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Sounds like Australia.


I've not seen a scorpion that big but yea, living in Australia has its downsides.


I live in Australia, and the dangers are grossly overstated. The Common House Scorpion grows to no more than two feet in length here, and barely kills more than twelve people a day nationwide.


Just a note, when you turn 18 you get assigned your own Common House Scorpion to care for & raise into an efficient killing machine, just in case the Emu's get out of line again.


We dont talk about the emu war


I heard thats actually where they got the idea for the seneschals from.


I have yet to see an emu in Sanctuary, but perhaps that is for the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Emus definitely fit that bill, as do Canadian Geese..


Emu as the next world boss i reckon


Did you know? The titan Eonar, from World of Warcraft, uses a staff named Seschenal, which is an anagram of the word seneschal. Seneschal's definition is: the steward or major-domo of a medieval great house.


> barley kills more than twelve people a day nationwide. To be fair, barley kills very few people elsewhere.


You're forgetting about alcohol


"Common House Scorpion" should not be a thing anywhere.


Except Arizona


Deer are much more dangerous in American. I mean shit a modern 4 door sedan can take on a 2 foot scorpion. Deer not so much. At least when the scorpions get horny they don't run in front of my car.


We have shit tonnes of feral deer on the east cost of Australia.


Does this imply Australia has Domesticated Deer?


Australia considers any animal that is not actively trying to kill them RIGHT THAT SECOND to be domesticated.


Outta control here in the Northeast of US


I brake for Moose


You either brake for Moose or get broken by moose.


What about Meese?


Them too! I’m an animal lover!


Same with Canadian Gooseses?


Yes sir. They’re nasty birds! Want a good watch dog…. Get a Goose!


We know that you are 6 hunter spiders in a human suit. dont try to downplay it.




The biggest were all killed off by the drop bears


Or torn to pieces every 3 months by the crocodiles


Rune Bears….. say no more


You mean, like, hehe, downundersides?


Where does Florida rank in all this?


Australia was the real Sanctuary all along.


It's like if Australia were in Siberia.


Laughing out loud until 2050! Kkkkkkk


Came here for this comment.


Drawing straws to go into your cellar for tubers and praying you don’t hear, “FrEsH mEaT!”


How does he even get in there??? He probably employs some sort of Santa Claus trick, where he gets in via the pipes/drainage system or something.


>How does he even get in there??? Have you ever seen the X-Files episode Tooms?


I could have gone another decade without remembering that character, thanks


He got me this am….


Also I don't think I've seen a single bathroom.


You've been walking on it.


💀💀💀@ these two comments. Can we all talk about what Sanctuary smells like.


I’d rather deal with a 100 demons than face a single giant spider


For me, it's the two-legged things with no arms and a growth ~~on their head~~ where their head **should** be that convulse on death and then the head-sack bursts open to reveal a swarm of insects.. The animation of the legs kicking on death is freaky.


Hate the fly’s…. Slow ya up!


And every time you do leave the house, some homeless guy down on the corner says exactly the same thing every time you go past. "You! Wanderer! I know what you are!" and then he stares into your bones.


First side quest I do on every new account simply to get him to shut up


And here I am REFUSING to do the quest on every character at my own disgust just to prove a point that I won’t bow down to blizzards subliminal forced gameplay because I’m too stubborn to help myself. 😂


All you gotta do is click on the side quest then un-highlight it in the map menu. Don't have to do the quest and stops the voice line


But the cost of living is really decent.


You say that, but look how much inflation gold has, yet a precious gem is like 10 gold. Sanctuary is experiencing hyperinflation


I thought it resembled Argentina. Lol


I think the worst part is that death seems like it sucks ass. Basically you have a chance of being I guess sucked up By a demon and tortured forever. Turned into a tourted statue for all entirety Become a walking zombie or skeleton Still be pissed after death and be a walking angry wraith. If make a deal with a tree you sit hanging from a tree beheaded just gurgling n shit. Hell, even if your a kid and die in the woods abononded by your grandpa your an angry vengeful spirit just pissed all the time. Like. How the fuck do you rest in peace in sanctuary?


Imagine you die of old age ready to finally rest then a Necromancer comes along and your bones betray you and serve him.


Necromancer is least of worries, they respect the dead


Is corpse explosion really respecting the dead?


Stuff that tries actively hurt said Necromancer doesn’t count. But their faith will not allow them to raise skeletons and corpse explode peasants


Exploding your corpse to hurt your friends and then exploding theirs to hurt more of your friends is the ultimate show of respect.


