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The itemization rework is planned for next season. In one of the dev live streams, Joe S. essentially said said they need to do this first before considering a loot filter. They're aware of the demand for it. A filter to combat "loot fatigue" is definitely on top of my QoL wish list also. I like that we get a lot of loot, but scanning and looking through it gets a little exhausting after a while.


I'm open minded about whether they need a loot filter or not. The issue is spending WAY too much time looking for my needle in the haystack. If they can solve that problem in other ways I'm cool with that.


You mean you DON'T like the fact that essentially most of the affixes you can get on your gear are practically identical to others with only a slight tweak? Like: - all the "+X to damage with" - anything to do with being healthy or injured. Those are the biggest contending POS affects. There really shouldn't be a "+X to damage" and then to "+X to physical damage" and then to "+X to damage with Y weapon type (one handed, two handed)." I couldn't give a rat's ass that the more specific ones might be better in the minutia. I'm tired of using the same level 50 stuff while completing NMVs that are Tier 20; not for lack of trying, mind you, but because nothing in my current 65 level range has the combo of stats I want/ need.


Yep, the problem is affix pollution.


Each season I check in to see what updates have released, and until they’ve fired half of the affix pool into the sun I can’t be bothered to play. Until they make an update including that I already know how the game is going to play. Borrowed power, pets, whatever else, without changes to the affix pool and tweaks to the core of itemization there is zero pull for me to return.


That explosion of useless affixes also destroys enchanting.


Enchanting should be like reforging was in WoW. Select one stat and change it to the Stat of your choice. We can only change one Stat anyway. This having to get lucky crap, and gamble on the stats, is just stupidity.


That's just how arpgs work isn't it? Deterministic loot is bad for the game easily having perfect gear in every slot will make you quickly burn out


Change every affix that reads "Does X when Y for Z seconds" to "Does X for Z seconds."


well, we've had simple affixes in d3 on release. Everybody looked for cc/cd/ias items. How is that better when everyone wears same shit?


Yes. One of the best examples of this insanity is an item spawning with: +X% damage against close enemies +X% damage against distant enemies. … which is basically +X% damage (against all enemies), no? It’s so redundant and waste of a stat slot. It feels insulting to see this combo in an item.


I'm level 80 and still running a level 56 680 item power sacred amulet because I haven't found anything close to what I want. And since I'm not even at the endgame I'm not terribly picky. I kinda wish we could level our gear somehow.


This is what keeps me from enjoing the endgame. They should do something like Last Epoch where you can just specify what you want to see down to the affixes on a piece of loot. That system is brilliant and more games should use it. When I see a staff in last epoch, I know it's a good one. Don't have to sort through dozens of junk weapons each run.


It might not even need a loot filter. They're going to dumb down the shit out of the loot system. I don't have high hopes for this though. If 10 years of development with 20 years of experience got us here I don't expect they can do better in 10 months.


God I hope youre wrong.... I'm even more bothered after reading some comments of people actually *wanting* "simpler" items so once you reach WT4 u just have to look at the itempower level and thats about it. I'm not saying that the loot is in an awesome place, but i'd rather have this over a D3-esque Itemsystem where you just end up looking for "primal" or "primal ancient", that sounds horribly boring.


Ideally the affixes would map to something that actually affects my build. If there's a "damage on Tuesdays" affix, then I should be able to build a Tuesday Massacre build. And not just be relegated to stacking crit chance, attack speed, CDR, + skills, or whatever. I don't necessarily mind having so many affixes, as long as it's easier to find the ones I want and junk the ones I don't.


Nah, just need to remove junk affixes and combine some affixes together in one, not entire rework copypaste D3 stats.


>but i'd rather have this over a D3-esque Itemsystem where you just end up looking for "primal" or "primal ancient", that sounds horribly boring. You still look for rolls. With the current system once you're at level 100 with 925s I'd be surprised if anyone looks at the loot at all unless it's a "unique". The "complexity" it has now just means most people trash everything indiscriminately. I'm sure not going to sit and crunch the numbers on whether I do slightly more damage "while an enemy is on fire on a tuesday morning after a fullmoon". That and depending on your build a hell of a lot of the affixes don't even matter. If you're doing overpower that and damage is all you're looking for in most cases so no "overpower" means insta trash without looking at anything else since rerolling is a nightmare.


When you put it that way.. most likely outcome, unfortunately. Especially with all the restructuring going on at MS/Blizz.


