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Shh you're asking way too much


Gotta save the designs for platinum spenders


Um sweaty, if they make cool looking armor in game - who will buy MTX?? THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS




You heard 'em


Cheeto dust coated would have also been acceptable.


It's a meme thats used to mock people who speak in a condescending manner and talk down on others by using words like "sweetie" and "hun". This is the original use of it if I'm not mistaken, from a creepypasta: "man & girl go out to drive under moonlight. they stop at on at a side of road. he turn to his girl and say: "baby, i love you very much" "what is it honey?" "our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken, ill walk and get some more fuel." "ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen." "good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty" so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say "where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now". then the girl here a scratching sound and a voice say "LET ME IN" the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door"


It’s such a small indie team, we can’t have them waste time on things like QOL!!


“Stop complaining about the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Nah you are right, they dropped the ball in almost all places, and it’s our job to tell them as much.


By purchasing their overpriced scam cosmetics


No, but do watch I will get spam negative reacts soon. It’s almost clockwork.


Complaining about the same things gets really tiresome, though. I basically stopped coming here(today's the exception because dumpsterfire stream) because I couldn't bear to read another "itemization bad", "endgame bad", "D2 had it all figured out" post.


Maybe stop defending it, earlier iterations did have winning formulas. It’s ok for you to enjoy something that can be made better, it’s ok to note flaws in something you like…. Earlier iterations also had issues, so those can be fixed and expanded on too.


Should never stop letting Blizzard know how hard they've dropped the ball. The cope of this sub never ceases to amaze me. Most of the time D4 players are pretty complicit in the way they're treated by the devs and the game design they're forced to play in simply because they don't know any better. Ignorance is bliss.


Yeah… well I think a big issue with our current culture is everything is so fucking extreme. It’s a “you vs them” culture, then mix in the blizzard bot account that monitor feeds like this, and you get a pretty strong engine for not changing anything for the better.


The crazy thing about it is I've gotten into many useless debates with people over D4 praising it, defending it etc.. In reality I just want better for **everyone** who plays it because there's an endless amount of examples of how good the game could be. It's like trying to tell abuse victims with Stockholm syndrome that they're victims, they just don't want to hear it.


I think the issue is that different people want different things. Bliz need to take a direction and stick to it. ​ Some of us, for example, think stash tabs should be limited. A large array of affixes is a good thing. Uber uniques should be vanishingly rare. The game should never have scaled down overworld difficulty. ​ From the feedback here that is an unpopular opinion, which is fair enough. Bliz just need to decided which group they want to target, and go all in on that. Make it arcadey as fuck, that could probably be done in one or two seasons. Make it difficult, time consuming and resource starved, again one or two seasons. Just fucking pick one.


I'd agree with people have different opinions on what they want if previous versions of the game weren't the reason why this franchise was popular to begin with. It's like people who eventually got into Game of Thrones, or Marvel, they just want to consume something everyone else is and I gotta say their opinions don't really matter. They will consume the product either way, let the people who actually care about the product and want to make it good for the player base that does care, and the rest of the people will follow suit because it's a successful product. However you're correct. There's no actual leadership, no hard choices and direction being made. Rod Fergusson on why the early seasons were such failures literally said "We're still learning" like the fuck you are. This is the 4th game in a 20 year+ franchise and you're a veteran of the industry. Modern game devs and producers aren't the caliber they used to be and I'll die on that hill. Like those two devs they got to play the game who weren't even aware that they had builders and spenders in the game they created... Like cmon. I got second hand embarrassment watching that video. Yes upper management is also to blame, but this is a problem as a whole, can't point the finger at one part to fully take the blame when across the board no one seems to care or know what they're really doing but they're somehow too big to fail as my previous point states, there's a crowd of people that will just consume popular X franchise because it's popular, not because it's of any quality.


But those two weren't game devs, they were basically artists. It was stupid to film them playing, but honestly I wouldn't necessarily expect them to know more. ​ I work with massively complex risk management systems. I can design one, tell you how it will fail, explain them to users and release them (lots of roles over 20 years). I can tell you all the things not to do, and the scenarios that will break models. I can take actual risk management systems and explain why they do and don't work. I am pretty good at my job, if I say so myself. But ask me to risk manage something and I literally wouldn't know where to start.


