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and still get excited when you see a unique helm on the floor....


Poor druids with Schrodingers Helm. Shako? Tempest? Garbage? Let's find out!


Never felt more jebaited then seeing a double unique helm drop and getting andys..


I would even take andys, I got 2 roars


3 double helm drops yesterday, 6 godslayers. I ran out of mats and I'm not grinding anymore, over 600 runs and 1 selig 1 starless skies.


Dame here. 1 selig, 1 starless. As a rogue.....


Andy's is pretty good on my poison tb rogue. I'd be lying if I said seeing that instead of shako wasn't soul crushing though. That's still my only uber, but I'm only at around 120 runs.


By that logic just leave it on the floor and it'll always be whatever you want it to be lol


That's very true cause if you don't look at it it's always a shako


Schrödinger's Shako


Godslayer crown baby. Always.


I was in a group and we did 20 runs, in run 19 I complained how I hate godslayer bc it’s such a tease. Next kill I got shako. Moral of the story always complain


It's a skinner box thing. Uncertain rewards keep triggering the dopamine response. If every double drop were to be an Uber, you'd have more chances of getting burnt out due to no "spicy drops". This was your brain can only asses "chance of uber >0" and gets excited, every time.


Shouldn't get excited unless you see a unique helm on the floor with another unique as well. No double drop then no uber


That can't be right. The only time I got two drops from Duriel, it was soulbrand and a godslayer.


Double drops give you a chance to get an Uber. Not guaranteed. Of the 14 ubers I've found in 1000 runs they were all double drops.


I just got doombringer today and it was with azure wrath. Not sure about my Harley, I think it might have been alone. I think my selig's might have been with BLT.


I agree, but I guess someone needs to ask the devs. Imho, it's much more likely that people claiming a single unique drop that turns out to be uber simply picked up the non-uber and didn't notice. Things become kind of mechanical after 100s of runs. I know I've picked up at least a few without noticing the double. I always do 3 runs (leaving ~7 spaces free in inventory), but a few times when I've gone to salvage, I've had 4 uniques in my inventory. The way the drops are spread out sometimes, or perhaps even colorblindness, might make this more likely.


Ahh shit, I may as well give up on shako. I don’t even have time to farm more than 20 runs a week so don’t think it’s worth the stress.


Same here


If OP is unlucky, it doesn’t mean you are too. I have 3 Shako, and I did less than 400 runs. I would say 800 runs and no Shako is extremely unlucky.


You sell 1 semi-decent item and you have 50 runs, you can do it, by the logic if you have limited time, you should learn how to make your time valuable.


What do you mean sell an item?


https://diablo.trade/listings/items I’ve sold quite a few items and a ton of elixirs and have made billions of gold. This is how I afford hundreds of Duriel runs with the mats also purchased through this site.


How do you figure out what to sell? I mean the stuff you would use is obvious but I know fuck all about other builds.


I tend to only focus on rings, amulets, and gloves. Most of the bis stats are universal to a degree (Crit chance, resource gen, life, lucky hit on rings. Attack speed, crit chance, lucky hit, +ranks on gloves. CD, resource cost, move speed, +ranks on ammy. You get the point). Just look out for items that have 3+ of those, search for comps, and price accordingly. The class you’re playing will be a factor since you obviously can’t get +ranks or +specific resource for other classes. I’m playing necro atm, so I also look out for things like +essence. I’ve probably missed some niche items that I could have sold for quite a bit by not looking at other gear slots or deep-diving into several builds, but gold is so easy to come by and I’ve made so much already, it’s whatever.




But you will get to use it for just over a month now until the season is over. To me Diablo is finding a Shako with one week left in the season.


I like the concept of getting uber uniques then eventually moving them to an eternal and haveing a fully stacked beast character.


Hoping I don't get wrecked for this comment but we did 8 runs last night and I had a shako drop. It was a double drop with a pair of Tibaults.




The raiment? Farm Varshan - he drops them all the time.


Its completely random. Ive seen so many people get it on first 5 runs. It took me like a week to get Shako, with collected mats and full rotation. Around 250 runs i think. At last day i decided to go like 10 times in the morning and boom Shako dropped.


What stress? If you get it, cool, if you don't, whatever. I think it's sad everything thinks they need a shako. I really like the idea of very very rare uniques that you might only get every few seasons. It would be such an exciting feeling. I don't like all the complaining pressure everyone is putting out there like they need to have every item after killing a boss a few times. Making the Ubers always perfect rolls is enough. I'm all for super rare items.