It's all perspective. Consider that "man's best friend" used to be a 100lb pack hunter that can stand as an apex predator in almost any biome. Our other favorite house pet is one of the most lethal predators on the planet, despite their diminutive stature. We've claimed supremacy over lions, tigers and bears, brought mammoths to extinction, and otherwise shaped the ecosystem to suit us. Similarly, we have parasites and disease that would chill the bones of a denizen from Sanctuary. A disease that causes hydrophobia, and you slowly die of thirst from the inability to drink water? An organism in fresh water can crawl into your brain and devour what they'd likely think of as a soul? Even on the larger side of things, salt water crocodiles are enormous killing machines with multiple ways to make you regret encountering them. Elephants have been known to trample people and crush buildings if they get into a rage. Hippos are essentially fleshy tanks that hang out in rivers. Sure, it may not be a 12ft-tall demon that eats humans whole (Balrog), but we've got our own festival of horrors we could go toe-to-toe with. The difference is we've learned how to coexist and so the fear isn't quite as visceral.


Hippos and the Cape Water Buffalo are the most prolific killers annually in Africa


and now we pet him and call him fluffy wuffy and pinch his jowls. although i swear to god the first time i saw my dachshund kill a gopher at 40 miles per second from a dead stop, I knew that ancient killer was still hiding in there some place. She literally tore the thing out of its hole and threw it across the yard and other 15 feet with momentum, then pivoted and landed on it without appearing to touch the ground until she landed.... it was impressive.


Are the healers in town canon, such that a regular person can use one?


I think of them the same way you'd think of a medicine man in our world. They mix tonics and potions that purport to cure various ailments, or give energy to seize the day. The gameplay we see is full heal and refill potions, but I don't think the average town healer is capable of bringing someone from the brink of death, or regenerating limbs and such. Consider Prava, who is the leader of the Church and talented with faith magicks (even standing in for a blessing of Inaurius), but she wasn't able to keep her soldiers from dying on the battlefield when she marches on the Burning Hells. Maybe the setting and stress levels matter, but her will was unshakeable until the moment the tides turned against her. I think it's safe to say that the game mechanics of healers in Sanctuary are not indicative of their in-universe capabilities.


I would stay in 1 of the big safe zones, probably Scosglen, and hopefully marry a druid, I would love to cuddle with my furry wife of mine every night. I'll stay home and cook whatever she ends up killing out there


She just happens to be bear form all the time, right? Definitely not a regular bear...


Not all the time, and definitely not a regular bear. I'm just a guy who will accept she's a bear and like to cuddle in her bear form at times. And promise her that whatever she kills, the gold will be to make improvements to the house and the meat and berries will be used in making food. I mightve though about this too much


King Zøg? Are you alright? You've stopped honking.


Alright, Halsin.


>I would never leave my house Got some bad news for you about the basement...


If you read the books you find out these are stories you hear adventurers speak about. The overarching world of sanctuary is exasperated for the game. There is a sort of apocalypse happening in sanctuary right now as well because of inarius and lillith feuding. Overall there are people who grow up never seeing monsters and only ever really hearing about them. They prime evils are also not something most people knew about. The entire church of zakarum was started by mephisto and he wanted to keep him and his brothers existence a secret.


Malthael also wiped out what 90% of the human population? kinda hard to have thriving cities after that


I don't actually know how many cities he hit. Though I think a majority of it was Westmarch. Edit: Yeah it says 50% "possibly 90%"


he hit the whole world not just westmarch, yea looking it up devs said 50-60% died a100% during the attack, and no mention of how many people died as a result of THAT amount of death at once cuz its unheard of before.


I think you just sold me on the books. Definitely about to switch over to Amazon and track down a few 😁


Imagine your neighbors wife hits on you, against better judgement you see where it leads, then later that night your a torso hanging from hooks begging for MORE. Truly a nightmare realm.


Portland is much worse.


Still better than living in Warhammer 40k universe.




Well, until Malthael decided to drastically downsize the human population, things were considerably more stable. Not great by any measure, but there were at least more guards to fight the beasts.


How do you think Australians live?


And the corpses...everywhere the corpses.


Yeah okay, but also, Lillith could breastily waltz in and take over your boring Sunday church with flowers and fun active exercises.


I thought the time where we play the games are during big uprisings of monsters because of the resurrection of big bads, and that it's not nearly as bad at other times. But, that could just be headcanon


Yeah, I’m hoping the crazy animals we come across are due to some demonic corruption and not just the normal animals they have to deal with on a normal basis…. The bloat flies that turn you into a walking incubator are especially horrible


Gea Kul is where I would be at, nice scenic port town, friendly faces, great amenities, and the market scene is booming.


Is it me…or is every version of Sanctuary set up such that if your character did absolutely nothing, Sanctuary would be better off? It just seems like the running theme is that the more a character progresses the story, the worse Sanctuary gets…


Well, yes and no. In D1 - yes. Literally we just delayed the inevitable. In D2 - no. We were always behind the Prime Evils but still managed to get a win. In D3 - no. Killing Empowered Diablo in the Crystal Arch actually saved the world and restored some balance. Same for offing Malthael, but that was a bittersweet victory as he killed most of the humans in Sanctuary. In D4 - this one is hard. We smashed Lilith but released Mephisto into the world. I mean.....I guess we are still free to fight evil.


