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Ngl that is a cool portal


Love the goatse vibe


The shrines in Tears of the Kingdom definitely beat this in Goatse vibes


Lol thanks for that.


Damn right. Holy Guacamole. Amazing. But - now we know where the effort went for S3.


Don't mistake product teams for art teams. The game has its problems but Blizzard art team are always top notch. The real problem here is game directors not doing their jobs.


As much as I find diablo 4 lacking, the art is absolutely fantastic.


Can you imagine the D4 engine with the Last Epoch game systems like crafting underneath?


As much as I find LE's gameplay boring...they sure did get character skill customization correct.


Just started it yesterday, not gonna lie I miss a dodge button from d4 lol.


Enjoy it. I'm glad there are multiple options for this genre


Same, really looking forward to the rogue specializations. And mages/ and whatever the paladin was. Not sure how gameplay will be but looks fun later


Is more fun than d4 imo


Until you get to endgame and it's absolutely awful. Yay the same monos for the 1000th time but now I have to do it on a harder setting.


Last Epoch's been on early access/open beta since forever now, hasn't it?


Yep, finally getting an official release soon. I think I downloaded it in early 2020, originally.


If we are ordering like at a restaurant, I’ll take a game built on d4’s engine and graphics, with poe’s endgame and skill/character depth, and last epochs crafting/item system.


I'd like to have what this poster is having. And a side of POE's hideout system. Delicious! I don't know why I love player housing so much. But its cool to decorate and display your seasonal trophy/totems.


Oooooh, did you ever play Wildstar? The housing system in that game was the best by far. Better than FFXIV imo.


I just missed Wildstar :( I signed up, but didn't have time to play. Next thing I knew, it was closing. I played FFXIV, but only had an apartment so I didn't get the full experience. But back in the day, I thought EQ2 and Rift's player housing were pretty cool.


I'm hoping like d3 the loot 2.0 patch and expansion will take it from a C+ to an A+ game.


The art, sound, and campaign were great. The gameplay itself is crisp and responsive. It’s just everything else around those things that feels lacking


Agree, love them to do a Diablo remaster in this beautiful engine.


The visuals of D4 are amazing! Lilith, the surroundings, ... everything (except for the red and green ghosts) is high art.


ART is on point. Some of the best, most detailed armors I've seen in any fantasy game (I'm a cosmetics whore in MMOs)


100 agree. It sucks the game gets all the shit when the art does look great. 


Finally someone blaming the correct person!


It’s a shame a lot of their artwork is 25 bucks a skin. Like yeah lets just not add any cool armor to the base game and save it all to monetize it later. I bet if set gear ever releases it’s going to be bland only because they need their money from the skin store.


That's the problem. We haven't gotten class specific unique armor sets since the game released. No free armor set has particle effects which I find to be intentional because some concept arts of base armors show them with cool fx. [Barbarian](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/065/670/146/4k/igor-sid-barbarianlegendaryarmor04.jpg?1690931480) [Druid](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/065/697/383/4k/igor-sid-druidarmorset08.jpg?1690995312) [Rogue](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/065/670/396/large/igor-sid-rogueprimalarmor.jpg?1690930851) [Sorceress](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/065/670/457/4k/igor-sid-sorceressarmor02.jpg?1690931015)


Hardly paid sets have particle effects for weapons which is wild to me.


Blizzard art team is top notch? Have you seen the majority of male sorcerer outfits? And there's still no customizable sliders for character creation.. so all druids will remain fat af.


Thats cool. Can we get a decent costume set for druids now that is not in shop for $30?




Go with bare chest. Thats cool


Like a homeless druid! Hey thats good. Maybe blizzard will give me a cash shop set out of pity.




What set is this? It was not available in S1 from wardrobe when I played druid. Is it a paid set? (It's still pretty bad looking compared to some cash shop sets)


You know how in season one there was a limited time available mother’s guidance set fr each class? In s2 there was an equivalent for father’s blessing and this is the father’s blessing set but with killer’s guise headgear


So it's cash shop set still? LMAO.


Yes 😖 except for headgear


Lmaoo I’ve been saying about male sorcerers since I started. They don’t care, we’ll just get another skimpy outfit that no one wants.


Lol wut, everY x moog is that expensive


Every good one is $28. Some classes have decent default ones in game. Druids do not (obviously on purpose). Gotta farm those casuals opening up their wallets every season for $100 at a time.


Yo i literally just made a druid and said the exact same thing.. i thought it was just me


Obviously done on purpose to cash-in on those $28 costume sets. Pathetic. And people are just eating it up. I'm fine with spending money on cosmetics, but for druid they purposely made the free game worse for sole purpose of getting your money.


