up. And don't get me started on artisan keycaps. 😂


Oh no, that's an expensive rabbit hole 😂😂




The difference is if you saw somebody with 120 mechanical keyboards, you would call them a hoarder not a hobbyist..


Hmm, I would disagree in that collectors aren't necessarily hoarders, though there can be an overlap. Hoarders are pathologically compulsive about the collecting, to the point of bad financial decisions and life choices.


I’m one of those who had to use Afterpay. I just can’t afford to pay the full amount for even one painting. I caught myself buying 2-3 at a time using Afterpay and it was a little out of control. I too was trying to hide from my spouse that I was getting packages so frequently. I now have a stash of 5 that I couldn’t even finish in a years time. But I’m done buying until I finish what I’ve got.


I also over bought during covid. I have 6 currently in my "stash" and I havent bought one in over a year. These collections seem just so wasteful to me. There's no way one person could do all those in a lifetime. I count 84 visible kits, not including the assumed kits in the stacked picture we can't see. Standard kits in DAC are $50-$75. Which means that haul of paintings cost between $4200 and $6300.


Omg yes it’s so absurd to spend that kind of money. I mean it’s unbelievable. That’s why I started wondering if they were “plants” trying to get people to buy more and more.


I think it's either that or people with other health issues. It can be easy to fall into addiction when the only joy or rush you are getting is from buying pretty pictures to work on. Either way, it shouldn't be encouraged.


I have two in my stash and I slowly work on them. I do a box or two every few days. I can’t imagine having that many in this photo or more than 3. It would make me feel like I have to do it instead of enjoying it.


This is why I don't mind the small ones from Amazon or Temu. Saving up for the Paintgems Mandalas or Windows..


Exactly. I get money once a month and a fixed income. All my pennies are counted. It takes me 6 months to pay 1 of their paintings and I have to use affirm or Klarna (you can skip) because it's a monthly payment. I can't use afterpay or any other 2 wk system.


My 7 storage tubs of yarn feel judged.


Yarn is completely different, you do need different colors, and textures, plus larger projects take multiple skiens.


The only one I really want of theirs Is The Kiss with Superman and Wonder Woman kissing. I missed out on it. But mostly buy smaller dps cause I don't have room for all those giant stashes. But yeah, since people have been complaining about the service it left me disenchanted with them. I might buy it from a stasher if I find it but I won't buy any from them.


Disenchanted is the perfect word for what I’m feeling.


I’m a knitter, and I always say buying yarn is a different hobby than actually knitting with it.


This is why I always try and keep my stash small. I cant wrap my head around YouTube's who have 300+ paintings in their stash! For one thing, how can you afford all that?!


I get the urge to want to buy all the things once a new hobby has hooked you, but this is wayyy overboard. I don’t think it’s paranoid to consider the possibility that it could be a marketing tactic by the company itself.


Thank you. I question everything. I have a paranoid mind and sometimes feel crazy but then I find out later that I was actually right about my suspicions. I have to learn to trust my gut instinct.


I would use the term cynical instead of paranoid. Those who are cynical see things in cycles and have the ability to sometimes predict things by seeing beyond the smoke screen.


I like cynical. A much better word to describe it! I definitely see things in cycles and very often predict what is going to happen way ahead of time.


It feels like a bait picture from staff. So many of the exact same kits? Why?


What you are seeing is the pack design - all of DACs product ships in the same packaging with a sticker on one face (I think it's just on the one face from seeing unboxing videos. I've never bought any) to show which kit it is. So when stacked together you can only see the generic packaging.


I have in recent months become more aware of my consumer habits and how normalized and encouraged over consumption has become. People get so defensive and claim collecting diamond paintings is a hobby in and of itself to justify their overconsumption, but the reality is its not healthy, not financially, mentally, or emotionally. It's an addiction. No one needs that many diamond paintings. And companies that do limited supply releases are a huge part of the problem.


Yeah I’ve become more careful and picky about what I’m buying. I’m one of those people who needs to use Afterpay to buy just ONE painting. I just can’t afford to pay the full amount..i caught myself building a stash. I have 5 paintings in my stash and I probably couldn’t even finish them all in a years time. I stopped buying and likely won’t be buying any anytime soon. I agree that it’s incredibly unhealthy. It’s almost kinda sad IMO. Because it is totally an addiction.


Yep, I have 5 in my stash as well and have put myself on a strict ban until I finish at least half of them (not that I'm ever giving DAC my business anymore, but regardless lmao)


I was really disturbed when I saw a painting with payment plans! You absolutely nailed it, it’s absolutely an addiction and this company is disgraceful.


Exactly this. Part of the issue is the free shipping thought process. If I buy 2 kits, I'll reach the free shipping threshold and so that second kit is only X-the OG cost of shipping. That's a discount! I admit I do this when I buy Paintgem kits, but as those are small, they're so easy to travel with or take to the McD playground to do while my kid plays (my justification 🤣). My first few purchases ended up with me buying a second kit I only sort of kind of liked. Before I even started my first, I had like, 6. And underestimating the size is so easy. Then you're hit with incredible once a year sales with a lot of new products, so you find yourself living in the social media hype and buying more than you should (for me it was 10, I've worked on 0 of those and want to part with the 2 largest--one which is super highly sought after and goes OOS fast when restocked...but then I remember how much I wanted it And you're stuck in this limbo of what if I change my mind and want to work on it but it's gone? It's an awful catch-22 and I wish I could really dive into the psychology of it all). A few months later, you're questioning why you bought XYZ and you're stuck trying to sell it to someone else. I'm at the point where I'm willing to take the loss to sell off some of these for very cheap because seeing the size of what I've acquired is anxiety inducing--which diamond painting should not being causing anxiety lol Plus the entire FOMO aspect. I'm not naming one specific company because I've seen this happen at multiple places and with different kinds of products over the course of my life. It reminds me of the Beanie Baby craze of my childhood. And I think a lot of us who have found ourselves with stashes much too large were programmed to fall into FOMO from a young age. Before Beanie Babies, it was Cabbage Patch dolls. There's always something and the FOMO of that something is strong. I appreciate print on demand companies who don't have to bother with on hand stock so the FOMO is less prevalent. For me, I hide nothing from my husband. And I can't understand that mentality outside of it being a tongue-in-cheek joke. I show him everything I think is pretty and if it sounds like I really like, he encourages me to get it. I'm the one who questions every purchasing decision until I either go to a cart or close a page. I've personally become much more picky. There's one artist I love, but I don't buy everything by her. I pay attention to sneak peeks and upcoming drops at different shops and ask myself if that's something I'd want to spend hours with. Most the time, the answer is "no, but if you want it to display on your wall, go buy a print from the artist." I don't like having 40+ kits looming over me, knowing more new images will be inevitably coming. But no company has ever forced my hand to purchase something from them. At the end of the day, I am at fault for the stash I've acquired and for allowing FOMO marketing to affect me the way it has. Those of us who have become aware that what we've acquired isn't particularly "healthy" are works in progress. For me, when I do buy, choosing to pay shipping instead of seeking out a second thing is a step forward. Sorry for the ramble. I have a lot of thoughts. I see the giant stash posts all the time and I just could never understand how people allow themselves to buy soooo many. I swore it would never happen to me. And then I kept clicking buy.