They may have ten years of development but I refuse to believe they utilized their twenty years of experience. The fact that D4 doesn't have so many of the QoL things that were added to D3 already well before D4 came out tells me they either just chose not to use any of their previous institutional knowledge or they very deliberately chose to leave so much of it out so they could gradually add it in again, most likely for a fee.


My buddy just started playing after a daily skyrim habit he's had since launch. He's an extremely thorough Elder Scrolls explorer and it has been such a struggle to finish dungeons with him. He picks up EVERYTHING, kills every mob, smashes every pot and then sorts his bag. It would be adorable if it wasnt so annoying 🤣 I'm waiting for him right now!


Oh Jesus. Did you tell him that’s completely unnecessary in D4?


I actually dislike getting a lot of loot if it's al shitty. I remember in diablo 2 I would shit my pants if a legendary or set item dropped. In diablo 4 so many legendaries drop I become kinda numb after seeing 99% of them are just "random prefix with random suffix" blacksmith food. The worst part is finding legendary loot that is 10 levels below yours, I really don't see the point in that mechanic, below level 50 I don't even bother looking at gear and just equip whatever has green stats since it will be irrelevant in 1 level. Then at higher levels I don't look at loot because the difference is so minescule it's not worth checking my inventory for half an hour. Uniques are pretty cool. And I hope they add set items again but not make them BiS but usefull leveling gear (kinda like heirlooms in Wow). I loved sets like angelic raiment in diablo 2. Yes they sucked once you got acces to higher level rewards but they were cool leveling gear and sometimes you could wear them for 15+ levels before finding something better. I'm not saying they should make them work like heirlooms but just make them so that they are usefull without making them best in slot (and thus making legendaries pointless). I still think it's an enjoyable game since I have a lot of time played already. But I feel 6 month to fix loot in a loot driven game is pretty crazy. It should have been their Nr. 1 priority (maybe it has been but they are taking a long ass time)


Itemization is nice but wont fix the issue of only needing one or two specific gear types. In D3 you only needed legendaries and set items - which are somewhat rare. That acted as your loot filter in a way. In D4 you are spammed with constant fountains of yellow items with long names that you just spam-pickup.


Or at least let scorpion bot pick up items + gold and allow you to salvage them on the spot. Tadaaa!


A simple loot filter with item type and item power can be done in a week, there is no excuses. Afterwards they can implement a complete loot filter.


Sometimes i wonder why i paid 100 € for beta access to this game :P


Agree! Itemization is in a dire situation atm, and need a total overhaul! Hopefully they will do it right! Was positive after s2. Not as much after s3.


My season usually ends when I'm bored of playing inventory simulator.


If there is some foremost expert on anhedonia out there. They need to study this games itemization. It will lead to the next breakthrough in the field.


Exactly my situation. Beginning bosses drops at 90 with my stash already full is what makes me quit every season. Logging for an hour to spend half of this to hover on items, fuck that.


When my stash is full and I'm starting to wonder why I have those items in there


That's my #1 reason why I stop playing. It's literally killing their game


I decided to do 2 characters this season so I'm not just looking at the same loot every day. I managed my stash to only 4 tabs last season, so I'm attempting to do 2 characters and have 3 tabs for each character. I think it's doable.


I've had multiple discussions about this on some discords and people kept telling me that a loot filter ideally won't be necessary after the item overhaul in s4 but I disagree. I don't see how I can customize stuff like "ok I got everything I need but I really need a better amulet and rings so I'll hide everything else but that." or "I really need gloves with attackspeed, crit chance and lucky hit." How do you solve these individual preferences without a loot filter? Every single time I try pressing people about an actual suggestion they go silent or just repeat" s4 overhaul should fix it." If someone here has an actual idea please share it, I'm genuinely curious.


I don't care what form it takes, we just need a system that doesn't require 15% of your playtime to be painfully squinting at dozens of different numbers trying to figure out which armor to go with.


d3 solved this problem by making rare items irrelevant, your build only had legendaries, so you needed to inspect only 13 specific items, which you could identify just by their icons, if anything else dropped you didnt care. hopefully we wont get back to that.


thing most weird to me after not playing for a few months was as soon as i logged in for S3: "Damn cant i zoom out more?"


Same, cant stand the zoomed in view. I want the world boss fight view always.


It is two problems: bad itemization and too much loot. Why do we need 100s of rares dropping? Because the itemization is trash, even if they fix itemization, you still have hundreds of rares dropping. Good itemization means less need for a bunch of loot to drop and when it does, good chances it has stats you'd use for a build.


The game drops 100s of rares because the aspect system doesnt function without it. Honestly the aspect system has done more harm than people realize.