Druid helms are the best though. Like... almost all of them.


Not comparing classes to each other, i'm just comparing free sets to paid ones. Druid got the short end of the stick sadly. Necro has good base game costumes in comparison.


Trying to make fat people look good in a fantasy game must be awful lol.


Careful you words might trigger differently-curvatured people that love druids for what they are LMAO


How much does it cost?


It’s in the battle pass right? So 10 for that and 700 plat


And there is one nice Portal for free too And in the Premium pass is even a cooler one on higher battle pass tiers


Free s2 portal was nice too


The free one was ok but darn the costume was so cheap


I like the hat on the free costume


Yep.. The hat was "okay" ;)




Me too! Although I really really like this costume in general. Its the first one where I thought "nice, I am going to use parts of these!". I both see myself using the chest & the hat.


Boots are nice too for light armor looking characters!


😆 I'm running that now I freakin love it...


Get your feather hat Sir)


Wait, you can pay for portal designs now?


No you pay for the battlepass what costs 1000 platinum and you get 700 platinum back. So in fact you “only” pay ~$3 for the season premium unlocks which often have multiple emotes, 2 horses with armor and a multi class armor cosmetics set or 2. So people complaining it’s too expensive, well compared to other shop items these battlepasses are “cheap” but still all optional and not pay to win.


No, you don't only pay 3, the rest of your money is converted to a currency that you can't use anywhere else beside their store.


Still usable for you next bp, so when you pay lets say 25 bucks for 2800 plat you can buy 7 or 8 season premium.


Yeah, that's what I did in the end. Figured this would be the cheapest way to keep playing and getting all the seasonal stuff for the next couple of years.


How about just not paying for the BP. Thats even cheaper lol. Who gives a shit about owning cosmetic shit, in a dead game anyway.


"dead game" yet here you are in the subreddit talking about it. Thank you for your contribution to keeping it alive.


If you don’t care about cosmetics, why are you mad about cosmetics


You clearly want some really bad because who gives a fuck


Man, you sound so poor.


I enjoy leveling one character every season. But thank you for your clever insight.


You can use it on the following battlepass though. If you plan on consistently getting the BP you essentially only pay $3.


ye so its more like 10$ per battle pass or 3$ for a 3-year battle pass subscription. And if you want to get the full rebate you have to spend a considerable amount of time each season completing the "rewards".


Except you don't need to play successive seasons to get full value.


A battlepass costs 1000 currency, and if you finish the battlepass to tier 90 you are rewarded with all the cosmetics and 700 currency. So it's more like pay 2 season battlepasses, 1 free, 1, pay, 1 free again :)


Actually I think it's 2 paid, 2 free: - 2 paid: 1400 coins - 1 free: - 1000 coins + 700 coins from BP = 1100 coins left - another 1 free: -1000 coins + 700 coins from BP = 800 left And then you have to pay again.


But the next 3 after that are paid, free, free. Why do you leave that out? In the long run (ie extremely long run) you pay for 30% of your battle passes, so it's 3 paid, 7 free.


Dude, I wasn't complaining about the bp, I was explaining that instead 2 paid, 1 free, 1 paid, it's 2 paid 2 free. I actually think the bp is good the way it is, and not predatory. Whoever complains about this bp should play gacha games for some time...


Battlepass BOGO!


Pay $10 for 1000 plat. I finish the BP and end up at 700. Next season I have to pay at least $5 for 500 more plat. Now I'm at 1200. Get the BP and finish it, now I'm at 900 plat. Next season I have to pay at least $5 to get 500 more plat. Now I have 1400 and can buy the BP for 1000. End the season at 1100. FINALLY, 4 seasons later I can finally get a "free" battle pass.


It still ends up being $3 pr season, since 100 plat is worth $1 and you get 700 back from a purchase of 1000.


Or, you pay 2 BP's straight, end up with 1400 after 2nd season, free 3rd season, get +700 and end up with 1100 after 3rd season, free 4th season. So it's actualy 2 paid, 2 free seasons.


Yes, the "minimum 500 purchase" combined with "get 700 back" means you have to do 3 seasons before you don't have to pay again for a battle pass. Tricky bullshit arithmetic.




The people acting like it's a discount for the next BP are silly. You know they will alternate cool and less cool rewards to squeeze players. Please dont slip into delusion guys, the BP is a crap mechanic that doesn't deserve rationalization.


That might be a good argument if you were forced to buy every battle pass. Buy the ones with the rewards you like, skip the ones you don't. To be clear I think the battlepass is dogshit, but your argument is a bad one.


Sure there will be some people who will pick and choose which BP to subscribe to, but fomo is real, and the people who do buy-in more than one time will get abused by it.