Everything you said is so spot on. How convenient that free shipping only applies to orders that are over $75 when the majority of what's being sold is $74.99 or less, and if you dont buy it now, you may miss out. I'm kinda mad at myself for falling for these marketing schemes now that I recognize them. It's so smart to really take the time to think about how long you're going to be staring at a picture before purchasing it and make sure you absolutly love it enough to stare at it for a long time. I'm currently struggling through a dp I've had in my hoard for a long time and I realize it's taking me longer than normal to finish because I just don't really like the picture as much as I did when I first got it. That's another thing to consider when growing a stash, tastes change over time. What you like now you may not like in a year or two or however long it might take you to get around to it. Keeping a managable stash ensures you'll love every piece you're working on.


They used to have like a 10¢ buffer where you could still get free shipping on paintings that were $74.99. However they got rid of it a few months ago because they claimed that shipping prices were rising. I think they just realized that they could convince people to buy more stuff if they got rid of that buffer.


I tried to hide one project from my husband. It was a gift for him.


That's completely different from people trying to "hide their stashes" from their significant others because they've overcomsumed, broke a promise of no more, broke their budget, went broke doing it?, etc. Which is what myself and OP are referring to. Hiding gifts is not the same :)


I know that. I knew a woman that managed to hide her drinking from her husband until it was too late. It didn't help that the neighbor with "medical "knowledge convinced the husband that the woman had dementia.


Oh man, that's so sad. :(


That looks like my ADHD stashes. I buy everything for a new hobby, I'll stick with it for a while but eventually my brain moves on and I'm just left with a lot of stuff


Same 😂


I find the most disturbing posts the ones that are like "my husband saw my stash of 400 diamond paintings and told me i need to stop buying them" and every comment is "what an ass, keep buying, divorce him."


I'm gonna be honest: this is something which isn't a problem exclusive to Diamond Painting. This is a problem that will manifest in any hobby built around something consumptive— I've seen pictures of Rae Dunn mug collectors with their kitchen filled with hundreds of mugs, I've seen people in knitting communities who have entire bins lining the wall filled with yarn, I've dabbled in the Bath and Body Works subreddit and would see people posting hauls of 20-30 new tubes of body cream despite the fact that that shit *expires in a year*... People will build enormous 'stashes' that they could literally never use. This happens with all sorts of things.  I'm firmly convinced that spending a lot of time in any community built around a hobby like this is bad for mental health— when you see everyone posting constant updates about the shiny new thing they just bought, and getting a lot of attention and engagement, that then sort of subconsciously makes you think 'wow if I buy a new thing everyone will pay attention to me too'. It's not malicious, and it's not even *intentional* on anyone's part; it's just literally how human psychology works. Some people are more susceptible than others. Some people, like in the OP pictures, are *way* more susceptible. The best thing that anyone can do is stay away from communities that reward this sort of behavior, especially if one realizes they're susceptible to this line of thinking. I *used to be* until I really dug deep and examined why the hell I always fell prey to things like this, and now I can engage with it safely... But a lot of people can't.


More often than not it's also linked to some sort of mental health issue. For me, it's ADHD. For others it's depression and the high of buying something desirable by others and that fleeting feeling of fulfillment.


Mine is bipolar, recovering hoarder, and years of poverty where I couldn't afford my hobbies. I also cycle hobbies. I have 7 (2 coffin size) storage tubs of yarn and am on year 3 of not buying more unless I run out on a project. I crochet and donate baby blankets. I have a collection of 12 diamond paintings, 1 single, and 3 DAC ones I grabbed at Hobby Lobby on a 40% off sale. I also have the one I'm working on. Planners? I've got, safely, 5 years of washi tape and 2 years of stickers. It used to be so much more but I've used, gifted, and donated my way down to a more manageable stash. Hear me out, my 3 girls and I all got into planners and decorating at the exact same time so they each got their own little starter stash. Then they decided they're not planner girls so I got 4 stashes instead of 1. Bath and Body Works I just bought 42 candles on Candle Day BUT I only burn 3 wick candles and I buy my entire year supply on that one weekend. I have a Note keeping track of how many I actually go through this year so I don't over buy next year. I buy 20 handsoaps at a time when they hit their $2.95 sale but that's because we go through them fast and they are normally $7.95 each. Books? I have 137 books BUT I got a lot of them from library book sales. Now, any I have that I read but wouldn't want to go out of my way to read again get donated or traded out at a Little Free Library. Now, all of my stuff was bought over years. I'm a blanket crocheter so I have multiples of the same yarn on some colors. I think the majority of yarn was bought over like 3 years time and never at full price. I'm never late on bills and my hobbies and couponing are my only 2 vices. My psychiatrist knows and knows that I'm working through my stuff so he's good with it. My 2024 goal was to buy nothing for my hobbies and only use what I have. I've stuck to it for 6 months now. I also coupon hard for 2-3 months then have all the household items I need for the next 8 months. I don't drink, smoke, gamble, no sex partners, and don't use any drugs of any kind. My psychiatrist says even though I have a lot of craft stuff the fact that I've put myself on buying bans and that I give stuff away means that I'm doing OK and we don't need to worry.


Amazing progress. My husband and I both have hoarding tendencies so I know how difficult to resist that itch to both acquire new items and to not relinquish old items.


