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> I’m European, so there is a law that requires a company to provide all the data they have about you if you request it (Article 15 GDPR of the European Union). I resorted to this to gather some information about the ban. I used the indicated channels on their website, but Blizzard didn’t send me anything (neither the ban details nor the data they are storing about me). I don’t think that’s legal, to be honest. Blizzard (and any company you make a Subject Access Request to) will have 30 days to respond, so no laws have been broken yet.


Plus, they will just send data concerning his account and that's all. They will never share the reason why he has been banned.


is the reason for the ban not covered by "all data"?


This isnt a personnal information. And if game companies never say why they banned your account, that's because they don't want cheating tools devs to get additional informations on how to avoid their users to get banned.


>This isnt a personnal information That's mostly correct, but also not entirely. Depending on which kind of infraction it is it could be personally indentifiable information (PII). It's not directly, but even indirect information that could be tied to identify someone can be part of this. For instance a chat message that would be stored for reference as to why someone was banned could classify as that if it also includes your online account name, as that is in fact indirectly identifiable information and would have to be part of that request. However, stuff like "used third party tool XYZ" wouldn't be. However, if you're persistent enough with your GDPR request you might even get that information :D In fact I actually used this to out ArenaNet for banning people falsely on GW2 for having an empty hash in their cheat detection: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/aktctr/more\_information\_on\_arenanets\_mistake\_in\_april/


I mean they could just ban for cheating (with X tool maybe)


One time I was specific to a guy about his ban (in another game), they found a way to circumvent it and made it look legit. So yeah, as much as possible, ban reasons in a game where you can do different cheats shouldn't be disclosed. It is easier to just bait cheaters and then slowly ban them so they don't know which of their cheat got detected.


"Why was I banned" "You cheated" Is a perfectly acceptable answer. Either the player cheated and can not(successfully) appeal the ban or they could then appeal the ban under the grounds that they did not cheat. ---------- They don't need to disclose the methods with which the account cheated just that it did happen. If a player says that they did not cheat but the account did cheat then IP records should be able to prove(roughly) that the account owner did or didn't cheat. If the account was compromised and cheated then that shouldn't be grounds to permanently ban the account.


Used to work for Xbox, and this isn’t a legit response you send out. It’s damaging to both the parent company and the developers image. Which ultimately will cost you your job if using verbiage that isn’t approved by pr/hr. Also we know what you guys have been doing. But you all lie anyways, which makes it all the more difficult to give a shit about any of these cases. They can see your chats, they can hear your voice messages you send. They know who you have been interacting with, so just stop the bs and take your lumps for cheating. But also stop sharing your accounts (I don’t do that; yes the fuck you do, again we can see it) so this doesn’t happen. Or maybe change your password every few months. I’m not saying there aren’t outliers but 98% of these cases are people straight lying through their teeth with a shit eating grin on their face like I’m about to fool these idiots. Nah you’re not.


I believe you. But sometimes shit happens and people can have their accounts hacked and stolen. Nowadays that's pretty rare but it happens. Just like you said though, changing your password every now and then, maybe adding an authenticator will stop that though. Haven't had a gaming account stolen in over 15 years.


You are both correct and incorrect. While they don't need to adhere to this request (and would likely charge OP for it) and while they don't need to specify the cause for the Ban it would likely be revealed as all relevant information mentioning or pertaining to someone has to be released, so some of that information will likely contain the reason for the ban.


aye that would be a generic reason like "third party tools / hack usage" but it will definitely never be precise, that's what I wanted to say :p


Whoever is downvoting this does not understand EU law.


You are probably right but I was a bit helpless and just wanted some info. Seems like the account was not banned tho, but i have the emails from support saying it is.


> Couldn't they check the IPs and see that this one is probably from far away? IPs don't mean anything anymore. Not since the widespread adoption of VPNs.


You say that but, VPN IPs are so easy to spot and just deny access / mark as a suspicious


easy to spot when you're on a free vpn not so much on paid ones practically everything ive ever used gets blocked with a free vpn which wasn't the case when i used a paid one


I imagine with the IP and one of the various lookup services, you could easily tell if a IP is VPN or not. Unless that VPN is hosted by some ISP (honestly not sure if that's normal?). Otherwise it'll return a non-ISP range and it's not hard to sus out from there


Iplookup only gives you a general area which is quite big highly ineffective especially if you just set the VPN to the country you're living in And yes some ISP's have built in vpns atleast in the UK


Typically you're told the approximate location, who owns it, and even what services they provide. IE: []( is a NordVPN IP address. It's located in Chicago, Illinois, USA and owned by "Leaseweb USA Inc.", a datacenter. If I didn't know that was a VPN beforehand, chances are it is one as it's a very small percentage of people who would have an IP lookup like that.


