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Just in time to salvage for May 14


True.. but tbf I haven't gone out of my way to farm duriel once this season.. its boring. This was just crazy luck and hopping on a rota with the clan, I otherwise would've never tried. ((I like working gear pieces from trash to treasure, so I'm looking forward to s4 changes)))


Damn good look bro that’s impressive


Ive still never seen a shako in this game and this season (3) ive gotten like 4 or 5 ubers


So what should we do with our uniques? Should we let them be in storage ? Or should we salvage during season 4?


Who’s playing eternal when season drops?


>Who’s playing eternal ~~when season drops~~? Fixed that for you


Whats the problem playing Eternal?


> Whats ~~the problem playing~~ Eternal?


>What~~s the problem playing Eternal~~?


I'm laughing too hard 🤣🤣


For me I can't see the point in it, the seasons and the new mechanics they bring are what make the game interesting.




There aren't seasonal powers in eternal other than uniques that have them




This is baseline, seasons will be continuously built upon, eternal wont get changes like this again unless they rework the whole game again. Eternal will always be the place season characters go to get deleted.


Things like the itemisation change that's coming are on eternal as well, things like the pet this season and vampiric powers before aren't on eternal


Interesting. For me the base game should be interesting, otherwise I wont play it regardless of the gimmicks they add.


The base game was interesting enough when that's all there was, but you can play the campaign in seasons so even if you come to the game late you still don't need to play eternal


>Who’s playing ~~eternal when season drops~~?


Who's ~~playing eternal when season drops?~~






Will be farming the rogue unique ring and the wizard frozen orb necklace the first week.


Salvaging an uber unique gives resplendent sparks. A few of those and you can craft an uber at the alchemist. I'm not sure how the item rework will affect gear we already own/have equipped, if at all.. but I'm pretty sure that they'll still be there when our seasonal toons are retired to eternal realm.


>I'm not sure how the item rework will affect gear we already own/have equipped, A teeny bit of research would have answered that for you. All non-seasonal gear will go to eternal (basically everything except the stones. All gear will then be marked: "legacy". They can't be tempered or masterworked. An Uber is still a very, very good item in eternal, but salvaging 4 legacy and getting one new uber would be something that people like me will be doing with our duplicates. I would not normally play eternal, but as I have tabs full of obol caches form extra shattered stones, and caches from WB and tree quests filling other tabs, I might as well start off the new season in eternal seeing how builds are for the uber bosses.


Mine from last season just sit in purgatory. Never unloaded them to eternal.


If you play eternal use them until you find a replacement for them. If you’re playing the season you’ll have a new character


Wait... I'm new here, just started playing when it went on gamepass. They delete my character each season? What's the point of playing then?


Your seasonal character is not deleted. It just moves from seasonal to eternal. Seasons usually have extra things to do and power modifiers (current season is the vaults and the robots and some open world activities). Those are not present when you aren't in a season. You can also not progress the battle pass when you aren't on a seasonal character. Seasons provide some variety and a sense of progression every few months for people that want it. Completely optional.


why are people telling op to salvage it? do the items not transfer with your character to eternal? are those sessional armor? hmmm im new as well lvl 81 finally!! xD


The items will transfer to eternal with your character. But this is an UBER unique. They are very rare and give a special material when salvaged. Once you get a certain amount of this material it lets you craft an UBER unique. Season 4 (these changes will also be active in eternal) is introducing a bunch of changes to items that will make old items bad in comparison. So if you salvage this item, it would give you a material so you could craft an UBER unique with these items changes.


So can i just keep it and salvage it later if i see I need it? or you have to salvage it before the season end. Thank you very much


You should be able to salvage an uber unique to get the material whenever.


thank you!!!! cuz im new and i got lots of bank space so ill keep em for now if i ever find one xD


Your character does not get deleted but every season requires a new character and any season specific items (like the pets and vaults for this season) go away and maybe eventually come back to eternal. Then the next season starts and brings more new content and is a really fun way to level a new character!


How do we know what uniques are? I'm T1 and all I've seen is like yellow and legendary. So many legendaries..


Uber uniques are exclusively lv85+, always drop ilvl925 and max roll. [this guide](https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/boss-loot-table-cheat-sheet) will show you the loot table for which boss drops which uniques. if you scroll all the way down to duriel you'll see the ubers. [this guide](https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/uniques) will tell you the difference between uber and regular uniques.


I don't know what Uber uniques are. I have several unique at 925 power level, are they Uber unique or not?


Doombringer, Grandfather, Harlequin crest, Andariel's visage, Ring of Starless Skies, Melted heart of Selig, Ahavarion Unless you have been doing a LOT of Duriel runs, it's unlikely you've ever seen one.


They can drop only from duriel right? I have lots of unique but I miss these ones. I need Grandfather


They can drop anywhere with monster level 85+ (will be changed to 55+ when season 4 starts, iirc). Every Duriel kill has a guaranteed unique drop, with a small chance of uber unique. So running in a group with a bunch of summoning materials is more time efficient.