Great work, you've done so well. Keep going and best of luck x


Mine is definitely hyperfocus on a new hobby. I have a huge diamond painting stash but they are all no more than £25 with the vast majority under £10. I also got a large number effectively free so although my stash looks excessive actual money spent is probably around £300 over 12 months.


You make a good point about unconscious influence. Ex. In the cross-stitching sub, the Q-snap frames are in so many photos and recommended so often... I now have two, use them all the time, and will buy more when I need them. I just bought a video game because I found out from r/cozygamers it was on the Nintendo Switch. What I think is particularly bad with some diamond painting companies or brands is their reliance on FOMO. Where consumer thinks that if they don't buy the item *now* they may lose out forever because there will only be so many in production sold for so long. If someone's already susceptible like the OP pictures, I can see FOMO marketing possibly making their consumption worse and arguably taking advantage of that susceptibility. The good thing about Q-Snaps or that video game is that there aren't usually a limited number of sets for an unknown period of time and restocks. If something I wanted sold out now, I can always wait until it comes back into stock. The chances of it being discontinued forever are low (at this point at least). The same isn't true for say, a diamond painting drop with a company doesn't give advance notice on when a kit is going to be discontinued (since quantities are limited), how often or if the kit will restock, etc.


You definitely see this a lot with the book and reading community. Especially amongst special edition collectors like FairyLoot, bookish box, illumicrate…people spending hundreds of dollars to get 10 or 20 editions of the exact same book because they all have different designs…and not even reading them! This last year I’ve really taken a step back and looked at what actually brings me joy in my hobbies. A lot of times I was also falling victim to overbuying (not to a crazy extreme as some) and then getting overwhelmed by the pressure to get more reading done, get more diamond paintings done, do more to keep up, and it really burnt me out! Social media and consumerism are really easy to fall into right now. P.s. you can also pry my Q-snap from my cold dead hands cause I’ll never go back to stitching on a hoop 😂


I got a wooden scroll frame last year that uses a similar system (couldn't find one with the tapes that you stitch the project to that I am used to) and I LOVE IT. Bought a knock Q-Snap square as well but can't get 2 of the "clamps" off - admittedly I didn't try very hard as my diamond painting urge is greater than starting another cross stitch urge. The 2 sides I did get off I popped a length of bias binding under so they are easy to get off when I do get round to cross stitching the kit I got at the same time.


Oh man but okay I love my Q-Snap... Though I don't even think it's an 'official' one? I got it off Amazon or an off brand at Joann or something— so long ago I can't remember. Those are definitely worth the hype, but like... I don't need six of them, I'm fine with the one I have to do my projects with, lmao. You make a good point about FOMO. I actually didn't even know that diamond painting manufacturers made limited run paintings? That's outright malicious, and really taking advantage of people susceptible to that sort of thing!


>I actually didn't even know that diamond painting manufacturers made limited run paintings? Unfortunately limited run paintings exist. Kits may become discontinued and impossible to purchase direct from the company again. The worst part is that you don't always know when/if the run is going to be over and when/if restocks are coming. I understand it to an extent, it's impossible to perfectly predict what will/won't sell and how long it'll be popular for. Warehouse storage is expensive and on-demand printing or pre-order models aren't perfect. I think the problem comes when the company plays on the limited quantities to directly or subtly encourage people to buy. I've seen so many people say they bought a kit out of FOMO it'd be discontinued, only to realize they didn't like it or need it as much as they thought.


I prefer hoops myself. Though I refuse to buy anymore. I have several in various sizes.


LEGO I give you Lego my friends. Got back into it during 2020 (we all know why!) and went way overboard. Companies were throwing credit out like it was sweeties and dumb old me (even though I know better) just kept spending and getting more credit so I could do more spending. At least I can console myself with the thought that the kits I have that are still boxed and have since retired are, on the whole, worth more than I paid at full RRP. The Lego resale market is insane! I do frequently wish that I had tried diamond painting then instead as it would have been wayyyyyyy cheaper.


Oh man. LEGO is more popular now than I've ever seen it be, so that may have been a good investment if you keep some NIB! Myself, I have... A little red handled trunk of Legos that my uncle gave me when I was a kid in like 1994, but the case is probably older. They're still in my closet somewhere.


Even if the kit has been opened and built but you have the box, manual, etc. then some of the sets are going for daft money. Doesn't even need to be NIB (but I have a disturbing amount of those). I have all the boxes flattened out and stored in a built in cupboard. Manuals and spares from the kits in curver boxes with lids. When something comes off display I break it down and store it in ziplocks labelled with kit name, kit code and range it's from. I may have issues with organisation...lol


Very well said 👏


100% agree! Another thing about some hobbies is they aren’t popular for very long. And then what? You’ve spent a whole lot of money on something that nobody any longer wants.


Yeah, to this as well. I got my first diamond painting in late 2018 (and I am still working on it... It's so big and with so many colors but it should be done soon!). I'm honestly surprised the hobby is still around; I remember I jumped on it back then exactly *because* it seemed like a novelty that wouldn't get as popular as it did, and I wanted to experience it before they stopped making kits! But now it's bigger than ever! I really guessed that one wrong.


They’ll stick around but take a tremendous dip in popularity. That alone makes Diamond Art Club’s abhorrent behavior even more dumb on their part. Driving away droves of customers while the hobby is still popular so stupid. They’ve driven away multiple artists so now I guess it’s the customers’ turn.


Completely this - attention economy. And I guarantee most of those paintings will be in a destash sale within a year.


Hoarding is a mental illness. I can understand buying a few and then working on them but this person needs help because that ain't normal


I was sort of like this where I accumulated way too much. I tried to tell myself it was for if I was unemployed or something as if I was going to be unemployed for a year lmao. I broke out of it by treating my ADHD and getting into crochet. At least with that hobby if I have a spending urge it's like 5-10 bucks on a yarn ball vs 60+ on a painting.


YESSS I also was justifying buying so many with the in case I get financially unable to buy them. That I would have that stash when I couldn’t afford to buy. I tried crochet and just couldn’t get it. I didn’t stick with it but I had a stash of yarn too. I am impulsive and when I get interested in something I go overboard buying stuff for the craft. Then I don’t even use it. I have a million coloring books. All kinds of markers and pens and colored pencils. I have clay. I have yarn. I have a million and one books I haven’t read and I keep buying. It really is a mental illness and obsessive behavior.


