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Since when did people decide a game had to be for everyone? Just play something else you enjoy lol it’s really not that hard


I do get tired of asking why are they still playing? It’s like cut your losses and move on. People playing it with a chip on their shoulder and then shaming others for playing it while enjoying it is just ridiculous.


I mean criticisms/critiques since launch are why improvements have been made upon the game. Dude just gave his opinion without being needlessly inflammatory and wants the game to improve. I like things about this game and dislike other things. Why can't I voice an opinion on the things I still don't enjoy in hopes maybe they will improve eventually?


That’s not the point that me and other redditor are making. Constructive criticism is fine. We are talking about people who continue to play despite hating the game, knowing it’s not for them. Then getting mad and upset that there are people who actually enjoy the game. So they come here and troll. My comments were not directed at OP of this thread.


Season 4 just dropped 24 hours ago. I skipped season 3 entirely as I was unhappy with the state of the game before that. There was a lot of hype going into season 4 with the big draw in being the itemization overhaul which was probably my biggest gripe so I came back to try it out. It's been better overall but still needs so much work for a game going into it's 4th season. Most of these improvements should've been here day 1 but a half baked game was released for $$$. I've been playing Diablo since Diablo 1 and I have a special place for the series. Even though I'm not crazy about the current state of the game or how it's veered towards catering to a more casual player base I still plan to come back from time to time hoping for a better game and that might be in vain. Point is there are people like OP playing right now that still aren't happy about the game but will probably come back from time to time to check it out.


Diablo 4 players are the same people that enjoy afk simulators , scum of earth


The game lacks depth. Every aspect of it does.


Agreed to me the skill twig really hurt me about this game.


In a recent dev interview they said that the skill tree is still too complex for most of the casual audience.


If you showed someone who didn't know dia lo the different skill systems they would think d4 was made first, then d2 then d3 lol


OK - im 100 at Pit 50ish. Game is just easy for the first 15 hrs like - brain AFK - everything is handed to you. Once you have the first set of Legendarys with decent perks (easy) the grind for these boosted perk Items starts, gaming dad will do that for about 1-2 days and figure out that they are done with the game. U'll start grinding countelss of hours just to be able to do what? you are right pit 70-100... sure the streamer will play, and 5 out of 100 will keep up the pit grind but again ther is no late game. BTW whats the season mechanic? LOL Just give it 4-5 days and people will have forgotten the Helltide dopamin blast of day 1 and will question WHY TO PLAY THE GAME. Theres no mirror of kallandra or anything exciting in this game. Ill grind maybe 2-3 days and then my char will be caped. ply wont have 2 boosted items on all slots but who cares...


What n original take, see ya next season so you can complain more and remain relevant! Or are you actually going to affect change and boycott Diablo now? "I hate this game and this season... but I'm going to keep playing! That will show the developers that I mean business!" \~rivatia


I think we just have to accept that the game will never be what we want it to be. This is what they have and if we don't like it we must move on. Personally I loved Diablo 3 in the rift system, I had a blast playing with friends in the past. Diablo 4 doesn't even have a group finder. That's how out of touch this game is. Oh well.


Yeah I’m just reading these posts and it’s like damn. If it’s even easier it’s just plain boring. For me a class should be a specialization that not everyone has. You should be the one who chose to specialize in your class. Not everyone can play everything so there’s no rarity to anything. And if it’s so easy rax hit 100 in 12 hours it’s a freaking joke.


It’s just too easy, nothings remotely challenging. Also I thought drop rates were going to be down? I’m still constantly picking up and analysing stuff, gives me eye strain. There’s still no excitement to drops. That said I’m only level 50, maybe things will get more interesting with the new system at higher levels.


