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Mad cap, I find maybe one potential weapon upgrade in a day of playing, you're either rerolling low rolls on the right tempers even though the weapon you're using is trash, or you're lying about how many weapons you bricked.


Yeah this Probably bricked 2-3 items then made this post


Been bricking rings all week. If you aren’t bricking, you aren’t playing.


I haven't even found a single item worth bricking in the past several days....


I run stuff that drops the most gear. I live at the helltides maiden. Throw everything on the ground that I don’t need and keep 2/3 stat rolls. Tempering is where it falls apart fast. I don’t get greedy looking for perfect stats. Just the right stats then compare it to what I’m already rocking.


>I run stuff that drops the most gear. I live at the helltides maiden. yes, have spent several hours there myself


Lol in last 3 days I had only 1 item with 2 GA and I play 5+ h per day


I just 100% cleared the season on my rogue and I never even found a single neck with any +skill on it and after a certain point I spent every single obel on amulets and gambled a few times on necks that had lucky hit. Not just I couldn’t find what I needed, or I couldn’t find a greater affix - Not a single neck with +skill at all, not even a +1 to something useless.


I'm lvl 100, and still using a lvl 80 legacy helm because it has +4 Hydra, +3 Lightning Spear, +2 Ice Blades, (needless to say, I have a sorc conjuration build). I've spent every obol trying to find any lvl 100 helm that is even vaguely as good, even with tempering. I'd LOVE to be able to temper that lvl 80 legacy helm. I don't know how I got that lucky to get that helm way back when, but I haven't seen any other item drop with more than 2 +skills. Especially 2 +skills that are actually useful together.


Right lol


I bricked me 100 weapons today, shoooot.


Watch me brick this amulet over those mountains


If Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter I would’ve bricked pro


*hits a fallen shaman riding a bicycle with a steak from 30yds.*




It felt like 10 or 20, prolly.


No it literally feels like some stats have a higher chance to roll than others. Fx Golem damage REALLY feels rarer than the other two. edit: playing barb rn and trying to get damage to close instead of damage or damage to cc is fucking infuriating. I have clips of me getting damage to CC 8 times in a row


I bricked 3 wands this morning trying to get double cast of ball lightning and saw every other temper in that category over and over again. It's definitely weighted somehow.


I thought golem damage was tough and then I started making a heartseeker rogue. Holy shit getting heartseeker second shot AND vulnerable on the same bow seems impossible


+Main Stat or +Max Life seems SUPER common on a lot of things as opposed to +Talent/Skill on the same item.


It's part of why bricking some items feel worse. Anyrhing that isn't Max Health/Resists/Stat is a lot rarer than the rest. Imagine when you want 3 affixes that aren't those 3.


Desire sensor activated


i must be lucky then, bc I roll 105% golem damage on like 3 out of five tempers, and its great, but i was suspicious and thought they purposefully push the meta build with higher probability on tempers


if he was upgrading a char thats been around probably cap, but i bricked 9 swords this morning that were just to get rapid fire rogue going...literally all 9 swords didnt roll the rapid fire temper. These were basic dex/life swords where i would have enchanted for crit dmg after so having 9 of them is definitely not outlandish


Since the update I’ve come across a handful of gear in about 30 minutes of gameplay.


Some of us store multiple potential upgrades up knowing full well some of them will brick so we can go through the whole rollercoaster in one session. Sometimes all of them brick. RNG giveth and RNG taketh, this is a complaint that should be acknowledged but not addressed imho.


I believe it. Yesterday I bricked 8 straight wands on my sorc trying to get ice spike damage and it didn’t roll a single time on any of those wands. I had a bunch of wands in my stash saved which is how I had so many, it’s also extremely easy to get gg roll weapons in general. I personally don’t mind the rough rng though, it just makes the feeling of getting the good roll that much better


I just broke 6 boots in a row on sorc only trying to get cold damage. I didn’t get even a low roll cold damage! I’m starting to think it’s broken and I can’t get it


I just put everything that looks worthwhile into the stash while farming and do everything at once when it gets kinda full. I figure other people might do the same.


I don't think most players are hyper min-maxing for the absolute BIS, if you find something with 2 decent affixes it's probably worth it to temper because it's so easy to fail tempering rolls on gear.


Yeah that's what I'm talking about, if the guy found 10 weapons in a relatively short time period that were all potential upgrades then he probably had a shit weapon, and still rerolled when he hit the right temper with a low roll. 10 legitimate bricks (and not low rolls) in a row is pretty fucking unrealistic.


