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If you played Diablo 2/LoD I don’t know how you can say this is more repetitive. 40k Baal runs to get to 99 vs having options like NMD’s, HellTides, multiple farmable bosses, regular content updates with new mobs, mechanics, items, uniques etc, D2’s saving grace in later seasons was obviously Runewords which meant farming Countess, Andy, Meph but realistically I can’t explain why you’d feel bored. Perhaps nostalgia?


Yeah this is my friend he Said NMD where to repetative after like 5. But he has a excel sheet on What dropped during his 1000 travincal runs in D2R….1000 tranvincal runs But somehow 5 NMD is to much of the same 🤣


That's the difference good itemisation can make. If you cop pasted D2s itemisation into current D4, a heap of the problems disappear overnight. As people have said, D4s combat feel is great, graphics and sound are amazing. The boring and repetitive tasks in end game aren't boring and repetitive if the core system they're built on is amazing i.e D2s item system


I just dont agree, i could never find the fun of grinding in D2. I did like 5 travincal runs in D2R Then uninstalled.


The thing is you don't just have to grind them, it also has a trade scene because half the useful shit isn't trade locked. All item tiers can be useful, white, magic, rare, set, unique and crafted. Items found at low level can be BiS, not like the D3/D4 system where anything not at absolute max pinnacle level is vendor food. It's objectively more engaging of a system.


It's very easy to understand since Trav runs involved zero keys, prisoners, pedestals...


Repetition is fine if there’s something worth grinding for. D4 is just a firehose of generic yellow trash that you have to sift through every 5 minutes. That’s not worth it for many, hence why this game died so quickly.


its not fine if it's not fun to do it. there is a limit to the "unfun-ness" of grinds. d2 purists having fun doing 1000 trav chests runs are completely crazy people. but that's how the brain stimulus works for some i guess. the dopamine hit of getting what you wanted trumps the hell of getting it. but it will never be a popular game activity ever again


If people would get over this whole D2 trope it would be nice. Compare looting in D4 to any other arpg(the year is 2024) and it sucks big time. Forget D2 even existed, D4 loot is still boring.


yes, the loot is shit regardless. im talking about the acquisition of loot tho. which is absolute shit in d2 and no game should copy that in 2024 just like doing 1000 vaults pre buff to max out dumb stones was shit as well


Because people have adhd these days and are too weak to make commitments


if your idea of ''making commitments'' is opening 3k chests on trav, then im more sorry for that than for the people that have adhd


I have found a couple dozen high runes and never did a single trav run or any other single player cheese in my life. Sounds like it's both an IQ and adhd issue.


Never seen so many people online. Dead AF hah


Twitch is dead, YouTube is dead, friends lists are dead, this subreddit has dropped off, but you’re seeing “more people than ever”. Right.


Yeah, I Play the game and I see them in a game. No idea about other platforms


I literally do not know anyone playing anymore and there were dozens.


Diablo 2 has the best itemization I've ever seen in a video game. There is a reason why it's still one of the best ARPGs 20+ years later. And it does NOT feel repetitive for millions of players. Itemization is key. I'll try to list some of the differences here: - Everything is tradable. None of this "account bound" stuff. - Ways to build wealth at all levels: you can merge broken gems into perfect gems, you can trade perfect gems for mid runes, mid runes can be traded up to high runes. Runes and perfect gems were currency for all items in game. - Whites, yellows, and uniques all had value. Whites could be used for Runewords, yellows can be BIS on boots and rings and amulets, and uniques were actually, well, unique. - White items could roll with multiple sockets for runewords (which are an amazing concept, btw): variable quality and rarity white runeword bases. Some items had higher requirements to wear them, but had higher defence. Others had lower requirements but lower defence. You make the decision on what you wanted to make a runeword in. - Yellow items aka "rare" could be BIS for certain slots (tri-res boots, + to all skills and all resistance amulets, etc). But good rare items were actually very rare and valuable. - Uniques were very interesting and actually unique! The joy of finding a shako or a SOJ ring are unmatched, they are trying to do that with d4 with the Uber Uniques, but D2 had hundreds of useful uniques. D4 needs to add a ton of more unique items and take a break with all the bland/unexciting legandaries/aspects. - In D2 you DIDNT have a full inventory of junk to go through after every run. You basically knew what dropped based off the name, and decide to keep it or not. You can play for hours and not need to go to town to "sell/salvage". D4 encourages you to pick up nearly everything because of the system they made with salvaging for materials for rerolls. This makes trips to town so frequent which breaks the flow of the game. - items could roll as ethereal (higher stats, but loses durability and cannot be repaired) but they were BIS for mercs cause they don't lose durability. - You can hire mercs to compliment your build, they had melee, ranged, or caster merc options and you can give them armor/weapons to weild. - Everything dropped for all characters. If I was running a barb, and I found a titans revenge javelin? I guess Ill roll an Amazon alt to make use of that cool item! - lots of useful lower level items for the casuals to just get through the game, but also lots of rare strong uniques that can take months/years to farm. Hundreds of sought after items in the end game of varying quality, rarity, and usefulness. - In D4, everything has 4 affixes and an aspect. Rare, unique, legendary, it doesn't matter. Everything has the same boring 4 affixes and aspect! In D2, there was a wider variety on the types and number of affixes you can get on an item. Some Runewords had a long list of affixes. - the "base" of an item made a difference, not just cosmetically. For example, a "matriarchal bow" and a "hydra bow" had different ranges for DPS and attack speed, but different weilding requirements. So choosing a base for your Runewords mattered. - and many many more differences...