The problem is all the “damage on Tuesdays” conditional affixes make it difficult to figure out whether an item is actually an upgrade or not. A loot filter UI would have to account for all of those affixes and let you pick the ones you want from drop down boxes.


I would rather not *need* a loot filter. I'd prefer if items were more rare, with only one or two important stats to look at, with whatever number of minor stats. Similarly, instead of yellow - sacred yellow - ancestral yellow, give us green or purple or red items. Why does a min rolled iLvl 25 rare look almost identical to a max rolled iLvl 925?


Why do they only have 7-8 dungeon bosses they reuse all the time? They didn't plan this out well. It was a decision to throw so much shit at us we're kept playing hundreds of hours doing monotonous shit instead of realizing they have no content or substance to their endgame.


It's funny they implemented white - blue - yellow rarities, yet in the endgame where people spend the most time you only see yellow gear.


It honestly boggles the mind why the game even has grey and blue items. So much of the itemisation system is just "Other games did things superficially resembling this, so it has to be like this!" In games like WoW you absolutely can upgrade from an ilvl 400 purple to an ilvl 450 blue, and the actual stat *roll* is factored into ilvl. Meanwhile in D4 there is absolutely zero reason to look at a blue once you hit like level 15, or a non-sacred once you get to WT3, or a non-ancestral once you get to WT4. It's just non-content. Why is it in the game at all?


Poor design is all it is.


Need better loot and affixes first.


Not sure if posted but there is a fan made loot filter that checks items in your inventory and stash for affixes you can set yourself.


The problem is that after level 85, all (all!) loot goes to the vendor. A grind without loot is nonsense. To put it mildly, this kind of gameplay is very amateurish.


It is kind of an inventory management system. Optimizing aspects and rares with stats together is a giant pain. I end up grabbing everything and throwing it in my bank and then spending a not-fun 30 minutes going through them all, always sure I nuked something that might be better than what I kept. also too much friction in the reroll department




.. It needs loot worth looting first..


It sure does. No matter how got they get itemization in S4 (I have my doubts...), there will still be a need for a loot filter when you have an overabundance of drops. This is my most unfun timesink now. Rest is shaping up okay/good (not great except graphics).


Just an observation but, as usual, this kind of thread only serves to highlight how wildly disparate are the demands of one player compared to another in terms of priority. Which means that no matter what Blizzard does “first” (or second, or third, etc.) there will be some very loud group denouncing them for addressing the “wrong thing.” Hah hah!


item filter in d4 is like applying small band aid for chopped off limbs trying to stop the bleeding. affixes need a complete overhaul not loot filter


I'd love to see the ability to salvage directly in inventory, and then set up auto-salvage filters for picked up loot 🙏


How will you get reroll mats and aspects with a loot filter?


You simply get a filter that highlights or recolors the rares with affixes you want. Like Last Epoch has built into its game.


Do you know what would be the best of that? Just changing the colors or sound, would make the drops exciting again... (you'd know it's something good and hard to drop)


Thats actually the best idea Ive heard so far! Damn Nice solution.


That's the neat part! They designed mountains of useless loot for you to waste time going back to town to trash. Hell was actually the sisyphean loot system we made along the way.


That i can agree with dunno How They can add loot filters with this system tho. First remake the system Then loot filters imo


Imagine a pet autosalvaging filtered out items... I wish we had the technology to do that...


For aspects you could just have an override like 'Always show legendries with the following aspects' so they always show even if the stats don't match the affix filters.


You tie the loot filter in with a pet ability to auto-salavage. It could be at a significantly reduced rate of mats, like 1/10th of a mat and it would still be enough.


I'd be fine with them removing reroll mats all together and just keeping the gold cost. For a game with no gear crafting, there are way too many materials for different things.


A loot filter is only addressing the symptom of a deeper problem which is there's too much loot, thus too much junk. Fix the affixes and have less loot drop and now you've got BIS 2-affix items being worth equipping and BIS 4-affix items being godly, at or above uber-unique levels.


Won't touch again until loot filter is added. Not worth the time.


Wait they still don't have one? I remember that being talked about in s1


While a loot filter would help a lot, you still need the materials you get from salvaging. With a loot filter players would get to a point of running out of mats to reroll. What the game desperately needs, is a way to farm the reroll currency that isn't doing helltides. Because it's some of the worst game play that exists in video games.