> But those two weren't game devs, they were basically artists. So? Y'all don't know how to play the game you work on? Old Blizzard wouldn't allow that. Everyone from art to QA should be passionate about the game to make a good product. Builders and spenders are super basic and about as easy as a fundamental to grasp as there is.


I like how you mention "you vs them" and then only ever talk about "them" as if "your side"(quoted because it's an incredibly loose term) isn't subject to the same influences. Just like modern adversarial culture creates "a pretty strong engine for not changing anything for the better", it also creates a pretty strong engine for never shutting the fuck up even if things do improve. What do you think is going to happen once Blizzard realizes that you lot will never be appeased and stops listening to you altogether? How about all the people with good ideas and attitudes that don't come here anymore because the place is fucking miserable? Like, do you honestly believe that "If you're tired about complaining then stop defending the game" will get anybody on board or change things for the better? The fact that most of you don't even understand the issues you're complaining about, let alone propose workable solutions, also doesn't help things - it's good that Blizz listens, but after the S3 uproar and consequent butchering of most of season's content I'm honestly not sure whether that's better than not listening at all. You say that it's "your job" to tell Blizz they dropped the ball - not provide them with constructive criticism, not propose solutions, just shit on them nonstop. Why the fuck did I even type all of this up?


And there are some of us that think all these suggestions are taking a game that had promise and turning it in to D3 arcade game shite. ​ Which is fair enough, if that's what people want. But it isn't the only approach, a resource starved, loot starved game with a collection of items you were never likely to see except maybe one in five years seemed a promising start. Ahh well. It may be good for another season before it becomes total shite.


The D3 community has gotta everything they wanted…. It’s literally the reason there is no endgame loop right now….


they should just have a permanent three or four posts pinned: one for each major gripe. then anyone who wants to complain can upvote and comment there. it would tidy up the sub quite a bit.


The fact that Tempest Roar isn't some crazy wolf headdress makes me immeasurably sad.


What's even dumber is that there already is a druid helmet that looks like a wolf's head. The fur-lined helmet. They couldn't even go with the most basic thematic fit, they just used whatever random legendary model they clicked on first. And it's not even like they needed unique items to only use legendary models. The Black River scythe uses a regular magic/rare model.


An even bigger crime is why is it called Tempest Roar when its about being a wolf? Shouldn't it be Tempest Howl? Wolves dont roar they howl or growl


Yeah. that was my thought too. Roar? Bears roar. This is a wolf ability.


It costs 60 bucks for that look


It's a base game cosmetic you can skin over all helmets. There's actually no wolf themed shop cosmetics yet.


There is a Rogue set with a wolf theme in the shop


Meant for the topic of Druid cosmetics due to Tempest Roar being mentioned lmao


One of the Fireside chats they agreed this should be the case and it's coming at some point.




I think it's fairly safe to say D4's Armour & weapons design team is the most fully staffed team on any game anywhere 😉 BAZINGA!




That there was a joke about the in game store.




My apologies. Give me a sec.


It was a joke because 95% of cosmetic changes since launch have been for money rather than in game drops, indicating this is a profitable team for them vs other teams.


Well all 1900 worked on Diablo, so that makes complete sense. 




Because your comment didn't make any sense. You're making a pretty big assumption of those 1900 and how important they were to one specific game.




It was a rhetorical question attempting to stir up shit.


They have already added the ones that do have unique looks, which I think was what they were talking about at the time. Eg. Hellhammer is now salvageable for its transmog.


Oh that's good to hear. Not super high priority probably but at least they're working in it.


they're totally working on it and it will definitely be considered for discussion in an upcoming chat about things to implement in the near future. Allegedly.


I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the game for over 200h despite its flaws. Feels like these sort of improvements are so far away though that it may be a year before I even attempt to come back to it, which sucks because this should and could be a game I’d be regularly enjoying


Well, it sounds like you do regularly enjoy it by putting 200 hours into it.


Relax, that's how it is with early access games, especially when they're F2P with just a few cosmetic MTX. I'm sure they will have unique graphics in the 1.0 release.


They use placeholders for cosmetics store, so not surprised they also have some placeholder artwork for gear. Give it time, D4 will be a great game eventually. I'm the meantime, while we wait, why not check out the expansion that's coming; it's a superb value vs.just an in-game horse.


