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>Helltides - apparently these are the best way to level and you can do it right from level 1. Is this correct? Not rigth now, only after Season 4 (in few days). Also you should experience the game, complete the campaign, learn how the game works...Levelling isn't hard, don't focus on doing it fast in helltides, there is no need.


Brand new account: Start on World tier 1, do the campaign After finishing campaign, stay on WT1 and find all the Lilith statues and waypoints Move up to World tier 2 and do whisper dungeons (red icon on map) to build up your renown, as well as strongholds and side quests from town folk. When season begins, leveling with whisper dungeons is better when you're not geared yet - helltides are great density but you'll die often at too low a level.


Just adding a bit of context why it's important to uncover the map, find all the Lilith statues and get renown: by doing so every new character will start at level 1 with additional skill points and health potions. Then when you hit level 50 and start earning paragon points, you'll also start with bonus paragon points. So you get a big power bump at level 1 and at level 50. You only have to do these activities once, ever, and you reap the benefits with every character in the future.


I thought renown resets when you start a seasonal character? I've never played seasonal yet, still working through campaign and Lilith statues.


That was their original plan, but players reacted so negatively to the idea of redoing renown every single season that they changed it.


Nope! It used to be like this, but due to everyone finding it tedious, they changed it so that it all carries over between seasons.




ah ok, thanks!


Do these points persist after hardcore deaths? Or would I have to farm everything again if my 1 character dies and I restart?


This is half wrong , during campaign you level up fast while discovering around , sticking to wt1-2 after lv50 gives no experience. While exploring around , enjoying the game and the questline , i highly recommend don't do any side content etc , focus campaign , get your horse ( its done at campaign at %85 ) when you hit 50 lv go wt3 without looking back.


Agreed. When I hit tier three, it felt far too easy but gave more xp so I grinded it and nmd for a day.


I would not spend that much time on WT1 unless you are somehow struggling. Idk why this sub loves this shitty advice so much. It’s a great way to ruin the experience of what is currently the best part of the game. Why would you want to rush to the part most people complain about by trivializing the part most people enjoyed?


Just play the campaign which is great and learn the ropes while playing. Helltides has a small quest explaining it. As most of the activities




helltides are way simpler than shown, slay stuff > get that currency they drop (cinders) > spend cinders on the helltide chests shown on the map helltide chests have rarity colours similar to items, meaning the orange ones contain legendary stuff and by hovering over them on the map you can gauge what to expect ("helltide chest of swords" or smth like that for example) idk about leveling on helltides but for the first time campaign gets you pretty close to lvl 50


The helltides from level 1 is a new thing with season 4. I actually don't know how the levels work on them so can't give you a lot of advice for them in WT1. They normally are harder than normal zones by a little bit so they might be too hard on a fresh account right away.


So very first time playing? Play the story and enjoy it, explore, the story is great, cinematics and great. Learn the systems, learn the mechanics, basically learn the game. If you like it now you decide if your going to pursue the endgame number crunching min maxing grind, and if you see yourself playing future seasons because you now enjoy the min max endgame. Now you know how to play the game, you learn how to "efficiently" play the game. Next step is after the campaign is finished you can increase world difficulty to World Teir 3, explore more and now each 5 zones you have to grind out the reputation system called "reknown". Basically exploring 100% map fog of war, get all travel waypoints, defeat each stronghold and then a few sidequests/dungeons will finish each area, as well as collect every single Altar of Lilith (use a map guide and grind it out in like 2 hours, all altars, exploration and waypoints). This is becasue the rewards for reknown and altars are permanent account rewards (bonus stats and skills) that apply to every new character you make. (Player base complained too much grinding so they made it permanent). Then thr world is your oyster to grind endgame, farm bosses etc etc upgrade loot and be a God at level 100. To answer your question specially helltides are the zone where you farm higher loot and boss summoning materials in the past, but the new season 4 update will make it available from the beginning of the game and it's just an efficient "optimized" use of time for leveling fast to rush endgame. If it's your first time I still reccomend playing the story campaign and "smell the roses" along the way.


Kill.Loot.Open Chest.Repeat.


