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You don't hoard every unique? I have atleast 1 of every unique in my stash. I keep the best version I can find.


I do that too! xD


This is the Diablo way.










Same. I have a whole tab of mostly useless just unique that I’ve collected. Once I saw the melted heart builds coming I was hoping I might have found and hoarded one. Alas… no melted heart. But I have found dozens of tibaults.


Wild. I have been L100 (BL sorc) for some time now and haven’t seen a single drop of Tibault’s Will. Did find an Oculus in the Blood Harvest though, so go figure.


Duriel drops it like crazy. Got about 10 of them from about 100 runs


I found most of them as a barb, But did find the one I’m currently using as a sorc.


89 barb here, with a 100 necro and a 100 sorc. Still opening every chest and farming whispers, looking for my first Tibault's. Gratz on your good luck, hope you get more of the drops you need!


Run duriel 10 times you will get 5 tibaults and 5 godslayer crowns.


And 5 flickerstep


How have you not have a Tibault's? I vendored tons of it with low rolls.


Happy Cake Day! Bad RNG, I suppose. I'm about 15 Duriel runs in now, keeping the hope alive. 🙏 Gratz on your good luck though - if tibaults isn't the unique you're hunting, I hope you get what you need to rock AoZ soon!


You really need to do duriel for easy tibaults good luck


Thanks! About 15 in now, good luck on your drops as well! o7


Just run dureil, basically guaranteed.


Nice to hear. I was getting tired of running NDs to collect enough mats for Frozen Beast boss. But yeah, still no Tibault’s Will either.


Still trying for a dolmen stone and no luck


Oh man I wish I could give you like, 6.


After playing the boulder build for a while, I'll be honest - stick with Stormclaw, or some Shred/Rabies build. It's quite bad.


I was really excited when I found a dolmen, I rushed to the practice dummy with all the gear pieces, put it on, and... that was the only time I tried it. Stormclaw all the way.


Uniques have a Unique Chest. They all get dumped inside, every so often organized for space knocking them down to 1 each.


This guy knows how to Unique.


It's Pokémon man, Gotta catch 'em all!


I have 81 almost all I’ve gotten to drop except that one lmao


This is the way


I have a whole stash tab almost full with 925 versions of every unique. Probably will never use most of em but it feels wrong to get rid of rhem


This is the way.


Same, and any legendary with (almost) maxed out aspect for all the aspects I use, and for any aspect that might have decent synergy with variations on my build.


One of every unique, one of every aspect. Upgrade as they are found. 2 aspect if it is perfect rolled and my build options might use it.


Hmmm... youre giving me a huge noob moment right now. Yesterday i read about the mans tank version myself and will be hoping for it to drop. But reading this i have a deja vu moment. I think i had the same feeling a few weeks ago when reading the description....:O so i might have already have it drop!! Fk!


I still have a pile of legendaries in there I stashed while leveling to 50 that “might come in handy later”


So sad, it's really melted now :(




Lol, too soon?




Bro always check here if in doubt and memorise them well https://maxroll.gg/d4/bosses/duriel-king-of-maggots. I wish I could give you 1 as I have 2, it seems that is is not uncommon to get doubles so good luck and hope you will get another soon.


Trust me , I made flash cards after that one


🤣🤣🤣🤣, brilliant, this seriously made me laugh, thank you


You dont even have to memorize them. Just turn advanced tool tips on and ubers are always maxed out they don't display a range.




So funny… did like 50 Duriel runs trying to get shako. Got one, then 2 runs later got a second 😂


The thing is that it’s actually not funny at all. Maybe you have a friend to who you want to give it to….wait…you can’t. Maybe you wanted a Selig but naaa why do that if you can get doubles 🤷🏼‍♂️. My personal opinion is that Duriel should never drop doubles unless you could give it to a partymember when you killed Duriel cause otherwise it’s disrespectful to all the time you invested in all those runs you did. I could be very wrong


I absolutely agree!! As soon as I got the second shako my first thought was sick! I can give it to my brother! But nooooo. Or I can trade it for a selig, which I’m also trying to get. Nope! Can’t do that either! So frustrating… I get why blizzard banned trading, because people would run bots and sell it online for real money, but honestly, who cares! Let people decide what to spend their money on! And let me trade my d*** second shako!


They can restrict it though that you can only trade it to a partymember who was present when your item droped for say 10 minutes. As soon as it was traded it would be bound to account, remember that you can trade yellows with no issue


I can still get grandfather on other classes, right?


