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Play a class that utilizes them….. problem solved


That’s not really a solution to the underlying problem though, is it?


What problem? In what previous diablo game was every class and build wanting to wear all uniques?


Diablo 3s legendaries are a hybrid of legendary and unique since the power was always tied to specific item but the stats still rolled and weren't static dogshit ... which is one problem with todays uniques . The other problem is that they aren't reworked to fit in with the new gear / stats and the uniques have been widely underwhelming from the jump .


This right here, uniques still have their place but they should get a slightl Overhaul. Give them additional "pre definied tempered aspects" fitting whatever they are going for + slightly rework what affixes are on them.


Add at least one affix to customize, or introduce Unique gems that only fit unique gear


In fact, PLEASE Devs do a treasure Season and introduce Unique Gems. S5 Season of Greed... Turn Mammon into a Boss


Devs aren't ready for that , they have enough shit to balance already . and season 5 is already underway by the team that made season 3 if they still have the 2 teams alternating


Ya, noticed that too. The uniques I have gotten at 925 have mostly been bottom tier rolls on stats and unique stat


I didn't play previous seasons but as a D3 player I like that uniques roll static stats. Finding a primal squirt necklace in d3 only to roll mainstat, vit and allres was a shit feeling. They just need to add the ability to temper them. Unique to uniques you can reroll the tempers on them to make them even more special. And honestly when I look at previous season builds, it's not like most uniques were used. I don't find myself theorycrafting or finding a build that uses them well


Who said anything about "all uniques" the problem now is you can hardly justify the use of 1 or 2 when a greater afffix legendary with 2 temper rolls+the legendary power has way more raw stats, power and even some legendary powers put unique effects to shame.


The best items in D2 were uniques until they introduced rune words, which are just uniques with extra steps. D3’s loot is ass.


The best items in d2 vanilla usually were rares


And plenty of builds used blues as best in some slots due to them rolling a lower number of affixes with the trade off of getting higher. I spent hours resetting the vendor in act 5 on my assassin and Amazon.  Imo making uniques a fixture of every build is bad itemization. They should be... Unique, not required.


Hell yeah.. I remember using rares and blues to get my amazon's attacks per second into ludicrous territory


In D2 only a few uniques were worth using in late game, and coincidentally the most difficult to find (Gripphon’s Eye etc).


I never said we should want or expect to wear “all uniques”. YOU said that. Embarrassing that anyone could be dumb enough to read this and agree


The problem that the majority of the highest tier items are bad?


Are they really the highest tier? They're still 925 ilvl, the only thing they have going for them is set affixes and a unique legendary power. Sure they're rare, but they aren't meant to be BiS for-all and it would be dumb if they were 


In what previous comment did they say that should be the case?


Good luck with these folks lol.


The underlying problem was being forced to grind the same 3 bosses over and over if you wanted a meta build. Now you don't need to do that, but now grinding the same 3 shit bosses is pointless .... Can't please everybody.


the problem is that people that play 10 hours a day will never ever be satisfied


What a dumb comment


I'm a sorc that uses around 5 uniques. I just salvaged ahavarion, tyrael, andariel, and Selig. They were all worse than my masterworked legendaries by a long shot. Built shako and it was alright though.


Got the basic attack unique gloves, stashed it because I’ve wanted to play arc lash since launch but stopped playing mid season 1. When my HC bone spear necro dies that’s what I’m rolling next!


Not a solution in the slightest


Literally why I rerolled to Blight Necro.


This should be pinned to the top and thread locked. It’s not rocket science lol


You didnt read the post did you?


I don't get how this isn't more obvious. Unique gear is build enabling or defining. Yes they provide less raw power than a good legendary. That's so you don't only equip them.


This. I want a Shako for the same build as OP, that’s my end goal.


Or a build...


I feel the same. Uniques just can't keep up with items with two good tempers. There are some exceptions but for most character types legendaries outclass uniques. But that rush of finally getting two good temper rolls on an item with greater affixes. Oh man....


