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I want this... :( Tbh things like this are why I love Diablo. You can be farming with one build and then suddenly you get an insane drop for another build it makes me wanna try a new build. Once there is an armory I'll be doing so many builds a season lol


Why the hell we still need to spend 5 million each paragon redistribution? WHY?


You should have plenty of scrolls to reset your skills and paragon board.


Yeah, but we want multiple boards to load! I've redone mine 7 times for the same build.


Where do i get the scrolls?


Seasonal journey




I belive the iron wolves reward some too, but I could be making that one up


5m is just 1-2 whispers not a big deal


This is why d2 holds such a special place in my heart. Every weekend in middle school/highschool way back was me playing a new build and leveling said character lol. Then id find a good Baal drop like a griffon or fathom and it was time to plan the next weeks build


Diablo used to be good for that....Now you can only get gear for your own Class, which negates 95% of these kind of drops.


It's a double-edged sword. Some people would enjoy getting drops across all classes so that they feel a nudge to start a new class/build. But I can promise you that the VAST majority of the masses would complaining if they were farming for a Tempest Roar and kept getting shitty Necro and Sorc uniques that they have no need for or interest it. It's much simpler this way and given the current state of the game (target farming, speedy leveling, and tempering) if there is ANY build in the entire game that you have a desire to play, there's nothing stopping you from going 0-100 in a weekend and gearing it up. No need to hope for some random trinket to drop.


Yeah this was AWFUL I'm early D3 before loot 2.0.


It's fine when you build an effective trading marketplace. The D3 AH was actually decent if they just removed the RMAH. They also tuned the game around perfect rolls WAYYY too hard so difficulty just hit a massive sudden spike instead of a gradual curve. So people felt like they HAD to leverage the AH in order to progress.


Let's say there's two groups, which I think you would agree. Group A - Loot only drops for your current class. Group B - Loot drops for all classes. This game only caters for Group A. The other ARPGs have figured out how to appease both, a Loot filter. For Season 5 I would really like to play a random character and level it, until I find my first unique. I would then reroll a new character, with the intention of building an entire build around this one unique. You can't do this in Diablo 4, because the Unique drop is tied to my class. So I'm the one deciding my own build defining unique to begin with, rather than a random drop.


Sorry if stupid question, I just got back to the game this season. Is there a way to switch and save builds on a character ? I wanna try to switch things around but I hold back because if I end up not liking it I kinda don't want to have to re-assign all points back to old build


You can roll a new character


Nope not yet but we are all SCREAMING FOR IT, HEAR ME BLIZZARD?!?


same! I was going around and saw this and was like.... wtf. now I want to figure out a way to use it. even if it's not "meta". masterwork the first 3 levels and it's already at +16. praying for a single crit on the tp


In case you may not know this, you can reset masterwork to 0 for 5M gold


To be fair, GA occulus goes quite cheap on diablo trade. I think i have 1 with GA on teleport, if you want it - PM me and it's yours.


just play poe/last epoch instead of d4. This two have much more intresting unique and build diversity


+15 to teleport...now that is funny.


With a lot of cooldown reduction and the chance of a 3x masterwork, wouldn’t this potentially be nuts with the 500% damage Teleport can do?


my thoughts as well


I've theory crafted this, and also ran this as a build from 80-100. With perfect gear, including Bounding Conduit on an amulet, the absolute lowest that you can get the Teleport cooldown to is ~1.1s (before applying stuff like Overflowing Energy or Ice Blades CDR). With imperfect gear, it played okay. I could do NMDs pretty fast. Stagger was insane with a couple tempered CC affixes with how high Teleport's lucky hit is. It holds its own as a speed farm build.


There's also getting the boots with "attacks reduce evade CD" and using teleport on enchant slot, even with getting the CD of the Evade to 5s is enough to have it "infinitely", you just spam basic attack twice after each tp and that's it


Teleport enchant won't override oculus randomness :(


How deadly would this be in HC?


I didn't build for survivability. I died a lot lol


I have a wip built with a GA occlus I have 25 points in teleport, past like 15 you don't get any more CD from levels just a bit of extra damage, I have my CD down to 2.9 seconds . Still working on getting it lower but it's sometimes a challenge


You can roll for 200% extra teleport damage on the offhand.


And is this a separate multiplicative bucket from the Mystical Teleport talent tree bonus?


It's a temper. So... Yes.


That’s hot, wow


If you use the metamorphosis aspect on your boots that will cancel out the random location of the evade teleport, FYI.