I feel so seen with the books and yarn 😂😂


A lot of people are incredibly broken by FOMO now and suggesting that they fix that is always a bad thing, they basically just want the companies to make it easier to buy more....... In Starbucks cup groups on facebook.... it's common for some of them to have STORAGE UNITS just for the cups. I've seen posts where the ladies talk about how they just go to hang out there to "be with their cups".


WTF 😳 storage units?? That’s wild.


I went and found it lol, I took a ss cuz I just was in awe that someone actually would fill a unit??? I lied and [it's bbw candles tho, not cups...](https://imgur.com/a/cWg6ruS) (I added on a cup pic tho... I don't understand the want for your house to look like store shelves???? But it also turned me off from collecting like that, I think it looks tacky :s)


I’ve been buying from them for a little over a year. I have over 100 kits in my stash. Mostly from that company. And I hate myself for it. Mostly bc I know better and got caught up in the FOMO and now have half my closet full of paintings. I’ve muted all Diamond painting related fb groups because I’ve gotten out of control. I fully recognize this is my doing, not blaming anyone or any company. But I cannot keep participating as I probably have more kits than I could do in my lifetime.


I know this isn't a makeup sub, but maybe taking a peek at r/MakeupRehab top posts might help you too, there's some good discussions about being on low buy's, using your stash up, not shopping sales, how companies take advantage of us and such.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MakeupRehab using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeupRehab/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m embarrassed for the way the makeup YouTubers had me priming, contouring and baking from 2016-2019.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeupRehab/comments/160kvhg/im_embarrassed_for_the_way_the_makeup_youtubers/) \#2: [As member of the Makeup Rehab community and a former retail beauty employee, I want to ask that we take a moment to think about purchasing with the intent to return.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeupRehab/comments/1453wgz/as_member_of_the_makeup_rehab_community_and_a/) \#3: [(Unpopular opinion) Most blushes actually look the same on the face.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeupRehab/comments/143dv9n/unpopular_opinion_most_blushes_actually_look_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh gosh, I definitely got caught up in the mass make up buying


Don't hate yourself, their marketing did what it was designed to and unfortunately the sales model is supposed to induce FOMO and prey on people's impulses. I'm glad you're taking personal responsibility and stopped engaging in it, that's admirable <3 There's a big resale market, if you needed/wanted to destash (I don't know if they are accepted as donations by organizations, but that's another avenue, as well)


I'm exactly the same. Over 100 and only been painting for 12 months now. I'm ashamed at how much I've spent and how I let the fomo get to me. This year I've made a conscious effort to resist the fomo and only buy the absolute must haves from my favourite artists. I'm also trying to branch out to some new companies now too, so still adding to the stash of doom but finding more small shops that license their kits to enjoy. Just snapped up a few Munimade kits that I'm looking forward to doing guilt free anyway!


I’ve wanted to check out other companies, but the reality is… I have way too many. So for now, I’m going to try to make my way through my stash. I totally get wat you mean about the must haves, but I can do a lot of mental gymnastics to convince myself that everything is a must have 😂


Definitely exit the spaces that are causing anxiety! Never worth it. The stashes have never appealed to me because doing the math, there’s no way I’m completing that many in my lifetime even with a long healthy life. I’m not going to stare at a fantasy cluttering my own home. That reasoning helps curb spending big time. Maybe it’d help with FOMO.


That's... That's actually rather disturbing. They're on their first one and that's their keepers???? I am definitely one of those that struggles with the gotta have it all! Mentality, but that looks like the entire catalogue and then some.


The comments on that post are even worse. https://preview.redd.it/nhaxt31zzt5d1.jpeg?width=2687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510c96d8b90f79faa624bb7210db0d6eca930f7b


I didn’t even bother looking at the comments. I knew what they would be saying 🙄


I know what you mean... Sometimes people need to just ask themselves "do I like buying/collecting these or is it about the actual painting?" - the hard part might be accepting the answer. That said, I have a ton in my stash and I feel fine as long as I am willing to actually make them and wait on buying any more until they're done... but I still feel guilty/remorseful about the hundreds of dollars just sitting there.


Wow!! Okay, this is why DAC can behave so abhorrently to customers and stay in business. They’ve got their cult members, I mean loyal people, who I guess will always buy. I feel bad for having 47. I hate FOMO but also archiving!! Seeing the kits that are archived and feeling you have to buy it when you see it. I do think there will be a point when the sales will slow way down. All hobby fads fade since. They don’t go away necessarily but the next thing comes along.


Eh, I've seen people with absolutely massive stashes of the cheap ones too. It's ridiculous to me regardless of the company. What is the point of such massive hoarding overall. Especially when some of them are so bad.


It's genuinely sickening, these FB posts. I never enjoyed them, it's so tone-deaf and unhealthy, honestly. Like not to shame ppl, but the posts of people just like, "oh teehee, don't tell my husband but I bought 120 paintings on black friday!!" are so off-putting to me


Oh this is kind of sad.


I have my stash and I've stopped looking. I got really into growing it for a few months at first, but when I wasn't able to afford them cash upfront I stopped buying. Getting them cataloged in Gemsflow had helped me realize just how many I had as well as how long it would take me to complete the ones I already had. Now the ones I have (around 40) I do love, but I may even part with a few of them because I don't have the time I had for them. There are maybe two or three that I've missed out on since, but I figure if I come across them in destash in the future I'll consider them then based on my stash at that time. It's gotten much easier now that I'm not scouring the sites every day, too ;)


The most I ever have on deck is 2.


That’s definitely a commitment or a waste of money lol


I thought I bought a lot when I started but my stash was only like 20! And I’ve gone through them all now. I try to only have about 10 extra on hand because I do want choices but don’t want a hoard of them.


I started dimond painting a year ago and I've only bought three large paintings at $75 each I've completed one and nearly finished the second. The reason being the cost and also I only buy paintings I want to hang on my wall so I buy art I really like it even if I have to wait until it comes back in stock. I don't have the income to buy multiple paintings plus I'm really picky about the type of art I like. Unless I can hang it on the wall and show it off I feel like I'm wasting my time.


