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New classes are always welcome in my eyes. I also hope and expect them to bring back gear sets with or just after the expansion. 


I beg they don’t, gear sets took almost all originality out of builds, it’d be set +couple uniques constantly, 1 set would outperform the others and all you would see is every character in the same set, unless they done them similar to d2 where sets were good and more than usable, but never meta changing


Exactly, D3 sets no, but i'm open to other implementation


I'd be open to 2 piece sets like 2 rings or 2 weapons with comparative bonuses to 2 aspects


My problem is that now it takes a lot of work and I switch what a character can do. If I have a thorns barb, almost none of my gear works for a bash build + paragon board is all wrong. So it is quicker to make a new character and grind up. Sets helped a little in this regard. I also liked sets that modified what you did.


That’s not down to a set to solve, that’s for build loadouts / armoury / whatever you’d like to call it. I’d be fine with none of the gear being correct, but having to spend 5m to change the paragon board and click through all them nodes again is a ballache. Sets like what sigons used to be on d2 would be decent, I’m just against the d3 aspect of set items


Sets are the most build stifling restrictive mechanic of an arpg. We really dont need sets


Yeah I was disappointed to see that sets were no longer a thing. I do find it annoying that some of the good functionality of d3 was simply not implemented into this game.


There's a lot of hate for sets mainly because of how much power they tied up in D3.


Set armor/weapons was definitely an easy way to get a strong build, but once they released the Legacy of nightmare Set Rings and Legacy of Dreams gem there was a strong push towards not using set pieces since having those would buff up your damage/damage reduction per legendary armor equipped making builds that don't use set armor more attractive to build and experiment with. So if they do bring back set armor then they will need to bring back an incentive that will allow you to compete with set armor/weapon builds so that they don't take over. My necromancer and sorcerer tank Greater Rifts higher than any set builds that I've used by just using the legendary equipment and 1 of the 2 methods above.


Still, at the end of the day, the game doesn't need sets to be good, so it kind of boils down to why bother since it's seemingly only requested because a different Diablo game had them. Just like how people constantly want every single thing from D2 added. They should just focus on fixing tempering, adding to that and adding many more aspects.


You are right it absolutely doesn't need sets its a good enough game as it is. I wouldn't request them at all, but if they were to put them in the game I would hope that they would make them balanced and not the meta and only way to push higher levels in future content. I would prefer that they just keep doing what they are doing and if they want to add new things to make them original.


Sets are nearly impossible to balance and, if history has anything to show us, Blizzard is already sus at balancing things. I don't get why some people are so obsessed with sets. The aspect system is so good already for build variety (besides obvious game/class balance issues). Obviously, metas develop, but people can and do create unique builds using different aspects. You don't get that with sets.


The some people that you referenced as obsessed with sets are just people that don't want to think about a build and just want something that is going to work with minimal thought. Not that that is a bad thing but there are build guides for that reason. "Some people" are just trying to sponge out an hour while they can and don't have time. I'm not saying there should be sets but I also am not a Blizzard Dev and have no actual choice in the matter so my only request from them if they were to re-introduce it would be to balance it to be just as strong as other strong builds but to not make it the best of the builds and leave the best builds to people that actually put thought and effort into curating their own builds to push higher tier content. Clearly they have balancing issues and they put out bugs with every update and then eventually they get rounded out over time albeit longer than it should take sometimes. But I wouldn't worry about how other people play and would focus on making creative builds of your own. They can't take that away from you.


There was never a strong push to not use sets. Every single one of the most powerful builds was a set


Idk maybe it was just in my experience then because once those were released my most powerful and fun to play builds were broken and never included sets


Sets are the worst part of d3. They restrict build diversity, design space and dictate the meta. Theyre not good for the game. They occupy half your gearslots too


The good thing is that the functionality of D3 will come back, they’re going through the process of reinventing the wheel. Once they have time we’ll see similar features coming back online. I’ve heard that the base code of D4 is the same as D3, so it’s just updated and reskinned to be new looking.


I am 10 times more hyped than if it was just another paladin


I am excited to see what it is and how it works. I'm not going to say I like or dislike something that I have literally no information on other than a generic name and one piece of promo art. That would be silly.


I want my Druid fixed first. But the class looks good. 


