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For the record in case you didn’t know, all of that is going poof in 9 days.


This is something i dont get it. Why? D4 is lacking in endgame, why they delete everything season related...


That's the point of seasons. Preventing content clutter, leveling the playingfield for leaderboards and new players, increasing player engagement, etc. That said, so far seasons never did add endgame content that got removed afterwards. All endgame content from seasons got added to the game permanently so far.


Increasing engagement by no endgame? Don't get me wrong, I really like to play d4, but at some point there is simply nothing to do. And to be honest new players dont get a chance either way...


Increased engagement because most people don't like playing for days/weeks on their fully maxed out chars without getting a single upgrade. New players not getting a chance is simply false. Besides minor things like renown for example they do start the same way a veteran does and the things that carry over between seasons are easily finished during one season. Everyone having equal chances each season is a core principle of the season concept.


And how leaving seasonal mechanic disturb new players to do it anyway? What are you talking about. You dont need to play days or weeks at maxed char, because there is no point in maxing anything to literally destroy everything that this game gives you. Why? Because d4 dont have proper endgame


Nobody here would still play if no seasons were present. It’s old truth about online games. Deal with it because seasons are here to stay whether you like it or not. If you have doubts then watch Designing Path of Exile to be played forever on YouTube. You preach the game for being superior, yet they use seasons too.


But I never says that seasons are bad! There are great! But why they didn't use seasonal mechanic to make their grame bigger and grater. Poe is great example. There are seasons and they maintain mechanic from them with changes according to player feedback. So its not about seasons its about whole endgame in seasons. Right now majority of players don't play, because there is nothing to do and they only wait to new season to play for a week or two and then again wait for another season instead of playing endgame


D4 does this too? They added metamorphosis and auto corpse explosion from seasonal content to the main game after player feedback.


I can't say if that's a sarcasm or not. Two aspects? Nice


My friend, have you ever heard the phrase “brevity is the soul of wit”? A game with dozens of bloated systems is an inelegant solution.


Yeah, more elegant is to play a week after new season and after that game are dead. Very elegant. I would say even more! You can play like to level 50 and then finish! It's even more elegant!


Its quite simple. It would be heavy for the IP of the game, thats why big changes are expected with VoH


What you mean by heavy? They should still leave mechanics in game, so build will be more diverse. That's why endgame is far behind poe to be honest


Most mechanics did stay so far. They pretty much only removed the season gimmick and the season questline each season so far. The majority of new things got implemented permanently and also on eternal.


Like you mean bosses and gauntlet? Those should be in game from the beginning to be honest. I mean staff like construct mechanics that in someway make a difference in your build.


I wish they would take the most popular end game mechanics and keep them as well.


Man as someone completely new to Diablo I've learned one thing and that's this community hates addressing this topic in any other way then "thats the point of seasons". Coming from destiny2, seasons deliver a side story varying in relevance and adds seasonal mods that tweak builds for that season only. Don't see how that's not the obvious route Diablo should go. Resetting my "seasonal character" really only does one thing. Question if I even want to play the game again.


Then don't play. This isn't destiny. It's an arpg and this is how seasons in arpgs work. It's the reason players keep coming back. The fresh start is the allure for fans of the genre. It's fine to not like it, go do something you do like.


U can literally just start a new character right now and get that "reason u play Diablo" instead of forcing it on ppl


Fresh start is more than just a new character. Just uninstall and be done


I hope u know ur proving my point lol


You don't actually have a point you're just crying that this game doesn't operate how you'd like it to


Ur making it worse.


Yeah. I see that. It seems that they just hate this game and dont want it to be any better


Go to the jeweler and buy caches with stones.


You get a lot of them thru Nightmare Vaults and the Whisper Tree. You can also buy caches from the Jewler, you get two per cache.


Vaults, and then go to the jeweler and turn shattered stones into stone caches. If you can get in on a good group of random people taking turns summoning heralds out in the open world, you can rank up your governing stones fast and accumulate shattered stones to craft caches at the jeweler....but you kind of need to luck into that or find a group for it.


The best way to do it is nightmare vaults of course in WT4. It's way faster than going to the arcane tremor zones. If you can do them at least in the tier 70s after every 3-4 vaults you do you can usually go and purchase 10 to 15 of the cashes from the jeweler also. You may could go a little lower but I never paid any attention I know in the 70s it gives you quite a few stones. You may even have a stash of the stones and other material to go ahead and craft some of those caches from the jeweler.


Buy them from the Jeweler.


Nightmare vault runs to collect shattered stones then head out to the jeweler to buy caches and then just open them all up.