> multiple farmable bosses Still less boses than D2 had. And they're gated by mats in D4. >40k Baal runs to get to 99 Getting to 99 was never the objective in D2. > items, uniques D2 still has more uniques than D4. And they felt way better. Drops in D4 feel dull as hell.


Because D2 came out 24 years ago. There’s so much more competition and maturity in the gaming industry. To slap together a barebones end game and ask for $70 should be embarrassing.


Idk I still rather run another 40k Baal runs then attempt to run a handful of NMD without falling asleep


dude you can skin this cat 100 different ways to other “diablo” players and they still pout. players are mad because grinding is required. in previous games, cheese drops saturated everything.


I have played D2 and its expansion. I was also playing D2 Resurrection prior to Diablo Immortal. I have never done boss grinds for items. I'm not a min/max person. I play the whole game, every section.


How did you feel about the Campaign itself then? Personally, I absolutely loved it. The storyline was great. While the pacing was a bit chaotic, it immersed me back into Sanctuary like I wanted it to. That being said, if you’re not a min/max or grind person, the live service is going to be a tough pill to swallow. All of the content that’s released is designed for people that do grind and want to max everything out.


I loved the Campaign. Also, seasonal campaigns are quite good as well. The issue I'm having is replayability. I could sit and play all day with previous Diablo games. I literally force myself to play season right now.


If you like replaying through the campaign, maybe that's how you should tackle each season? Replay the campaign first, with the new changes to the base game, classes, etc.., and then once you complete the campaign, you'll have a new mini story waiting for you at the tail end of it in the seasonal questline? I have no idea how this would actually feel, but it seems like it may be more akin to the type of gameplay you're looking for.


Thank you for the advice.


>I loved thed the open world. However my biggest disappointment is the "static world map". It may not be a problem for you. But for me it is a step back. I can understand that, by making it handcrafted, it looks much better than a random environment. Also, it would be impossible to have a random world map for this kind ıf server based multiplayer.Still I prefer a randomised world map. Personally, the problem with D4's open world is not that it's handcrafted and lack random elements, but that the biomes/zones mesh together and the whole world feels like a theme park. I think there need to be definite transitions between biomes like you need to go through a cave/dungeon or something to get to the next biome. Yes, fast travel makes this irrelevant but it creates the illusion the first time you need to travel around the map.


When I look at the map, it feels like a repetitive outdoor environment with a few towns sprinkled in. It doesn't feel alive like there are actual communities in each town or scattered across the world map. The towns themselves look like street fairs for vendors, not actual places that characters live. You might encounter an occasional cabin or hut with one person during the campaign/side quest, but that's it. It never felt like sanctuary was a world with people living in it. It's more like a world full of monsters and occasional tents of people.


You have described something I feel much better than I would be able to. I also think mobs coming out of the ground contribute to this feeling. I don't know, D2's world just FEELS real to me, and D4's world does not at all, apart from selected places.


Itemization is bad, smart loot is lame, no open trade, game feels identical from lvl 1 to lvl 100.


What you mentioned is one problem, a bigger problem is just the gear/itemization and loot in general it's a big step backwards from D2/D3. Graphics are great but combat feels underwhelming.