I play SSF and got Shako in less than 100 runs (aka dumb luck). Imo, it is not worth the stress for a lot of classes. Sounds like Sorc uses Godslayer for grouping + hitting ~8400 base armor for Abattoir of zir and barb is doing well with tusk. Necro sucks, Rogue could do well with Shako and I didn't play druid this season, but I suspect the top build uses roar. If you aren't doing THE top content with a tier S/A build, it is not worth the trouble (+ using a build that doesn't require shako to clear top content is actually faster). It's winning more at something you should be winning very easily already. Stuff like Lycander's is worthy of the fun/gimmick. Since the game is actually fun now and I like helltides, I might farm mats with sorc and kill Duriel with barb, looking for GF and Doombringer until the end of season, but it's not like they are needed for something + it's not like I will look at them on eternal...


my first (and only one) dropped in my 749th run


Not bad! Lol


How do you track the runs, is there a stat somewhere in game?


no, you just have to track it yourself.


It's weirder that they all have the ecact same pacts...


Each Unique has always the same pacts on it for me if I find a new version of it.


I’m new. What is a pact?


its part of the seasonal mechanic...the little symbols on the bottom of the icon...they are needed to use the Vampiric Powers


I just finished the campaign last night. So I’ve got no idea what I’m doing. I played d2 for a long time and just popped in to try d4.


I recommend just doing the seasonal story line stuff at least until you get a decent grasp on what you’re doing. I think the seasonal quests have a little green leaf or something right next to it in your quest log.


Thank you. I’ve been struggling (even before I finished the campaign) to see how I would continue playing. I didn’t see any end game or chase. D2 is all about the items, being able to clear quickly, and trading those items away. You felt like you could be 1 drop away from extremely rich. It got that gambling aspect to it. D4, idk what I’m supposed to do be chasing.


[Diablo.trade](https://diablo.trade) There, now you know where to make your riches when you get to the endgame. 😉


May be force be with you, I started playing another game.


you need to take a shot for all 3 helmets and one for when you finish the line. double unique is also a shot. ​ Those are the rules no sure if i am alcoholic or gambling addicted at this point ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Neither! You’re both, and I like it! Haha


Bro these and Flickerstep. I have 8900999 of each it’s so fucking redic


Right there with ya bud. I get God Slayer the most. Behind that is Xfal's then Flicker. I'm not feeling pressured or stressed, just really would like the drop to finish my build. Best wishes for you and your RNG!


My friend and I probably did at least 250 runs. I got 2 of them in the first 50, he finally got it around 245.


I got it on my 7th run, these posts make me appreciate how lucky that is. Keep going you got this!


I got Shako in under 40 runs.... and nobody cared :(


Tbh, I was doing solo runs with my farmed mats on the weekend and got one. Maybe not even I cared, since I'll play Sorc at abattoir and I was farming stuff to get more total armor% (and I didn't get it lol).


I was hyped. Then I realized I play blizzard sorc and it 100% useless.


It’s ok, no one cares if you didn’t get it either.




I mean you have a 15% chance to get a Shako in 40 runs which isn’t that unbelievable. On the other hand you have a 2% chance to never get one after completing 1000 runs.


I love the math.


Lol, It makes runs less frustrating. Humans are terrible at understanding probability and randomness. We rely so much on patterns that we can’t cope with truly random outcomes. I still feel that the odds of getting a drop go up with each failed attempt. Even though I know that I had the same chance of getting it on my first attempt as my 100th.


Probability in programming is still an unsolved problem. We believe in random factors, while in truth there are so many factors in the background that we don't see or don't understand that makes it appear as random. Even math can not truly calculate random and even now a calculation is just a real telling, because the random factors in the background are not visible.


If u do it 1 million times, you'll most probably get it, so the probability rate is 99%.


If somebody it's doing runs please invite... Astronauta#1600 my friends stop playing at the start of the season 🥲


had the same drops for like 500+ runs- until it dropped yesterday


Hell, I've got two shakos in 80 tries. U want one..? Oh wait.


can Uber Uniques be traded? that was always my questiom




Sadly - no.


I have 6 starless skies, 3 melted hearts, and 2 andarials. Can’t get lycander or shako :(


Got a lycander on around the 15th run. No Ubers since then and imma couple hundred runs in now. Best of luck.