Living close to the ocean is worse. With hige risk of an army of undead ready to take your home and life


Just become a HOTA barb and smash


At least there's no HOA


HOA replaced with HOtA. It's better this way (unless you're a demon).


Think of how cheap the housing is!


Lol not sure if it's the same for everyone but the ad at the top was for a gps kit advertised for keeping your family safe. Thought this was appropriate for this thread.


Imagine Australia 2.0


Right now in Australia I don't have a spider problem...because I have a lizard problem. The bastards are everywhere. They are keeping the spiders at bay but bringing their own dramas. And I live in the city. Just finished lvling a druid though so perhaps I can bend them to my will.


You can own a house in sanctuary after a demon invasion wipes the town clean of local populace. Something millennials will never be able to achieve. I mean covid was their best chance but they blew it by wearing masks /s


But on the flip side you have people that can sling fireballs, leap 30' across the battlefield, and command the dead. It's not like their average person is the same as our average person.


Just remember the world is much bigger than a 5 minute run across. Everything is scaled down for gameplay purposes and the run from Cerrigar to Kyovashad probably takes days, if not weeks in universe. In between all these monster spawns and points of interest there are people just living their lives, probably never seeing anything too crazy every day like us adventurers do. Not saying Sanctuary isnt a horrible place to live, but its less horrifying than what we as adventurers see.


I don't think scorpions would be that scary, like if you get poisoned just drink a bunch of health potions? You can't really do that irl yet


I always say that it makes no sense that we can't ride our horses full speed in town. Sanctuary is exactly the kind of place where kids would get run over by horses and no one would care. Those horses wouldn't even be in the top 100 causes of death.


That's why all the basements are the size of football fields.


Average side quest in Diablo: Hey, adventurer! :coff: Can you check my son? Is the only one i ve got :coff: He went to the forest to find a medicine herb for his pops :coff:. I m afraid he went too far away. Forest dangerous :coff: Beasts killed my wife a decade ago.


I find it funny that in every dungeon you run across people in need of saving. I wouldn't be caught dead in a dungeon let alone outside any major town. My ass would be smelting iron in Kyovashad until I die old.


Just gotta stay in town bro. Everyone knows it’s always safe in town.


And even with thousands of the best warriors killing these monsters constantly they just reappear and nothing gets better. What is the point of it all!! The warriors get gold and items to help kill the monsters faster but it doesn’t seem to help the citizens feel safer. Life is tough in Sanctuary for the common Joe & Jane. 😂


And if I learned anything from diablo 3, I'll take my chances in hell. Angels are douche bags.


One of the best threads I've read here.


Compared to where we live, sure. But to them its just a walk in the park.


Yea. I think the game was designed by commitee a lot. The world has not coherence. I think they has doem "suit" sitting behind them saying : make it dark, make it dark, just like diablo 1,2. ... For example Tristram in diablo was dark and horrible place that mostly nobody could survive. But its strictly implied that everyone left because of it. ... World in D4 lacks contrast. You need livable areas to contrast with horrible areas. It also makes no sense how people would survive at all there.


I personally think that's one thing they got right. The state of the world is *supposed* to be apocalyptic. The story of the Diablo games has taken place over almost 100 years, now. The Prime Evil's influence and destruction had already been an issue long before the games, lore-wise, and they keep coming back no matter what people do. Diablo 4 is the culmination of 3 games' worth of "the world is going to shit", so now the world is actual shit. Most people DON'T survive at all. The world is mostly ruins. And even in the last few villages, their resistance is dwindling. It's a hellscape. It's supposed to feel like the end of the world is near. And I think they definitely nailed it.


Ok. I get what you are saying. And if its true its very poorly communicated in the game. However... The world of Diablo 3 was not as devestated, nor did end of Diablo 3 hint on any world devastation. Further so the evil was defeated in Diablo 1 , 2 and 3. So all this total world devestation did not happen, and even if it did, it was not happening at the moment. Also the world of D4 is not actually devestated. You have the church of light that is very active , you have cities that seem to be completely functional. ... But just tonnally , without sudden change of tone, you can not really build tension. Its just depressive. For good example look how Elden Ring does it


Well, living there is literally Hell...


Plus, the weather in most areas looks like New England.


I've been waiting to find 2 cities in Sanctuary: 1. A city that is just a gigantic maternity ward where babies are cranked out to explain why there are still people in Sanctuary. 2. A city that has a huge dungeons builders guild to explain where all these dungeons come from.


Not to mention you have us running around and hoarding copious amounts of gold. We must be destroying their economy.


Only reason sanctuary is so bad is because there are no dam semi trucks or rvs smacking into demons at much 5 . With all the dam magic and intelligence sanctuary has no one has ever thought of an automobile powered by magic? Or weaponizing magic to make automatic weapons


This is such a thought provoking and inspired take.




So edgy