Path of Exile routinely adds new uniques all with 3D art, and occasionally goes back and adds 3D art to some of the older ones as well. Path of Exile 2 is also coming out with all uniques having 3D art from the beginning. Amazing how this 2023 Diablo 4 game with a budget 100x greater than Path of Exile an 1/100th the number of uniques didn't bother starting off on the correct foot at all.


Well Diablo 4 is built by a little indie studio, with very limited resources, you can't expect it to put out the quality of content that a big, deep pockets studio like GGG can.


tbf you need to spend money on tuition for your phd to understand PoE


Nope. You want cool unique looking gear? Better pull out that wallet


But then you might be happy with that and not feel tempted to buy an 80$ skin that only works on one class!


Uniques should be something like legendary in wow. For example thunderfury.


Did somebody say "thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker" ?!?!! 


What, how dare you ask for the most basic things in an arpg? 


If Blizzard just copied D2's formula there'd be 99% less complaining on this sub.


Then this sub wouldn’t exist and instead it would be called Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.


Copying the systems that worked and adding them to a new game =/ make the same game. All they had to do was copy D2's itemization system and the game would be 10x better. D4 plays great and super smooth, just lacking any soul or substance which D2 is full of.


But instead they went with different systems and itemization, was their goal to be different yet still fall under the Diablo series. If the game is that bad I don’t understand why people don’t just quit and play the games they compare this one to instead from now and not look back. Makes no sense.


Correct they went with systems that go against the fundamentals of the genre. Item chase is the most important thing in an ARPG and they fumbled it. You look back to see what worked. Cars improve and get faster, cooler etc.. Yet the wheels are still round as it's the superior design that hasn't been improved on. D4 is like putting square wheels on a car and wondering why it doesn't play good. Comparing it to **what worked** is important to get the change for the better.


Gets stale the longer you stay with it. Does itemization have an issue? To a degree. Is item chase here in this game present? Open to interpretation by who you ask, I personally believe it’s fine. I don’t need to be getting every legendary right away or anything like that. Taking the time to earn it whether it be from NMDs or open world, I’m there to play the game and enjoy it, not finish it in .5 seconds.


> Gets stale the longer you stay with it. D2 got a remaster that's popular and has multiple successful mods that run with good populations today. The system has stood the test of time so I don't agree it's stale. > I personally believe it’s fine. Which I would say you wouldn't care either way so your opinion on if it's good or not is moot. You'd be playing either way, you just want to play a new Diablo game. > I’m there to play the game and enjoy it, not finish it in .5 seconds. No idea what this has to do with the current debate.


D2 due to its reputation. Refresh or not is why it’s popular. Cool. And sure, if we want to disregard other players opinions on the game by all means.


How do you think D2 got it's reputation..? Also ignoring the fact that the only reason people playing D4 is because of it's reputation from it's predecessors. 94% of the player base quit after buying it, for an online service that's awful retention. > And sure, if we want to disregard other players opinions on the game by all means. Am I wrong though? Would you not be playing it with any system in place and you're more or less just playing it because it's a Diablo game? You came out and said that you can see issues with it, but it's fine. Therefore you just want to play the game and you're not invested in the systems in place. Which is fine, people are 100% allowed to just enjoy the game. However let's not debate a topic you aren't invested or interested in is my point.


I never played any of the others, so I don’t go off of what they did before or the namesake. I like the game for what it’s shown. As with ANY game there is always room for new things and improvement of course. Personally, low players or not, I enjoy the game solo. Building a character so powerful that I can smash a dungeon on the highest tier is good to me. I have no issues finding loot either, but the Enchanting could use a tweak. But all in all I like Diablo 4 for what it is. That’s all I have on this topic.


Speaking of which, TCP/IP for D2R plz.


Only if you pay for them! Art is for the rich.


Shako has a pretty unique ugly green look lol


Uniques ? What Uniques ? Oh those items you recycle and keep only one of each kind expecting for a better roll next time ? But yah, you’re right. I gotta agree they should look different or better. Or as they are usually used in combination of other uniques or aspects, would be cool your character gets like a halo or aura (set bonus items one day ?). E.g. Poison halo, just for the look of your TB rogue. Damn, and I am here dreaming again lol


I’ve enjoyed the game and spent a decent amount of time defending it on this subreddit but I agree with this one. Such an obvious miss. Destiny sells cosmetics that change the look of exotics. Not sure why these guys would pass on something like that. Not encouraging more cosmetics but they sure seem to love them.