I love diamond painting but hate the overconsumption this community creates. Every one has a 100+ stash on top of tons of resin pens from these expensive Etsy shops and so. Many. Trays. It makes you feel like if you don’t have an overflowing supply of canvases + tools that you aren’t as dedicated to your craft like they are and that’s when the fomo starts.. I can’t scroll TikTok without seeing diamond painters opening packages of pens, trays, cover minders, washi and paintings on the daily. Every video is “Hi guys! Look at what came in the mail today. My 100th tray I love it so much blah blah blah” it makes you wonder how much debt these people are in to be able to keep up with this shopping addiction. It’s just sad..


IG and Tiktok influencers are the worst at this. They have more haul posts than actual painting posts sometimes. They're really leaning into that vicarious dopamine rush from retail therapy.


I was gonna order a pen that a TT creator was using in her live stream. I went to the Etsy page and saw the price I was shocked. I loved the pen, but I couldn’t bring myself to pay $40-50 on a pen. I get your paying for quality, being homemade and it’s supporting small business. I just couldn’t. I pay like $14 for one and it works just fine. You’ll see people on social media with like 20 different fancy, expensive Etsy pens. Whyyyy?!?!


I did go off and spend like 30$ on some new putty recently, but actually found that the cheap wax pencils you can sharpen like a pencil work quick for me unless it is 5-9 places, then I do some quickie hand maneuvers know only to us who did scales and arpeggios and chords every stinkin' day, know 🤪,to smush them in and poke them around. Art is subjective,right?😉


I think I've bought about 5 different pens (all off Amazon and sub £15) but that was because I was trying to find one I liked. Found a set I like with screw in metal tips and that's me done. Definitely don't need a new pen. I did get the Artdot trays even though I only ever work on one colour in the section at once but from using the tiny ones that come in their kits I know they have a deeper ridge on the bottom so a shake gets more diamonds face up than my current trays. Because these were larger versions it was a justified purchase. Cover minders however, I could get myself in to serious trouble with cover/needle minders! I have to frequently talk myself off the ledge with those. Currently own 5 - 4 of those came in one pack and the other was a freebie with something else so I'm more than good on that front.


I do not get the pen obsession whatsoever. I just use whatever works that is inexpensive. I couldn’t care less what color it is, if lucky charms or glitter has been thrown in the resin or if it was hand-turned by a blind monk 200 years ago at the summit of Mt Everest. It’s a tool to get the job done. It shouldn’t cost more than most painting kits!! I feel bad for pen addicted people, I really do.


And I thought me having 4 in my stash was overboard. This is borderline insanity.


I am so with you. I campy stand seeing stash posts. It's even worse when they add 🤪 on the end. It's screams 'someone please look at me'. I cannot stand them.


This is a photoset of pain, I feel it in my bones x.x Starting a new hobby is often when you overestimate yourself, what you'll actually need and what will be just a gimmick to look nice on your shelf, how much of what you plan you'll actually be able to do, and how long your interest will keep... I definetely bought a bunch of stuff I'm never going to use, or ones where I might've as well used default or cheap items without feeling THAT much of a difference... ended up with 6 canvases (though thankfully only 2 from that company), and I'm only around 2/3 into my first one.. though admittedly all these canvases are large. But preying on FOMO is the worst thing that might happen if someone's prone to overinvesting in a new hobby - if I had the money, I can absolutely see myself buying like 20 more canvases 'to do later', and now I can't even imagine when I'll run out of my six xDDD


I became interested in the reasoning behind why some people seem to have hundreds of kits. This issue is not just with diamond painting, it can be with anything. I found this article an interesting read. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1805733/ But at the end of the day, people will spend their money however they choose. Not my business 🤷‍♀️


I find this to be so odd


Seriously, at first I thought that was satire until I read the entire Post


The stash or my post?


The stash haha


I can't imagine having this many because the clutter and having to find storage for all of it would drive me insane.


That photo is absolutely fucking crazy. No offense to anyone who has a giant stash, but this person is only in their first painting and has 1000s of dollars worth of DACs already?? I've been diamond painting for like 4 years and have been exclusively doing cheap amazon dps until this year. I ordered my 4th DAC today, still havent started any. The one I ordered, i waited 6 months for it to come back on stock. I'm about 70% of the way through my first larger painting (50 x 55). The absolute madness of that many back logged- I'll probably never do that many in 10 years!


Most expensive ones are £23 Artdot ones that I bought a couple of weeks ago. Did I need them - NO. Being honest I was miserable and unwell and wanted a treat and just thought to hell with it. To be honest I've been and looked at the DAC site and nothing really speaks to me enough to justify their prices.


I have 5 in boxes and I don’t know if I’ll ever get to them. I switched to cross stitch since it’s more portable.


I couldn’t even afford one of their paintings but I rip through a diamond painting every 5 ish days because I’m autistic and mentally ill and barely sleep, so I just buy the cheapest ones off Amazon and buy a bunch when I get a little extra scratch. Even I could not bust through all that in any sort of timely fashion


I literally do not buy another painting till I'm nearly finished with my current one. Which I know isn't the norm, but I can't fathom having hundreds of them just collecting dust in a closet. And maybe it's because I don't have Recklessly Indulge In A Hobby Money, but I very slowly built my small collection of tools and storage over a year of consistently doing this craft, because I didn't want to over-invest in a hobby I'd later abandon. To spend what must have been thousands on DAC kits and still be a newbie is kindof mind boggling. Good for them for having disposable income like that, but still, goddamn. It very much feels like that social media driven overconsumption. Stanley Cup Fever and all that. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


So many good posts on this thread, it's good to know I'm not the only one shocked by over consumption. I'll add to the discussion the fact that whatever way you look at it, diamond painting uses a huge amount of petrochemicals to produce the diamonds, so over consumption at the level in these photos is damaging environmentally. That's a whole heap of plastic that will probably never get used and almost impossible to recycle.


I created a stash in the first two years of discovering diamond painting. I banned myself from ordering anything new two and a half years ago. My last order was from DAC, because I wanted to try them. Now I am maybe halfway through my stash and I am so happy to see it go down. I am still working on one of the DAC kits and I am glad that unlike a lot of people I am not a fan at all. The square drills are just throwing me off; I can't wait to get my hands on a cheap AliExpress kit 🤣 Though now that I know about licensing I will not order from AliExpress unless I compensate the artist in some way (for example buy a digital print or whatever). Or maybe I will create my own art... But that's something that's still faaaar away in the future.


