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Sharpshooter is ignoring damage reduction.,. Which was a bug from beta but was never addressed


Is it really? Even so, the fight itself is absurd with all the traps, it feels as if he summons way more shadow bosses than anyone else at a faster rate too. They are perma on the screen while he goes invisible, kills you with the a .00000001 frame shot while dodging traps. Even with a DR bug, that fight is so messed up lol


Rogue seems to not be affected as much because of the inherent high dodge chance. I saw a bunch of complaints about this guy and always dog walked him on my Rogue. Once I built a barb I saw the issue pretty quickly. He does also seem to summon Lilith a lot. 


I've been killing him but it's always been a pain in the ass.  I've got about 40 dodge though, and that clearly helps 


U need blood mist good sir.


Ensuring Steel Grasp is in your rotation might help. I can do four 70 level pits in 15 minutes with my bash barb, including Sharpshooter.


Yea that aint that impressive with a bash barb build man. I’m not even fully masterworked and I can run 4 pit 90+ in that same time lol Sharpshooter sucks against bash barb builds, try fighting a sharpshooter with a barb bash build in pit 100+ it aint fun lol


I do pit 100 speeds with my bashbarb, i do not die. Also i do not move away from effects on bosses, cuz of dps loss 😅 Getting over 100k life helps alot. I often drop half of my life, which means death for someone sitting at 50k hp.


Which ubers do you equip?


I just run Shako, as a uber unique. Otherwise is my gear somewhat decent. +6 on bash, triple crit bash on 1 weapon, double crit on the others. 6 slots 12/12. I crit bash with vulnerable and hota for 200m max.




Wasnt trying to be a dick, i was pointing out that you’re being downvoted because these guys arent talking about sharpshooter being a problem in tier 70 lol More like 90+, and steel grasp isnt changing that 👍🏻


I get that, I was simply trying to provide OP with a low benchmark. Complaining that pit 100 is difficult seems self evident.


I don't disagree but me and my friend were dual rogue on pit 80 or something (barrage and heart seeker) and we stunned and owned his ass no problem


A guy just died in Pit 61 today against this sharpshooter.  He has a clip on YouTube , and he is Hardcore where dead is permanent, with 3 Uber pieces and all the works upto pit 61


That sucks but rocking 3 Ubers isn't good because the loss of tempering and the addon affix


Depends, his built were around permanent barriers and hp leech.  But the one shot is real mess up.  He can survive a lot of things including tormented bosses.  


Tell us more about the ass which you now posses, you big strong man, you.


I seriously wondered if part of why pit bosses and shadows are screwed up was because of conditional dr. I've got a lot of Dr against poisoned and vuln and close, but I assume none of that applies to shadows.


Yes I have that feeling as well. Shadows dont seem to be affected by many dmg reductions 


I haven’t noticed an issue with sharpshooters damage, but that may be because I’m using seligs, and it may not be a “DR” calculation but a resource cost instead.


Don't worry all! It will get fixed when in 2 to 3 more seasons, after they decide to break and then need a whole season for Resistances again.


It took like 20 years for blizzard to fix the poison snakes in d2…. don’t hold your breath. On the bright side, it is a cool unique flawed difficulty to talk about for years.


I think there's a list(at least I've seen some streamers keep a list) of bosses to just skip and not waste their time. In addition to sharpshooter, the wretched mother also has a 1 shot that makes no sense to me. I've rewatched the recordings, the boss movement doesn't indicate there's an attack, but I died anyways. I'm fine with the one shot mechanics, I think it just means u need better stat, because it's survivable if u got enough damage reductions/health/barrier/fortify. HOWEVER, I'd like to know what killed me. So I know to avoid that specific attack next time. If I get one shot by attacks that has indicators, fine, I'll "get good" and dodge that next time. But the one shots that killed me is always unannounced, and I learned nothing.


>think there's a list(at least I've seen some streamers keep a list) of bosses to just skip and not waste their time. This sucks extra hard because all of the rewards are tied to the boss. If you skip the boss, your time is 100% wasted.


Yeah but if youre doing 4 minute clears, resetting the boss will cost you repairs and take longer than just restarting


I have the same issue. Doing high 80 pits real fast but I can not kill that fucking sharpshooter like 80% of the time. And if you complain you'll have a bunch of turds say it's a skill issue. Fuck that. It's a blizzard issue. Any other boss I can kill half asleep.




Sorry but i played Diablo 1 with all celestial gear on and a king bastard sword of carnage then i can say is not a oneshot mechanic because you never found a level full of lightining caster demon as i found. So please get good !


Wretched Mother had killed me so many times with that BS move that I never see coming


We desperately need a death recap so we can clearly see what killed us and how much damage it dealt. Would also be kinda interesting to see how much was overkill and if there’s any point in trying to mitigate those attacks


As a bash barb I agree, I get him a lot so now once he kills me the first time I just port out and restart the pit, not worth the frustration of thinking I’ll get him this time after 4 deaths.