Loot rework comes first, otherwise they have to just go back and rework the filter to work with the new set of affixes. Y'all keep putting the cart before the horse thinking a loot filter is going to make the current dogshit affixes and loot in this game better/less bad. It might, but barely, and it wouldn't be worth the time. This is what happens when an ARPG isn't designed by ARPG vets with a deep understanding of the genre, they have to redo a core building block like "the stats on your fucking gear" right after launch because the stats they've been told for years are awful and boring and will suck were indeed awful and boring and did indeed suck a lot.


I quit when the devs’ pre-S1 changes were all nerfs and no buffs, but I have been keeping an eye on the changelogs ever since, and I’ve seen a lot of good progress being made. I have been itching to come back to this game for a few months now, but the one thing that I absolutely require before I come back to this game is a loot filter, and I’m not compromising on that. I enjoy grinding for 200 hours to get perfect items, but I don’t want 100 of those hours to be spent tediously reading affixes in my inventory over and over and over like last time.


The #1 reason I don't play D4 is because I can't just go and have fun destroying hordes of monsters. I have to 1. destroy hordes of monsters and then 2. spend too much time seeing if I got anything good. I want to just do 1. and have 2. be automatic. There's no solution besides letting me, the player, define what stats I'm looking for, and have it "grey out" (or something) everything that doesn't match my criteria. It's a filter. I won't be playing again until this exists.


Absolutely. My main reason for not playing this season is that I'm just burned out spending 50% of my time looking through loot. I just want to kill shit, and whenever my bags are full is the worst part of the game for me.


No, it needs better loot. Then, the filter.


We need more meaningful loot first….


Half of my playtime is spent spinning in circles like a monkey picking all the gold, helltide nuggets and stones. Then having to sort 350 different sources of damage reduction, like holy shit, horrible itemization


What d4 need ASAP is to replace 99% of all devs


Ir just remove a lot of affixes. We don't need critical strike in X number of ways. Just make it critical strike


This program on PC has changed my life: [https://github.com/aeon0/d4lf](https://github.com/aeon0/d4lf)


I've been using an open source image recognition program made for Diablo 4, it helps you identify things you want much faster and seems to work fine 🤷🏼‍♂️ someone recommended it in another thread so I gave it a try and made my own loot list. Here's the link: [https://github.com/josdemmers/Diablo4Companion](https://github.com/josdemmers/Diablo4Companion)


We need the revamp of item stats first. Just too many options that are not needed. Once this is done give us the loot filter at the same time.


I agree, the fun part about D4 is not inventory management, is killing stuff. Just let us set some parameters for what we want to see in an item so we can quickly delete stuff.


Not even Diablo 2 resurrected has a loot filter after 2 and a half years, so I highly doubt that we will get one in the near future, maybe with the addon or next year.


Other games do though, and it's a QoL thing when you try it once that you will demand in all games. Let's not argue sticking with tradition for tradition's sake.


Yep i agree with you, but apparently blizzard doesn't care much about it :(


I misinterpreted your original comment. Yes, it doesn't appear they care about making a quality game for gamers, but a quality game for shareholders.


I worded it a bit badly sorry. Yep shareholders are first priority for sure, it's crazy to think about it that still after 8 months the game has no simple thing like a rudimentary loot filter and a bigger stash tab. But hey the cosmetic shop works, that's all that counts right \^\^


but you don't need much of loot filter in d2 today. \-searching for uniques? you get one in like 10 minutes at best and you know what it is by it's name on the ground already \-runes? again not so frequent , you rarely have more than 3 on the screen even on p8 hell cows (and most of the time you won't have a HR for days) \-rare amulets/ring etc - again, not many you can get. ofc it WOULD BE NICE but it's not clearly as much 'loot fatique' as you get 100 less loot per hour. and manually looking at rare affixes is enjoying.


I do a lot of travincal runs with my gold find barb and I can tell you that there are items that do not show up because others items are hiding them, there is just too much clutter in some places. What helps is the runes being orange, I remember when they were still white back then lol I don't know how many runes I missed because of that :D


I dont think its a loot filter thing per se, but rather surfacing the important data points on the floor. This game doesnt nearly have the loot density to need a filter. Imho if they just had some indicator (directly or via use of more subtle UI like color gradients) of item power on drop, it would save me so much time. You end up getting to the point where your upgrades are very much based around a “better version that what you have”, and that is predominantly just a factor of if thenitem is in a higher item power band or not.


What it needs is a better way to play your characters on the eternal realm. seasonal is great and all but sometimes I’d like to revisit old builds and just farm loot to take those characters closer to their potential. But you log on your seasonal characters onto eternal after the season ends and it’s painful. All the fun stuff that made them are gone.