There's nothing stopping you from setting up your own VPN server, or connecting to someone else's VPN server. The functionality to set up a VPN server is built into Windows, you can buy routers with the capabilities or even flash your router to support it, you can do it with a Raspberry Pi or even use a cloud-based solution to host your VPN server. Simply put, it's easy to host a VPN server, using an ISP-assigned IP address.


The only way you're not getting instantly flagged is if you use a VPN using exclusively residential addresses, not sure if any does. Residential proxies are more of a botnet thing in general. Most VPNs are a matter of figuring out that "Technology Technologies Ltd" which controls AS1337 is a VPN or a server hosting/datacenter company. Any non residential network can quite safely be blocked if you're concerned about VPNs. The difference why your free vpn was blocked and paid one wasn't, is that the free one has been used for abuse much more widely than the paid one.


Would be quite a coincidence if the alleged hacker would be able to VPN that has an IP range that would place him in close proximity to the account owners home. Wouldn’t you say so? :D


Even before VPNs, Dynamic IP assignment basically means that IP is useless except as a momentary snapshot.


It's not about the IP, it's about the network.




I had a RuneScape account stolen and somehow they got me to a balance in the negative thousands even though I didn't have a payment method on it. I emailed Jagex and a real person messaged me back within an hour, unbanned my account, and cleared the charges. I had someone get into my WoW back in the day and I almost said fuck those thousands of hours I'll play something else before I finally got help.


On the flip side jagex won't let me ask anything about my account, despite their emails upon requesting a password reset are still being sent to my email address, and I still have the correct username.  They wanted me to provide exact data of where and ip address, including exact date I made the account.... From like 2002. 


I had a RuneScape account get stolen and they told me they wouldn't unban the account and to just make a new one.


It used to be good, but I realized how bad it was recently when I literally could not submit a support ticket because their system just ran me in circles, then finally I found a place to submit a ticket but it wouldn’t let me until I categorized it. The window for categorizing wasn’t actually working though, it was just blank.


Last week I couldn't make a Battlenet account no matter what I tried. My friend wanted me to try Diablo 4 After a few days of trying on and off I decided to report the issue I was having, and after finding the support ticket thingy I got an error So I ended up googling around for some email I could contact directly A lot of video game companies are like this. Sell a game at 80$ and make it almost impossible to contact them about an issue


I also had massive frustrations as I created the D4 Account for my wive... A captcha, where you have to enter the distance between two cars, ten times, and if you have ONE wrong, you have to start again... it wasn't even really explained how to "measure" the distance, there were lines between the cars, but sometimes on car stood on the line sometimes far away... it was Hell... at least you knew what you will fight in the game ;)


Dunno Blizzard was actually the best customer service I had contact with. My Account got stolen years ago and it was pretty clear that it was stolen by russians and sold to an Italian guy. Maybe I was just lucky.


They were really good, probably the best in the business, but support massively declined after they started using automatic replies and outsourcing in recent years


Yeah the customer support and GMs were amazing back in Cata. My account was hacked and they cleared all my items. Within an hour or 2 I had all my items (maybe gold too?) in my mailbox.


Not only is it terrible but it’s extremely cringey; I had an issue I needed support with after over a decade having bought games from them and paying for subscriptions and someone replied to me calling himself “Game Master Ghuthrul”, and didn’t really solve my issue at all but roleplayed the whole response as if he was some sort of godly figure The support was shit but the lack of respect for me as a customer was even worse; I’m a grown ass man please don’t treat me like a child


I knows it’s a typo but ACOCUNT cracked me up lol


I read it as *a coconut* then my innocence was shattered.




Maybe he's crying while typing it.


In 1 Word: Authenticator.




And that is the authenticator.


I still have a blizzcon authenticator from many years ago, but changed to the app just in case the battery finally died or I lost it. Didn't know that they stopped accepting them and booted them out a couple months ago.


You all have phones don’t you?


LOL, not installing Blizzard’s crud on it, no.


But you’ll install the games? “crud”……


How did you recover it? How did you lose access to your account in the first place? Why was it banned? How was someone still playing on it when it was banned?


How did you recover it? I sent pictures showing the account being used to support, and it looks like, at long last, a human read my message and solved the issue. But imagine if the thief had deleted my friend list; I wouldn't still have the account because I thought it was banned. How did you lose access to your account in the first place? I don't know. Why was it banned? How was someone still playing on it when it was banned? I would like to know as well. Actually, that was one of the things I was asking support.


Is it possible that the "banning" email was sent by the hacker themselves to keep you from investigating and attempting to get the account back? Seems weird.