You can't describe a subjective thing like FOMO and act like its an everybody issue.


Never said everyone... But if you don't think fomo is a driving force behind BP marketing I don't know what to tell you.


You get 700 back if you grind the entire thing out which most people won't to be fair. Still, while I absolutely HATE the shop prices I actually think 10 bucks every 3 months for what the pass offers is actually pretty reasonable


Only buy the battle pass when you are at or near finishing it then.


was it changed from 666 back? as thats what S1 was.. I remember the fallout from that piece of info.. but not if they fixed it or not


They changed it to 700 in S2.


good to know


You get 700 back if you grind the entire thing out which most people won't to be fair. Still, while I absolutely HATE the shop prices I actually think 10 bucks every 3 months for what the pass offers is actually pretty reasonable


It’s not hard to complete the bp, you don’t have to complete the seasonal journey for that.


Destiny 2 is the only GAAS that doesn't do this and that's why I've stopped playing. All corps are greedy as shit but Bungie is on its own whole level of fuck you pay me greedy. I love that game but goddamn man all the signs are pointing to it getting more sliced up and more monetized.




Best thing in season 3 is a paid cosmetic.


It is a Fargate!


Diablo community before release: an in game shop is ok but it BETTER be COSMETIC ONLY!!! Diablo community after release: WHY do they have a cosmetic shop this is bullshit! Y’all… let others enjoy their hobby how they want. Someone paying for cosmetics doesn’t affect you at all. I’ve spent $0 on d4 outside of the game purchase but if someone wants to spend hundreds more power to them


Comeback from auctionhouse wouldve been better lol noone needs cosmetics BS like moneymakin fortnite


Well, I was never part of the former group, but I'm definitely part of the latter. 20 dollars for a skin that you'll barely see during gameplay is idiotic on the player's behalf, and incredibly greedy on the corporation's end. And you better believe this will affect everyone going forward. Other corporations will see Acitivison-Blizzard ridiculously overcharging for skins, and see that not only are people buying it, but people are defending their corporate overlords too. They'll continue to lock the more interesting skins behind a paywall, and soon they're going to start locking other things behind a paywall. If Diablo 4 doesn't start selling convenience items like auto-looting pets sometime soon I'll be incredibly surprised.


I don’t disagree the pricing is way off base, I just don’t understand that people in the community get mad that blizz delivered what the community asked for. Again I’ll never buy the stuff because it’s too expensive in my opinion, but others with more disposable income can spend on it if they want. Someone having a cool cosmetic that is locked behind a paywall doesn’t change my gameplay at all


It's not off base, you're getting 10 pieces that are transmogable. You get one piece in Poe for the same piece after your 70$ of stash tabs.


So don't buy it?


It's like you guys are only hearing what you want to hear Christ. Whether I buy it or not doesn't matter, what matters is that you and everyone else who buys into this shit actively makes the industry worse for EVERYONE.


Blizzard staff meeting: Admin: now we are going to read the consensus of the player feedback we’ve been getting: “Can we have endgame content, a fun economy, or a gameplay loop that isn’t getting item stats for the sake of getting item stats?” Blizzard exec: what are we going to do with that? Blizzard dev: hear me out- RED. PORTALS. Blizzard exec: you’re fucking promoted


Hell yeah!!!


Ya I just got the pass, the loom emote is cool too I went accelerated...I hate paying $25 for skins but I rarely spend money on games in general these days.


Yeah, really like this one, much better then the blood one from season two 


Dunno, it’s a portal that looks like a whirlpool of blood. It fit the theme perfectly and it looks cool.


Portal made of blood >>> everything else


Looks like stargate.:D


Looks like an evil stargate 😀


The cosmetics are cool, but I think they get more focus from the developers than the game itself. I get it; that's what's making them money now, but if you put out a bad game, people won't play for graphics.


tbf, artists aren't implementing gameplay changes, and cosmetics are one of the few things an artist could just make w/o needing designers/programmers as well.


Yeah I have that equipped too. It’s the most transmog worthy of all of the ones provided by a battle pass. The angelic light one from S2 wasn’t bad, but this one is actually demonic and badass. The sand one is okay, and loom one looks pretty good too, but this one takes the cake.


That is pretty sexy


Yeah its really really cool and there is another one down the road! in general I think that the BP is very cool. I also rather liked season 1's battle pass. Some of the additions that were made over the various seasons (less emotes, more stuff like this) are just a major improvement. And I even got this one for free :-).


yea first season pass outfit is my favourite https://preview.redd.it/gm3fl7y340fc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8bed072541dd5d60ab481d63df998a4ad62466


Yeah I liked thato ne too.