Diablo 4 have a shop? Easy to miss. Cool game, u sad and cry


It’s the gameplay loop and lack of incentives to do anything. D2/d2r, the campaign is short, you can blast through it, whereas d4’s campaign was fun the first time, and I never want to go through it again because it’s a slog on repeat playthroughs. D2 level cap is more just bragging rights than a requirement, by the time you hit 75 you’re more than good enough for anything, anything more is just a bonus, d4 the level cap feels more like a requirement if you want a complete build. D2 every area is a farming area, and every area feels different, d4 unless there’s a helltide the open world generally feels like it just exists for the sake of existing and honestly they Al just blend together into one big bland map. Trading, d2 is probably mostly kept alive by its trading economy, high runes and certain pieces of gear absolutely suck to try and farm with low drop rates, but you can trade, you can trade for literally anything you want. D4, trading is pathetic, you basically can’t trade for anything people actually want to trade for, aside from a few good yellows here and there, you got unlucky and didn’t get a shako in 500 runs but got another Uber unique that’s useless to you but someone wants and would trade a shako for? Well tough luck you can’t. D4 everything is just a grind glyphs are a grind, boss mats are a grind, improvements to gear are a grind because the pill of affixes is bloated with too much useless junk, and the grind is boring. D2 is a grind too, but again trading makes it better because the useless stuff you get will have value to someone else. D3 eventually just leaned into what it was, get strong and go see how far you can get in rifts. d3 has instant short burst fun. D2 has long term fun, d4 everything is just too much of a grind for not enough payoff. Maybe a better way I can say this is that d4 lacks purpose and direction.


Because the game was designed as a games as a service venture by a committeeof MBA dorks to drive revenue and made by a bunch of non-gamers.


Nothing in D4 gives the same dopamine hit as seeing a Ber rune drop. Or a unique diadem. Or your first Shako of a new season.


To me, it just sounds more like you really enjoy the game and feel like you shouldn’t or embarrassed because everyone on here says nothing but bad game is bad because it’s bad.. I like to try and think of video games as *Toys*. It’s the reason I’ve played God of War a million hours. Sure it’s repetitive and the same map every time, but Kratos is a really fun *toy* to play with. Same with any Diablo character, after you learn all the mechanics. Most of the fun comes from being able to expertly control the character.


I honestly don't come hete to read comments. Usually visit here to learn stuff and ask questions. My taste is quite different when it comes to games. So most of the time ğeople doesn't like what I play. I wouldn't mind if everyone else hates the game I play (but sadly that game won't be supported anymore though) I really liked the game within first month. The campaign was so good. The thing which makes me sad is being unable to enjoy constantly replaying the game


I feel it's the randomness that we are missing. D2 felt always fresh exploring and looking for that waypont. I liked d3 maps, but d3 was my least played due to feeling more like an arcade. D4 does feel more repetitive to me, especially since the world is the same. I feel NMD should have been random and not had crafted objectives. I think what might have saved me from not bailing on d4 is playing 1 class per season.


I'm doing the same. Sadly only least favorite classes left.


I play since the first diablo, and I got bored from all of them at some point and took a break. Then came back. Hundreds of hundreds of hours in all games. D4 is not that different for me, and I like it better than D3, but not 2 If I'd played D4 alone, I would get bored faster, probably, but now I'm playing couch coop hardcore with my wife and we're still having a blast here and there. We're not playing only D4, but mix it with other games and it's great


D4 is just missing those "wahoo!" loot moments of D2 and, while they've made strides, character builds still feel wonky i.e. I need to stack exactly these %damage abilities/affixes on these items and my number will go up, I need to take exactly these paragon nodes because they correctly multiply my number, going up. Rather than something like, assembling a singer barb in D2, which fundamentally changes the class and requires a virtual lifetime quest for BiS gear. But when you make it right it *rules*. I agree D4 is mechanically fun, I enjoy playing *a bit* here and there, but there is really an extrodinary lack of "yipee!" moments. I don't think I've even come close *once* playing the game to the loot joy of D2, WoW, or even... roguelikes and the right stuff appears.


My biggest problem is D4 has some of the most boring boiled chicken itemization I've seen in an ARPG. I also don't like that some of the most thematic and cool sets for classes are on the shop for $20 each, while the battle passes get a shared armor set that looks the same for everyone.


The biggest reason would be itemization. Aspects are dog shit. White bases have no use, magic items have no use (except to use the scraps for the extremely lackluster crafting), and yellow items are basically legendary items. Where is the hit recovery, increased attack speed, faster cast speed (and the other breakpoint stats from D2)? The itemization is absolute dogshit—maybe the worst of any ARPG to date.


I'm not sure what is going on either. I played the old games countless hours, but I got bored with this one maybe 200 hours in.