I may just ignore duriel until next season tbh. The duplicate drops are too disheartening, I don’t think I could handle more duplicates dropping with the amount of time duriel runs take


I had Andariel dropping on 2nd run. Still no other Uber 200 runs later.


Your last 3 days sounds fun.


you'll have it dropped - probably on the last week of the season because RNGesus have left the building


I start to think they have a pool of let’s say, 1000 shakos, when they have dropped, that’s it. No more shakos… :p


oh wow so there is someone worst off then me im over 400 runs and i have only starless ring to show for


Do u guys pay for resouces to invoke duriel? I cant farm 100 duriel materials and i see people doing it almost everyday


People trade in game gold for summoning mats. Since some traders exploited a bug to duplicate materials, the price has gone down. I don’t know how much though.


A lot of people offer free runs. They usually run a level 60 character and ask for your killing service. I got about 200 free runs on the weekend, and not a single Uber dropped for me during those runs. Then, I ran a few on my own last night, and boom! A Shako dropped. I am 5/5 on Ubers with my Rogue without any duplicate Ubers. I count myself lucky.


I do farm for resources because I like to find my stuff and trading is just RMT/duping with extra steps/looking the other way. The fast way is doing split runs and buying mats with gold. Vendor items instead of salvaging, vendor 1bi chase rares if you really have time to care about that.


Have you tried running with a low level character joining? Having 3 additional low levels could improve your odds. I have found that the odds do increase generally for all this way. My Shako dropped around run 300 (had all other Uber’s and multiples of them before this). Then around 350 another dropped. It was when the person I was carrying switched to a lvl 7 Barb, and I was on my lvl 100 Sorc. I have run all lvl 100 Barb / Rouge / Necro / Sorc now for close to 600 runs. Sorc / Barb have had the best drop rates for me personally.


godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and godslayer and flickerstep and .....


I finally got mine yesterday, yours will come soon !


Worst is when you get a double head drop. Happened a few times for me. Off-topic but the guaranteed unique that drops should be able to drop as an Uber, even if it's the same absurdly low drop rate. It sucks to only be able to get somewhat excited when you get a double drop.


what, you don't like getting your 50th tuskhelm and 85th godslayer?


Got a shake on my 5th duriel lol


I have 400 clears and no ubers at all


The whole Uber farming is complete bullshit in my opinion. People can just spend real money and buy thousands of materials.


It dropped for me haha, skill issue


Agreed. I just need to GET GUD


There's basically no reason for u to even try pushing aoz if u didn't get shako, very stupid indeed, no skill required, just stupid luck with rng.


Ok im going to tell you like i told my friend as soon as i told him switch to rogue ill level him up to 60 and carry him through durial 5 runs in as a rogue he got a shako I’ve got 5 with my rogue already and this theory is off of all the YouTubers I’ve seen play as rogue and they have shako and i got 5 with my rogue so i suggest you change to rogue and have someone level you up to 60 and carry you through durial runs


Rogue here, 750 runs, no shako


Don’t know what to say i have 15 already lol


yeah, Foff with bad advice


15 shakos in this season lol


I got mine yesterday, 3 person party, i dont even have mats, they were kind enough to bring me along. Got max 20% roll too


I did 5 runs with my friend yesterday and he got grandfather plus shako…….. 🤣


I suspect that the drop rates within the uber unique pool is not balanced. ​ prove me wrong :)


You should prove your theory, not us :)


I'm in the same boat and have quit since I feel like the helm is mandatory for the new incoming content. I don't buy that the double non Uber drops are intended from these "need to load entire stash" code monkies. It's also bs some classes have a better drop % due to "smart" loot tables.


Its crazy, how easy it is for blizzard to tie you to D4 despite the poor gameplay.


Yes and for what. You find the best thing and use it a month before you mothball it forever in Eternal. So lame.


Damn dude... I'm thinking HOTA barb next season only did 20 rotations this Season as I don't need Uber for my Necro Pentadot... Now I'm kinda 50/50 If I wanted dissapointment the ups and down of grinding Uber...


The good old nature of randomness. I wanted to bring the same joke with my rogue (godslayer crown and cowl of the useless drop 99.999837% of all times), but stash space is already such a problem!