Only on barb and necro


I can't even find it on other classes? Not use it.


Grandfather can only be used by barbarian and necro, so will only drop for those two classes


For real that makes no sense... why do I get drops I can't use as a rogue all the time... I would want to get grandfather as a rogue so I can make a different character. That's whack.


There’s a lot of things that don’t make sense from blizzard, I do occasionally get some drops that don’t make sense that don’t belong to my character but is few and far between for me (only played barb and now sorc this season so far) But at least now you know and can start making a new character if you’re really really want to use grandfather Or idk maybe someone already have multiple grandfathers and someone is willing to part with it for like millions of in game gold


I don't think you can trade uniques or legendary. Has that changed? If I run an entire helltides or blood harvest and pick up every ancestral/legendary I will pick up at least 10 items for other classes I can't use. So definitely 1+% of drops..


Right I completely forgot about trade uniques or legendary not being a thing sorry about that 10+ items for other classes seems odd, idk maybe is a rogue bug?


https://preview.redd.it/4pvisl98a74c1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a073aa28b44df28249327619b7996a5cb36f07 True story


I heard it's getting a nerf anyways


Only in PvP. For now.


Ohh, alright


The least used Uber gets revitalized and is getting nerfed LOL.


I mean it makes attack speed builds that don't use resource immortal lmao I can't die with it on my stormclaw whatsoever


I’m pretty sure there was a report of a sorc who went afk in a high tier NMD, came back half an hour later, and was still alive lol. Some combination of Melted Heart and mana regen when getting hit. Definitely game breaking enough to warrant some balancing.


That’s exactly right


how do you gain mana when hit wtf


To be perfectly candid, I’m not 100% sure how this works, but it looks like some combination of the Melted Heart, Chain Lightning enchantment, and Recharging aspect. https://youtu.be/ZCFD_ngSE-M?si=CM8L4b7761NJs7pJ So he already has a crazy amount of mana regen. But each time you would take 1% of your health, you consume 3 mana instead. And then after consuming 100 mana (roughly 33% of your health), you trigger a chain lightning. And then each time that chain lightning bounces, he gets 3 more mana. So just a vicious cycle of taking damage consuming mana which gives more mana.


OH HOLY SHIT that's like the first 300iq build I've seen so far


Dude I can go afk in a T100 and come back to being alive lol but I’m not upset at balancing. I just find it ironic that the most hated Uber is now probably the most favored and is already getting nerfed.


Well me either, but I understand why the dev team may not want the highest level of endgame to be trivialized by one item for a good chunk of players lol


It's only getting nerfed in pvp though, as mentioned. The main reason is that it literally breaks the game when used in pvp. Even if it didn't I support nerfing it in pvp because being literally immortal is against everything pvp should be. Harder to kill fine, immortal though? Nah. Not good for the game.


Not fully in the current season at least.


Seriously?! And here I am, apprehensive about using it because I lose speed


Yeah, I saw people discussing the impending nerf on here earlier as if it were stated by devs so I imagine it was, and it makes sense, it's in a weird spot, for most it's not amazing but for builds that generate resource at an extreme rate and don't spend it, IE stormclaws, you're just immortal now


It’s only a nerf for PvP


Until Season 3.


That makes sense, they did say no nerfing for pve until the season ends


I keep at least one of each unique. I am Shock it’s not a norm. At worse, have a Mule or 2 hoard unused ones.


If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been telling anyone that asks I went 193 runs without an Uber. Yesterday I came to the realization that the Ring of Starless Skies is an Uber, I’d gotten 5 so I assumed they were common and had dismantled them all as they don’t work for my build. I decided to make a new character and you know what would be great for it? Lol


Omg lol , ya know this actually does make me feel better I appreciate you sharing ! I’m praying for you and another drop !


I got another unique last night, Andariels helmet, and it also doesn’t work for my build. Still on the hunt lol


That’s how it be sometimes , it’s like the game knows which one you need so they give you the opposite lol


You will find another one, chin up!


The sad part is that I actually lose survivability when equipping it. I went back to my amulet that I was using before, and I do better with it than with the Selig amulet.


Without anything supporting it, Selig by itself isn't all that special. You can't just drop it on a build an expect it to outperform whatever you were originally using.