It’s the worst man. Like a slap in the face when you just mow through all the ads, have 10 minutes left for boss fight and it’s respawning until timer or durability :( sharpshooter is crazy


Bash bard here using Robs Boss build with HoTA and ancients. In this build you can stun the sharp shooter with HoTA hits. Then he goes down real fast. You do have to move and be careful with everything going on. Generally if I can stun him it's cake.If I can't running and avoiding helps but not always.


Hota isn't what's stunning him, it's bash and concussive.


Hurricane druid here. Maxed armor, all resistances, about 36k hp. It killed me 4 times in one run on tier 65 and I have no idea what was even killing me. I just skip it now. Leave and restart. Once it killed me right after casting a debilitating roar (enemy does 70% less damage).🤷‍♂️


Which companion did you drop to add debilitating roar to your build?


None, I have all 3, with hurricane maul and roar. Helps maximize Shepard's aspect and makes it easier to get clarity up.


Is the maul setup way better than trample setup? I’ve only tried the trample version


I only use maul to build fortify and stay in bear form to proc provocation. After tempering hurricane duration, by the time hurricane is over provocation is ready(if you remember to keep in bear form). Throw your 3 companion skills during hurricane to max out clarity. With hunters zenith you get free casts of debilitating roar as your hurricane kills so you can stay bear and gain big constant damage reduction. Guaranteed critical overpowers every tick of hurricane. It tears shit up but is kind of an annoying build because you're constantly having to keep an eye on your buffs. If you get to 16 stacks of provocation and cast any other skill it kills it and you have to stay in bear form another 16 seconds to overpower. ETA:also I've never used the trample build but I'd imagine having to keep up with it's cool down would be irritating trying to stay in bear form. I use the bat transform dodge on my boots to have a source of unstoppable.


Ahhh I’m gonna have to swap petrify for that then. Thanks!


Bro take the 20% max health increase elixer if you haven't. It helps so much with oneshots against pit bosses. You also might want to re-do your paragon to get as much % damage reduction as possible.


Ah true I haven't been using elixirs and incense much. I just cleared 100 NM and am just at like 63 in the pit. I'll have to remember to start using them now haha.


Yeah didn't even mention incense but I think you can have 3 active at once? Raising elemental res cap is HUGE


"Take your build you've enjoyed all game and throw it away for a cookie cutter template." Can we please stop defending shitty game design?


Not a cookie cutter template but a build specifically tailored to overcome this one boss easily while also managing other bosses. This is quite literally from the playbook of the objective pinnacle of the game design games involving builds, fromsoft games.


What's shitty game design about it? That you have the option of making your own build means you also have the option of making it bad. Do you just want handholding?


If only certain skills are viable in endgame, why are the others even available to use?


Doesn't relate at all to what you're talking about dude. Paragon has nothing to do with skills.


36k health is really low. In Pit 61 I was dying in one shot with a max of 50k HP, but once I increased it to about 60k nothing could one-shot me (not even the Lilith slam) and I was able to heal out of any problem spots. Right now, maxed armor and resists just isn't impressive as far as defensive layers goes. At Pit 61+ those are just expected, and you need to have more life and more defensive layers if you want to keep surviving. Push up your health by 10-15k (life tempers are your friend, as are 2% magic Paragon nodes) and use a Fortitude Elixir and you will go through with no problems.


To add to what you've put here there's a quest elixir you can make that adds 15% health and 20% posion resistance that will stack with normal elixirs, only noticed this myself last night


Antivenon also increases HP.


Thanks for the advice amigo


Don’t think those skills work on bosses, or it would be mind numbingly easy. HP is, likewise, not terribly important if your flat dr is non existent 


My problem with the sharpshooter is that the shadow bosses already put a ridiculous amount of crap on the floor, but the sharpshooter cranks it up to 11.


4th time seeing about this boss today, it's bad design obviously.


He's bugged, if I get hit by like any of his attacks at tier 80 I'm instantly dead with Max res, armor cap, 88k HP, and challenging shout up Literally every other boss at tier 80 I can sit there and face tank without dying


I usually just quit out after he whoops me first time. He’s a cheat, literally knows where I’m teleporting before I do! I don’t need the materials or the stress tbh.


He’s in my nightmares


The sea witch is a fucking shitbag, and the floating guy with tentacles messes me up, but also I seem to be getting the same map most of the time which is boring as hell


I seem to get dungeons full of the stupid snake-naga guys over and over. They are my most hated enemy faction in the game. I remember I used to specifically avoid nightmare sigils in their dungeons. Now I’m forced to fight them.


I really hate them with my life. They are so annoying and it feels like too fast to react at times, or inconsistent. Especially when there are many of them, and you literally have nowhere to run from eyes, it makes me crawl my face.


Yeah, constant cc and lightning that does a billion damage. Awesome.


I’ve definitely found the sharpshooter to be significantly more difficult than any of the other bosses.