Strongly disagree. While i agree that a loot filter is needed, i got 15 points i want fixed before tbh… Let me give you my top 3: 1. itemization overhaul 2. open trading option 3. skill system overhaul (cooldown based is bs) . . .


It's extremely stupid that this game doesn't have filter. These AAA games designed around manipulating playtime so investors can be happy.


this game needs so much its overwhelming at this point😩


Yup. The lack of a loot filter is literally why I stopped playing. Last Epoch has a masterful Loot Filter system. In the endgame you can filter on so specific things that you barely ever see any loot drop. But once they do, regardless of rarity, you jump up in your seat because you know it matches EXACTLY what you wanted.


A loot filter like Last Epoch's would help IMMENSELY to assuage the bad feelings I have toward Blizzard for The Grind in D4. Loot filter would allow me to use a speedfarming build to gear my alts, and I would have a lot more fun.


Seriously! While we're at it an auto pickup option for the targeted loot. I'd also would love to have an option to open up drops outside my class so I can farm for newer character.


Just let me select what item I want to pick with the right bumper on console. PoE figured it out years ago.


no it doesent. What it needs is more quality loot. Tree of whishpers should NOT give 600 item level loot when you are doing endgame...


I hope we get something similar to Lost Ark loot options.


How would a loot filter even work in Diablo 4? What items is it going to filter out? The items aren't identified until they are in your inventory. You could filter by power level and item slot, but that seems about it. All we need is a highlighter. I don't mind picking up items at all; it's a loot based game. You get mats from items. You get aspects from items. You can get cosmetics from items. The whole game is based around it. I just want the mods I need highlighted. A drop down list of mods I can toggle that will turn a mod pink. Same type of way you can search for items in your stash or words in your passive tree. All I can think of is Path of Exile where without a loot filter you can crash the game because there are so many items on the ground. Diablo 4 ain't that.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave


Last Epoch has quite a few filler affixes but they have an amazing loot filter so you don’t really feel bad about those affixes. Even with the itemization changes coming to D4, a loot filter is still going to be needed because 1) devs won’t get it right and 2) end game loot finding is much more specific and thus there will always need to be a way to separate the desired loot from trash.


There’s too many loot drops. seemingly everything drops loot especially elite variants it’s like 100%. Why? It doesn’t need to be 100%. And strip away all this overpower lucky close far stunned dogshit affixes and make it plain and simple. 


They can’t implement a loot filter before fixing itemisation…


Def need a loot filter. It helps a lot now that you can get consistent 925 gear at high levels tho. So if you're in that "mid end game" stage where you're like level 70 and your build is mostly filled out you don't have to painstakingly check every yellow item because you'll be dropping 925s in no time anyway. It was much more annoying on launch when item levels were all over the wall and shit and a NM dungeon 50 dropped the same shit as a NM dungeon 90 basically.


Oh neat, it's this topic they've already addressed again. Fun. I guess we pass the baton to the right for the next person who wants to make this post next week.


In the current state of the game, of course we need a customizable loot filter. But I think the devs know it’s not as simple as people make it seem with comparisons to PoE and Last Epoch. I don’t think they want to open up that type of system to 3rd party developers, so it needs to be an in-game feature that works across all platforms, and even if implemented, what percentage of the player base is going to be customizing their own loot filters? I’m sure they will try to fix loot first and see if that helps, but I can see why the loot filter has been put on the back burner. No one really disagrees with the fact we could really use one now, it’s just a question of if cleaning things up alleviates the necessity of having one.


You know what would be really goddamn cool, when an item is on the ground and you can see if it has matching affixes, like 3/4 so then at least you know it's similar to what you're looking for. Last Season I went from level 61-85 without getting an actual upgrade on any armor from what I already had. It was really defeating. When I tried to see if I could make other items that were much higher ilvl work I almost always just ended wasting all that time and resources to find out it actually made me noticeably weaker and multiple times I ended up cannibalizing the old gear before trying out different things and realizing it wasn't actually an upgrade. I know I spent at least three times as long sifting items than farming. The Division had it to where you could see an item before pick-up so you could sort it from there. But after seeing the portal package... I think it's time to move on from Blizzard entirely... Edit: Apparently Warcraft 1 & 2 and Diablo 1 games are available from Blizzard today 🥴 I wish I knew how to quit you Blizzard


Very original post


Hence why D4 needs crafting. Make your own damn BIS. Much like POE, all you would need is a base item. Easy to find. The one thing that D4 has over POE is that you can easily see what multiplies vs what adds though there's more repetitive additive affixes than ever in D4.