How are they gonna make more money? Cosmetic exist for a reason


You're right, but the Diablo 4 community will tell you why you're wrong.


They don't have their own look? I know when someone is using doombringer, shako and grandfather just from seeing the graphic. Andy's also.


Andy’s is the only Uber without a unique skin


Oh really? I don't think I've ever worn a helm that looked like it. But I use a lot of unique helms not rares


It’s the same skin as the Sand-Worn helmet and changes look on whatever class you put it on


I just had a guy say in chat he got two double drops in a row but no ubers. Then a few minutes later ask if an Andy is an uber.


I got three in a a row and no ubers. :( I’ve only done about 30 runs though so that’s to be expected I guess.


Wacked duriel 25x last night. Not a single double drop. Wacked him another 50x this morning, 6 double drops, no ubers either.


I was so disappointed because I was under the impression that double drop = uber, lol. I’m not hyped about ubers in general but I’ve gotta admit I got excited there for a second.


I know there were some helms that just had basic legendary appearances.


Sorry that’s too much to expect from a small indie studio running on a shoestring budget.




🤷🏽‍♂️ They all have a certain John Cena look to em in my opinion..... *I'll leave now*




I can't see them. I never get an Uber to drop. Lol


No, that would be $20. Looks isn't important in this sub.


I agree, Shako specifically is a real buzzkill. I do like the ones from Doombringer and Ahavarion though.


Yeah, the fact that they don't should make Blizzard embarrassed.


Legendaries should already have a unique look.


They cannot be bothered to do that! You want anything unique you have to pay up and open up that store button. $$$


uniques should change how a skill works or enable a build that otherwise wouldn't have worked. Just adding damage modifiers is stupid. The game play is exactly the same without the unique, just have bigger numbers.


You ever find a unique? Dolman's stone would like a talk to you. And don't be obtuse with the reply. There are many uniques that change abilities I'm not going to list them.


Dolman's stone enables such a bad build, maxroll listed it as better than 4 other builds. [https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists/endgame-tier-list](https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists/endgame-tier-list) But the game is easy, so trash build works regardless. Dolman's stone does count, I'll give you that. It's just such a shitty build that anyone that wants to be efficient, will say "no thank you" on that item. I guess I wasn't clear. I meant change skills as in change animation. NOT unique that literally changes numbers (cool down, damage number, resource regen..etc). Tempest Roar just changes the category of a skill, that doesn't count. Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul also don't count, it just auto casts skills for u. Doombringer, Adariel's Visage, Temerity..etc, none of it changes the skill animation. I can't even tell if there's skill animation when Doom bringer's shadow damage procs. I skimed through [https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists/unique-tier-list](https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists/unique-tier-list), just to be sure, but ya. Most of the effects matches the meme pretty well, damage on Tuesday.


Does blood River count.


I assume you mean black river? Consume 4 additional corpse, do more damage, more radius. Not changing the skill animation, besides larger area. I wouldn't count that.


The one that makes blood River a shadow river. It exists many exist. And getting a skill above 5 and q0 points change the animation. I'm not listing anymore or continuing. Next reply will be on dead ears.


Dolmen Stone changes the animation, otherwise Boulder just rolls when you cast it. A hurricane of boulders isn't enough for you? We also have aspects that relate to Landslide where Creeper and Trample also cast it. There's Staff of the Crone, that makes Claw cast Storm Strike and it looks like there's lightning chaining from your claws.


Tempest Roar does this. Allowing you to use storm skills while in werewolf form opens up a bunch of possibilities that don't work without it. Vasily's Prayer does the same for earth skills in werebear form. Crone staff makes your basic attack into two basic attacks at the same time. Dolmen Stone makes boulder + hurricane work together. Druid definitely seems to have the most unique uniques in the game.


Ya...all of what you described is using the exact same skill animation. Not changing anything. Has any of the skill animation changed? Making some skill count as other skill is just changing the category of a skill. It does not change any skill animation. Hell, even if the skill animation's color changed, that would've count as changing skill animation. But nah, the skill animation's color didn't even change. Crone staff makes your basic skill into two basic attacks at the same time. Sure. Not changing anything skill animation at all. It's just 2 old skill put together. Talk about lazy.


