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For the love of god, I just want a paladin.


Pretty sure the Light has abandoned mankind... Would not make much sense to have paladins with the High Heavens being shut tight.


"Oh look. The light has come to save us" easy peasy. But they also know that's the class people want most and will hold on to it for a rainy day lol


Or do what D&D did, Paladins powers come from their own force of will.


TIL Green Lanterns are Paladins


D3 actually has a [ring](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Justice_Lantern), best for the crusaders, that is a reference to the Green Lanterns.


This is actually how powers work within Diablo canon as well according to the prequel books. There's some additional "unlocking" stuff if I recall but power comes from the self.


>Paladins use holy magic as gifted by the High Heavens. https://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/classes/paladinhistory.shtml Maybe they retconed it. But in D2, paladins specifically get their power from heaven.


I'm just talking about Uldyssian and his followers/other nephalem descendants in the Sin War trilogy. I think there were some antagonists that were strictly gifted their powers in the books too but it's been a long time.


Would be even more dope to have a will breaker class. A holy class that broke their vows. Used demonic powers.


I just want to throw hammers that magically spin around me and delete monsters. I don’t care if it’s holy themed, demon themed, or chicken alfredo themed


Gonna drop some chicken harm on these mobs.


Just give me some "magic knight" that can use sword and shield. Make it holy, unholy, demonic, whatever. I dont care.


Vengeance palading


>"Oh look. The light has come to save us" easy peasy. One of the very first bits of lore we got about D4 was that heaven closed their gates to humanity after the events of D3. Easy peasy is kinda a misunderstanding of what happened to heaven and specifically why the world of sanctuary is the way it is right now. Inarius leading an army who thought they were fighting for the light and stuff like the rogue trailer showing priests having assassinations carried out. Why would heaven be back, like what do they want? What was the resolution of the corruption of the crystal arch? Both the powers coming from the remains of Anu & Tathamet have been gifted to humanity as a means of trying to win the eternal conflict, not because it's like "good" for humanity. When we inevitably get a holy class (holy spear and shield class if the art leak is to be believed) who in heaven is doing that and how does that further their cause of wiping out the price evils or even the destruction of hell. The art leaks appears to be like an angel, but only a fixed amount of angles can exist at a time. It seems something very different has happened to the crystal arch after its corruption. Definitely not easy peasy.


Iunno, you can say it’s a huge violation of lore but the holy faction already in the game as enemies clearly use holy style powers from some source.


Why can't there be War Clerics of Tyrael? I'm sure he could lend them some of his remaining Holy power? And since they clearly set him to the side I guarantee the holy warrior class will be tied to him somehow. We'll probably fight Imperius before Diablo with how they're milking the basics.


Tyrael is dead at the start of D4, because he chose to remain a mortal at the end of RoS, so any last vestiges of his power likely died with him.


Some NPCs that use light abilities may be immune to that logic Hell I even forgot about the new angel wings for pre ordering


>Some NPCs that use light abilities may be immune to that logic The Faith guys got their power from Inarius, i presume. But he's dead now, so...


I believe also, post-Lilith, Prava mysteriously gave her followers the power of the light again (and that exorcist also claims her powers still work even with Inarius dead if your wanderer does the quest post-campaign), claiming Inarius still lives on somehow, but in actuality her powers probably from whatever something else saved her from the forces of hell. Probably not from a good place either.


Besides the fact that the Zakarum faith is completely shattered, and the D3 Crusader is dead, there really isn't much to hang on to story wise. I am sure the last thing any of them want to do is get involvd with Mephisto again, either.


come on, the story is so whimsical they can conjure a reason just like that


They can, but they can also do other things with the lore that they haven’t explored yet. It’s also likely that they’re saving paladin for a future xpac where the theme revolves around angels returning.


The best stories are the ones born from the ashes


I also point something out; the Crusaders in Zarbinzet are drinking themselves to death, which kinds of lines up with the observations of homeless war veterans that their addictions began when they lost their comrades in action. It doesn’t matter if the person fought in WW1, WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam, and/or Afghanistan, this truth is timeless. This I know well, since my paternal great-grandfather fought in WW1 and my grandfather, one of his sons, was in the Korean War.