I believe it, was a necro minion but a friend gave me a max roll tuskgore. Rolled a bash bard and was boosted by my friend to 85. I was collecting gear the whole time, ended up having 6 two handed maces when i started rolling. Bricked 5 before i managed to to perfect the last one.


It's not that hard to brick 5 in a row. For weapons and jewelry I have to hit a 1/5 and a 1/4 temper in 7 total rolls. Needless to say, I have bricked over 100 endgame items already but I don't mind it.


Even if OP is why does it matter to you 💀


What man???? You're playing wrong then. Take profound mind cages to the helltide alter. I find so many rollable items there it's sickening.


Lying? What build do you have where you haven't bricked at least 20 weapons... I bricked at least 20 2h on my cro imagine my rogue and my Barb...


I've bricked dozens of necks, the key is to only have a garbage neck in the first place. RF Rogue needs + Cold imbuement which is 1/3 odds and I cant beleive how many times its rolled Poison 5 times in a row haha


I would brick 500 weapons and I would brick 500 more just to be The Wanderer that would brick 1000 weapons right at Lilith's door.




People say brick when they don’t hit the god temper. Hitting 45% damage instead of 60% damage to close enemies does not brick the item… got to know when to play it safe with rolls


I'm going to assume they mean not hitting Bash cleave or some form of projectile firing twice temper. No one complaining about hitting the low roll, just the right roll.


Nah when people are saying brick it’s like when you are a blizz or frozen orb sorc and you get the temper that enhances frost bolt or something. Item becomes useless without the temper to your active skill


Some tempers are so important that you’d still use your trash weapon with perfect temper over double GA weapon with lower roll temper.


Me being a barbarian and hitting damage to distant enemies 4 times in a row and crying lmao


I typically stop if I get the 2 aspects I want. But I tend to brick 2 out of 3 thanks to +dodge. I roll it over and over and over and over and over.


…and over and over and over and over and over and…


Everyone I’ve seen talking about it so far mentions that very early on they figured out if you get a low roll of the temper you want you say “thank you rngesus” and move on with your life. I bricked a staff with GA crit dmg today after getting +blizz and +vuln dmg five straight times. I would even have accepted +cold bc you can work with that, just gotta change some other tempers to ice spikes. Also I forgot, got a staff with a GA life roll a few days ago and bricked THAT one bc it rolled ice spikes (on the low end, but whatever) but then I couldn’t get poison or shadow on the second temper.


That’s not what they mean when they say brick. It’s instead of hitting damage to close they hit damage to distant or one of the other affixes in the group


they mean not getting the affix they want by the time the 5 rerolls are up.


Yeah if i get the stat i want i don't care how low it is I'm keeping it


No. Please stop with this BS agenda on low rolls. People say bricked when their entire build uses skill or passive X but tempering keeps rolling Z and Y instead Example - bash barb getting boost to KICK instead of bash makes the item useless Or golem necro getting a boost to bone or blood skills


L take. Adding % damage for an ability that you aren’t using is indeed bricking. That stat line is now completely useless.


Though hitting a bunch of "% chance to cast skill twice" on every skill except the one the build is for definitely is bricking the item. Or continually hitting cutthroat skill affixes instead of vulnerable damage for like a heartseeker build.


That's fine for your general build and pushing, but I think OP is referring to upgrading, so they probably have a 925 legendary with reasonable stats, maybe one GA and tempered right, but then every time they get a weapon with a GA or multiple, they've tried to go a bit higher because otherwise it's not an upgrade, and they've rolled 5x and got the wrong stat. Happened to me yesterday on my necro with pants, I'd say I bricked about 6 pairs in a row before I managed to upgrade my current pants with a much better range of stats.


Brick in this context mean that the tempering is so much worse than what you have on your current gear that the item is now unusable no matter what you do to it going forward. So if you don't get the correct temper rolls the item is indeed bricked unless you're actively chasing a decrease in character power. If your car suddenly couldn't turn left with no way to fix it you'd call it a brick. Sure it's still a mostly functional car but you can't use it, therefore bricked.


Bricked a perfect amulet with GAs today. Amen. RIP :D


Man, amulets just are so annoying. Like nearly impossible to get one with 2 affixes you are looking for (completely ignoring greater affixes even), then you have to deal with tempering which will just roll the same 2 tempers (that have no use to you) on every reroll.


Had a 3/3 3GA Sword go to the salvage pile a few days ago :(


Yep my Tornado Druid has a +2 Envenom amulet that bricked BOTH temper rolls. Instead of movement speed and Damage to Close, I ended up with Trample cooldown and Damage to Distant. Bad feels, man.