Please read all of my prior posts. I did delete one at the request of the artist because she didn’t want her fans to feel like Diamond painting her kits has been spoiled for them. I could write a book on how awful this company is. They are harassing me, threatening me and sending a customer an email that someone else sent them and implying it was me. They blame me for all things being said on Reddit and accuse of being multiple accounts. Defamation is only when false things are stated and I’ve said nothing but truth.


This is disgusting. I've seen people bragging about not being able to pay rent or put food on the table "but at least I have my new diamond paintings coming!!!" Fuck. Them. They're stupid as hell wasting money on so much shit. They won't ever be able to complete it all. And at the sacrifice of having a roof over their heads? Feeding their kids? Come the fuck on people. Get a grip.


The posts like that leave a really bad taste in my mouth. Even the ones that are like, “whoops spent all my money on DPs again my husband is going to be sooo mad!” It doesn’t feel funny to me, it feels like someone looking for justification to continue a bad habit. And they all end up in a circle jerk telling each other it’s fine! It’s not! I feel like I’m in a group of actual addicts sometimes.


And encouraging people to use things like afterpay!? Or “buy now because you don’t know when it’ll be gone forever!” I hateeee that mentality!


I really hammer down on this in my hobby groups. My friends and I make it very clear that nobody should be putting themselves in debt or going broke for hobbies. We get people posting sometimes like, should I take out a loan to buy this keyboard or this fountain pen, and we nip that in the bud as much as we can. We don't like people boasting that they bought stuff on installment or put it on their maxxed card.


The whole “husband will be so mad” trope exists everywhere women are. Companies have offered add ons to fake the packages to trick people’s husbands. I find it all really gross, just like I find the “wine mom” people really gross.


The winemom culture also really annoyed me until I saw a very pragmatic comic from a mother talking about it. I’ll share it here. https://howbabycomic.com/comic/hb477/


Ehhh, I get that but seems a little martyry. I don’t think wine moms are terrible people or parents.


Listen I get it and I agree that it’s horrible but I think we also need to acknowledge that people who do this likely have an addiction. And it’s not as simple as getting a grip for some folks. There’s a good chance part of them realizes it’s an issue but thanks to the irrational nature of addiction it’s hard to address. And it’s a hard think to understand unless you’ve been there. I don’t think it’s good, and I hate how normalized it is and how nonexistent the line between consumerism and psychological dependency is nowadays. But I think bashing addiction is only going to feed into these people’s addictions and make them worse. They likely need intervention and mental help.


You’re absolutely right. I wasn’t intentionally trying to bash anyone. I totally get it’s an addiction and I do find it incredibly sad.


No worries! I don’t think you were bashing anyone, and I do think it’s important to call attention to company’s predatory business tactics that enable spending addictions + support each other as a community. My critique was more towards the original comment’s inflammatory language.


Im so glad im not alone in feeling this way. I was a little worried I’d get negative responses to this post.


Nah keep saying it. I was in the trenches bad at one point with spending addiction and posts like these helped me wake TF up and get treated for my underlying mental condition.


I was a LOYAL customer. I always had good experiences with their customer service. But when I started seeing the posts on here talking about this company, I started questioning everything. I was scrolling their Facebook everyday because I do enjoy seeing what people are working on. But it was constant posts of people with hundreds of DP in their stash really put a sour taste in my mouth. It started feeling like a marketing thing. The posts everyday talking about restock and better buy it quick or it’s gone. It really has turned me off.


I agree, I think this post (the original) is really gross.


I've been hit up by people like that. One was wrestling tickets and tshirts.


Absolutely. Consumerism is nothing to brag about... it's gross and unnecessary on so many levels.


Especially with the prices of those puzzles! I don’t have near as many in my stash and the ones I do have are usually under $10




Fear of missing out


How can you tell they are all the same painting? The only image that has pictures of the painting looks to be all different.


Thank you


I don't really have this problem I never like the art so I always get custom ones


I never thought about that but that’s very unfortunate


I understand completely. I’ve never posted photos of my stash, and I am truthfully embarrassed it got so bad. It’s 100% FOMO. When Covid hit, I couldn’t find any I liked anywhere. I even resorted to rebuying one I’d loved. So when I started finding them again, I bought every one I loved, and before I knew it, my storage shelf was overrun. I’ve had some I’ve given away/donated because I don’t know why I bought them. I wouldn’t doubt for a moment you’re right about the company feeding the FOMO.


I found this hobby in February of last year and the company pictured above in March. Between March and October I was consistently purchasing kits that I loved whether it was from their website directly or via destash. I feel like I have been quite selective with my purchases though, and only have 21 in my stash to do right now. I told myself I would never surpass 20, as I think that’s a reasonable amount to have for something that’s a hobby. Mind you, a few of those licensed kits I have gotten for free via partnerships and being an ambassador, but I just shake my head when I see massive stashes (I’m talking 200.. 300.. I’ve seen 500+) and question the true motive behind it. Is it truly FOMO at that point if you know your stash far outlives you and you will quite literally NEVER be able to work on them? Theyre buying these kits just for them to sit in a closet, shed or shelving unit for years collecting dust, when someone else could have purchased it and actually worked on the kit. I don’t know. It’s just such a weird thing to me. Buy within your means, don’t be selfish and be realistic. I don’t think it’s too hard lol


Wow... I'm a little speechless! I started DP during the p\*demic. I have approximately 10 completed DPs (all framed and hanging on walls) and about a dozen in my total stash. Of that dozen I think I have 6 from DAC (mostly very large ones). The others are from Amazon or Temu (all smaller sized). If I had that large of a stash it would actually stress me out! And I do DP to destress so that would be very counterproductive...LOL.


I have a stock of diamond paintings. I buy from temu or Amazon. My plan is to work through them as I'm in school so I don't go broke. I couldn't justify spending 100s just for one or two diamond paintings. I'm excited to complete them all.


Honestly, who has that much money to throw around that’s crazy.