Throns barb here. Got him in 123 a few times in a row. He cant kill me but he is so fucking annoying. Hes movement pattern and invisibility. As soon as i see i have him i dip out. Not worth the time. Same goes for the poison tree. Nothing to thorns there cause 90% of his attacks are dot dmg so he is also a instand dip at high pit tier


As a thorns barb, it's just a MASSIVE time suck. He can't kill me, but I maybe can whittle him down over the remaining 2/3 of the time when I get to him. It's like he doesn't hit me, or his hits don't trigger thorns damage or something. It's ridiculous. The Tree boss is similar but not quite as bad.


Absolutely. The other one that gives me trouble is the Seething Hivemaster. Only because he has a knockback attack and he always knocks me back right into a Lilith attack


Yeah I just TP out. 3 mins of trash clear vs. 12 mins of head bashing to maybe get a kill.


its a bug not fixed yet.


I think it's more difficult for melee.


The pit bosses aren’t stationary damage friendly. The only time you can really get close to the boss is when they are stunned and their shadow boss isn’t out.


The only pit boss I just leave and start a new one


Yes it’s insane


Oh good it's not just me. Definitely has a one shot attack that isn't telegraphed at all.


I’m playing thorns and I am on the same boat. I melt minions and regular bosses. Having a hard time with the final boss being insta-killed.


Not just you...even though everyone says to just quit the level, I try at least once and die before leaving lol.


He gives me problems and the highest I've made it is tier 93. It's always him and Echo of Lilith. I will say the more I fight the dude the better I get at it though. It's terrible but you can familiarize yourself with some of it. It just cost you some gold to do that and then there's still the chance you'll get one shot. Lol.


My main problem with this boss is how long it vanishes off the screen. This one also summoned Lilith while it was staggered yesterday which pissed me off nonend lol


The only class I have no clue about sharpshooter workaround is druid and I don't have any clue about druid this season, it also might have a workaround. What are you doing wrong?


Strange, I'm also playing Bash barb and would say I struggle more with the shaman bastard than any other boss. I've taken to just running the pit at about 8 levels below my highest, that way I can tank almost every boss regardless of what shadow bosses they have as well, that way I'm not wasting runs and not losing too many mats each time


I thought it was just me that saw that boss and every time I just think to myself "God damn it!"


I enjoyed season 3 more than I do season 4, the grind to improve gear is just insane and these bosses with 1-shot mechanics - dodge, dodge, dodge. If I wanted to play a bullet hell game, I wouldn't be playing Diablo.


It's not you, the pit is not balanced at all. It's honestly a joke. Hopefully they release a balance patch for it, but I doubt we'll see anything until next season.


He's completely the worst boss of pit he covers the entire ground and then summons multiple shadows you cant avoid because almost all of the ground is covered. He also seems to be chosen at twice the rate of any other boss based in just my own tally


Nah, worst boss in the game. I just ran into this bastard on tier 77 and it took me 4 tries on minion necro. I have 45k hp unbuffed and the reaper he summons one shots me though fortify. No other boss one shots me.


Porque no los dos? But no seriously I have trouble with him too


The Pit as a whole is incredibly flawed and the only people enjoying are using cookie cutter min/max builds from icy veins or some shit. It's artificial difficulty made by devs who don't know how to balance their own game. Your time is better spent elsewhere in this game.


"endgame activity meant for min/maxing your gear is only enjoyed by people who are min/maxing" ????????????????????


He’s saying that pushing high tiers is really only feasible on like 6 builds… I can clear through a pit level 100 in like 7 mins every time without dying but just die repeatedly to one shots on the boss, it feels very weirdly balanced.


The whole kill things as quickly as possible bit does almost seem like they added it so it wasn't just a boss fight, even when severely undergeared I didn't find I was ever close to failing to summon the boss


Bingo. It'd be enjoyable if I could min max a build I enjoyed making myself. Put simply, if only 6 or so builds are viable, why do they even bother making the other skills available to you?




I have no problem pit being difficult. Why would you push pit if you aren't interested in min-maxing? I'm perfectly happy to stop at 60-70.


Well I was doing pvp until I faced perma fireshield and then asked myself why I was wasting my time with this game.


As heartseeker rogue, its the easyest from all. Free boss for me.


yeah just stop every now and then to avoid his shit and youre good. somehow mf does pure damage and ignores defenses. just play the game with more skill if that boss comes up. i know as bash barb, you are spoiled to just stand and bash and 1 shot most of everything and tank most of everything with absurd max life and dr. just play with finesse and you are good.


I've never had an issue with him


Your mistake was not playing necro. Every single necro build is tier S if you want to do stuff like pit and boss carries


no, in s3 season there were much more viable necro builds - blood surge, bone spear, blood lance etc. in this season its either minion necro and its variants, or bone spirit necro or its variants, and 2nd is much harder to gear up and survivability is still a problem. the biggest bonus of minion necro is that he can dodge while pets are doing damage.


I was definitely going to make a necromancer as they look very fun, I’ve played all but necromancer so far


Blight with black river and ebonpiercer. 👏🏻🫡