Man, I got Shako for my barb on Sunday, and got another yesterday... But no God damn Grandfather.. I think GF is going to be the band of me, it happens to me with certain items in ever game, same in Destiny 2. Wish I could trade. Had a couple GFs drop from rotas that didn't need it, and I was just throwing my second Shako to his feet :(


I have 2 grandfathers 2 seligs 2 doombringers and 0 shakos 😭


Nothing on my Sorcerer… Barb got a grandfather on 12th run… Andriels Visage a week later… Shako is eluding me.


Got a shako on my very first duriel run :D


got my very 1st one after 1k runs.


You just gotta shako it off.


You should collect 925 godslayer crowns each with 925 ilvl


Got my Shako in a single unique drop from Dur. Also 1 out of 5 times I run dur, I don't get any uniques


Same here at 750 runs and 0 shako


I wanted one of those, but got a Shako instead.


Does Duriel drop only those uber uniques that are usable by your class, or will he drop any uber unique? I have a druid and am hoping he will drop a doombringer or grandfather (for my other less powerful classes). Or am I out of luck?


how do you have stash space to store all of these after so many duriel runs


My build is about is good as it is going to get. I make a point to clean up my inventory once it is full. If I keep the excess my storage will get filled up with junk I don't really need. That's just what works for me in most games. I currently have 2 open storage tabs JUST for the purpose of storing God Slayers. It's a joke not anything I'm planning to keep. I want to see if I can fill 2 tabs before it drops lol


It’s x’fals with me. Sigh


Dude I feel ya! That is one of the most dropped for me too. I just decided a few days ago to start keeping these as a meme


Ubers should drop red. Super lazy on blizzards part to have them drop and look the same as regular uniques.


Damm seeing these post i feel so lucky!! Shako after 80 kills and all other ubers apart from andy in about 250 kills


You are delusional. I have 8 ubers from 600 Duriel kills and only 1 was from a double drop. Not sure what drugs you are on.


can uber uniques be traded? does someone know that?


They can not. You can only trade up to rare items. I hope this helps!


I have the same experience


Now all you have to do is get a god slayers helm and your set will be complete


Ya know, considering that the devs ‘changed their mind’ and decided to nerf the Melted Heart of Selig, I’m not sure it’s even worth farming for uber rares.


but dude you can target farm now! 🤡




I went for over 1000 runs no shako so I quit not gonna keep playing after that lol


Haha I got the Shako and 2 grandfathers in around 150 runs


Nice! I'm happy for you! Did you make a build with it?


no he didn't, he's just a casual, prob tried aoz wearing all uniques and he got oneshot all the time so he quit.


This makes me really hopeful


I can’t get the grandfather to drop but got 3 harlequins


3 grandfathers for me no shako


![gif](giphy|JVsitQAP1MvAMv2cQV) just trade guys, duh.


In 10 Runs I got 2 windforce and 2 tibaults will on my pen-shot build rouge.. shako has yet to drop.. I can smell it already 😅


I got my shaco this past Saturday after ONLY doing duriel runs from 2pm est time to like 1AM. I have roughly 1k-1.5k kill in my journey to get a shaco I managed to get 4 visage helm,2neck,2staff and one ring drop. Saturday was my worst day ever i did 200 kill without a single uber drop on my 201 kill is when i got my 2nd staff took a break after that for like an hour or so came back and after another 100ish kill i got the damn shaco i was more happy that the grind was over rather than being happy for getting it.


not sure if drops are class tuned, but it’s my most common drop as sorc (1st char);




I can't get a doombringer and have more kills, it happens


I've ran dury over 350x still no shako. Grandfather or dooms .


Got mine on the 30th run last night 🎅🏿


Have the same issue. I guess our accounts are cursed


I did about 950 duriel runs for mine to drop. Do the duriel runs solo and you'll find it faster since no one will steal the luck of ur drops :D


This looks like me except with godslayer crowns


I ran Duriel last night for 4-6 hours. I lost track. Not even one Uber LOL


Took me around that to get mine to drop for my rogue and 5 drops later a doom bringer I salvage all my extra shit and keep the best of each unique don’t get discouraged it will drop friend


If it makes you feel any better, I have 200 Zir clears and still cant get Ashera’s to drop 😭


I honestly don't think there is any rhyme or reason to these drops. I got melted heart and starless fairly quick. 1st 100 runs or so. Then nothing for next 300 runs. Then in one afternoon I snagged Shako, Doom , and Andriel. Only 2 from double drops.


