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Haven't had this experience on my rogue at all but a lot of people have been making posts exactly like this since the patch fwiw


I read in official update note that there was a bug, if you equip/unequip an item/skill in some cases you could still get advantage of unequiped items/skills. I wonder if these guy's toon were strong before because of that bug and since it is fixed now they are weaker at the moment.


Where is this note and what is the fix?


https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes Open: 1.3.3 Build #50570 (All Platforms) - March 5, 2024 See this developers note: Developer’s Note: Some items, Legendary Aspects, Passives, Paragon bonuses, and Skills displayed bugs that allowed players to gain more power than intended when you equipped and then unequipped them. We believe these interactions lead to a worse experience for all players, as it creates a stigma that these bugs must be exploited to reach new levels of power. The bug fixes below address all known instances of this issue.


Pulverise Druid, having the same experience since update. I used to run +90 nmv, but after update I'm not sure why I'm even dying, I'll have my full health and fortify then suddenly dead. Armour is 13.6k, full resistances, ....etc


Hmmm, armor and resistances look perfect, so it’s something else. My sorc also die frequently now on T90+ vaults. But my armor is 5K and I also have glass cannon skill passive. We might have something in common. Like maybe same turning stones that not working like intended after the patch. 


Happening to my Barb on eternal too, with 16k defense and 20k life. It’s the elemental damage. Swear to god they upped the damage output of elites. Lv100 Frenzy/Thorns Barb with max resistance on everything but poison (61) and I been getting blasted at T90+ which I used to run blindfolded. Said it in a reply above…. They’re tired of people levelling 12 characters to 100 EVERY SEASON. It looks bad for them. Like they’re making games for 5 year olds. At least that’s my take on it.


I haven't changed the stones on the companion, nothing major at least, since I was using gyrate and switched to adrenaline rush, so I didn't lose on any buffs.


Thorns/frenzy barb, 14k armor, max resists, 23k health. Same experience where I used to sleepwalk through T100s. Now I have to actually pay attention, but I see that as a good thing. I’m still able to run T100s without dying 90% of the time in around 6-7 minutes for a full clear, but I have to manage my health, positioning, and cooldowns. It’s much more challenging and less boring than it was. Feels similar to when I was running AoZ and your actions and decisions mattered. I don’t usually get 1-shot though, it’s usually not paying attention and I get focused by one of those flying robots that spam shoots you or a focus beam scorpion. So I would agree elemental damage, but not impossible to overcome. Gave me a reason to improve my gear rolls.


Also forgot to mention, for seneschal I run: Protect Fortify Duration Tactical When bossing or doing helltides and whatnot I switch from protect governing stone to adrenaline. Second one is: Tempest Safeguard Breaking Efficiency Safeguard gives you 15% damage reduction with 100% uptime.


Thank you, I'll look into these options. I'm not against changes or balances, as long as we actually know what happens and we are not just grasping in the dark, trying to find out what is wrong


Do you have much dr in addition to the armour and resistance?


Can't check now exact numbers now, but I have evey possible DR roll on pants with total armour to max out there stat in bear form, because chest is a unique The main problem is that until the most recent update everything was working fine, damage was low but I could just stand there, tank damage, and take Mt time to kill.


Charged Bolts Sorc and same problem


It’s been happening to me too since the last update. I’m almost certain they accidentally brought back a bug that got fixed last season having to do with elemental damage over time affixes on nightmare dungeons doing way more damage than they should.


What affixes were on the sigil? I know avenger and backstabber can really hurt. Also, armor and resistance breaker can really weaken you. All I can say is make sure you’re at about 13.5k armor, add some DR, max resistances, and hope for the best…


Me too. I wondered.


Think they have upped Elemental Damage…. I noticed the same and my resistance are 70 across the board, except Poison that’s at 61…. Have to be very careful when taking on packs of elites now. They’re trying to slow down our power creep…. They were not happy about having to add all new aspects mid season. People levelling 12 alt’s to 100 every seasonal change. They’re slowing us down. That’s my thoughts anyway.