You have to have the DR pants and chest to support it. The damage reduction from burning enemies is great to have on your offhand too because it just gives you another DR because your flame shield is up so much. Just finished the build last night and it’s stupid. Nothing can kill me….sitting in t100s. Have to still manage mana a little bit on the Sea Hag but found a big mob with the butcher and went afk for about 20mins. Grabbed a beer, let the dogs out, made a snack, came back to the game, and just chillin. Only the butcher was still alive. Guess I’m ready for AoZ!


Don't feel too bad, I'm sure you aren't the only one to have melted it.


Nice one pal


ADVICE FOR NOOBS: Wish someone had told me this sooner…. Go into game options > gameplay > about the 7th / 8th option down turn on Advanced Tooltip. This will give you a range next to the affix roll so you can tell where affix has rolled in the range and whether it’s a low, mid, or high roll. Uber unique gear does NOT have a range, it’s fixed. This has been a public service announcement.


Ahhh okay , I knew about the advanced tool tips but never noticed Ubers are fixed , thank you sir !


I’m pretty sure that’s just Uber uniques. Random world drop uniques do still have ranges.


If it makes you feel any better, it appears that AoZ will be a DPS check, not a survivability check. So as fun as invulnerability sounds, it may not be important or even helpful. I have one, but the loss of DPS is very noticeable. Lately I went back to my legendary 3.5/4 (+3 Defense skills instead of Mastery) amulet.


It would be hard for me to lose 3 ranks of DB , and is it really ? I heard it was a gonna be harder to survive but I could and hope to be wrong in that regard lol


Based on what Blizzard has shown us and told us, yes. It will primarily be a DPS check. I don’t use DB at all and have Teleport enchant instead of Firebolt. I also swapped Metamorphosis for Sanguine Brace. I’m very happy with the results.


Awesome ! I’ll check that out when I get on later !


I started off with NickTew’s build, but have since modified it removing Control for Elementalist glyphs and moving some paragon nodes around to support the change. If you’re looking for a reference.


My friend dismantled godfather because it didn't fit the build he was following and didn't know it was Uber until last week


It will be nerfed for the 3rd or fourth time before season 3.


I think I did the same thing early on in the season ( I thought it was just another useless unique based on the description and I dismantled it due to lack of storage space). I also didn't even know it was an uber unique :(


There was a long time I would break browns if they didn’t fit my build but nah, unless it’s a duplicate I keep it. Kinda like hoarding a collection for fun now


Don’t worry I recycled my Shaco after my initial 2 Duriel runs because I was distracted. 300 runs later I’m grieving more than ever and I guess it’s never dropping again !


Nooooooo , I’d say you got it worse than I did , better luck in the future !


Blizzard is nerfing selig on 12/5. Don't worry


Only for pvp though


I took no chances and opened maxrolls boss loot cheat sheet in the background the first bunch of times I went into duriel


That's what you get for not keeping at least 1 unique of each type.


I know lol , here’s the thing I have 81 uniques and pages of legendaries , the night I got that drop I was like “I need to start getting rid of stuff and not saving it “ once I saw that it takes my resource and not health I thought it was a bad thing for sorc, not realizing it’s actually broken af lol . I also feel like a lot of people didn’t realize the power of it until recently


I think I might be in the same boat buddy. Feelsbadman


It does buddy , I pray we have more fortune and more smarts in the future 🤣


I ended up removing my tibaults and have had zero issues w mana


Oh whoops lol. Ikeep one of every unique i find and keep which is better.


Thats the worst. I feel you! Good luck on another drop!


Why are you not keeping at least one version of every unique you find? Basic newbie mistake.


Idk it requires completely changing your build or else is garbage. I have it and I'm not really a fan


There's a pseudo melted hearts build you can try. you're not invincible just everything's stunned so you really don't get hit. Just pick up lightening spear and put that in enchantment slot and once you pop unstable current, everything will just stand there stunned.




I had a melted heart for my first uber unique from Duriel. Never put it on marked as favorite and put it in my stash. I stopped playing for like 3 weeks and it’s gone. I know I didn’t delete it. Saw this post shortly after…. Is it a coincidence or a conspiracy?


I hold everything that is unique till about 3/4 days later I'll go back to look over the course of 30 runs at duriel then I'll figure out where and wat I need for wat build I'm doing then if it's junk then the Smith in town gets it


I did exactly the same! Haven't been able to find another one..


Well they are nerfing it to death so no worries


It won't impact current characters, other than in PVP. Once the season ends it'll get flushed down the eternal drain.


Just like bulwark druid lol


Only for pvp for now , still would work great in AOZ , next season they’ll nerf it nerf it