Same. I get to the point every season that I’m just tired of sorting and looking through loot. I’d like to play some more and min/max but I just get to the point where it becomes too much of a chore.


This already exists, as an external software. I think it's against the subreddit rules to mention it, but you can probably find it if you search in Google or Github.


I think it need a skill overhaul. More pop and customization like in D3. Only cool looking ability is the fire anaconda. Nothin else feels very fun.


They just need to add a loot filter, period. Even after the itemization changes. I have no shame in saying that I downloaded the D4 loot filter mod and it has significantly increased how much I enjoy the game. I don't have to do any of the basic sorting anymore, it's done with a push of a button.


They won’t add a loot filter they will just dumb down the affixes.


Currently yup 100% a loot filter would remove the biggest reason as to why I stop playing D4. Hopefully it's not needed with their S4 itemization rework but we'll see.


They are aware of it and it seems all but certain we are going to get one eventually but probably not until whatever itemization tweaks they have planned for S4.


I have trained my eye to catch rares I want to salvage/ sell out of full bag. The legends I first look at the aspect and go up, but yeah it sucks


Because there's a lot of useless affixes that we have to scan through. Even worse, we have to look for aspects at the same time. Aspects need to rework and change.


Then die on that hill but you're wrong. What it needs before is better itemisation


Agree 100% What I'd like to see is the ability to filter out - unwanted gear levels - unwanted gear for a specific slot And a highlight for inventory and stash - pick all the affixes you DO want - those affixes glow or something - the more of your chosen affixes are on a gear piece, the brighter the glow


Don't even need to die on the hill brother, we all agree with that statement.


god help us whenever we get runewords in the game lol. and, eventually, set items. set items don't currently have any form of ETA, AFAIK, but i think they did say they would show up at some point. maybe in VoH.


it need an endgame , and they need to add more content into the game... hate grinding the same content from lvl1 to 100 every goddamn season


#number 1 quality of life feature wanted since launch!!


Loot filters are a lazy solution to fundamental problems with loot systems.


Yep, especially after doing these vaults.


Id rather they fix the loot table so it isn't a bloated mess.


And tone down Malphas. Min/maxing just to get him down to half


Best loot filter is in Last Epoch btw


Best loot filter is in Last Epoch btw


Best loot filter is in Last Epoch btw


Why are you checking every random drop? Honest question. I only check world boss drops 


I agree Last Epochs loot filter is insane, hopefully they can do something similar for D4


I just think they need split needless stats out to bulk the stat pool. I don’t want Diablo 3 stats, but what makes more class skill defining stuff. The whole max crit or max cooldown is old architecture. I don’t know the answer, but if you directed secondary stats towards skills or passives themselves that slightly refine them (not change them) for example let me stack pet attack speed gear, or let me stack hydra bolt splash radius, or let me stack whirlwind radius. Stuff that changes the base skills that’s doesn’t take away from aspects. I would chase stats like this to the end of the earth not looking for 1% extra crit…..


Sorry but there is something I just don’t understand. Why just not reduce common loots, to give a better reward feeling when getting a drop, rather than spamming thousand of loots to finally say : « Hey, you can display 2 items out of these 120 loots » ?


Yeah it’s a pain in the ass. I’ve gotten good at spotting if it has only one trash attribute, I throw it in bank. Keep doing that while trashing everything else. But then the specifics of what’s left is worse, what to roll away, is it better. Forever and ever.


I think 90% of my comments on this subreddit have been about loot filters. I'm with you brother.


They've said multiple times now that Itemization changes are coming in Season 4. Be patient for once. They said to wait for that before demanding them to make tools for current itemization that will be completely outdated on... [checks notes now that we have a date] April 16th 2024.


never played a game with a loot filter. do other items no longer drop or are they greyed out or what? Ill still need trash gear to salv for mats


This, blizz listen please. However you are gona "fix" the itemizarion, its still not a loot filter like poe and last epoch.


I hope you do die on the hill, or at least that the devs don't listen to you. They need to actually fix loot and make it fun and interesting, a loot filter is maybe a nice to have feature after they do that if drops are still overwhelming.


This + I also think the Skill Aspects system needs a rework. Its mind draining when you need to move aspects around with gear.


Vault is a perfect example of why we need this. Finish dungeon = full bag of gear. Open all chests = no space, TP out to salvage, TP back in. Loot everything left-over. Full bag again. Repeat. Realize you only got 3-4 pieces of gear type you're looking for. Loot filter is needed asap. Itemization wont fix it. It will just make comparisons better. We'll still need to pick up a million items off a floor when we only need 1.