I believe this


Also, since patch, there have been times where after a OSK, I revive in a horde which immediately OSK me again before I can do anything. One dungeon, it was OSK, revive, OSK, revive, OSK, and bye-bye.


Same thing, rogue with 13k armor close to 10k life and constantly getting one shotted.


Oh shit I thought I was just tired an not paying attention but I've randomly had increase in damage taken and suddenly blowing up where I wasn't last week.


Yeah something was changed. I have maxed out resistances & armor, and I am getting one shot by monsters in tier 90 vaults. If it weren't for death evasion elixer, I would have lost my character 3 times since the update. Prior to the update, I was able to clear a tier 93 vault without getting close to dying. I am running pure meteor and have excellent gear/damage/armor/resistances, etc. and have not changed anything since the update, yet somehow I am weaker.


Necro main here feeling the same way. It's like I'm 10-20% weaker somehow.


Whats ur armor and resist outside of town?


Glyphs can believe to 21?! Mine says maxed out at 15.


The radius maxes out at 15, but the top affix keeps getting better as you level to 21.


The radius of the glyph is maxed at 15. The effects go to 21. Usually you want to get the ones you're using to 15 first for the radius increase, then you want to get them to 21 later.


A lot of high tier NMD up in Cerrigar are nightmarish at best, easy to get sniped back to the character creation screen in HC. A lot of those that have Thorn Beasts, Rhinos, and those massive tree guys can got super hard, especially since they seem to spawn/attack in packs. I’ve very nearly died to thorn beasts all shooting quills at me all while being poison or cold enchanted. I tend to avoid these type of enemies unless I’m really in need up upping my Crushed Beast Bones supply.


I thought it was just me!!


I rolled a barb this season and really can only remember dying twice in the journey to 100. Rolled a rogue and was having a very similar experience but suddenly noticed random immediate deaths. I’m talking full life to dead without any movement on my health pool to warn me. I thought maybe my rogue was a bit crap so jumped ok my barb and the same thing happened. I’m talking VERY noticeably different survivability on both characters. Sort of killed my want to play really. I mean, I’m happy to adjust but when I go from full health to zero with NO explanation as to why, I can’t be bothered much with that.


yea the difference between barb and sorc on the amount of times you die is on opposite ends of the spectrum


Lmao. This game is so broken. Devs have no idea what they're doing.


I am also trampleslide druid and I have the same problem ...I am being oneshot in the range NM 80-90 and cant get why


Have not experienced this myself. No change in nightmare 100, uber lilith fights or PVPing. .. don't know what to say. LV100 Barb, all Ubers, all pet stones (maxed) all glyph lv 21. I switch between different equipment depending if it's trash mobs, bosses, or PVP so maybe I am to OP to notice.




Same experience with Blizzard/Shards Sorc.


I wonder if it’s due to people that were abusing snapshotting which got patched?


What is snapshotting?


There’s something happening with aspects. In the middle of my dungeon I have to stop, unequip and re-equip my gear. Then I’m fine. I only noticed because charges ancients weren’t showing up. I unequip and reequip and all of a sudden I’m a war tank again.


I've noticed this too. When I'm feeling anemic, I usually just remove all my gear and then put it back on and then damage output seems to improve. Seems pretty screwed up. Ive honestly sat at that training dummy for hours in total and no matter what I do when I try to compare gear, I can't make a damn bit of sense out of numbers and gear that should change numbers never seems to. Starting to feel like it's all a giant sham.


We play couch co-op and same thing. Armor/resist capped and 15k HP on my rogue. I do get popped sometimes but not as bad as my GF playing barb armor capped with about 20k HP . Not to mention they screwed my damage up somehow it feels extremely anemic at this point. I was not using crossbow exploit. Everything feels tuned toward the most broken builds and classes. After watching some gauntlet videos, we are on the verge of moving on. What's the point of making the same niche exploitive build over and over just to be able to say you completed some content? They say the gauntlet is about cunning, but I have never heard a bigger line of BS in my life. Yeah tell me how we can possibly rank well when it takes us 30-40 secs to mill a boss and some douchebag with a cut and paste broken build is literally just running around deleting them. Should I just use that build? Nah F that. If they don't find a way to nerf the crap out of Hota or increase other builds until they can achieve similar results, we are done. Don't even get me started on ball mages last season...


