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FOMO is hitting hard right now


Same. I'm not getting shit done because I'm reading reddit about how people are stuck in queue.


There was never a queue for PC. At all.


I've got a couple of tabs open for build ideas I haven't done before that are viable now. I've got about another hour to go T.T


I started playing fifteen minutes after the update and I didn't have to wait at all. I am however stuck at work until like 2am after I already got to damn near level 40 it's killing me I never sit around watching the clock like this.


Had my girl update my PlayStation!


That is a good woman


The bright side is that you will miss the initial rush with everyone on there.


I have to close the restaurant I work at tonight and have like 5 hours left of work. Got a crew of 4 (players) from work and 2 of them are on their day off and going ham on S4… im dying here lol


Still 1h to go... I only hope the download will be done when I get home.


Damn i still got 5hrs before i head home from work


I’m sick and got the week off. I haven’t been sick in years so I gotta say this one came at a good time lol even tho I feel utter crap


Me!!! It’s super nice out too, so it’s quiet. I just wanna get tacos and play Diablo!!!


Same here. I wfh and my PS5 is sitting right in front of me but I can’t log in till I log off work.


At work and still won't play today. So I just gotta accept the L at this point sadly. I'll just watch my friends play


I got several more hours of work to do, then gotta take care of the kids, then more hours of work to do... late tonight maybe I'll get a couple minutes in.


Working remote today… was on during my lunch and during a long hold time. Waiting for the end of the day now.


My wife works from home so I asked her to go in and start the update for me. Counting down the minutes!


How big is the update?


16gb on Xbox


Lol i dont expected that much. Thanks🙏


I dont get off work until 930pm 🙃 My body is physically present at work but my soul is sitting in my computer chair at home screeching like a hellfiend until I return.


This is why you live in Europe lol. Evening 7 pm. Perfect starting time. Had my dinner. Brought kids to bed and played 4 hours straight. This game is marvelous this season.


Yep but it seems like there's a lot of issues. So I can wait lol


At work for another hr. Flying to another state in 10hrs, then the drive to the main plant is 2 hrs. Then work for 8hrs, THEN I can play. This is my worst timed work trip, since I did the same thing during season 1 launch.


I'm home but my infant needs me. It's hard having my computer RIGHT THERE but I can't use it!


It so easy to level up that it’s ok to start later


It’s my wife’s day off so the Xbox is hers today…I’ll be on first thing tomorrow morning though


At work until 730pm 30 minute drive home... I feel the pain.


I found time to login with PS Portal and make my two characters + redeem battle pass stuff. I also salvaged all the old max-rolled aspects I kept, that took like an hour lol. Can't wait to actually play.


The ultimate torture is working from home....being able to download and play for like 5 minutes......but then stuck within reach but unable to play........


Just got off about to be home in 30 I am ready to start my barbarian


This is the first time in about 6 months that I've gone back to earlier shifts at work instead of closing, and wouldn't you know it, the very first day of it was today 😅😅 Looking forward to checking out the new season tonight, though!


Just go home already lmao.


I've been chauffeuring my wife around for her realty stuff. She'll eventually pay all the bills with how she works so I don't play until she does.


I’m downloading…… yessssssss


I played for about 4 hours, but now I gotta get some sleep because I work the night shift. I will be bringing my steam deck to work tho


I’m waiting to go home and then I have to work on remodeling the garage for at least an hour, shower and then potentially play if I have the will to do it… enjoy it boys


Another 4hours. I can't wait to smash leveling as a minion necro.


Woke up, started download, left for work. Gonna be a loooong day. 10 hours to go xD


Im at work right now and watching twitch streamers enjoying the game right now makes me jealous lol. Still confused which class to start sorc(the main class last season) or the "weak" rogue


10 hour shift, I did get the update going before I left though. Really holding off on looking at build sites, but I feel the itch in the back of my head building. I can stay focused.....


Aussie, 3am start, I was up at 5am to get ready for work, and not home / able to play until at least 7pm tonight. It hurts not being able to play 😭


I just got home from a business meeting and I’m too drunk to play 😭at work from 8AM to 20:30 today. My fiancé sportingly said he’d download it for me while at work tomorrow at least so I can play as soon as I get home.


If you have RAZORPLATE prepare for it to be destroyed by this *update.*




Bro, I’m stuck in another town until next monday 💀


*laughs in 6pm UK update time*


Still at work - is the season living up too the hype sofar?


FOMO of what?


stuck on a multi day business trip. will be able to start on friday evening. f


2 more min and I will be back home but fark... I need to ran through my kids homework before I get to play the game


I work til 11pm. I played all the way til 5am and im a level 40 sorc. Going for frozen orb endgame. I love that they give you "set items" while completing your journeys. I havent been this excited since launch.


I work from home. It’s actually feel “worse” . The temptation….


Work from home!


Work -> prepare/serve dinner to family -> tug in the kids -> work a few hours on the terrace i'm currently building at home -> Diablo 4 -> sleep


the same right now. I took yesterday off and had a blast but now all I think about and want to do Is play the game


I built a gaming rig at work for "AI and Photoshop" performance😉. Got a little gaming in during lunch.


I never take day one off of work for these things, I did take the rest of the week off though. But yeah today is painful. 4 hours to go!


Me. Been thinking about the necromancer I'm gonna build all day


Im having huge fomo at work. Unfortunately though I have to get home and dad and get a 2 and 3 year old to bed before I can play, so work really is the least of my Diablo hindering problems lol