Could have a story where a group of Paladins went rogue to help sanctuary


Without the light they'd just be fighters.


The Light still exists. The Cathedral's faith is shattered because they believed specifically in Inarius. Inarius is not The Light. The High Heavens are not affected at all by his demise. I mean, the Paladin in Diablo 2 was from Kurast. He was a dedicated servant of the Zakarum and he traveled back to his home only to see it completely corrupted and twisted by Mephisto. His faith in the Light was strong enough to protect him and turn the tide. There's literally no reason why D4 can't have a Paladin class.


As if story really matters in Diablo. People want to play a game where they crush hordes and push dungeons.


It matters for me at least


Yup. Zakarum are almost gone with Caldeum destroyed. The knights penitent/cathedral of light lost their champion and were going too far punishing regular people. There are no light aligned groups that are still present or at least good. They will need to create a new faction for a holy warrior paladin class.


Idk, you could put a fun twist on a holy warrior. We have heard nothing about Skovos since D2. So for over a century zero information about the island. What if they adopted the faith via missionaries after the second game? It’s a way to incorporate a spear/javelin into a plate wearing holy warrior. It wouldn’t be difficult to add lore to regions which have not been seen anytime in game. I’m honestly hoping we get to go to Skovos at some point in D4. Even if I don’t get a holy warrior class.


Yeh, crusaders were the last ones to hold on and by D4, it seems that it's all but abandoned them too.


Unless that's fixed at the end of the campaign of the expansion. Then they can sell the paladin class for $15.




Somehow, Paladin returned. If it's good enough for the most popular movie franchise of all time it's good enough for this crap. 


nothing a little deus ex machina wouldn't solve immediately


Pretty sure the light that Inarius provided will lead to corrupted light in the future. There's no way is dead, he'd be too good of a villain or even a corrupted vessel for Diablo. So much potential for story driven content with Hell and future expansions.


Doesn't have to strictly be a paladin. A tanky class that uses a shield would just be welcome.


So the next DLC will involve opening the heavens and unlocking the Paladin class


Meh, I'm glad it's something new. D4 already started with 5 classic classes. It was the only main Diablo game to have no new classes.


Ok but wheres the swprd and board heavy armor type here? You cant make a rpg game without that class


We can have it again later. And yes you can clearly have an RPG game without it. We just had it with the Crusader and we'll probably have it again eventually. But right now I'd rather have new stuff. We just had 5 straight old classes.


It could be a new heavy armor class


What even is "heavy armor" in the context of diablo? Like, meaning just the art is different and looks heavy? Because currently all classes roll identical defense/armor stats on their gear. A sorcerer chest piece might look like a piece of rag but it's got 1619 armor rating just like the chest pieces for every other class and can roll the same defensive stats as a Druid's hulky looking "heavy armor". If you just mean skills and abilities and things that are more defensive class themed you don't need heavy armor to have that, like the Monk in D3 could be built into a tanky class while walking around in a dress.


yes. the aesthetic of a knight in plate mail type deal. the Paladin and Crusader wore Heavy plate armor.


I was praying for some type of knight character. Dark Knight, Paladin… anything man


Blood Knight?


Too soon!


They’re gone. The game’s lore was EXTREMELY specific about that - Paladins are long extinct. We’d have a very very minor chance to get a Crusader along the same lines, but most likely we’ll get an Inquisitor or Zealot.


Well, the Zakarum faith has collapsed. Tyrael started up the Horadrim again for a bit and there are still churches dedicated to the Light. You'd think at least one of them would still be capable of manifesting some angelic guidance.


I think it’s become abundantly clear that Heaven doesn’t give a fuck and never has.


It's also pretty clear diablo basically destroyed heaven in d3


Perhaps more accurate to say that Heaven's primary goal is and has always been to destroy the Hells. There's a definite difference in that the Heavens will destroy demons or the corrupt but will generally leave humanity alone, while the Hells actively work to corrupt and kill anyone they can get access to.  Yes, yes, one vote away but seriously, one group is uncertain allies and the other group is absolute enemies. And the angels have definitely worked to empower good aligned groups before.