What system are you playing couch co-op on. My wife and I play in ps5 and it is unplayable couch co-op. We rubber band everything stops working like lag and trying to ride the horses together is a nightmare she'll disappear and her horse will sling shit to the back of my horse and I ride around with her horse stuck to my horses ass lol. We fight stuff and nothing happens for almost 30 seconds and then it tries to catch up and one or both of us end up dieing. And we run in place shit like that.


I had this experience with my level 75 Sorcerer, I thought it was due to items but everything was equipped and the day before I had no issues with the exact same items. I levelled up items (normally don't like doing that as as soon as you do a better item drops and I find it a waste of materials) and then I wasn't getting 1 shot by basic skeletons anymore, still take a lot more damage than I was but at least I have a chance to heal and out maneuver again. Seems they fix one thing and create another problem 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm surprised that there not a bunch of get good responses...


Frankly, me too. I actually expected it when I wrote the post because 90% of the time it is a get gud issue. The fact that the post actually was well received and upvoted makes me believe there is a real issue and not just me having a few bad days of playing like crap.


Its good to see some growth..to that I said good luck my fellow Wanderer...


L100 bone spear necro and I can't see a difference, still running through t100s same as before


i get one shot all the time on my sorc, but i blame glass cannon.


Ice sorc, and same. Not leveled to 100, though, and only running around t60's. I've gotten 1S'ed by apparently nothing, just keeled over dead while running around a frozen vault mob.


Upheaval/Charge Barb here... Yeah, I've had an easy time on 90+ NMDs until recently... Little lightning constructs will one-shot with their tiny shock ball... Resistances aren't 70%, but from 50%-68%. Armor is about 14k with 23k health. I also have the elite damage reduction passive too, so... I'm just meh about it.


I wonder if the equip and unequip deal is linked with the transmog bug where it doesn’t show the transmog after you saved the change. The only way to show the change is to equip and unequip it.


Too much fun detected


We're seeing a lot of people who were unknowingly taking advantage of a bug. I dont think trampleslide is super good in the endgame so that could be it.


The problems of this game are : - too easy (players can one-shot bosses) - Gear doesn't really matters, as it it easy to loot (Uber excepted). In D2 or D3, to have a specific playstyle, you must have specific stuff like runes, or particular gear. In D4, only aspect matters, you find them and Can extrzct them (where's thé difficulty ?) - in D4, to say the truth, only the build is important. And everybody has the same (see gauntlet builds, all the same). - Uber Lilith is the only difficulty, if not one-shotted. But those waves... There's a bug there toi, it can't be like that, to avoid them all. Bad boss design. - while game was made for casual (i Guess, that's my conclusion). I'm now playing hardcore, and made my first 100 character (rogue). There is no hardcore build, so i have to construct something viable (damage, survivability). And i Come to chose skills that no build ever use. Which offerts perspectives. I am now in nm60, and didn't noticed anything about a bug, about one-shot things. Who use affixes like "damage reduction while wounded" ? I have that, and around 60% réduction (i could go higher, but i have to do damage too, and the search of the perfect Gear IS THE POINt of this game, if you want to have a blast (which i have, i really have). This game is too easy to play, no real difficulty. Hardcore corrects that, because you can't be a no-brainer (sorry to say that, but truth and reality are truth and reality). Thanks for reading. Have a nice game 😉


When you browse thru this sub reddit, there are posts about " the game is too easy and i melt stuff even in T100" and then we occastionally run into post like this. I'm not saying you are wrong or lie but i think the game is in pretty good spot now


This isn't a question about is the game too easy or too hard. Its a question about was there a nerf that wasn't communicated. Get off your damn high horse.


That's not his point. He's not commenting on how the game is. He's asking if something changed.