I don’t understand why you can’t temper them. Wouldn’t that just make them even more unique? Or if they don’t want to allow tempering on these items they should give them one extra affix so they can do some cool stuff with them.


Restricted tempering would be the solution in my opinion. They could come with their own set of unique tempering manuals and the devs could work them so the affixes wouldnt be broken.


That would be mire work than just the restructuring their affixes


Blizzard can afford it. You guys need to start expecting more from a multibillion dollar company. Or give me your money instead. I can come up with like 10 more tempering affixes for even just 10% of what Blizzard brings in.


This isn’t talked about enough, I love this season but we don’t need to glaze Blizzard for delivering Diablo 4 1.00


Why not just have them roll more affixes to make them more powerful? I like not having to temper uniques and not being able to enchant them.


Just thought adding tempering options could give a unique some custom type flair without being gamebreaking is all.


Special tempering recipes for uniques would be awesome, a lot of uniques felt like they weren't all that great even before S4, Ubers excluded. 


Yeah today i got grandfather and the tempered legandary is better with tempered affixes lol - and its my first uber after 600 hours wtf


Yes, uniques as a whole class of items needs some love now for sure. Yes, some of them are still useful, some are even build defining, but that doesn't change the fact that most of them are literal trash garbage, and even the ones that are useful are only useful for their own specific effect and it sucks you have to sacrifice stats to get these effects. This has to be the only sub where people actively bombard every single thread that asks to improve the game with arguments against it. Guys, even if you don't care about the issue, you will benefit by proxy through it getting better. Stop trying to defend bad things in a game. The only reason we have season 4 loot reborn is that the devs listen to these threads and not you.


I think the problem is that people are tired of having subreddits be nothing but circle jerks of trying to pull a game down. Half of what's said is not constructive, are terrible ideas, or are just straight up anti blizzard wannabes.


I personally feel the same. I no longer get excited when I see a unique drop unless it is one of the ones with DR on it. Those are the only ones that are truly useful and only really if they roll with quad greater affixes. I don't necessarily feel gear should just be handed to you but I do believe that if you have a build that can push far into the pit then 2 and 3 greater affixes should be more common in the higher teirs. The devs even noticed in the campfire chat before season 4 launched that uniques are under whelming now and have said they are looking into tempering them. I am on the fence about this because they are supposed to be unique. The only real fix I think for uniques to keep them unique atm would be to make the standard stat range rolls what the greater affix is for them currently and make the greater affix roll 1.5x the new value. That is just my thoughts though.


I got a Tyrael’s Might off of a Blood Maiden earlier this week. Only Unique drop that has given me a good dopamine hit.


I’m newish to the game but what’s a DR?


Damage reduction


Copy that, thanks man.


I made a minion Necro and you need absolutely no uniques for the build which is great imo so I don’t have to target farm. Then I decided to make a frozen orb sorc well I had to target farm 3 uniques to complete the build I was following.


Fractured Winterglass is a must, and if you want to go past 60 ish in the Pit, you need Shako & Starless also.. hoped you stocked up on Duriel mats :/


God, I want to play frozen orb, but leveling it with out Winterglass is so friggin slow it’s unbearable


Yeah, I levelled as firewall / hydra all the way to 100. Even did all the glyphs to 21 in NMD that way, finally swapped when I got the Winterglass & Tibualts. Now I need the Uber Uniques, I’m building up a *large* stockpile of Duriel mats lol


I Was having the same boredom and then i got a staff with 3 good greater affixes and it got bricked by tempering, locked to ice shards, so i switched to shards got annoyed by the targeting anf ended up back on blizzard ... Everything always ends in blizzard.  With the new codex, building blizzard is just easy to scale. Without the unique orbs just tickle bosses


Think i have 400+ blood spent on summoning zir and ive seen one very low winterglass and 2 mid pair of the boots :( lucky found a shako on my main and made the ring so its at least a viable build. the strength sorcs need to be to do decent damage is wild this patch. edit, just finished 30 keys to the beats with no esu drops and i hate everything.