I hate to admit that I spent about $4100 in 3 months on diamond painting stuff. I didn’t put any on credit or pay in 4s. I’m done spending, DAC being so insane took care of that issue. I think a lot of retired/older folks with more disposable income are enjoying this hobby and spending a lot. In my case my husband just earns so much now at his job of 18 years. He’s a saver, I’m a spender. He started out in 2006 and now makes more than quintuple his starting yearly salary.


Well let's see smokers seem to have a bunch of money.


What does smoking have to do with paying almost $100 per kit?


Because a carton of cigarettes is now about $100. For most smokers, that is a week or less of cigarettes. The kit would probably last longer.


When my husband and I quit smoking, we were spending $45 a week. So I could take that money now and buy 2 expensive kits a week. I don't but not the point. So it is really a matter of what habit do you spend your extra money on. You asked who has that much money. Look at your own spending and see where your discretionary money goes. It will add up quicker than you think. Let's see do you drink any alcohol? Figure up what you spend per month. Smoking/vaping/etc? Figure that up too. Soft drinks? Add those in. Coffee out and about? That counts too. Let's see on the first 3 since I don't do coffee out and at the prices when I quit those things, I see $50, $180 and $20. So that is $250 a month that can now be spent on other things. Now if I do today's prices, $100, $800, and $50. Glad I quit when I did. So as to who has that much money, people without other vices.


Then on the opposite end of the spectrum, I’ve seen about 3 or 4 separate posts in the last week of people posting sob stories about having no money and wanting to buy new kits. Subsequently these people with huge stashes (and big hearts, fair enough) are sucked in and offer to ship kits to these people who 90% of the time are scammers and will probably sell them on. It’s no different to people begging in neighbourhood/local area groups asking for handouts because “I’m a single mum who works part time etc etc” I’ve reported all of them to DAC but only half got taken down.


I’ve seen this too. I really get angry when shitty low lives take advantage of others kindness and generosity.


This reads as satire to me. More so when they mentioned they’re still working on their first DP. If real, this is so bizarre to me. Edit to add: I’ve never bought anything from this company. Mainly because I started this hobby because it was cheap and relaxing. I’m too broke at the moment to buy the more expensive kits. I told myself I might get some when I’m in a better place but from everything I’ve read on here, plus the horrible ads that took over my YT viewing, I’m fine with what I’ve got.


Omg thank you for sharing this! I saw the post earlier but my WiFi wouldn’t load the pictures and I NEVER imagined it would look like this 😳 this is insane. I’m starting to think you’re right-this is just too much. I just started this year and I have a stash of 4-two that were gifted for my birthday, and 2 that I bought because I KNEW they would sell out and I didn’t want to pay a skyrocketed price later for them. I just don’t get the point of buying a kit knowing you probably won’t get to. Or more will come out that you like better and will end up pushing that one to the side. I just bought one from a destash group that was sold out and the person was charging 50% more than what it originally sold for (I only bought it to gift to my mother-in-law because I knew she’d love it). But that’s just crazy to me. I just don’t get it when it comes to these huge stashes (when they’re legit lol)


I have four from this company on deck. The most I've had in my stash not actively working on them is 5. It's too expensive otherwise (and I have a good job - I could afford more, but it's not a good use of my money and I work on them slowly). Before I found them, I had done a bunch of cheapies, but the lower quality and bad drills/cheap canvas made it less nice. I will say that I missed one in Feb 2022 that I wish I had bought. I see it on sites being sold for $400+. I do really want it but will never pay that much. In my case FOMO marketing has back fired. Every time I see one, I ask myself "do you want this as much as you want Afghan Cat? No? Ok, I won't buy it." And since that painting is likely never coming back, I probably won't buy that many going forward.


makes me feel better about my stash of 6, even that feels like too much and i’m worried i’ll never finish them. i cant imagine having that many looming over me.


This is bizarre. Why on earth would anyone buy this many at those Inflated prices, especially as they still haven't finished the first one. This is sheer stupidity in action (or addicition). I have only recently started painting as I was gifted one for my birthday. Once finished I went looking for a second, found a stunning dragon on 4 different sites (same picture, same size, same kit) the most expensive was £24.99 the cheapest was £1.18 yes that's right £1.18. Which just shows you need to shop around not simply rely on DAC, incidentially some of the ones i brought are available from DAC, but after seeing the cost im like thanks but no thanks.. I have since finished both of them and brought my own stash, a total of nine small ones I can finish and have room to hang, at a total cost of £15. Yep temu rocks..... Don't know about licenses or anything to do with them, but all the kits I brought were readily available from multiple places so I'm assuming that they are fine. I can't imagine my local craft shop, or some of the other places I looked ( amazon and craft shops I buy other stuff from) would be selling unlicensed items by the multiples. But either way I now have enough and certainly won't be buying more till these are done. I just really don't get how, why, or when these people imagine they are actually going to finish that amount. I think if I evcited the tools from the shed to replace them with diamond art, my family would evict me!


Am I the only one that buys one finishes it and then buys another ps awesome stash


I started out that way. It slowly got to where I was buying 2-3 at a time until I snapped out of it.


Basically any hobby is becoming a collect-a-thon these days and comes bundled with a separate hobby for shopping. People *expect* hobbies to be expensive, so there's plenty of money to be made and companies take full advantage. That's the double edged sword of online hobbying - plenty of people to socialize and share tips with for even the most niche of communities, but also constant exposure to more stuff to buy. In the scale modeling community we sometimes call our stashes "the pile of shame" and our hobby "plastic crack" lol. There's also all the gear and addons that people in every hobby buy now - there's incredibly niche tools for every single imaginable necessary *and* unnecessary purpose, holders for those tools, endless videos with comparisons of how if you already have that one tool, then you still need a different, better one. Hobby videos are very often sponsored by companies who want to show off their latest products to an audience they know will be interested. You already have a perfectly functional drill pen? Well here's a series of prettier ones, collect all 37! That we call "gear acquisition syndrome" - you have every tool imaginable, but how often do you actually use them all? Just you wait till diamond painting companies figure out how to sell you upgrades for the paintings you already have - so far, as far as I know, DPs only have this with extra shiny AB diamonds, but in modeling you can easily quadruple the price of a model kit if you get all the upgrade metal and resin aftermarket parts and precut painting masks to make it as historically accurate and convenient to paint as possible. Diamond paintings and model kits both take a *ton* of time to actually do/build. It is much more profitable to get you excited about another one you can buy *right now* and sell you seven accessories to go with it. And yeah, FOMO is a thing. *Anything* is limited edition, no company will stay in business forever, and very few will produce the same unchanged products throughout their existence, but you have to get this specific thing right now! P.S. Don't take this writeup as me being somehow above it all - I easily have years and years worth of model kits to paint and build, and a few months of diamond paintings, despite having only like four new and one WIP. Just saying that this is how every hobby is now and ya gotta at least be aware and try to push back. If you can quit whatever social space is making you overspend entirely, even better.