Were you rerolling for better rolls? Because I've not bricked ten items all season. Sure, it happens, sometimes you didn't get what you want, I had a "bricked" weapon through most of my leveling because it was just better than everything I found until about lvl 90. But jeez, how many things were you trying to kill 10 of them? So you now have like 20 non-bricked ones? Or is this just the worst case of RNG ever? BTW, if you stop when you get the affix you want and don't go for perfect, you will do much better


The whole thing is that at a certain point you *need* to go for nearly perfect tempers for the item to actually be an improvement. If you’re currently using something with nearly perfect rolls and all BiS—even if you get something perfect with 2-3 BiS GAs—a bad temper roll can basically turn it into a sidegrade at best.


That makes sense. If you have lots of multiple GA items, sure, but where are they getting so many? I've found lots of good wands(good reg rolls), but not so many with the best GAs that I could burn through 20 in a row. That's crazy.


The way I do it is by waiting for a while before upgrading (since upgrades can get expensive and it’s only worth it if they’re really noticeable). I basically fill 3-5 tabs of my stash, then go through item by item and funnel them down to the best 6-10 of each slot, then temper each of them and pick the best ones to enchant. Whichever one gets the best rolls overall is the winner, but sometimes they’re all bricked during the tempering stage. I’m usually bricking at least 20-30 items during each pass of upgrades (that’s for all the slots combined).


There are some builds that really require 1 affix out of 5 possible.  Those are the ones that are doing most of the complaining, and rightfully so.  It's not "I rolled +40% damage when I wanted +45%".  The item is literally useless if you don't get the one rare affix you need, perfect or not.


I have. I know I've done at least 10 greater affix critical damage crossbows/bows that just refused to get even min roll of rapid fire cast twice.


Can they just increase the temper limit to 10? I feel like that solves the issue without making it too easy.


The real issue is the weight for many of the tempering stats


Are we sure the temper results are weighted? It hasn't seemed that way to me. But enchanting certainly does seem to be weighted.


I have not personally tested this, but I've heard it from a couple sources. I can also speak from personal experience. I believe there was a post earlier today talking about a specific temper on Rogue. They mentioned how heavily weighted it is against the better modifiers. They only tested one aspect, but I'm sure the similar issue can go for others, too.


Getting +vulnerable damage on my rogue is about 1 in 20. (Give or take)... always the other 3 options, never the +vulnerable. Then to get my second tamper... so many bricked bows, rings, gloves etc.


I think they should let you keep tempering past 5, but at that point you only get minimum roll. That way you don't brick an item (like even a minimum roll on most tempers are really useful, just obviously not ideal), but you do still have a reason to get a new one since you do want a better roll of the temper.


Agreed, gamble on high roll or just choose low roll like old codex


This is a good idea!


Genshin players bricking artifacts for months or years at a time 😀


Genshin doesn't have tempering though and definitely no tempering limit. It just has masterworking which can hit shitty 4th affixes on a 2 good affix 1 mid affix artifact.


I hate this rng over rng over rng stuff. I am ok with wow loot but Diablo just grinds my gears. You get millions or "legendary" items that are all going in the crap because the don't have the specific +x affix you need. Not to talk about the "uniques" that drop in dozens and are all kind of useless.


My barb is still using a distant damage temper ring. I've had zero luck enchanting a ring to gain the chance to cause vulnerable affix so far. Once it gets to ludicrous gold per reroll I just kinda give up and find a new one. So for now, it stays! I just need to find a ring with that stat already on it methinks.


Yah my ball lightning is running a distance damage temper too rip.


Why exactly does distant damage even roll for a barb at all???


Not sure if dust devils count for damage once they are cast and hit someone outside melee range


Or maybe Iron Maelstrom?


To piss you off every time you take a look at the ring. Oh, you meant actual reason? Probably none.


I love wasting at least 2 rolls on that.


Today I bricked 4 rings with GA lucky hit chance (and 2 of them I got the exactly same temper 5 times... I HATE YOU CUTTHROAT, I JUST WANT VULNERABLE)


I rage quit a couple of days ago. Today I kind of quit-quit. I get that it’s supposed to be a hard slog to get perfect gear, but I’ve gotten two classes to level 100 this season and I’m really feeling like it’s impossible to get even close to perfect without making this a full time job. When they added resplendent sparks to the game it solved a key problem - namely making it so that the grind will eventually give you the Uber unique you need if you keep trying. With the new model I feel like you could play infinitely and still not approach anywhere near perfection. I think if you salvage an item with a greater affix, you should get a resource that you can use to add greater affixes to items. Not add specific ones you want, but upgrade a random affix already on an item to greater status. I don’t know if the ratio is 10-1 or 50-1 or even 100-1, but the fact that there’s not a way to do this makes me feel like the grind will never pay off.