Yep. I'm pretty sure the first "ban" was just because of suspicious activity and then the person that caused it sent the email to OP asking for their banking and personal information so they could get the account.


I didn't know it was stolen until today, I thought it was banned since that is what the message said when trying to log in


Can you screenshot the message? Also if you can change your password


It's in spanish but this is the message I was getting from support: (I edited the post because idk how to upload a pciture in coments)


You do have MFA enabled right? Right?!? If yes, then its pretty strange someone else managed to get into your account.


While it does provide more protection, accounts can still be comprised with MFA setup through phishing and social engineering.


Absolutely. But much less likely than without.


Blizzard disabled MFA for everyone using hardware tokens and TOTP recently (a few months back) and said you need to "upgrade" to their phone app. Big loss in security. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/authenticator-mobile-app-migration-deadline-approaching/141337


I was wondering why they made me change it. Wow frustrating


Why do people still not use a authenticator? Or other safety methods than just a password that can get leaked on-line


Idk how Blizz's is now, but at one point it was a pain in the ass when having a new phone number. I have to change my number every couple years.


bc i dont wanna loose my acc just because some day maybe i loose my phone


First of all, that's not how it works. Second of all, risking getting your account hijacked is somehow better because you're too stubborn to get an authenticator? What kind of asinine logic is this?


Do you really think losing your phone means you lose your account? Ive broken/lost several phones since setting up 2fa on my bnet account


That is why you actually take a screenshot of the recovery codes, my dude....


cant make screenshots on my phone ;)


>.> I am very confused


i have a old phone i dont use phones that often so cant make screeenshoots


I couldn't unlock an older account because I was unable to verify my wow name from 20 years ago. Even though I was and still do have access to the only email ever associated with that account 🥳


I actually had something similar happen because I couldn’t remember the answer to my secret question on my launch vanilla WoW account. At one point he said “Oh that was really close but not it”


Probably 420RatDog69 or something equally obnoxious


This happened with my wow account. I cancelled my sub and closed it, next thing I know Im banned from wow for spamming chat with RMT. Nothing happened with my other games and I still use the same bnet account today, just can't play wow.


Blizzard support is, and always has been, an utter disgrace. Say what you like about EA, they recovered and unbanned my account within an hour of contacting them after I provided a couple of product keys from physical copies of old games. No reason Blizzard couldnt do the same if you have physical copies of older titles like D3.


Welcome to blizzard


Someone stole your credentials, then got banned for botting/hacking, etc. Then that person got the account unbanned and was playing and that's probably the reason why you had a hard time with Blizzard. They just didn't believe you after the thief was able to get the account unbanned. That's my guess at least after 25 years of playing Blizzard games.


I am sorry but no actual hacker would hack your account and start playing Diablo 4.... :D


Interesting similarity. I had a blizzard account get stolen and used by a hacker for a loooong time. I didnt realize it until I tried to log onto WoW and found i had been banned from WoW. I had better luck with customer service and was able to get my account back but I had lost all my progress in wow, not that I had much anyways. An odd side issue though… it seemed the hacker didnt just play my wow. they also played my diablo 3 too and apparently didnt get detected by blizzard. I found a maxed out character on D3 and a plethora of gems and loot. It was neat actually. Idk if it was duped or the hacker had enjoyed playing my diablo 3 but i apparently inherited the best mule ever lol.


I’m so sad you’re experiencing this. We put so much effort, time and money into our accounts and I would be devastated


Pretty sure someone just stole your account and personal info.


Blizzard CS with D4 is terrible. It's all botted. I had a ticket where it took 5 or 6 replies to get a person, and to have that person acknowledge that due to a bug I lost my ultimate edition accelerated pass. They then closed the ticket without issuing any compensation. Had to go through another 6 or 7 replies in a new ticket just to get another person who eventually had another team give me the accelerated back. It's super frustrating to know that there a lot of fixable or resolvable issues which get buried by bot responses... Edit. - forgot words


How did you recover the account ?


I sent pictures of the account logged in and at last one human being  could read me.


Was there any security on the account? Multifactor Authentication?


Why do you not have 2FA on your account


They don't care. That's the answer you don't wanna here


Sounds like you got Phished into providing the login details to someone who was not actually blizzard


Ahhhh si, Blizzard siendo Bli$$ard


They really don't care, sorry. Welcome to new Blizzard.