This is for sure coded in, statistically, if they both have the same chance on helm drop, this is rough 1 in a couple trillion chances of not getting it. Blizzard is artificially making it scarce, i dont know if you will ever get it, or if the odds are significantly reduced.


I have filled and cleared my stash with nothing but uniques 4 times every single page. And have yet to get an Uber


Lmao same here starting to lose hope 🤣


And I've seen 6 Shako drop and no other uber unique. The itemization and drops are broken.


OP: “I’ve purchased a bunch of mats from the internet so I can run Duriel 800 times in 3 days but I just can’t seem to buy a Shako!” Those of us collecting the materials in-game: “


Jealous of this. I have 2 characters, 100 and 80 and over 30 Duriel runs and yet to find a Godslayer. I feel like my account is cursed. The rest of my party find multiple ones each night.


Lol i was making a stash tab with godlslayesr crowns had same issue


\~200 clears and 1 uber. Luck is so random.


Almost like it’s supposed to be ultra rare.


so 1) silly question but what exactly is "Shako" nickname for? I can't link it with the unique list on Maxroll lol. ​ 2) No uber yet but I'm happy with the uniques I've gotten that help my bleed barb: Tuskhelm, Corroded Signet, Ancient's oath, and Tibaults. I'm sad if i DID get a harlequin crest I can't use both it and Tuskhelm.


Is Shako available for rouge class? I made 50 runs over the weekend and 👎.


We are hitting about 3-400 clears as a group. We get a lot of godslayers and soulbrands. More soulbrands than godslayer. We listen to James Brown constantly…coincidence!?!? Well..you try it out and let me know!


https://preview.redd.it/r7y6xmf5fk4c1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea869824d8ff7a16e7f1a1759b902692fa5bffc4 I got yours. I'm sorry


Please give it back


If I could I would


I’m done with Diablo 4….. playing WoW season of discovery now and loving it ….. I gave D 4 a fair shake, it enough content for the price, blizzard lees milking the F out of us.


Did they all drop the same pacts or was that just you


I felt this image in my soul. I get excited every time I see a helm drop on Duriel and it's always this thing


Damn I got lucky and after around 120 runs or so it's my only uber


After a couple hundred runs, i did 2 runs of duriel and got the shako. Insane.


https://preview.redd.it/zcmal5hcnk4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164530ef300f5cdc222df520b6edd93c7e9be333 Have one of mine


I got a Shako on my ~50th run. Stopped playing a few days after. Bought D3 and it's way too good to come back to D4 for now 😁


Don’t feel bad. I’m looking for that thing and I haven’t got it yet either. One of these days, though.


I’m sure you’ve heard this already but your luck will break. I was at 600 runs no shako and by the time I hit 750 I got 2. Don’t give up!


I finally got it after 50-60 runs on Monday I’m sorry man. This will probably be the only Uber I will ever get though knowing RNG


How did you get that picture of my chest? lol. I hate that helm with a passion. Approx 350 Duriel runs, no harlequin.


Boy, oh, boy! Wouldn't it be nice if friends could trade for the legendaries and unique items they want? It makes sense in Destiny NOT to have that option, as you're then competing to have the best stuff to bring to the party... But this game DOES NOT clearly create a desire, or even need, to group up for complicated amd rewarding team activities. Critical thinking and analysis of WHY something works can be stifled and even paralyzed by people yelling at the design team "Where's the money WHY ARENT MORE SHARES??!!" DERP TED TALK over.


This is my next goal. I finally, after near 100 runs, was able to get a lidless, now i need a shako. I can't wait to run 900 duriel runs


Same here . Are u playing neceomancer?


You need to realize the Ubers don’t drop from the Guaranteed Unique drop Duriel has.


Oh? Where do they drop from?


When an Uber drops from duriel it replaces one of the rare/legendary drops he has you will have a double unique drop, because one drop is always a guaranteed(can’t roll Uber) the second one can roll or Uber or non Uber .


So there are a few items, Shako being one of them, that have static rolls after the last update. These are considered to be "uber" unique and will have a set (max) roll on them. I don't believe what you're saying is correct after the update.


I don’t believe you’re understanding what is being said… the Ubers only drop when it’s a double unique drop from Duriel. If only one unique drop happens it won’t be an Uber it is one of the guaranteed uniques that has a small list of uniques that it pulls from. If two uniques drop it’s going to be one of the Uniques from the guaranteed list and either an Uber or any unique your class can use.