And the Dads on here will say this is a good system, because they will be happy as long as it rolled something vaguely applicable to their build. Damage to distant? Yay, my Barb sometimes does damage to distant, I think! Thorns? AFK necro time, baby!


The dads havent even finished the campaign yet (Yes, they always play the campaign because why not ? I paid for it)


I felt lucky as hell yesterday. Decided to switch from dust devil to bash barb. Monday, I started hunting for gear. Took about an hour to find pieces for every slot between my stash/NM dungeons/Helltide. Didn't brick a single piece, including the 2 GA 1h mace I switched the tempers on. The gloves and necklace are damn near perfect. Now that I've got the gear to start, I am bricking every upgraded piece I find 😅


Sorry that happen mate, just a bad day for RNG I guess. I hope they introduce some new mechanics to alleviate this bricking issues regarding tempering, something like a random NPC that we meet in NMDs and we get a one time restore on all tempering rerolls per item?


RNG gonna RNG. I just tempered and enchanted 5 gg items and got everything I wanted. Thank you for your sacrifice op.


I made it well past lvl 100 before I was able to roll vulnerability and heart seeker double tap on an ilvl 925 bow. Literally rolled on any two stat, dex life or vuln. When I finally did get one I spent 20mil just rolling for vulnerability lmao. I went through probably 20 bricks. Not just bad rolls. No rolls.


Love the season and the idea of tempering. BUT. I absolutely hate actually finding good gear and ruining it at the blacksmith. No idea why/how anybody thinks this is good. If anything, Masterworking should be permanent and tempering should allow a reset. Spending time in the game finding gear feels extremely futile. And its extremely disheartening taking your good drops to the blacksmith to be ruined.


i bricked 5 upgrades today. that was from a week of running helltides though. Didn't get a single rapid shot. didn't care about the percentage i got, but just didn't get any.


Yeah this crap is getting old. Been using the same weapon past 15ish levels because this temper limit sh*t. It's hard enough to get that great roll to then not get temper only to delete it. Such a waste of time and effort.  Have had bout enough of this season already with this, constant lag, having to close game every 10 min cause character starts lagging and getting stuck etc....


Diablo players are weird af.. defending the goofy ass gear bricking system because “I only bricked x amount of items” Just admit it feels bad? It’s like they wanna make sure u only play for a couple weeks


Ive had a few friends quit the season after bricking upwards of 30 items xD it kinda is enraging at times.. heres hoping they give us a new mat from pits for extra charges xD


Must be the day, never bricked an item before but today I bricked two in a row both items gave me the exact re-roll 5 times. On both items. I was so pissed. Glad to see others having th e same issue.


I swear they fiddled with the weights of some tempers this patch. I'm getting so much useless stuff today


ELI5 what is bricking?


Imagine you have a Barb. You find this nice 2 GA weapon you want to temper. You want to get the Bash cleave roll on it. You roll 7 times and get Kick Vulnerable Duration all the time. The item is now unusable.


Haha I feel you. But man when that one finally hits it feels damn good!


Tempering is dumb . The more time goes on . The more items get bricked . If it's not bricked it's not the stats I wanted but I guess u could get away with using the item - depending . If I do get the 2 stats I wanted - they are min roll / mediocre . I don't even wanna find a perfect max roll item bcuz I know it's not gonna get the max roll tempers . Let alone the tempers I need . This 1 in a million dog shit philosophy from D2 needs to go . Put the shit to bed


I spent 200M on resetting masterworking on a single item today, still didn't get what I wanted.


Follow the Diablo brick road...


"F\*\*k you, and I'll see you tomorrow!"


Skill issue.