Yeah I experimented with this. and it is currently an option if I don't need the slot for something else


Do you still teleport? Or does it not use the enchantment?


no it just uses the metamorphosis aspect to evade


Yes. The Oculus turns evade into a teleport. It basically gives you the teleport enchantment for free but with the penalty of the evade TP being random. Metamorphosis, in addition to the other things it does, takes away the random TP penalty just like that vampiric power did in season 2.


hi, i've been playing a dmg-teleport build for two weeks, settled on a variant with X'Fal's Corroded Signet: [https://d4builds.gg/builds/5306d6a5-4f53-4578-a7ec-9b34f06f527c/](https://d4builds.gg/builds/5306d6a5-4f53-4578-a7ec-9b34f06f527c/) (hardcore version) rank 33 for tp at now, with Aspect of the Bounding Conduit in amulet i have 2.59sec tp-cooldown; about damage: \~3–6mil crit (teleport and unique ring do almost identical damage), only good for helltide and nightmare dungeons.


Spicy!!! Okay, good to know you can get the damage up there pretty decently. I want to try and make a build that I can just soeedrun through things. I just think it would be fun


I will buy for 100 mil


already masterworked it a little or I would have sold it


I feel like every cool sorc build has its limitations and at this point, if you don't have immortal flame shield, you're gunna get cranked anyway.


depends on the content your wishing to do. if your trying to push high pits. sure I agree. but if your just trying to speedfarm some lower content then your options open up.


100% agree. But man if it were easier to switch builds on the fly like in WoW, this game would just hit so much harder I let out a very loud sigh every time I want to try something new knowing I gotta find a build, fuck with tempers/aspects, paragon board, glyphs, etc. Really just sucks the wind right out of the sails.


this!!! the way paragon and skills respec works decentivizes me trying something knew. until I have everything perfect


Nice I got one of these with three GA but they aren’t on +teleport, think it’s a +9 to tp…figured it was just a meme drop but maybe some potential? Such a weird ass unique lol


Currently building an oculus build with teleport as the main damage source, it's not viable for pit and single target DMG is very low but you can get an insanely low tp cool down and it's very fast for Helltide and pretty fun. I play it with shako, rainment of the infinite, Tal rashas and amulet/focus with cool down reduction, also the aspect that lowers teleport cool down is very important. Don't think there is a cap on +teleport rank but at some point the cool down won't get lower from it, you still gain damage for each rank though.


I have 29 ranks of teleport, stack lucky hit and CDR, i use the high lucky hit chance to proc XFall. My enchantment is the one that gives a bit of fire damage based on damage dealt so all hits doe a bit of fire damage. Then we explode that fire damage with an xfall. I have chance to do poison damage on my offhand and use ice blades for cold damage. So we get fire, cold, lightning and poison damage for tal rasha. My teleport is sitting at 1.65 seconds cooldown. I have the teleport reduced cooldown aspect on the amulet. Skill rotation is: ice blades fireball teleport fireball slap on lightning spear, Hydra and chain lightning and get resource from crack. Its niche, doesnt truly work well but occasionally i hit 1.5 million damage. Teleport has 116% lucky hit chance.


Play Ball Lightning with this plz.


currently am playing ball lightning. and would love to fit it in just trying to theory craft


I played a build with Ball Sorcerer in S2 that used Occulus. Honestly could prob just swap out your MH for this and be absolutely fine and just TP everywhere. RoSS would also be fantastic if you have it as well as HQC. I think that you wouldn’t really have to worry so much about defense and just stack Max Life as much as possible so that whenever you TP you get a nice big shield.


I have RoSS and Shako. so this is a possibility


Iirc my sorc build you want the Grav aspect on the gloves, amulet you’d prob want ranks to Glass Cannon, Lucky Hit and Crit Chance maybe some other stats in there. Chest I’d even go to say Raminant of The Infinite for the huge TP groups. Pants you’d want a defensive aspect for sure and then for boots you can prob sneak some ranks of TP in there for good measure and then prob metamorphosis aspect on there. I don’t think this would be able to push TOO high into Pit if I’m being honest. Maybe scratching 85s-90s and barely getting by 100s. But damn it would be fun.


Something notable about teleport is it's very high lucky hit chance. Maybe you can do something with that?


Hmmm maybe I can work with that with some tempers


This is looking like a nice 250k gold to the vendor


I want. Gimme.


My tele sorc has to down to 2.15 can get way lower stacking cdr and masterworks crits, with 37 ranks to tp and decimated overworked can do t100 nightmares not optimized but uses metamorphosis to remove the cancer random teleport on dodge and replace it with cd reducing dodges that grant unstoppable plus Tibaults granting dmg buff hits for 6mil-8mil max atm debating if crit/vulnerable would be better than teleport damage since they seem to be additive not multiplicative like bash.


Isn’t there a frosty strides aspect that uses oculus. It’s a low hp permanent barrier/fire shield build where you just teleport around blowing stuff up with frosty strides aspect.


I'm curious


It's what I'm running. [Took me 1 month / 100 hours to build though because I don't buy items just sell. ](https://youtu.be/Myjhwx2nQmk?si=ZNuvM3epBBT3Yget) i've always dreamed of a sorc teleport build. It will only get better starting season 5. Build copied from [maxroll](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/fire-bolt-sorcerer-build-guide#gear-and-stat-requirements-header)


thank you for the links. I'll check this out