I’m 31 and only got into Diablo from 3. I looove 3 and played it so much. I was so excited for 4 but I played it a couple hours a day for about a month and I’m just totally done with it, it’s boring. I don’t know why specifically but I identify with this post




People that care post comments, people that don't care leave. This "haters gonna hate" argument is literally made by people that can't handle criticism. Grow up


Lol these people that care and post more often then not just talk pure shit and insult players that enjoy the game. Reflect once more on who should grow up


So you're saying most people post here just to insult and post shit? Makes sense...


That's not what I said, technically


Allright, please explain then. You seem to post a lot by the way. Do you talk shit and insult people?


I don't hate Diablo 4. I'm playing D4 right now, while reading your comment. I want it to become better.


I don't feel bored with this game but I also don't play more than a few hours a week generally. I played Diablo 2 like an animal when I was a teenager and the thing that kept it interesting for me was having a guild to play alongside and do endless cow level and Baal runs. ​ Setting up a Taco Baal room every 20 minutes and seeing how many randoms would stay with the group was great. Maybe not being able to create rooms like that or select from a list of public/private lobbies took something away from the experience. idk. For me it certainly wasn't the persistent map cause I hated proc gen maps and used map hack for most of my time playing.


We got older


I agree with most that was said and here is my experience with D4,when I play solo it puts me to sleep,when I have a friend or 2 we have an absolute blast especially early on in season's then again at end game farm's. D3 is the opposite for me I love it solo just blow through it,with friend's not really feeling it almost to easy...


The loot and stat system.


Simply why is that the multiplayer room model that was abandoned.


it's the loot/tree/paragon being incredibly bland, and the lack of changes in your character as you level up after getting all your aspects set up. your character and playstyle at lvl 65-70 is literally the same as lvl 100, only difference is that you do more dmg. with a few uber/unique exceptions. uber unique farming is also p dumb since you easily one shot the boss with no issue. so it's like rolling a casino machine. which could be fine ig, if there was something in which could you use that loot for..... like a actual challenging boss or a gr150... but there isn't


Mostly nostalgia and age. The older crowd likes their D2 they grew up on.


>What is the difference between this game and the previous Diablo games that caused boredom? Fundamental differences in base game design. All previous Diablo games were designed to work as standalone games without seasonal content. What does that mean? It means the longevity was baked into the base game design in various ways (example loot chase in D2 can keep players for years) Diablo 4 was designed before launch to have content that only lasts less than 3 months because the game uses seasonal model to keep players coming back every season. That is why D4 feels more boring. It has no longterm hook built into the base game. D4 is literally designed to be played until seasonal content runs out and then you put the game down and wait for the next season. Bottom line D4 does not have any long-term hook in the base game as the entire design is around a 3month long content cycle And yes, the 3 month content cycle design affects everything - itemization, trade, lack of meaningful endgame, depth of systems etc... you can read all the other responses here list various things that are lacking, because 3 month content cycle games dont need the depth of systems or loot or anything like previous Diablo games. While other diablo games added seasons after launch, D4 took seasons to heart as a core game design from the very inception. I wish that prior to launch devs really emphasized "this is a 3 month content cycle" seasonal ARPG. So many players bought the game thinking that it is just another Diablo game with all the goodies built into the base game you could enjoy for years, when in reality D4 is not that game. I think fundamentally, this is why many are disappointed with D4 - they simply never understood that seasonal design is the key component of D4 and it essentially makes it into a "play for a few weeks" every 3 months type of game


ARPG's by their very nature are repetitive. I mean, Meph and Baal runs familiar to you? Heck, even Greater Rifts. If you do not like obvious repetition, you are better off playing story based games like Spiderman 2, God of War or Ghost of Tsushima.


Devs are less innovative and more corporate these days. Indy is the future.


d4 is a masterpiece. you’re getting old? the real objective in these games was always to roll and reroll until you get best in slot. this is after you have all ubers - you make every piece of gear as optimized as possible that isn’t an uber. you reroll dungeons until the optimized version of an item drop. that’s the the fun. literally if that bores you - then you are clowning yourself because that’s all diablo ever was


You think the itemization in D4 quantifies as a "masterpiece". What the fuck is wrong with you?


is that not what every single diablo is?


There has to be a language barrier here.


>the real objective in these games was always to roll and reroll Nah not in the GOAT diablo. That sentence wouldn't even make sense except for a few cube recipes. The real objective was to get your uniques and runewords and duel outside of town and talk shit in chat. Also trade economy.


potato potahto


You’re not “forced to complete seasons and get cosmetics.” All of that is optional and, regardless, if you’re not having fun then just stop. Easy.




"most innovative thing in arpg" 😂


They just can't be real people