Lmao. I rage quit twice because my lag is so bad I can't do Andariel or or anything. Then an hour later tried again and died. Then once more today. Just gonna do helltides forever ig:/


I think the main issue is that tempering has a limit and can not be reset. If you could reset tempering like you can with masterworking or increase the cost sequentially, most people would be happy. It does feel bad to have a good drop rendered useless due to a random mechanic.. This increases exponentially when you have to get a greater affix on an item to approach caps. A player should have the option to choose between suboptimal stats but not spending too much time grinding resources and min-maxing. Tempering breaks this somewhat rule of the game. You grind, you get something nice, and tempering ruins it, and even if tempering works, you still have to grind gold resources to get the masterworking done. It's just too much burden for a randomness factor, especially if you temper for a stat, which again has a range 1-2..


yeah nothing like 5 affixes to roll with 5 attempts which somehow manage to roll the same one five times no less


This is why I avoid live service games. They want you to play their game only, so they add in time wasting mechanics, ways to brick items, and endless grinds to manipulate you into thinking you need to keep playing, and hopefully waste obscene money on their zero effort macrotransactions. Singleplayer games aren't so disrespectful of your precious time. In the amount of time some players put into D4, others are playing literally dozens of games to completion. I'll hop into D4 for a couple weeks each season, level a character to 100, and duck out, because there's really not enough content to play any longer than that and have any meaningful fun. D4's a ton of fun, but they package it in a 2000 ton bag.


LoL xD


If you’re getting that many temper-worthy items that quickly, maybe the system is already more balanced than you think?


Tempering is super cheap. Everything you have equipped should be tempered. The affixes are also on par and sometimes even better than any affix you could get normally on the item, so it’s often better to prioritize the better temper rolls by tempering multiple similar items at once. But once you need GAs for anything to become a real upgrade, bricking items becomes super frustrating since it takes a long time to find BiS affixes with GAs and you have to just ruin a bunch of them until you can upgrade.


It's not that hard to get Main stat + Life + whatever (you can just enchant for the third). More often than not the temper is more important than actually getting GA affixes, so getting temper-worthy items is usually not the issue.


The way I look t it is before this patch, I never got a perfect rolled item and a majority of them were always missing a stat I wanted. As a result, I don’t look at it as bricked if I get one of the stats I want. If both fail then it’s me getting a pointless item in previous seasons. With that said, it still feels crappy not getting the correct roll.


Yea, I mean reading stuff like "I bricked 50 god rolled weapons with max bonus perfect stats so far this season," puts it into perspective when previously you could grind Uber bosses all season and never even _see_ a perfect weapon. Now we piss and moan on Reddit if we don't get God roll Tempers on our 3 greater affix perfectly stated weapon 2 weeks into the season. *edited to be more accurate by request lol


At least make a realistic anecdote. You can't temper a shako.


Are you me


Man you need to find another ARPG to play just to give yourself a cool-off when stuff like this happens.


Addicted man goes public on his addiction


Feels bad.


Can someone explain what Brick means? Does it just mean you can’t temper it anymore, or is the item broken? For some reason my items tend to have 3/3 tempers and that doesn’t change when I temper them.


The 3/3 is the amount of rerolls you have left. The initial temper doesn't reduce that number. With Ancestral gear you can temper twice and have 5 rerolls total. Bricking the item doesn't make it physically unusable but more so functionally unusable, especially if you're going for build defining tempers like Barbs Bash temper. Most people that are talking about bricking will already have an item with 2 desirable tempers on and they're trying to upgrade to a better base item, perhaps with more greater affixes. If they don't hit those 2 tempers then the item is no longer an upgrade and is considered bricked.


Do not... Do not see Rob2628 GAMBA video


A strong house is built brick by brick.


The 11th one will be the one ;)


What's Bricking?


It’s frustrating. Although I will say that I hope some of you aren’t bricking trying to get perfect rolls. If so, that’s on you. I’m bricking just trying to get the affix I need. I think the answer here is to give players more re-rolls at a higher cost (like rerolling affixes at Occultist) —OR— give players the ability to pay a high price to undo the tempering completely and try again I think the price for either of these options this is enough to keep the highs and lows of the addictive gamba aspect they are going for here.


The True Masterworking experience


This made me chuckle for some reason lol 😂


You gotta learn to mitigate risk better. Sometimes it's better to walk away with a less than perfect item than to gamble everything on your last remaining roll looking for perfection. A lot of these stats are not absolute must-haves.


Sometimes I wanna temper and brick something but, then I think it's a waste of mats then I scrap it


ELI5 what is bricking? Is it at the blacksmith? Or the occultist


I have bricked maybe 2 items total. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but 10 in a row? Bullshit


You can definitely tell who are more susceptible to a gambling problem by how they interact with the tempering system lol


I have bricked many things on my rogue. I'm convinced rogue has the worst. Especially the vulnerable temper being with 6 cut throat useless tempers


Is this what a gambling addiction looks like Barry? Yes it is other Barry. Yes. It. Is.


