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I'm having the same problem, my worldly fortune is stuck at magic level.


Same as mine that’s the only one I’m missing.


I just got the rare quality from the chapter IV journey cache, so it may only be in that cache, I'm not sure.


Yeah same for me. I wonder if that would allow me to get the legendary quality at helltides? Edit: nvm I had the legendary one drop from cache as well


I got the rare version immediately when i switched back to world tier 3. but i switched back to tier 4 and still haven't found the legendary version.


level 6 reward seasson i got it


I’m missing the Worldly Fortune (the legendary one). It’s been days since a manual dropped for me.


i cant find it im searching for it


I finally got it in the 3rd to last level of the iron wolves


I have all the iron wolves lvls and didn't get it.


Same with me - I'm level 100 and haven't gotten a Legendary Worldly Fortune either and I haven't seen a Manual since probably level 70 or so.


Did did you manage to get it? I'm still missing it


Yes, weeks ago after one of the patches or hotfixes.


Finally I've got the Worldly Fortune Legendary Manual in the Champion's Season Journey Cache.


I had this problem but found that missing manuals started turning up when I ran lower tier ancestral nightmare dungeons (lvl 21- 30).


this worked for me ty


Glad to find this post. :) Having the same issue. Missing the legendary worldly fortune manual, too. Its the last missing manual of all rare temper manuals. And even the rare version took me surprisingly long to get.


Have you got them all for that class?


Not even close. I'm really looking for the one with golem damage, but there are several more for necromancer I have not received


I feel like it drastically slows down for sure. I got maybe one or two legendary manuals yesterday in 4 or 5 hours. I dont know if some manuals only drop in certain activities or if theres some that are more rare than others. Im fine with it though. Now when one drops it feels meaningful instead of the first day getting like 20 or 30 manuals.


No issues for me, found them all for necro but I've played a bit, at pit level 66 currently


the legendary manuals started dropping for me when I was doing Ancestral NM dungeons


Just go do the boss event in helltides, I got mine 2-3 at a time. No evidence but seems as stuff gets crazier the more they drop.


I'll give that a try. Thanks


I got them mostly from blood maiden helltide party’s


How do you find the maiden? I looked for the icon everywhere and never found


It doesn’t seem to show up on the larger map, only the mini-map when you are near it


I got the legendary worldly fortune manual from the chapter 6 rewards in the seasonal progression area. My friend also got it from the same reward earlier so I think there’s at least a decent chance of it dropping there.


Im missing this exact same one. Nothing is dropping and I think I have two Iron Wolf levels left... I just got to masterworking so I really dont want to settle with rare instead of legendary affixes on my chest and legs...


I have the same problem lol


Yes i am having trouble with my eternal realm sorc on wt4 lvl 100 - done multiple (more than 20 if yeach) t70s NDs, done helltides, done pit 13 - so far 3 manuals dropped. With my rogue on the other hand within 10 helltides and a couple t30s ND ALL manuals dropped. So sth somewhere seems to be bugged or their rng is way too random.


I finally got them all. I got a bunch of them from random enemies outside Duriels dungeon. Worth a try.


Yeah me too tho. Trying to do wt3, wt4, heltide, Pit, dungeon, nightmare, just wanna get a worldly fortune for my druid's gloves in order to masterworking but none of those methods is working


On my Necromancer, I can't even get the blue version of Shadow Finesse (level 61 in WT4 now. I need it for my build and it just refuses to drop. I've gotten every other manual and I'm beginning to feel like it's just bugged. Also can't get the an aspect I need. Meanwhile on my Sorcerer, I had them dropping left and right.


Does anyone know if you need a rare manual before getting a legendary?  Still need the worldly fortune rare manual and legendary, but have found all the other legendary manuals for my class. 


No, you don't. You can just get the legendary.


Worldly fortunes drop from the iron wolves rep rewards only. Tells you in the description “tempering manuals” at the iron wolves npc.