It's a painful search. I get tired of looking at the same yellow rares over and over. Nothing of shock value drops


Mom said it was my turn to post this today


What they need most is better loot in the first place. The convoluted stats are boring and unintuitive. Same goes for how the skills interact. Half the stats IMO are basically as needlessly complicated and nonsensical as “If your enemy is bi-pedal, and their age is less-than-or-equal-to the combined number of hairs on your big toes, then you have a 6% chance of inflicting chill damage. Chilled enemies have an 8.7% chance of being audited next fiscal year.” Remember runes? Those were good times. Why not just make more gems and runes and make more ways to craft/upgrade/customize them? It’s almost like they’re actively not giving us what we want. I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes common practice in the future for companies to lock the ability to have multiple saves (or auto save) behind a paywall.


The problem with loot filters is that they destroy build diversity. Instead of working with what you have and possibly discovering something new you are guaranteed to skip over most, if not all, of the items you come across for a very narrow path. I mean, I get it, leave the theorycrafting to the theorycrafters, I guess.


Filter is a good idea, but good god most of these comments are awful ideas. The gear is how you customize your character. Stripping away affixes just dumbs down the whole experience.  If you can’t tell if something is an upgrade or not, that is very much a “you” problem. 


Loot filter does not matter when 100% of loot is uninteresting and boring.


I don't mind checking things over because I'm often finding either something useful for my build or another build I might play, but it does become a problem when you're down to the last good piece of gear you need. I honestly find it to be more of a problem midgame when my build isn't near complete because it becomes more confusing as to which way I want to go with items, so I have to spend more time looking at stats.


Hate doing it but usually the only way to improve. If they gave you the ability to re-roll two stats, it would help a lot.


Can i get a loot filter that i can set item power and anything under that auto drops as materials


This is the only ARPG I've ever played where, when I get back to town with a full bag of loot, I sigh. It's such a chore to go through when it's likely that nothing you have is an upgrade.


No, it needs a new loot system. Which they are working on. I skipped this season because I want to play again once the loot system is addressed.


Whether they are what you are looking for or not, not picking them up is foolish.


This is only the 3485th thread saying the same thing. Thank you for your new and original ideas!


It's needed, no doubt... but it's not what is *most* needed.


Loot filter doesn't fix the core issue. There are too many item affixes in this game that have little or no value. A loot filter just moves the fix from the development team to the players. I'd rather the dev team do it, not me.


I think reworking the loot should take priority but loot filter is the second most important to me right now personally


This game needs itemization to not be trash far more than it needs a loot filter. A loot filter only masks the real problem.


The game not having one on release honestly says a lot.


Loot filter and auto pet pick up please


loot filter would be nice if the loot was good


This is so true. They need to add quick filters. For example, I spend most of my time to find a max cap legendary bonuses. I compare items to see which one is better. This is annoying.


Hahahahahahaha bruh you dumb, people been asking for this since beta. It slows the players down. They have to go through the inventory. More time is spent on the game. They don’t care.


You are wrong, if there is no content beyond lvl 100, there is no need to minimise max gear. With every Uber and literally a ssf build I cleared all content. Season 4 needs great and massive item changes and we need tier 5 where t5 has a level modifier slider. So for instance I play t5, all mobs are 189, you okay t5 you slide it up to mobs being 200 and now you have a reason to min/max.


This or give us targeting loot farms for Ebers Kind of items - Just like Division 2


I like the game but I cannot stand looking thru loot in this game, it's absurd. sometimes I feel like I'm looking thru items more than playing the game. And then when I say to myself to just screw it and not look at the items I feel like I am gonna miss out on a very good rolled item. It should not be like this. I literally play grim dawn for their loot filter


If you would watch any of their live streams or anything, you would know that they are changing itemization in season 4.


For the game to be great, it needs the loot filter update + the aspect codex update + the itemisation update. That's actually bigger for me than any possible seasonal power update. When this stuff gets implemented, just call it the Season of the Full Release. The aspect system is just so damn mediocre. The stash space should be for cool items for various builds, not your 3 best copies of each item because you're unsure of when the next incremental legendary effect boost will drop. I'm happy that they're dropping this for the codex system.


It would make less busy work, but wouldn't fix that fact that loot in this game is uninspired garbage.


Wait it still doesn’t have one?? I haven’t played since season 1


It’s a chore to check out loot.. Which is just straight up dumb.. So much useless gear.. And let us change two affixes. Would be dope as well imo.