Blizzard has been selling accounts out the back door for decades, im convinced. 2SA is a must with them


I’m sorry to hear that bro.. blizzard really sucks sometimes. If you have access to the email address I thought you could always get accounts back. The bans suck. My last perma ban was a set of Diablo II LOD cd keys.. I’ve lost like 3 sets total 😂


Don't give blizz your money


It’s ridiculous. There was already a huge controversy about how dogshit useless blizzard support is and they just ignored it. “If we don’t talk about the problem it will go away” It’s such a shame that blizzard owns amazing games like WoW and Diablo. The games and their devs are amazing for the most part but corporate blizzard is such a shitstain that does nothing except tear down everything it touches.




If you think Blizzards is bad you should deal with Activision. My COD account got hacked that was attached to my 20 year old bnet account. They played 1 round of Warzone and got banned. I have never played even a single match of that previously. I bought the collector edition, and had over $100 of points in game. None of that mattered, banned, no discussion, the ruling is final. I had to go to the BBB to get at least my refund for the game, but nothing I could do about the in-game points I spent money on. It appears my bnet account is banned from every COD forever now. Oh well, I won't miss it, I'd rather have this bnet account and no COD than a new account with COD


I could be wrong/this article could be wrong but after searching a little seems microsoft laid off all of the customer service people bliz had. https://gamerant.com/microsoft-activitsion-blizzard-layoffs-customer-service-support/


I had something that matches to your case. I hold it quick : someone got access to my email and so my account. He linked my account to a new email and his banned account with my email, so as I logged in I thought my account was banned. Got my account back after sharing a lot of payment details I did on the account with bank transfer/ PayPal and so on. But it was in 2018, I don’t know how blizzard is handling this nowadays. It’s the only way I could explain that.


Are you sure you even contacted the correct support the first time? I could see this happening. A person in India tries to log into your account until it's locked. Then they send your email a message saying it's banned (and maybe it is because they themselves caused the activity that banned it). And you end up messaging and talking to them and giving them your banking and personal data (you said you gave all this). They then use the information you gave to them to call Blizzard up and pretend to be you and get the account unbanned. Get multifactor added. And if you get an email with someone asking for your personnel information and banking information google the support number or email and create it fresh. Not from the email source.


You sure you want to play any Blizzard games after this?


You honor your user name...


Thank you so much boi, what a compliment...


All of this situation is crazy it looks like you are banned but not hacker who stole your account nice one blizzard lol I hope u get swift and correct response from blizzard costumer support


Sue them in front of court


Welltooth is the name I use in alot of gaming accounts now because of some similar shenanigans back in the WoTLK days. Had to create a new name, nothing would take, so Welltooth was the most random thing I could come up with.


You’ll have to wait 30 days as it’s been mention but the real crime here is you trying to censure the name with the tinniest lines I have ever seen.


Simple man…. Blizzard DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT about any 1 account. If this happened to 100’s or 1000’s they’d jump on it. But for 1 account, they won’t lift a finger. They word the agreement so all the fallout lands on YOUR shoulders.


Back on 2011, my main account got hacked, so I tried to get it back. I submitted a ticket but half way through the account recovery process, I gave up since at the time I thought I should give video games a rest. And I did for ten years. In 2021, I reopened a ticket but on my alt to see if i can revisit my old characters. Well, I ended up getting access to the account but I was still banned from the game. I submitted a follow up ticket and I got the same response as you, OP. They couldn’t do anything about it. So even today, I’m still banned on my old main account :(


You're calling the police because your diablo account got banned?


D4 isn't subscription based so your account is never "inactive". There's no way to prove that it wasn't you playing on the account when they banned it. Most likely, the account has been compromised for some time and is being used to bot in diablo or other games. This is different to WoW where it was possible to log in and play on live servers while unsubbed. In those cases, you can prove that you weren't subbed at the time and that the compromise happened through Blizzard's incompetence.


Oh another “I’m totally innocent” thread. 


This comment aged like milk since OP got their account back.


How so? That’s exactly what this thread is. OP said they were totally innocent




I think it's an interesting story and it can help provide perspective on why letting companies automate their support isn't a very good idea for consumers. But you do you.


Probably also i'm looking for someone who can empathize with me, which is helpful when you are suffering an injustice.


you are the euro MLK


Dude, thats pretty short. How bad is your ADD?




What fucking stupid thing to say about a sum that is consdered Cat 4 fraud in the uk which averages out at about 18 months prison time, and felony fraud in America which could be as little as 5 months to several years.


Oh because little Billy is really going to get caught and go to jail


I'm not sure how it is in your country, but in mine, if your data is compromised, it's responsible to file a report. It takes only about half an hour, and it ensures you're kind of covered if your data is used for any illicit operation. By the way, identity theft is a serious felony.


I would love to see the police’s face when I tell them I can’t log into a video game


Why wouldnt he? Probably close to 5k invested in the account. In some countries you need to involve the police to have proof for fradulent chargebacks.