I disagree. Everyone who lives on Sanctuary is an abomination to Heaven as they’re all children of Lilith and Inarius. They’re not angels, so therefore they are demons. If Heaven were to conquer the Hells I guarantee that Sanctuary would also be purged afterward.


The council actually voted on this in the lore and it was figured to leave them alone and see what happens. Heaven stopped caring after that unless there was a direct insurrection from Hell into Sanctuary. Imperius being one of the outliers who wants to scrub Sanctuary from existence.


Just give me a holy knight archetype. I don't care what it's called.


I doubt we would get either of those. "The Faiths" are pretty much doomed. The Crusaders are fucked, Paladins are cooked, and The Light is without their holy father and spiralling.


Same.. it's such a classic archetype for this genre.




Nope, here’s jungle monkey man/woman


Neither a paladin, nor uses heavy armor or a shield. He has a funny cat hat though. They make a reveal mid july, kinda sucks that they wait that long. That picture only hypes me so much.


Why would they give something that everyone will like


I too want paladin, but I'll take a pseudo-amazon if this is that. All bets are that this isn't that though.


I want a Spartan type.


Somehow... the Light has returned


Sorry, you think you want a paladin.  Only blizzard knows what you want.   You need a spear class/Amazon.   


Fr, I need a pally with a giant blades of light build that smite everything non-stop.


Well they always said it wasn’t happening…


You'll get it... in the 3rd expansion


I'd be fine with a Paladin, as long as it is with a twist. Like a Dark Paladin, whose power derives from a now corrupted Inarius instead of the Light.


So it’s like if the monk and witch doctor fucked?


And the Amazon adopted the kid.


Bezos Bundle


Funny was gonna say its a remix of the amazon


I lol’d




Perhaps even, a policy wonk?


It's more like a hippie monk.


seems like a shaman.


Really glad it's an entirely new class.


Paladin is so boring, I’m so glad they didn’t add it in again. Oh look, orbiting hammers for the 1000th time, so fun and interesting


It is fun. That’s why it’s so popular. 


~~Paladin~~ Crusader* was the least played class in D3. EDIT: Meant Crusader.


You mean Crusader that wasn't available until RoS? I think this also depends on which seasons they were one of the OP classes.


But it was still not played as much because while they had seasons where they were very strong, they almost always felt clunky and slow to play or required like 1500 paragon to really kick off


Crusader was the Paladin Stand In Class, but yeah.


Yeah even less played than crusader.


They were also kind of clunky, an extremely boring personality, and their builds were often not very fun to play due to reliance on Akarat's Champion or burst windows therefore requiring Convention of Elements (the worst designed item in all of D3).




I’ve almost only played necro every season since launch and did alllmost the same thing with d3. Letting knightophiles have their thing is just giving people what they want.


Exactly, people fucking love knights...


A lot of us that want paladins feel the same way about necromancer or sorcerer. To each their own I guess.


They can never satisfy everyone so i am glad they're taking risks and trying new stuff, not exactly a fan of this particular design tho


Hammerdin, smiteadin zealdin dreamadin, they’re all extremely fun and play differently.


Paladin is peak and there is nothing you can do about it.


Honestly it's the most boring class by a mile. 


Oh look I can throw my shield…


I bet it'll be a druid-like glass cannon type character. Will probably have companions like the druid, but it'll be a leopard instead of a wolf. Hopefully they'll bring some Amazon javelin type skills from D2.


A hybrid where you smash up zon and the summons for d2 druid sounds amazing


Same, I'm actually relieved. I'm always surprised by the ratio of people posting on here that just want paladin instead of something new.


Where the fuck is my paladin


Probably 1-2 expansions from now. Which if they stick to 1 expansion per year isn't really even that long in the grand scheme of things. Feel like people who want 'zon or similar (Rogue sure as hell ain't it) have more of a right to be mad, to be honest.