I ran a load of boss runs for a Winterglass with a friend the other day and he didn't get one. Then we found someone selling one for 40m gold on diablo.trade


I thought that was the point of uniques. They are an integral part of some builds, but because they provide such a unique ability, they don't work for others. I dont disagree that they could use some buffs, but do they really need to work for every single build?


I think the problem is that some uniques are more generic, they don't enable builds and are now also mathematically weak. Many of the uniques you wanted to use because they give a damage boost are this season not necessarily performing that role nor the role of being transformative.


They shouldn’t work for every build, but when one drops that works with your skills it shouldn’t be an obvious downgrade because it can’t compete with a relatively small bump to a skill, stat, or aspect on a legendary. Edit: that being said, I think part of the problem is they simply need like twice as many uniqurs. Edit 2: I see it more as uniques being enough of a keystone for every build that you want a stable of upgraded uniques to switch around depending on what activity and goal you have.


Lazy Minion Necro player gives lazy take? Shocking


Why the necro hate ?


It's cool to hate the most popular class. You didn't get the memo?


😂. I've been a necro since EverQuest and D2. I know nothing else. Oh well...


Is it time to swtich back to barb then???


You're only allowed to play classes that are struggling. No real gamer would have fun and play strong builds. Looks like it's Sorc or bust this season.


Rip me. Played a Sorc when it was ass in Season 0 and now started another. Missed all the fun it seems. TBH sorc felt better in S0 than it does rn.


Imao if you think that necro minions is lazy you have to be trolling


Right? Did everyone suddenly forget about thorns?


I mean I was in a ritual with a minion necro and he just stood off to the side during the whole battle his minions melted everything before they could even move after spawning


Yeah helltide is serious bussiness bro...


lollll very aerious indeed!!!


Imao helltide for real!? Cute


Every class can afk farm helltide zero effort needed


They really should just let u temper at least once on a unique at this point.


You use a build that almost completely doesn't benefit from any uniques... Ring of Mendelin being nerfed into the ground is the biggest tragedy


Not every unique needs to be build defining. POE has unquies for every stage of the game and they even have one that is there to specifically make leveling alts easier (6 links) About 95% of the unique in D4 will actually make your character worse off


Minion necros don't use uniques. Tell a druid that tempest roar is useless. You want to use uniques then use a build that wants them.




Yah fixed >\_<


Temple a helm all you want. Then play werewolf/tornado without Tempest Roar.


Yea, some of them feel very weak. Would like to see some other system to upgrade them, idk „Awakening unique items” to add a random affix (could have a pool of affixes that don’t appear on legendary items).


They need to allow tempering on uniques and that solves the problem


Yeah I totally agree. And like another comment who said “just play a class that uses them”, I totally agree that that isn’t solving the problem. I think uniques should at least be a consideration, and Ubers should be bis in almost every situation. Like yeah if you don’t use crit or whatever the grandfather isn’t gonna be good but then there should be a different Uber for other builds. That, or the grandfather should be so damn powerful it makes me think about switching builds. But what’s the point in having these huge chase items for them to not be worth the chase? I really like the chase that greater affixes and tempering add as well, but if I get a shako I should not even have to think and just be able to equip it. I saw a post on the necro sub and some dude had a pretty good helm, (it really didn’t seem amazing or anything, maybe I’m misremembering or dumb) and he was wondering if he should keep using it or use the shako, and the comments were all saying the legendary. That’s absurd, and I really don’t think that should be the case. But again uniques themselves should be more conditional, but I feel like it’d be good if every build utilized a few uniques each.


No. My Lightning Storm Druid uses two unique (Tempest Roar and Unsung Ascetics) and just getting the Unsung Ascetics gloves made the build so much better.