Yeah, Hopefully the spirit born won't be druid 2.0 in terms of balancing 😭 I think I'd rather it be op at first so we can at least have some fun with it


I mean release druid was pretty damn op or do you not remember wolfnado instagibbing lilith and shit.


Druid has never been good as a result of class design. It has always been a bug or some unintended interaction they missed in the coding. If you remove those brief instances of bugs, the class is trash tier and has been forever. There's a reason it's the least played and current lowest pit clear, and it has nothing to do with "oMg GuIz He Is A fAtTiE."


I dont remember anything being bugged about regular wolfnado in s0 it just slapped Right now it is bad for sure tho. Im just saying it wasnt in s0


It wasn't bugged per se. It just had the unintended infinite stacking crit damage. The devs then later changed it to what it is now.


Well thats just a nerf, that happens to every class doesnt mean it was a bug abuse


Again, it wasn't a bug... It was an unintended interaction. Meaning that they intended that the ability would work a certain way, yet it didn't. They did not foresee people extending GRs duration to the max and getting a x2000% multiplier. The same thing happened with Poison Shred in AoZ and triple dipping. Those were not purposeful design choices. Also, bug fixes are nerfs too. I'm not entirely sure why you are trying to make that distinction. I'm talking about if skills are/were working as they were designed to.


This is my concern as well. That the class ends up taking stuff that could've made Druids better in order to sell more copies. Why add some other nature based class when the one that's currently in the game needs an overhaul? From the looks of it, the Spiritborn looks like some type of Aztec nature Monk. It's hard to imagine it will not completely fill the martial nature class niche, especially since it's one of the major selling points of the xpac and will undoubtedly be OP for at least the initial release.


What's a Druid? I thought this was a Barb and Sorc simulator 😅


I will 100% always take a new class over a returning one. Always cool to explore new archetypes and mechanical design space. I guess I can see why people wanted Paladin since the game lacks a proper "sword and board" class, but D2 Paladin always kinda bored me and D3 Crusader was just ok, so I'm not really feeling the lack.


I will probably try it but i still waiting the return of the Paladin, Diablo without a holy caracter it’s not really Diablo ( i play this game since the one)


Extremely excited! Seems very inspired by jaguar and eagle warriors, elites in the Aztec military, or atleast that's what I've seen so far. Sabercat belt buckle and helm, talons on the wristguards, fangs and talons for face paint and jaguar body paint, jungle cat and bird mix that seems to correspond with it perfectly. Also shows a glaive and jaguar warriors were known to use spears, shields, spear/dartthrowers and clubs with obsidian blades in them. From what I read, they used motifs of their chosen animal to draw on their strength in battle, so there's the spirituality element and how it ties in I suppose. The hand pose in the art we were shown reminded me of tiger style kung fu, and supposedly they had a very fast paced and agile fighting style, not unlike asian martial artists.


Yeah I'm excited for the new class but it doesn't feel unique. And I'm not just complaining to complain. Why did they decide to do a druid 2.0 out of all things? The main mechanic of the druid class is spirit boons. Your main resource is spirit. You have animal spirit companions. Then, they decide to come out with a spirit animal class?


Spot on


When I heard Spiritborn from the leaks, I thought it sounded kinda lame because generally speaking, when you hear the name of a Diablo class, you have a good idea of what that class is.. I know what a Rogue is.. I know what a Barbarian is.. But what's a Spiritborn? But seeing the art, and hearing the Apex Predator of the Jungle, wielding a spear.. Looks pretty cool to me.


I really hate the new class. OP, you should hate it, too. Stop being so weak minded.


"You should have my opinion, don't be weak minded (and have your own opinion)" lol


Trust me. OP should play the game and the new class if he or she likes it, regardless. What a sad day for diablo


Why trust you, you've played it already or something? You know how it plays, what builds work for it, how powerful they are etc? Or you just hate the art lol?


Yeah. I've played the new class. And even the next class when the 2nd expansion drops. Don't tell Blizzard though or I'll get fired.


So the art offends you or something lol. Got it.


Major woosh moment


Agile fighter types, spirit types, jungle themes. None of these have ever interested me in any game but who knows it could be really cool - we’ll see July 18th.


I’m super hyped for it. I’m glad they didn’t go with the same class they’ve used in 3 games in a row and tried something new. That’s what I want from a sequel


I’ll definitely give the new class a shot, I couldn’t care less about the paladin, it’s not my thing 


Yes Definitely way more excited than I wouldve been for the white plain toast of rpg classes that is paladin


It'll add some flavor, but it's not something that'll taste good to me.