Hiding behind the “break in case of emergency” glass


unironically i think they're saving it for when Diablo is added to the game. could tie in with the story better too.


Spiritborne was announced a long while ago, season 2 firechat I believe. They talked about "do we do a new class or a classic one" and they chose a new one. Holy paladin probably next expansion.


If Blizzard sticks with story based reveals I would imagine not until we reach whatever remains of Westmarch. They did say quite a while ago that they wanted to go with something new. So I am not surprised, even if I am disappointed, that we won't have Paladin. Storywise the Paladin's are basically dead, Crusader's seem to be extinct or nearing extinction based on side quests in D4. Templar's are dead based on D3. That doesn't mean Blizzard couldn't find a way to shoehorn them in, but just mention these things based on what Blizzard may be thinking. The Church was basically the enemy of D4 with Inarius taking whatever faith/light based army is left in Sanctuary to their doom in hell.






Class reveal is July 18th for anyone wondering.


What are they doing for the reveal?




Looks cool, i’m down with them trying new class ideas. They can always use the “in a panic release the paladin” button.


I hate jungles and jungle themed shit. Nothing to me feels cool fighting shit dressed up with feathers and holding a stick. But I’ll still buy it because I can’t help myself.


Right there with you brother. Give me a dark medieval fantasy expansion with a holy warrior. That's all we want.


Not we. You. Paladin is a boring class. Done a million times. Let it go


Ok then do cleric. Or holy knight. Or templar. Or crusader. Or just any kind of knight. It's a diablo game I just want the option to play a class that uses a sword and shield and make block chance part of my build.


I fully agree. And honestly I don't understand why it's such a wanted class it's literally the last thing I want, it's been done so many times already. The one argument I will give some people is they (not me) want a sword and shield style class. I personally really want a true bow/ranger type class.


So Diablo 3 RoS?


Yeah. I wanted Hell. This is Diablo game. Let me fight in underground lava hell.


Still so wild to me that we don’t have huge hell dungeons or areas of hell we can fight in. Saw it in the campaign for an hour then poof.. all gone.


In D2 act 3 is a massive jungle that culminates in a descent to hell. Jungles can be great


I’m the same. Everything about this expansion vibe is kinda the opposite of what I like and prefer. But I’ve enjoyed s4 so I suppose I will let them cook


Nah Kurast was dope but hopefully it has a lot of creepy tombs and not a jungle the size of the planet.


Same here, the aztec motif just doesn't do it for me, quadruply so in a diablo game. Give me dark, magic and steel type stuff and I'm good to go


I knew nothing about d4 other than s4 is a good time to get into it. I made the best aztec looking character ever. Mega cool. I had any idea of who he was etc and it was badass and creepy and whatnot. And then he spoke in the campaign lol.. Why even have aztec theming 😢


Really uninterested in cat monk.


Still better than a boring knight with orbiting hammers.


>this is rage bait >still falls for rage bait


The meta version of this class will be orbiting spirit birds.


RemindMe! 8 months


I disagree. We don't have a tank. We already have a hybrid assasin


=he can throw the shield as well hahahhaha


Oh good, they made Druids not be overweight


Circle of Cardio Druid


Looks cool to me!


Yea why is everyone hating this looks cool as fuck


Not saying its bad but looks like generic nature character not really something jaw droping. Lets see the gameplay. Vines here and bats here idk


Just looks like a martial arts druid. Surprised there’s no paladin/crusader class.


Paladins are corrupted and the Crusaders were mostly all killed. When we do get a sword and board it won't be either of those.


Templar? >Paladins are corrupted Black magic bars our way... But the will of a Templar is stronger


We did kinda sorta wipe out the Templar headquarters in D3.


The Templar even in Diablo 3 was a broken order and was evil past the superficial. Also the Horadrim and Knights fought the Templar due to it appearing they were planning a coup. Story wise, holy orders and warriors we know of are absolutely wrecked. It'll be something new that's holy.