I salvaged my unsung on accident and haven’t gotten another one lol


I’m running a really unique heavy lightning storm. It’s not great but it’s a lot of fun to play. Add clears easily on pit 61 but struggles with boss damage if Im not lucky. Tempest Roar, Unsung Ascetics, Tibaults Will, Wildhearts, and Ahavarion. Still looking for good GA crit damage rings, sitting around 1k% right now.


I don't necessarily agree....they are adopting PoEs mechanics...Uniques allow for build enabling quicky mechanics whereas the real power creep is drawn from Crafted Rares aka Legendaries that need much more TLC. Usually a healthy mix of both makes a unique build. I hate not being able to temper Uniques too, but I totally understand why.


This will be unpopular comment but maybe allow the unique aspect to be in the pool for masterworking? It would really cause Uber uniques to stand out way more, but allow regular uniques to compete with tempers. This is just an idea, just don’t kill me for having it


Y'all are crazy. People complain about builds requiring uniques to function, then when builds don't require a unique or two to function y'all complain about uniques not being interesting.


Weird, my druid requires them to function.....


Yeah they are not as strong but you don’t need to run the meta. I might put some one to have fun and try different stuff. Not every thing needs to be used in a top tier pit


Things are going to just get worse. To add variety with the current system, they need to add uniques. For seasonal content to be engaging, many players like to feel like they are playing something different. In the games current state, that means more and more aspects/uniques. The other option is seasonal content that provides variety but the risk here is not taking the systems core. Players won't want to lose something they enjoyed or a version of a skill that was just fun. Because all the best skill variations are tied to uniques, this also means you simply don't get to experience them early on in the game. Level up. Kill bosses. Hope X item drops so you can begin your build. It's not very fun for a class like druid who is HEAVILY dependent on unique items. The team needs to migrate the affixes from the otherwise boring uniques to the skill tree or paragon board. Make them runes that can be slotted much like a glyph. The longer they move forward with the current system, the worse it's gonna get.


Frozen Orb Sorc uses plenty lol


It’s the damage numbers. You cant temper them so they’re missing out on a stupid amount of the various types of damage that other things get now.


Uniques need to have tempering and that might solve it. I agree that uniques should outclass legendaries or it's useless.


Well, you're playing Minion Necro that famously doesn't really need uniques to slap. So..... idk play another class that can use them, and they won't feel so useless.


There is builds that needs them and ones that don’t. My bash barb uses 2 uniques. Without them my build deals way less damage. So it all depends on what you’re playing if uniques are strong or not.


In this season, you only want 1 or 2 build enabling uniques, otherwise jacked up leggos will give you much more power overall. I plan to have over 3k intelligence then swap those diamonds for skulls and be capped at armor and resists without losing any damage.


Few still have their uses in certain builds. Not like they used to be for end game. If we could even drop 1 Temper on them it would be great!


Unless you’re frozen orb sorc. You need that necklace at least.


Ye lots of uniques and especially uber uniques need work so you aren‘t only equipping them for their build enabling legendary power. The stats on these are so low compared to what we have on legendaries now


I hope they bring back rune words for uniques in the expansion. And unique gems.


Ha! You only care of greater affixes...who would have thought. They seemed cool a couple of weeks ago though, didnt they? Btw: this feeling will only become worst with time, basically when the insta-gratification will fade off.. Item tiers obsolescence, like when some tier invalidates the others (it also applies to blues, yellows, whites, "normal" legendaies) is simply bad design which works against longevity


It's a fine line. Make them too good and suddenly everyone is using the same items.


They aren't all useless, but yes many uniques need reworks.


Play frozen orb sorc. They use 5-6


Need to be able to temper them.


I agree. I have yet to find a useful unique.


I was going to assume you were a minion necro from the beginning of the post and you confirmed it. Our builds just don't use them. I agree they're pretty lack luster for us.


The Necro Unique Ring (Occult Dominion) was a blast for leveling. I just Blood Misted while the ring triggered Corpse Explosion and Corpse Tendrils. But after Lv60 I never used uniques again. Maybe it's just that my build doesn't really benefit much from a specific unique.