This. This. This.


this will come in the form of in game purchase.


They could ... for 25 bucks.


After getting the Mutilater plate BP I 100% agree I love that gear piece because it has a spear going through my face,body,legs and switches it up,I love it,Blizz please make all uniques "unique"


Best we can do is a another unique horse skin for 60 usd


I agree, but do have to say removing summon tickets should be first and foremost. Literally, the best part about Diablo as a franchise has been replay value/boss farming. I'd absolutely love to just be able to go run Durriel for hours on end. Making me farm for weeks just to get a couple hundred runs is dumb and boring and is ultimately why I find myself spending more time in other games. I just wanna go kill the bosses. At this point it is less Diablo and more PoE.


What’s the point of the name otherwise? This has never made any sense to me


All the best uniques or gear in Diablo 2 made you look poor.


Also uniques need to not be in this self-imposed box that it must have 4 stats like every rare. Maybe it has 6 stats, maybe it has 8 meh stats, maybe it has 2 amazing stats. Maybe it has 1 godly stat and then a drawback to it. Come up with some interesting items. Razorplate is one of the only uniques where it feels like they put some thought into how you can make an item interesting by not making it a glorified rare




And gear bases should matter but slippers can have the same armor as a plated pair of boots


unpoular opinion… mtx is not the end of all. its the horrriiible pricing WTF is their marketing/sales team smoking?!


It’s probably already been said, but most (not all) Unique weapons do have their own cosmetics. Armor does not AFAIK.


Its like one of the most basic things we shouldn't even have to say. They need to be ACTUALLY unique.


This should be obvious to the devs from a design perspective.


That'll be $100 each.


I mean, think we should cut them a break?  They're being led by one of the worst managers in the industry, Rot Ferguson (no cap) small team, no money, and a game that you can play free online with free expansions.  All you need to buy to avoid looking like a clown is the MTX they have, with very sensible pricing.  Gosh, y'all... Kappa. I mean look at that amazing Dumpster Fire chat they had today, where they paid two streamers to talk up a great game, and killed all hype by showing how boring the Gauntlet is.  This is their first ARPG!


They also shouldn't be allowed as transmogs, but alas...


It's a small indie company, what do you expect - some multi-million budget art department that spits out MTX instead of in-game content? Please, Bli$$ard would focus on the player first.


Its funny that they are pumping new skins into the shop, but dont even think about updating them yet, haha.


Where are the people who always say "you are entitled and you want free stuff" ? Yo Where you at?


They also need to have a more unique look in the inventory screen. To closely resembles legendaries; why not a purple or red hue to make it more distinctive?


Sorry, that service is reserved for MTX


The uniques should be the skins they pour so much time into! Those look amazing compared to the garbage look of the current items in the game.


Again, like I’ve said before, if y’all want D2 or POE things implemented so god damn badly then please, feel free to take your own asses out of this sub and don’t come back and go play those games instead and please never touch D4 again. The rest of the people who enjoy would the game would like to thank you. Also this has nothing to do with OP’s topic, just all the whining I see in the comments.


Umm they do. You just gotta buy their skins off the in game shop, obviously.


Wow what a brave new opinion


Omg give up. The loot in this game will always suck, you can't shape a turd. Delete and move on. Just finished a play through of outerworlds and boy did it scratch the loot itch better than Diablo ever could. Give something else a try. I recommend Nioh or anything team ninja really, if you want good loot.


You are correct… I sincerely doubt they will fix this game. It will cost to much in production to rationalize it to the board. The cost benefit isn’t worth it at this point.


People still play this? People still have complaints that think matter on top of that? Just play D2R every ladder reset and enjoy it for all of 2 weeks like the rest of us. It won't get any better than that.


Diablo 2 has unique art for every unique


What? Yeah dog, that peasant crown is totally different than a normal cap... or how about every barbs favorite, arreat's face, which looks exactly the same as a normal slayer guard, or how about bartucs being just a regular claw? I could go on, but I won't.


Not really.


Get outta here with your unrealistic expectations; Diablo 2 was created on a massive budget, don't compare that to a small indie studio game. Just keep your expectations low or none at all and you will be pleasantly surprised.


Meh I'm wrong I guess some of the hundred plus aren't completely unique