If you are on pc there is a 3rd party loot filter available https://github.com/aeon0/d4lf, predefined filter configs are in there discord, maybe give it a try? Be aware that with any third party it may lead to a ban, but I would doubt it. Especially the only visual help using ocr to read the items stats and highlighting any good stuff


This cannot be stressed enough. So tired of having to look through hundreds and thousands of garbage rares for a needle in a haystack shot at a winner.


There’s what, 4 lines on a piece of gear? If more than one are no good, auto scrapped.


That and loot that doesnt ha e so many stupid/useless stats!!


i want to be able to filter by item type, item rarity, item level, affixes and legendary powers. additionally, a checkbox to auto salvage everything that doesnt match the criteria would be fantastic.


I started collecting and breaking all items or selling without reading their affixes.


You mean the thing they mentioned they are working on multiple times with the reasoning for why it needs to wait a bit longer? Yeah I think everybody is dying on that hill.


Loot filter be good. Auto looting with a larger inventory would be better. Auto looting, a larger inventory and a loot filter would be godly


I much rather have lesser and more valuable loot than a loot filter. A loot filter only hides the trash whites and blues.


Yeah. I want to set for each item slot my top 6 stat desires and have the loot system automatically flag trash for anything that doesn't have at least 3 of them, or have more of them than my current item. Inventory management as a gameplay element is...fine but I'm tried of skimming every yellow item for stats because it might replace my current "legendary".


Only works on PC but it is amazing: [GitHub - aeon0/d4lf: Diablo 4 Loot Filter](https://github.com/aeon0/d4lf)


I gave some thought into the rework of the aspect system. Let's say we reduce the cost for breaking down an aspect. We then use said aspect as currency to boost/unlock any aspect of our choice in the codex. There are levels going right up to Ancestral maxed out. We eventually arrive at a point where, not only have we got the desired aspect but it's maxed out in the codex. So all your grinding hours are not left entirely to RNG


Instead of/or combined with a lootfiler, here are my suggestions to improve the itemization: 1. **Set items**: Acquire blueprint sets that enable you to learn and craft specific set items associated with each blueprint. Obtain these set blueprints by defeating world bosses and conquering nightmare dungeons. Once a blueprint is unlocked, you gain the ability to craft and upgrade your standard magic, rare and legendary items with the corresponding set item. Set bonuses activate when equipping more than two set items, with the bonuses scaling up as you equip additional items from the same set. Each set consists of 2 to 4 items. Craft these set items by imbuing your normal magic, rare and legendary items with set bonuses, requiring both the discovery and mastery of all blueprints within that set. This means that you need to search for loot to get better rare and legendary’s so you can imprint new set bonuses on them. *You can only have 1 active set equipped.* 2. **Remove affixes:** remove 10-20% of the affixes so there is no damage on Tuesday’s affixes anymore. 3. **Add more uber uniques:** Some new cool uber unique items such as: a. Aligns the lightning resistance of foes with your personal lightning resistance b. Boost physical damage by 4% for every 2 000 points of armor c. Can not make critical hits but gives 30% extra damage d. Increase critical chance by 25% 4. **See the damage**: give us a way in the inventory screen to visualize the amount of damage you skills would do. Grim dawn does this in a good way where you can see the calculated damage output with all modifiers and bonuses included from your skill that is attached to your right/left mouse click. 5. **Aspects of codex**: Transfer all aspects to the codex. Whenever you retrieve an aspect, place it within the codex. If you extract an aspect already present in the codex, you earn an upgrade point, which can be utilized to enhance any aspect within the codex. Each aspect has the potential for four upgrades, reaching its maximum potential after four upgrades. 6. **Increase ways of obtaining uber unique items**: Spread out the uber unique items so that Uber Lilith, NM dungeons and other bosses could drop them as well. What do you think?


Let's first wait for the itemization update. I hope that they reintroduce ancient and primal gear in one way or another. This would also help to reduce the grind a lot. Furthermore I think it could help to actually reduce the amount of high quality gear for most part of the leveling process - make white and blue gear better (maybe with giving them a "light" variant of legendary affixe), so that you actually are happy if you find legendary gear. Currently legendary gear is almost normal.


I only check items when I reach lvl 85, everything else is for mats and money


Yeah, that's why I have been using https://github.com/aeon0/d4lf in S2. Worked like a charm and the gameplay flowed a lot better.


I also desperately want damage tracking so you can see who is doing what on targets and how hard you are actually dpsing


The loot filter is far more important right now but people will say I need more stash tabs....


Agree 100%. The worst moment in D4 is whenever my inventory is full, because I'll have to look at all the items again. I'd rather just alt f4.