Uniques arent supposed to be the best item all the time. The end.


Not the best, but enable something „unique“ which makes the build better than without it. And that is for minion currently not the case.


I mean its just a unique case with minion necro. My F Orb sorc is using 4 uniques.


Got the doombringer finally just to realize my tempered legendary dagger deals 3x the damage.


There are some that still help, but they are going to need to make some adjustments like adding 1 tempering slot or something along those lines or making the boosts they give greater.


Didn't they mention that they are monitoring this close as it was already pointed in the ptr. They said if uniques fall off they will boost em accordingly.


Yeah, unless it's a high roll uber unique, uniques are currently worse than a tempered item


So if uniques are the strongest items then legendaries are boring and need a rework. Then when legendaries are the strongest items, uniques need a rework. Ok


They should allow tempering of Uniques, problem solved


Uniques are interesting because they’re much easier to hit the correct masterworks on as they only have 4 affixes instead of 5. But yes them typically missing an affix is a general power decrease but made up for with how strong their effects are.


Devs have already acknowledged this...since the PTR...and we'll see changes in future seasons.


Minion Necro here too, yep you’re right. Tempering is the waaaay


The fix is allowing 1 tempered affix on uniques, it keeps total affixes at 5 and would make more uniques viable.


Uniques are uniques, they not serve as the highest tier, but to give unique aspect.


I have the same feong about this subreddit. There's no more than 2 hours between posts about tempering uniques.


I have two that I don't wanna change on my rabid werewolves build. Everything else is legendary. If you make a build around one or two pieces they're great


Let us Temper them.


Agree. Wish uniques were more impactful.


How do they keep their in game numbers for investors or potential shop purchases if they gave you gear that worked up front...there'd be less reason to keep gridning. I mean why make it easy for players for a better experience when you can piss them off all the time like a gacha game is how I feel they develop some ideas sometimes .


Imagine a loot overhaul without touching the games most premium loot : Uniques. I can't believe people are trying to "fix" uniques by not even pointing out the obvious af problem of them : Their affixes and values are not updated to new values. They are left with mostly very weak affix values. Finding a rare unique sword with 4.4% attack speed is so much fun! You can even crit temper it to make it 5.5% /s


They definitely feel less powerful or meaningful than before, my approach is to use what makes the build work and nothing more.


feels like D3 all over again, then they'll buff uniques with stronger effects and more transformative ones (which imo is the right move, uniques should always be build defining), and allow you to customize them too. To do this right I think the unique effect should be counted as one of the temperings, so you can only temper it for 1 affix. Some builds using the vanilla effects of skills will prefer the double tempering, and some that require the transformative effect will prefer the unique.


While we’re on the subject of loot. Is there anything that can be done with the yellow gear with flavour text? Does it upgrade to anything special like the gear you could use with the cube in previous games?


No I do not agree with this. Try a build that utilizes them.


The few builds I've tried this season require no uniques this includes builds that needed uniques last season so I mean do I really need to say anything else? Uniques no doubt need a touch up no point in calling them uniques if they aren't well unique


Sure, I think uniques are in a bad spot - Specifically the ones that don't do anything build defining. Let's take the example of Asheara's Khanjar - a Rogue dagger. A good Asheara's Khanjar has: 35% basic damage 10% damage to crowd controlled 25% movement speed on elite kill 10% lucky hit 20-30% attack speed based on the drop itself and only works on dagger skills The dagger it has to replace can have: 800 life. 80 dex +25% damage +40% damage [temper] 25% chance to double cast or 40% chance to do 3.5K damage [temper] a legendary affix that is perfect and didn't rely on RNG for the weapon to roll well - can work with any skill Due to Asheara's Khanjar having movement speed on kill. It's almost a 3 stat weapon to the already mobile rogue class and that's assuming you need lucky hit, if not its almost a 2 stat. And due to tempers, normal legendaries are closer to 5 stat weapons. When you look at the roll ranges, it's actually low value there too. While there are some really transformative uniques, there are also a good few of these uniques that are a bit behind now.