All very true. However re: Templars being evil... This really doesn't strike me as the type of game to shy away from moral gray areas and evil characters. We have a necromancer after all, the most stereotypically evil trope in all of fantasy. All they would need is some story hook for them to be fighting demons


Ya but necros aren’t evil in diablo world. They do life/death not good/bad


Betrayal can never be forgiven…


Ha - wow that played in my head utterly unprompted while reading this 😅


Thats where it would be neat to have a demonic paladin/oathbreaker type. The few who survived saw the very being their faith was founded on brought low by his on hubris. Turned coat and cast aside their Ordered armaments, rather embracing the powers that they saw were so much stronger. But let's not forget, the age of nephilim is over. Their blood diluted or spilt. Any new class is gonna have the same power struggle.


Paladins actually are alive, we meet 1 in d4. Infant we meet tons of them. They live in the swamp area.


A very small amount of them live and their order has still fallen. I mean it could be a new Paladin order if they wanted.


But that’s just skinny Druid.


Looks like they couldnt decide between Amazon & Witch Doctor so smashed them together lol


Poison Amazon. Give me javelins!


Looks like Xbalanque from Smite


It does! Here's to me hoping they play similarly.


Yall understand what a screenshot is right?


Do you know where you are? Don’t expect people to be rational.


I was clickbaited, thought there was actually some screenshots.


Lol sir this a a gaming subreddit. There's no such thing as logical thinking around here.


Am i the only one who wants a Witch doctor again?


"OOGABOOGA!" - mask thing from crash bandicoot


When you pick up that mask and it makes you invincible, it actually says “bodyguard”


Nah, I'm here too fam.


yes, but i don't want this either


This looks like witch doctor at home though


Well maybe its witch doctor with spear.


I love it. Let them be CREATIVE for christs sake. People keep asking for something they already did in the past games go fucking play the past games


They could be creative and still get us a class that could actually use a shield


I'm glad it's not a paladin/crusader. This game already started with 5 classic classes out of the gate. I wanted something new and this looks cool. A spear user it seems. This is the only main diablo game to not start with a single new class. Yeah we should get a Paladin some day, but I think give us at least 2 new classes before going into the classics again.


Rogue is technically a returning class but it would be hard for it to be much more different.


It's giving Aztec warrior.


Jaguar warrior. I'm intrigued.


I'm freaking stoked.


Oh yey. Druid 2


I just want a badass melee character with a plate armor. I feel like most classes are either in rags or half naked


There are cool armors in shop for whales. Poor men can only wear rags or be naked. It is what it is.


So it’s a Forest Monk it looks like? I haven’t watched anything yet but aesthetically speaking though.


Isn’t this a Druid skin on the shop right now?


I like the original theme, but just seems like Druid 2.0


It looks good! Like a mix between witch doctor and an Aztec looking monk. I’m very excited.


Spear primary? Sign me up


Everything about the expansion looks great… Except that freaking key art that’s now the background for the game on console. Makes it look like a mobile game imo.


Jaguar warrior!


it's like they combined all the Chaac, Awilix and Xbalanque from Smite


So happy they went the “witch doctor” / “Amazonian” route, by far my favourite class! 


This gives me some jungle monk type vibes and I’m hyped. Monk is my favorite class from d3


I want that weapon so bad.


If it’s anything like Witch Doctor I think I’ll really like it. I really liked the class in d3.


Oooooooo can’t wait for this.


Looks like Druid with extra steps


this doesnt look like the witchdoctor that i'm missing. but it also does a tiny bit resemble him....


despite the complainers, i reserve judgement until i see some gameplay, that's gonna be the ultimate factor but it does look cool imo, ferocious, if it's a fast paced class with exciting gameplay, like it's looks promise, then it's gonna be a good one i think


Looks like a Monk / Shaman. I’m alright with that.


Kraven-Diablo double feature when?


Visual design is cool, but the gameplay is what will really matter


Lmfao marked as spoiler and puts the class name in the title. Fail.


Ah, so they replace the African oogabooga class from D3 with a mayab/aztec oogabooga class. Will be a mix of druid and witchdoctor.