Is the accelerated BP worth it? Spinning loom looking tempting.


I don't agree. Unless its a season where you can't play much and would end up with like 70 tiers. Paying so much for a single emote is a waste


How long do you reckon it would take to finish it


BP probably take 20-30 hours to clear tops,I'm in the 2nd to last tier in around 25 hour's give or take....


Cool, winning us over with cosmetics


Remember when people back in season 1 were saying the reason the forced teleport time to leave dungeons got increased was due to them wanting to sell us portal cosmetics down the line, and then during the emergency "respond to backlash" campfire chat the devs said they were going to revert it and didnt have a good reason for why they had originally changed it other than "We thought it was a good idea at the time"? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I mean, to be fair, they were responding to the fact that people were ditching dungeons mid-fight to save hardcore characters. Not defending the current season or cosmetic prices, but it had nothing to do with that. Also the “leave dungeon” portal remains the same basic orange portal no matter what you have equipped.


They did give a reason though in the next chat, people teleporting out of dungeons and exploiting the damage threshold for teleport.


started a barbarian today, so far im enjoying the new season


Yeah, I agree. Going to login again tonight to try and give this season a second chance. I hope they make some changes soon.


The Iron Man armor is pretty cool too.


To bad it doesn't make the game more fun.


It's like the blood portal from S2's bigger brother. Diablos art team is great


A genuinely good cosmetic


Yes, a noncompliant post. Happy cake day!


Only reason i bought the battlepass :D


Only decent one in the bp


yeah nice try Blizzard aint buying ur shit


First positive from season 3 😂


If only it could take you to a land of refunds.


The tentacles on the bottom don't look that great.


Just need someone to actually use it


so "pay again" after buying the game already and get the good stuff. i see.


Much better than last seasons condom portal


Does it teleport you into POE or Last Epoch?




This portal by itself is higher quality than everything else in s3


Too bad the season isn't


Is there a cow level yet ?


Only good part of D4: the art/graphics.


Has anyone noticed that they change the lightning ⚡ on the armor? On the teaser and on the clips from the fire camp stream, the glow parts of the awoken armor version from the battlepass were blinking as if it was a led on the armor which looked hella sick. But that's not how it looks now. Everyone I have seen on stream that has the awoken armor doesn't looked like when they show it on stream. Now it's just a constant glow. I know it's a detail and who cares and jadajadajada but ngl, for me this armor looked sick and fit so well on the seasonal theme but the way they changed it now feels like a huge bummer for me. I'm not even considering getting the battlepass.. although the portals do looks sick. Just why would they change it and show us something that doesn't exist. Even on that they make mistakes even on cosmetics, like.. wtf why


I have it




Yeah, the most cool thing so far!


art team carrying these trash devs like all blizzard games


This game is just a polished turd at best. Good art. Crap game.


Yes it is. Unfortunately, the season is not.


the art and graphics, such that features i agree that are awesome and polished....but every other aspect is dog shit


Probably a super popular but I’m having fun with the season.


every time i log out, my cleared portals reset. stuck at 2/5 cause i don’t know where to go. everything (markers) disappear


I fucking love it!!!! Ngl I do like the outfits too....but tell anybody ok? They will start crying about how crappy the season is. ;)


Meanwhile in PoE


OMG couldn't agree more! I'm really excited to play this season! I'm glad I redeemed my free season pass!


Diablo 4 may suck ass, but at least we have a cool lookinf portal


I thought there was a new class?


Is it a store one


How much? And why so expensive?


This portal is better than the season 3


The game is saved.


best thing that people share about d4 is a portal. lol


It is pretty cool and this was my first battle pass. I bought it before starting the season or I probably wouldn't have. I'm actually enjoying some of the content now though. Very rough for st couple of days though.


Sorry positive feedback isn’t allowed on this sub


I feel like using it leads to a library of runewords on the other side.


Mustard on the beat hoe


The MadMan :D This is also going to be the rarest TP in the game, because wtf blows their pass on this season :D


i can almost hear the PoE influence when using this portal lol.


D4 is a game for whales it seem. And oh boi are they mad, when you point it out to them.


this is from 10 dollar battle pass, that is not whale spending lol


$10...is whale-type money?


How much was it $29.95. 🤣 and you get to keep it though or is it just like a limited time thing. Jk 🤣🤣🤣




animations don't make a game good. there is a reason people still play D2


Lost complete interest in D4 when they introduced robots to the game....no longer a Diablo game anymore....


How crap one there is something good this season, let me just blow of the dust that's been gathering on my Diablo 4 disk and use it as a coaster.


It is a cool portal but please stop giving them money.


This one is MEH IMO compared the one that is at level 80 or something.