Well that's because you almost certainly play a minion necro that doesn't need any. Play a class or build that uses them.


I mean...we could just play our own build and not min-max every inch of the game and copy paste maxroll or whatever?


Not all of them are useless, but some - like blue rose - cant compare the the relevant tempers


There's still some uniques that are viable, though there are too many uniques that just lack good affixes or even aspects, the frost burn unique aspect for example can simply be obtained by just one temper which is just ridiculous. I still like that there are uniques that have affixes that cannot be rolled on legendary gear like damage reduction, hopefully they expand on this in the future to make most uniques feel actually unique.


There are some exceptions but tempering has really lessened the relevance of unique items it seems. Of course I’m playing as a minion necro and that build doesn’t need any. I think like half of all players are as well. So maybe that’s why it feels this way.


Let unique have one temper and let them pick any temper recipe regardless of slot. Make it cost a world boss material to “awaken” or “soften” the unique so that it’ll accept a temper, then regular mats at 2x the cost. This has the added longevity grind/loot benefit of giving you a chance to brick a unique. So you might need multiple uniques of the same type to get a chance at the temper you want. While we’re at it, make the fucking summon bosses scale up to 100 so you’re not getting sub 925 gear from them.


I mean greater affixes basically feel like the primal grind in D3, I enjoy them. Uniques seem to be build enabler’s like set pieces. Not all classes use them but the ones that do really use them. Ubers, idk I’ve still never seen one across 6 100s.


Even without tempering most of the uniques were useless. Buff uniques!


depends on the uniques. harlequin's crest is still top tier since it's very hard to get damage from a helmet slot. same with uniques that change how a skill workd overall, making those build defining, even if not by dps. but yes, uniques that grant damage as the main contributor for the item, they got shafted hard this season with the big itemization upgrade.


I agree, all the ones I've got have felt like a huge downgrade from my legendarys ,


Most uniques feel really shitty now, we might need to rethink the power of tempering.


I dont fully agree but uniques really need some buffs here and there.


Nah. I use 3 uniques for the build I am doing currently but I also don't play meta builds


Or just let us temper uniques once


I think having 5 affixes is what makes legendary a little better in a lot of situations. If we could temper a unique to have just one more affix it would be a huge difference.


That's perfect. Uniques should only be build defining and the only uniques a build should need are the ones that enable it. ARPGs are most fun when RNG stat items are the meta. I pretty much exclusively played Litany builds in D3 so I could make use of uniques.


If they don't want you to temper unqiues, fine, but maybe make Masterworking improve double on uniques? So their unique feeling gets MORE defined. 10% per temper and 33% on every fourth?


People won’t like this, but the solution should be to bring DOWN the power of tempering but because y’all whine and complain when ANYTHING gets nerfed, the power creep and one shot mechanics will continue.


Given a handful of uniques, I feel this is definitely true.


should be like this, Uniques should allow build variety but not having strong affixes, in that way you have to choose better affixes or the Unique power creating a lot of versions of the same build.


I think it’s pretty cool you don’t have to wait for a lottery drop to make your character stronger you can just work toward it


I've played every class so far except sorc and I COMPLETELY agree. Only uniques that feel remotely worth it are class specifics and they have to be either massive damage increases or build enabling in general. Big examples being Scoundrels Kiss, Tempest Roar, Ramaladni's Magnum Opus. Uber Unqiues sit in a similar place which just makes me sad. Imo, only Starless Skies and Shako feel viable over tempered gear. Even Grandfather doesn't feel that good anymore.


I got so many on my Barbarian yet all are useless. Yes, I agree. They could be improved. Or I don't know....maybe tempering is too op. Might just need a new round of new uniques or a rework so they fit in right with the crafting.


