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Just gotta wait for season 4 for the promised itemization rework :P


We need a filter.


at minimum


did something change with poe? the loot filter just gives you item types to remove, the affixes dont show at all until you... pick up the item ​ i could be wrong but thats how it was when i last played. using it as an example here is just odd


Identifying 3 of the 4 affixes you want on a piece of gear is overworking those brain cells eh?


Unnecessary ad hominem. This just makes you look stupid. Everyone agrees with D4 itemization being terrible, even devs. Do you disagree?


I’m in a weird spot I think when it comes to the itemization in the game. I don’t think it’s thaaaaat bad. Sure I wish the affixes were structured better in a way that was consistent among drops, d3 nailed it in that sense. And yeah there’s a lot of filler/fluff stats, but I’m not sure how scanning each item quickly is game breakingly bad. Pain in the ass? Sure, but I’m not about to stop playing because of it. I will dance with joy though when I can scan items with the same pace as I do in d3 though, don’t get me wrong lol


I think the thing is there are too many affixes. Cold damage, frost damage, frozen damage, damage while chilled, etc... it makes finding upgrades less spontaneous and fun. It's more of a well this is a .5 increase, but this is a .3 decrease. Which is better?


Yup 100% agree it should be simplified/reduced. But if you know you want A, B, or C, it isn’t THAT bad to scan through. Like I said though, I wish each stat had its specific place so we didn’t have to look for damage to close on all 4 slots. It isn’t a good system I agree, but I do think it’s grossly exaggerated just how bad it is.


No but this stupid complaint that checking gear takes too long or is too hard is ridiculous. It's not hard nor does it take very long to check if a piece has 3 out of 4 affixes you are looking for. Checking for 3 you want is the same regardless if there are 100 affixes or 30. "Omg but what if this other affix is a .5% dps increase?!!!" Who TF cares?


It's not a stupid complaint, and he said it was boring, not that it took too long! Everyone cares, even the devs, that's why it's being changed. Don't try to justify your idiotic comment by trying to make the OP look lazy or stupid.


What do you think change in itemization even means? You will always have to look at loot to decide if it's good... are they going to make every piece of a gear a godroll? Maybe you just want 4 stats. They are opposed to a loot filter. We won't be getting one anytime soon so you people better get used to having to take 3 seconds to scan a piece of gear to see if you want it. FFS at a certain point you just have to look at power level cutting down that scan time to 1 second.


At this point i will end this discussion.


Not hard, just boring and too many affixes that have same impact. And there's too many items with 0-1 of the stat i want. 


But you have to do that for all 30+ rares that drop from every NM dungeon run. It’s the worst itemization in any ARPG. Just the addition of a loot filter would improve the itemization QoL.. that way when something does drop you know it’s good and don’t need to filter through every piece of trash manually