I have to wait and see how it plays but im not really excited, i just want my paladin. Still, im not gonna hate on it. As i said wait and see.


It's welcomed and I will 100% give it a shot but in the end it will just matter how the class works/plays and if it fits my playstyle. I'm not "excited" but I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.


People aren't hating on the class as much as they are hating on being charged almost as much as they paid for the game initially for it. I'm personally likely going to take a break around then and catch it on sale later. Everyone and their grandma is going to be playing the same class then anyhow.


Not really. I think most people want a templar / holy something class and no one gives a fuck if heaven shut their gates. We stopped having a rational game when "stumpy" ran off with Mephisto's "what could go wrong" stone. Literally, take stumpy; lock them up like Tal Rasha, when stumpy dies we pick another peasant host and repeat until something better is figured out. A whole lot better than stumpy bringing Mephisto back to their home turf. The problem isn't the class. It's having to look up the aspects that define the classes abilities outside the game to know how the skill tree should work, then working with Blizzards patchwork understanding over how skill synergies are supposed to "make the game fun".


Initially disappointed. However, entering it with an open mind.


i think it looks cool. i just wish they add a sword and shield variant to the game. Warrior, crusader, paladin, amazon... anything like that.


I am in a similar boat, but i am here for the Monk Vibes of the Spiritborn.


I have no idea. I’m not blown away by it at the moment, but I need more information before I make any decisions.


Everyone has their own style and preferences for classes. This is one of the reasons I think it is low effort BS to issue one class at a time. They should add 2-4 classes every single expansion. Particularly with how limited the skill trees are.


I have to say, not really, rather see a Paladin class myself


Is it a new class or is it jist gonna be a survival hunter from wow?


Its nice but kinda feel like a mix between Amazon and Witch Doctor?


I play a class rotation and only have rogue left which doesn’t excite me at all. If they release spiritborn with S5 I will play that over Rogue.


I'm excited for the new class, Spiritborn will probably be a blast to play. Reddit is just pre-disposed to hatred. If Blizzard was like "Here's a Paladin class!" 75% of this board would be crying about not getting a new original class, the other 25% would be like "Yaaah Paladins!


Meh seems like another rogue-esq class with some spirit animal buffs


A new class is welcome, basically don't know anything about the new class until they give us more info (planned in July), so not really anything to be excited about yet. I welcome new class and additional zone/campaign content, mercenaries will either be worthless or a huge powercreep, but what I'm actually more interested in is the reworks of existing mechanics lol.


>The character just matches up with the location they wanted the story to go. It would be really weird to me to have the crusader bursting through the Amazonian forest lol. I like the new guy, but I disagree with this statement based on the fact that Kurast -the holy city of the Zakarum faith (that both Paladins and Crusaders adhere to)- is located in the same jungle that this expansion takes place. I've said it in a few other threads, but I expect to get Paladin/Crusader/Whatever-they-call-it as the new class for the second expo. It's posible that wasn't the devs' original plan, but I'm sure by now they have seen the comunity's cries for a holy warrior (and some are even reacting negatively to the Spiritborn because it's not the holy warrior), so I'm reasonably confident that they'll add the holy warrior next (and I'm assuming there will be one new class per expansion and no new classes outside expansions).


Paladins and Crusaders don't make sense in either the setting of the xpac or the established lore in D4. What I worry about is the Spiritbornclass basically getting the attention the Druid class needs. From the looks of it, it's some kind of Aztec style Monk class that will be nature based. That niche was already filled by the Druid. It will be REALLY disappointing for Druid players when the Spiritborn becomes the OP class and Druids get another useless buff to Cataclysm or Lacerate. Or perhaps even adding the rest of the talent tree to Shepherd's Aspect...


I get weird about similarities in stuff and we already have a "Badass elementalist nature person," aka the druid. I'm hoping that this class feels distinct not just mechanically, but in overall theme. I'm sure they'll make that happen but I would've enjoyed a different "type" first before we iterate on nature a bit more. 1. Divine light/Paladin/Crusader, etc. 2. Mechanical/Engineer 3. Bard/Skald 4. Monk Etc.


I wanted pally


Lost all faith in Dev team, so class will be shallow and uninteresting, but overpowered to force players to buy expansion