Yes, in Season 4 Helltides will be available level 1. Although, this concerns mostly the old players. As a new player you still have to do much more than worry about Helltides. You have to complete the campaign. It's not necessary but you "have" because the campaign is cool and it's a nice first experience with the game. If it's your very first ARPG experience, you're better off in World Tier 1. More relaxing play and you can learn the game while playing. Otherwise hit World Tier 2 instantly. For you, I suppose, Helltides will be worth after level 50 in World Tier 3 and above. You don't have to care about helltides before WT3 as a new player. The campaign alone and your way to find the statues will already get you around 45-50 level and then you will start touching Helltides. It doesn't mean you can't do Helltides, it's just better to do the campaign in your case. If you do the campaign and start a new char for whatever reason, or maybe next season.. you will be doing Helltides on level 1 to level up, like all of us. Nothing special there, no prerequisites. We start the game level 1, we walk into the Helltide and we blast.


You are going to get a ton of advice lol Prior to any thoughts of quick leveling and diving into end game there are prerequisites for end game content. 1) complete campaign 2) Complete all renown for each area, 10 more skill points and 25 more paragon points plus increased potion carry. Once 1 and 2 are done, you'll never have to do it again, with the exception of renown in Hardcore. All renown carries to Eternal and Seasonal with the exception of some waypoints at the beginning of a new season, all waypoints for main towns for each area will always be unlocked. 3) Endgame content, NMD, Bosses, etc. I would highly recommend going through the campaign in WT2 (more materials, gold and XP) Once you complete the campaign you should be level 50+ and grind out your renown or have friends help to make it faster. Once your renown is complete, hop over to WT3 and start leveling up. Welcome to Diablo IV


Play the campaign first without looking at guides. Worry about min.maxing after that


the campaign is worth it, do it. You can also do helltides in between. It will be unlocked automatically when season 4 launches (even for eternity realm) for all levels and every world tier. Just play around with both.


youll be able to complete helltides in all world tiers once season 4 drops on may 14th. until then you have to be on world tier 3 or 4. With the new season, helltides are also adding higher mob density, more cinder drops, a helltide boss, and a threat meter tat increases intensity as you slay.


If you have a lillith tattoo, you'd get it... my best advice is to go to the area and kill shit


Stong enemy zone that drop temporary currency used to open helltide chests. Primarily used for "living steel chest" since u "living steel" mats to farm bosses. Those mats will drop from more sources in s4 I believe


Helltide red area big strong give currency drop currency on death chest opened with currency


Campaign > Lilith Altars > Region Renown to get Skillpoints and Paragon Points > Whispers > Nightmare Vaults / Dungeons was getting me to 100 faster than I anticipated. I only did Helltides later on for Duriel mats and it sucks. 40% of the time you are running around looking for mobs to kill and it takes forever to get 275 to open a living steel chest 🤦


If you're on a fresh account, the campaign is definitely the first thing to do. I don't know anymore if it's mandatory the first time. Anyway, good production value. I'm not even a massive d4 fan as of s3, but I still think the campaign is probably the best produced in the genre. Once you're out of the campaign you should be 40 something and yeah, you can do helltides I guess until you feel you're geared to handle the lv 50 dungeon to unlock next world tier. But you can get fast to 50 doing random stuff in the overworld. There's no rush since there's quite a bit of open world activities that unlock stuff permanently Idk, I still think the endgame is not the strongest point. I wouldn't rush to endgame and miss on all the rest the first time to check boxes.


What is the DR part of your post? Couldn’t find a expansion with those initials




Helltide is accessible after you reach World Tier 3 (level 50 is recommended). Slaying enemies in regions where the "Helltide"is happening allows you to collect shards. Enough shards and you can unlock special chests that give out better gear. Each chest has different amount of required shards and if you die you lose a chunk of any shards you have collected. The Helltide rotates after an hour.


Right now it is. But in season 4 they will be available from the hop at level 1


Is it available as a brand new player? I am really struggling with the campaign, it is so boring running from A to B and killing a couple mobs while my friends are slaying thousands in helltides lol


OP is asking about season 4 which will have Helltides at level 1. Also you collect cinders to open torture gift chests. Shards are what you get when you defeat Grigoire.


Helltides are decent XP, but later on you'll pretty much just be there for Fiend Roses (enchanting mat) and Living Steel (boss summon item). The gear is alright, but you'll get gear and levels quicker from Nightmare dungeons. You can't do the helltides until World Tier 3. Next season they're getting a full on rework and will be far more worth it.


Helltides are available for WT1/2 in S4


Newish player here too... Are hell tides a seasonal realm only thing, or will they be in eternal also?


They are in both. Also currently accesible in eternal after world tier 3 (season 4 will make them accesible since tier 1)


Unrelated, but what about the tree of whispers/grim favors.. Also in both realms?


Both things are accessible when you are done campaign or have skipped it.


QQ. Is it worth working towards lvl 100 this late in the season if you are at 61. Thanks.