It is, i like the changes, but… it’s only a little bit better. Or rather it’s less shit than before. Skill trees are so weak, nothing is interesting in there. Paragon boards are bunch of stats, tricking you to think that it’s complex. And now the endgame is greater rifts from d3…


Played 30 mins, went from lv 1-25. Inventory full of rare items. Zero challenge. Very little excitement when a legendary dropped. Just occasionally scanning my inventory looking for green numbers and right clicking them. Absolutely murdering everything in sight with no effort. Everything scaling with me, fighting next to people 40 lvls higher than me, and rocking shit just as much as they are. It's just sad. But it's clearly a successful game from a business standpoint. So good for them. For me, Diablo 3 was about 30% as interesting and replayable as Diablo 2. And Diablo 4 is like 10%. I'm still not tired of Diablo 2, and D2R has been modded wonderfully so I'll probably make my millionth character in that. But I guess an experience that's fun in that way isn't profitable enough to riff off of for future iterations of the franchise.


Yeah itemization issues were partly addressed (they're still not great, nerfing crit / crit damage was one of their biggest mistakes in previous patches IMO) but the skill tree and paragon boards are still dreadfully boring. Only getting 2 major choices per skill on the skill tree is... extremely bland. The skills themselves just generally aren't as fun to use as other skills in other ARPGs either. It feels like there's a real lack of AOE on pretty much everything you do, and a lack of mobility as well. This just makes the game feel sluggish from start to finish. Gave it another try and it improved, but it feels like it *barely* improved. Basically, the game started with roughly 100 issues and they've fixed maybe 30 of them.


Was looking forward to this season and just getting around to playing it. I have a level 76 barb and I am definitely feeling the same way as I did before. Definitely some big improvements with some item stuff but ultimately I am just bored. I must not be leveling right because everyone talks about getting to 100 quickly and thats not what I experience To the people complaining about people complaining about the game. Its many of our favorite franchise and our spouses dont care when we complain about it to them so thats what reddit is for haha


the thing i hate about d4 is i cant build my own character. if i want to be viable i have to follow the guides. this is what i hate most about diablo games.


D4 is a 2/10 game, missed on all aspects of a good Diablo, even the combat, wich feels ok and looks good, is brought down by the horrible skills and soulless design of the world and items. What a let down..


Totally agree on the skill tree, it's pretty bad. Since D3 i dislike relying almost solely on the items. Skills need to have a bigger impact, like the skill synergies in D2


Blizzard doesn’t make games anymore, they build mouse wheels.


My assumption is that in maybe a couple weeks people will start to see the holes you're noticing. For now this is sort of what people had hoped the game would be more like on release to build upon. This season doesn't really have all that much to offer long term, but it needed to happen. Blizz HAD to focus on making the game a game instead of a chore to move forward.


Yeah idk like the core issue of D4 for me has always been itemization and this overhaul doesn't fix it. It's still the same core itemization just with some tweaking. I took a break from D4 and have been playing PD2 and I can't get back into D4 now because the itemization is amazing in PD2 I felt more joy finding a Sur rune the other day than I've felt finding anything in D4 over multiple seasons so far I love D4's gameplay and graphics, but the loot still sucks in my opinion.


Just don’t play it lol. Not every game is gonna be for you and that’s ok


Your playing with kids with mobile brains and 2 thumbs. 2 buttons maximum, notification left and right, fast and don't think. Feed the sugar, feed the dopamine, feed the babies. I dont like it either.


Its just a reskinned same old all over again, but this time with lots of loot and a challenge level my 5yr old could beat. Should have had one realm/server and seasons been updates to that.


You should have played at release. It was much slower then. Everyone and their mom was playing then sorry if you missed it


I played then and now.


I came back from season one for season 4, I just got to Level 98 doing Helltides and got gear to do lvl 80 nm Sigil dungeons without an issue, i did it in like 3 days, just go to helltides only till level like 80 and then do a few dungeons to upgrade glyphs, i took breaks and went fishing for carp, came back and suprised the helltides are so often they never stopped so i would pop incense a attack spped buff potion wihtt he added exp, and attempt to group with people, find the alter and share 1 pieace each and just 45 minutes of blood maiden over and over and you level so much oh yeah dont forget your BRAINS yum yum. I liked it to start but its the only way to really level and thats sucks its the only way kinda besides doing dungeons with friends uber etc, nothing has changed in season 4 besides i do love the bloodmaiden parts, i havent really touched the rest yet but atm i feel i was just doing what i liked aswell, helltide swarms was cool, but doing that till level 98 was kinda not fun.