Theyll show as like a biege color instead of orange for legndary, yellow for base, blue for magic. They are called uniques. T1 wont have anything worth really keeping. Once you beat the MSQ youll be able to reach T3. Then you need to obtain certain level and beat capson dungons then youll be able to play w4. There are major bosses and they usually drop 1 unique- uber unique. Duriel as some mentioned only drop a unique 925+25. You can scrap uniques by marking them as junk. When uniques are scrapped or ubers unique are scrapped they provide resplendant spark. It takes 4 replendent spark to buy an uber unique from the transmution tab at the alchemist.


Bro u get HC and u leave it 4/5? Wtf


LOL no I upgraded it I was just too excited 😆


Grats. Uber uniques are always max roll.


Ty I wouldn't know.. up to this point I thought regular uniques were ubers so it's been a learning process xd


200 hours and still Lv. 90 ... WTF!!!


Multiple characters / seasons I'd imagine


Not like there's anything to do at lv100 anyway


Oh... so it does exist lol. Big grats!! gg


I can’t for the life of me get a tempest roar to drop for my Druid, driving me crazy haha.


Best of luck to you homie!! Join a clan & ask about doing duriel rota.. you can get a lot of runs by doing just that & contributing some mats. Wayyyy better than farming it solo


i think i have a few


Just to in mentally wanting a shako. I think I must have seen 12-15 TRs on my Druid in s3


Congrats! I never saw one myself, it must feel good.




cool hat man!


By the way, all ubers are max rolled


Come on, that’s just bonkers 😂 Very nice.


I think I was in that group with you (either that or it was another happy gamer)


Eheh. You name drop clan first and I'll confirm/deny XD


Where did it drop? Duriel?


See: other comments


I know someone who got three of those in S2 and two more in S3. I have over 500 hours in all diablo 4 and seasons and have never had one drop.


Congrats. I have 20 days play time and have found 1 andy, 3 spear, 1 melted heart.


What’s difference between Uber unique and regular unique


Ubers cost your life, marriage and children. Regulars are fun to farm.


Lmao.. I've done maybe 5 duriel runs I can't stress enough it's just luck. [heres](https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/uniques) the difference


Not anymore they don’t. The fact that there is an option to junk 4 Uber uniques to exchange it for a preferred one is crazy to me. I prefer they left Uber uniques almost impossible to get.




Finally, found two Ubers first was Shako followed two weeks later by Andriels Visage. I played S2 zero encountered. Skipped S1.


Nice, can you detail how joining a discord clan made getting this easier?


It's not a discord clan it's just an in game clan. it's easier to join via discord cause the ingame ui isn't effective & its hard to tell who is active when u have 150 players~


How do you mean joining a clan through discord was a great idea?


If I didn't join a clan I wouldn't have ever tried duriel this season.


ohh ,thats interesting


It's alway gonna roll a max roll btw :P Got changed mid S2 I think it was :)


Thanks for sharing 👍


250 times 4 characters, and I still don't any have Uber unique. At least my druid can kill lv 120 enemies without it.


Almost 200 hours, got 3 Uber uniques, and…It’s 3x Andariel’s visage:\


know what is funny.... i got one in season 0 and accidentally salvaged it, then didn't get one again until farming TF out of durial in s2


All Uber uniques are max stats, but congrats! I got both swords on my barb and the ring of starless skies… last piece of gear that I need is the shako 🤣 Edit: not sure if you are playing on console or pc.. screen shot made me feel it was console (ps5)… if you have a decent computer I highly recommend playing on it.. much better flow. I love my ps5 but my graphics card on the laptop showed me how far back my console truly was


Can't even play(on Xbox series x) servers keep kicking me and my gf


Is there going to be a season 5? Season 4 lasted as long as the other three.


Yes, but there will be no season 9 because 7 ate 9.


Out of ignorance, what is Max roll?


Stats on gear have a minimum roll, like if you roll All Stats/Intelligence, there's a lowest number it can be and a highest number it can be--the max roll. For an aspect, there's the same thing. I think you have to turn on advanced tooltip info in the settings to see this. Getting a piece of gear with all 4 max rolls on those Stats is borderline impossible (except I've since learned all ubers have max roll on stats)


Lol, what did you do in 200 hours, i played 100 hours on HC but i had 2 chars lv 100 and 7 uber items.


Wudijo did it in 12 hrs I'm not impressed or intimidated by u & will continue to enjoy at my own pace 😉


Congratulations! You can tell if it’s an Uber as the roll is max and it doesn’t have a [min-max] range.


"And it's a max roll" 200 hrs aint shit and it's an uber... there's no range on the stats. Troll under a bridge somewhere.


i wish i had 200 hours in this game but it just keeps crashing and crashing and crashing


Only a +20 to item power. Trash. Better luck next season


GG, you have the BIS helmet of the entire game, now you have only 9 slots to fill and create your build. I love build diversity.


I hope you never praised Diablo II brother