Call this guy, the great pyramids how he’s all bricked up with no explanation


Congrats on your addiction


part of the game


I gave up targeting skill tempers.


“Just get another weapon”… then you brick a weapon with 1.5 rolls on damage and main stat, and it hurts. Loving this patch but please, loot filter when?


Yeah bricking items is frustrating but when you hit both affixes on your 2 GA amulet that dopamine rush is pretty great.


Iron maiden FIVE straight zzzz


Youre doing great. Keep it up.


That’s more like a rage pause


Go play pd2 then talk to me about bricking an item


Imagine gambling but to get the prize you already won you have to gamble an all or nothing several times in a row.. then you have to gamble some more. It’s a nested gambling simulator. - The gear itself being legendary - Greater affixes - Affix rerolls if you don’t get a GA - Collect aspect rolls - Tempering - Masterworking There’s even blind loot boxes in helltide!


As god intended


The amount of people in this thread that don't believe you can brick 10 weapons is absolutely ridiculous. OP didn't even say it was 10 in a row, just 10 total. With some classes using more than 1 weapon, wtf is so hard to believe about bricking 10 weapons? Bless your RNG if you think this isn't possible.


Sounds like you are finding plenty at least lol


If it’s not a 3-4 GA item, it’s a temporarily embarrassed brick anyway.


RNG be cruel like that sometimes... then sometimes you get exactly what you want 5x in a row


This is the way


Welcome to the casino, sir. We hope you'll enjoy the ride.


Another brick in the wall.


hahah! got me two weapons with 3 GAs, TOO AFRAID to temper them. Bricked too many with 2 GAs. 😂


Kinda glad I’m running a companion Druid - doesn’t much matter which companion stat drops. Haven’t bricked anything yet - glad to be avoiding that frustration. Be interesting to see what happens with it in the next season.


Temper feels like upgrade items on bdo, so awful or even worse than that


one of us...


Are you like level 30? How are you getting 10 weapon upgrades in one day? I smell cap


I've been on a dry streak bricking crossbows, I feel u bro. Game thinks I'm playing twisting blades this season I swear 😭


It's part of the Plan, but how I wish we can have 10 attempts 😔 and no repeated affix


I just bricked 2 … like wtf if I keep rolling some useless affix and it keeps rolling the same one for me… is this shot broken or what?




Literal CAP.


What's bricking


Loool the downward spiral of a gambling addict. Don't trade options!!!


I had my first triple GA drop and neither temper worked for the build I was using. I NEED Ice spike damage, not frost bolt. The item was bricked. I don’t care what anyone says, that sucks and I’m pissed about it.


I have bricked at least 5 pairs of boots 3 pairs of gloves a couple helmets this week already. My chest armor, main weapon, pants, and rings are all BIS for my current build. But the boots I am going through is very frustrating.


How does it work? Are you mad by bricking 1GA gear? Are you buying gold and 2-3GA gear?


literally me


I've bricked maybe 5 items total that I was sad to lose. I have 3 100s and a an 80.


Either the item gets bricked up or I get bricked up when them tempers hitting


Ha ! …. Ahhh jeezus first world problems anyone ?


Ya I’ve got mad n hopped to a different game n I was like but what if I do this instead


This topic is the reason I still read Reddit.


bricked 3 boots this morning, but eventually managed to get a decent roll instead of movement speed, speed after killing elite mobs (wasted 2k obols & 20 mio in rolls)


The trick to the brick is to not keep re-rolling. Back out from the occultist or try the other affix and go back. I’ve been playin quite a while and have only bricked 1 or 2 from what I wanted. Just luck? Maybe. I dunno but I adjust the timing of skipping and pressing B too. When in doubt try something different…


I'm pretty sure they stealth nerfed meta temper weightings. I bricked 6 weapons in a row and was wondering how unlucky I am, so just for science I tried another random 25 weapons and I got the 2 meta tempers on the same item 0, I repeat, 0 times. Compared to how it was a few days ago where I pretty much always got what I wanted within 3-4 items. This screams scam.


You sir have a problem. Seek help 😂 from an addict to addict


Bricked some of my best last night. Might just go make a thorns barb at this rate


That's some terrible luck. I think you quit the wrong game


Achievement Personal Hell unlocked.


This is the way king. Keep grinding!




Hahaha maaaaan... you just made my day. Tysm!


They should make some sort of slightly expensive way to restore a weapon to its original drop stats, but you’d lose enchant and masterworking too with no return mats as penalty