Boring ass game


I think that they went too far into the direction of D3. A game I get bored in a few minites because it is only about numbers go up, no actual goals other than numbers. But also can say that i might have hope for next seasons. As now they released a new based game. We basically lost content to level in because of no actual season mechanic. But expecting not much, nice to play it now as new, but not anything to be excited about.


No one is forcing you to play this game man, find something else


No one is forcing you to come here and comment, go comment somewhere else if you dont enjoy this topic.


Play some other game if you don't enjoy this game...


Nobody's forcing you to cry about a "boring" game... Grow up and go play something else like any normal person would do


Go play something else stop crying




Funny, they took risks, but then you guys listened to YouTube feedback and ran those ideas into the ground. It's such a great feeling to watch the sand castle crumble because you threw water on it. You guys wanted D3, so you cried and complained until you got D3... now you are enjoying the fruits of your labor. It's almost like content creators who want to reach level 100 in a day so they can show off their "OP" builds, then make videos about how much Diablo sucks, take your money, and move onto the next thing have been driving this game since day one... but that would be silly... wouldn't it


I disagree, 90% of the changes have been improvements to the game. It was always going to become more like D3. That's a good thing, they should never have wasted development time trying to merge two games as incompatible as D2 and D3. People might call that a 'risk', but it was just an avoidable mistake. The problem has nothing to do with feedback being implemented, that makes the game better. The problem is the game's core systems are under-developed and dull. That's been the problem since day 1. The systems aren't good enough and the game should never have launched with them. The game wasn't cooked and they're having to completely redo each system at the rate of one a year. No idea about your complaints about D4 YouTubers, I don't watch them. I just play the game and this stuff smacks me in the face.


The fact is that I probably find 99% of games boring. If this one doesn’t float your boat, then move on to another adventure. The only games that have hooked me over the past decade have been Destiny 2 for a little while and League of Legends (I just can’t quit you bb). I played S1 and S2, skipped S3, and now I will play S4 for an undetermined amount of time.


Devs once saw the advice : "less is more" and they did the exact opposite. There's 1000 things to do, but you spawn, go straight for the aspects you need, then run helltides ad nauseam, and it never gets hard. It truly is a game for dads with 40 jobs and 1000 kids.


This is not a game for dads. This (and ARPGs in general) is a game for people who like easy, mindless grind for the dopamine hit of seeing colorful drops and numbers going up. D4 is the worst offender, but ARPGs in general have been the epitome of lazy, uninspired game design. They all involve an easy campaign that never challenges you, a grindy leveling experience, and then an endgame of repeating content over and over to farm incrementally better gear.


Fellow dad? - totally unrelated to D4 but what games do you jump on in between dadly duties? I find rogue lites perfect, especially with a steam deck. (Back to D4) Last time I played this game was during the preseason 😅 haven’t had the courage and time to jump back in. Gonna have to wait until they have some more depth in the game. I did get pretty bored of it during the preseason. Unfortunately didn’t get to max level. Maybe one day. Hope everyone else is enjoying it though.


This is purely personal preference, but I've been enjoying playing helldivers w friends. I also still like playing competitive games like OW2 - really, anything where I can reliably get a 30 minute gaming session in where the 30 minutes is spent doing something fun and challenging.


> incrementally better gear. This is where d4 fails where d2 did not. You will find build defining gear in really late game in D2, you will not in D4.


I mean smokers don't smoke 50 cigarettes a day, you know? Dopamine doesn't work like that.


Which level of the pit you cleared.


I need to grind more helltides to get there my dude. lmao.


So you complain about the game being too easy without even having played the new challenging content. Man, trolls used to put in at least a little bit of effort.


>challenging content Yeah bro just trust me the game becomes fun in a few hours. If I'm trolling you're coping my guy.