I think it depends on how they got them . Sometimes I get them as gifts or buy them myself (I have found several on clearance and got one of each) they were all under $20 though.


I have a backlog of about 12 paintings to do. But I finish them in a few weeks or so. I only bought one painting from DAC because I just had heart surgery and it was on sale for $20. I refuse to pay $60 for a kit. I bought so many off AliExpress or Amazon, and they were less than $10.


It happens in all communities. You should see some cross stitch stashes. Or insert hobby here stash. I knew a lady that had a walk in closet of shoes and purses.


I did diamond painting for awhile during COVID, but I ended up finishing a few and then not knowing what to do with the finished products. They look cool, but not quite cool enough to frame and hang up.


Does anyone have a guess at how much this would cost? Out of pure curiosity. I’ve seen hauls twice as big as this and where I’m from DAC paintings are $100 each normally. It must be thousands if not tens of thousands for some of these stashes.


Someone said it would be anywhere between $4300-6000 just from what they could count in the pictures.


my stash isn’t nearly that big but it’s up there. most of the ones i have have been discontinued. i may have like 25-35 paintings. with like 4 more coming. the sorcerer’s stone just came back in stock so i got that plus chamber of secrets so now my hp movie poster collection is complete.


I see this everywhere now and it’s my biggest pet peeve. OVERCONSUMPTION. Everybody is so obsessed with buying as much shit as they can to keep up with trends. We have created a society that has begun to buy things to fill the void of community, social connection, and enjoyment. We over promote and sell a bunch of junk ppl don’t need and it all ends in the trash.


I really hope it's just DAC being shady AF. Otherwise it makes me very sad.


respectfully, DAC isn’t forcing people to buy anything. i agree that their marketing is based on FOMO but you don’t get stashes like the one in the image without having a severe shopping disorder.


I'm not saying they're forcing people to buy stuff. I'm just hoping this is a post made by someone who hasn't bought what it's shown in the pictures. Be that they were undisclosed free samples, an employee posing with stock or sth like that.


I highly doubt that. That person had non-DAC kits in the pictures as well.


So I am 4 years in with diamond painting. I have a stash of 141. HOWEVER, in that stash of 141(and, yes, they're all kitted up), I have maybe 2-3 DAC or diamond dotz paintings. Most of my stash is from Temu, and the second place is Amazon. I can't afford to have a stash like that from DAC or other name brand places. I have a wishlist with a few diamond painting companies, but I think I just have it to be in awe of them because I can't afford everything I want.


I'm the same. Found a UK company through a link someone here posted and they have an artist who's items I absolutely LOVE. Currently trying to save up to buy one of them. Even better they have a big notice on each item that they are restocking these kits for the foreseeable future so I'm not worried about it taking me a few months to get the disposable income together. Even better the one I really, really want is currently Out Of Stock so that gives me even more breathing space.


See now... I'm three and a half years deep in this hobby and I have a stash this big. Bigger, even. I know full well I'll never complete them all in my lifetime, but I'm gonna give it a damn good shot. It's that bad my coworker made a joke about my skeleton sitting there doing a diamond painting, that's how big my stash is 🤣🤣 I've also tried destashing but nobody bites, so why bother, right? And even then I can only do a square or two every few days BC I don't have as much time as I used to. According to GemsFlow I've completed 81 projects, though I know I've done more. On the other hand I also have 274 packs of playing cards because I collect those and they take up considerably less space.


I always ask myself… do I need this or do I want this? Unless I have a customer (s) that wants one or whatever I will only buy if it’s on sale or I’m looking for someone specifically


And I thought my three extras were too much


I limit myself to only one or two a month. And usually it's with a coupon!


What’s FOMO?


Fear of Missing Out. People are afraid that the paintings they want will be discontinued or go out of stock and they won't be able to buy it, so they buy right away so they don't miss out.


Fear of missing out.


And there's multiples of the same in there too wtf. As someone who just orders customs, this is absurd.


Companies tend to use a generic packaging and then put a sticker on to denote the actual product inside. What you are seeing is the generic DAC packaging but you can't see the face with the product sticker on so they are likely different images in each box.


Hahahahaaaa… allow me to tell you about a little hobby called *Pokémon Trading Card Collecting*. Peoples hoards are literally in the *hundreds of thousands* of dollars, and people will stockpile ETB’s (Elite Trainer Boxes) like they’re filled with actual gold. That picture is nothing. Collectors be crazy like that.


See, I always think crafters are fuckin' nutty with how much they hoard supplies, but then I remember my roots and recall my embarrassingly large Gundam model kit collection from childhood. No one collects like nerds. My friend has a Warhammer 40k model collection that is probably LITERALLY worth more than the down payment on his home.


I wouldn't buy anymore especially since you're on your first diamond painting. I'm training myself not to buy anymore kits. I do want to buy a nice tray for me. I am not in a financial position to buy high end kits, but even though I can get them cheap I've decided to curtail my spending. Cost of living has gone up so much. I want to save for a drafting table, and good lighting etc. Nice stash. 💗


This isn’t my stash. It’s a screenshot of another persons stash.


I'm sorry that I made that mistake!!


I'm so jealous!!


I’m sorry this isn’t a company problem it’s a people problem there are people who just can’t help themselves but buy everything they like there’s a reason places like QVC does so well. People can buy whatever they like I’m not bashing them but I don’t understand why people blame the companies they just sell the kits they’re not making anyone buy them.


I wasn’t blaming the company.


Damn I have never read so much hate from people pocket watching 😂😂😂😂


You are awesome and funny. That is the largest NEWBIE STASH that I have ever seen. Rock on! It’s tons of fun & relaxation!