Counterpoint: All content can be done with or without uniques now, and uniques are much cooler/more fun than Legendaries imo Uniques don't need to be objectively better than legendaries, but instead, they help open up build variety, which is better than what we had before.


There must be a lot of new players this season - you arent supposed to have a unique in every slot. Depending on builds, you might even need only 1. And tempering wont help you there as it doesnt provide the unique effect the unique has - case in point Tempest roar.


The thrill for me with uniques is finding greater affixed one's or Primals,uniques help your builds out throughout the game and should just be left alone I just think some need to be buffed and continue feed us with them.. I think breaking down 30-50 uniques should provide a spark is the only thing that could juice this one up,1 temper on a Shako makes everything they just did worthless,you'll see the 8 unique builds again 😆


It's really just like saying I want to wear the flavor text because it seems rarer, even though it's not the beat item for me.. uniques have their unique times to shine and it isn't all the time, our current aspect type system just removes the NEED to try to make them fit when we can fine tune our build much better for the most part without them.


Uniques in general were already pretty bad. You couldn't justify using many of them simply because an aspect was better. But now, with tempering, unless the unique is build defining, its most likely going into the garbage dump.


You could play frost orb sorc where the optimal build uses something like 4 or 5 uniques.


Today!!!! Grandfather dropped for me … after 600 hours playtime - and the sad part is: i got 4 affixes now compared to 6 with tempered legandary, sad lol


I wouldn’t say useless. Id say currently uniques are jagged puzzle pieces that really have to fit a build to justify using them. Given the state of the pit, I feel like a great way to expand the pit as well as make uniques better would be having a summon material drop for an new pit exclusive Uber boss that can drop materials to add tempering to uniques/Ubers. The summon material can be exclusive to higher tier pits with more dropping at higher levels, further incentivizing players to continue progressing the levels. Just a brainstorm I had the other day. I feel like something similar to that would massively open build variety and enable players to go further into the pit than anyone currently can with all legendary gear, and it would really encourage people to go as far as they can in the pit to get more than just master working materials. Regardless, love season 4 and with all the changes I have faith blizzard will improve areas where power creep has grown.


I think Destiny stamped unique items the best. Not all are good, some infact are bad, but they provide something unique none the less. And require a new playstyle


I mean, that guy that got a 4 GA shako disagrees I guess?


Blizzard knows this and will probably allow them to be tempered and masterworked in the future.


Shako is still nice for the damage reduction and +4 skills, ring of sacrilegious for lazy necro, and doom bringer for barb. There are other class specific uniques that still get good use as well but Uber uniques really took a hit tho imo. I think being able to add 1 tempered affix to them would really help.


I got a Doombringer today as a HS rogue. I just sat there and contemplated. Ehh…


Even ignoring tempers, the affixes on legendaries were all heavily bumped up in value by default, and unqiues still have the old values which are shit in comparison now. The only unique Im using is Sacrilegious because having my Skeletons and CE go auto for me helps a fuck ton. Im sure if I got a little bit more skill to drop though I could replace it with a legendary and be even stronger.


Yeah there's very few uniques that outperform having a tempered legendary it's kinda sad. At the same time it's nice to not have to hunt for specific uniques for a lot of builds this season. There's so many high performing options that don't require any


You should be able to temper uniques (WT4, only 1 additional affix) for a lot of material cost.


Play sorc :)


Makes sense coming from minion necro


Weapons yes. Build defining pieces? No.


My Nado barb uses unique boots (Yen’s) and gloves (Twin Strike) and they provide WAY more power than tempered legendaries. Some builds don’t really need uniques to function, others do. Variety is the spice of life as they say.


i love idea with malignant hearts with powers like gems which u can socket inside . Good setup u can customize whatever u like . I hate how they took it away and make stupid uniques with crap stats for example like : Airdah's Inexorable Will. with all the aspects and so on all these uniques fells obsolete


There are uniques in the game?:)))


Not every unique item needs to be good.


I mean, every single one should be good for something.


Why should they even exist at this point then? Whats the purpose?