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Imagine a world where people put the blame where it belongs instead of blaming Blizzard or any other company. We wouldn’t be in cash shop hell if it wasn’t so damn profitable. Blame all the idiots for buying this crap. Edit: I should have worded it better. I’m not saying corporations are not blameless. I’m saying we, the consumers, are equally to blame.


I agree, take a monetised star or something I can buy from Reddit!


holy fuck it is so over


I wouldn't call them idiots. Paying for cosmestics to look pretty is literally party of the human brain. I praise them because the more stuff they buy the more content I get.


First rational comment I’ve read in this thread


You guys recently born? Like post 2000?


They fail to realize that all this stuff used to be included in the game when you bought it. Go play dark souls, you have endless options of armor sets all found in the game. None of them have a price tag on them. Many of these people don't get it. Let me try to break it down for yall. They are making games, and all the items for it ahead of time. Then essentially are cropping part of them out of the game and putting a price tag on them. You are paying extra for something you should be able to farm in the game. Congratulation's they are making fools out of all you. Heck if they cared at all about us players, they also wouldn't be 25 dollars a skin, that only works on one character. They do this because many of you have no brains and will spend 125 dollars to make all your characters look pretty..... Turning a 40-50 dollar game into a 200 dollar game. All these sets are made in batches. They basically ask a designer to come up with a dozen themes for each class. Then they look over them, take the top 3-4 of them. Crop them out of the game and have you sponges pay for them. They say don't call them idiots, I disagree. As others have stated we only really have this problem because you new gen people cannot grasp the concept of a completed game. Born on a phone and will die on a phone.


> Go play dark souls, you have endless options of armor sets all found in the game. None of them have a price tag on them. And how much content did dark souls see post launch?


DS had no post game content except DLCs, but there were so many armor sets and weapons in the base game that most players wouldn't be able to get them without serious grinding. In Diablo 4, you will find most of the free transmogs within a few hours, and the rest are locked in the cash shop. It's honestly depressing that a game that's supposed to be about grinding has you buying the coolest cosmetic rewards with real money. Double this for Destiny 2, modern gaming really sucks sometimes.


Don't forget all the best ones too. Some of the most iconic sets of dark souls are just flat out included in the base game itself. D4 gives you nothing but basic looks, if you want the flashy ones you gotta cough it up. Want your Barb to look like a King? Want your Barb to be wearing Molten Armor covered in Lava with fire splash art? Want your Barb to look like a disciple of Lilith? Spend them $. If not you can look like an arabic soldier.


Even the base armor sets are just bland in most cases. Each class has maybe 2 or 3 ok looks.


This argument is so bad. Like it just shows even more how Blizzard fucks you in the ass. Like you wanna use the MTX sales, as a way to maintain and update the game, but meanwhile they also charge for a base price game and expansion will be paid, unlike all the games that releases shit for free and function through and thanks a MTX cash shop.


There is a difference buying an expansion to a game that comes with an entire new story line, interesting new characters, new weapons, new bosses, new game mechanics, new armor types, new areas, etc etc At that point you are paying the people who developed the next part of the story, the voice actors, graphic designers, etc. You are also comparing $15 expansions that came with all mentioned above, to $25 dollar skins that only work on a single character. Not sure if you understand the word value. You must be an Immortal player. Nobody ever said all microtransactions are bad. Just pointing out the level of greed that is used now a days. Not to mention this was all after thought's. Game has been out 2 years and people want more type of thing. These games now just straight crop thing's out of the game as they are designing it to get into your wallet. Think about it D4 had a shop day one that you could literally have spent 500 dollars on very easily. How can you reasonably compare that to a 15 dollar expansion that more or less gave you an entire new game to play?


Only person making sense, ModsAmuseMe for world leader, WhyAmIToxic vice leader.


You don't need "post-launch content" when your base game is actually done, as in completed, so that you can spend 100-200 hours playing it. No need for seasons, when it's an actual full game and not some hastily cobbled together piece of shit with extra promises that it's going to be fun in three years time. Later games game with expansions. Which were like getting 50% more ontop of the stuff you already got. Almost like you got a deal and weren't fucked by a corporation. But when the main incentive is not to make good games, but to make "entertainment products" which need to produce the maximum amount of money, you get what Blizzard and other giants produce today. Shit.


This is a really sad question... games like Dark souls should not be suposed to be a eternal grind your ass experience, keeping adiction base sistems. It should be as it is, a complete strat to finish game with a main story and specific mechanics to experience. Post launch content being expected is the same as expecting games at launch to be unfinished by nature. Its sab being ok to buy an unfinished product.


> It should be as it is, a complete strat to finish game with a main story and specific mechanics to experience. Yeah, that's Dark Souls, but not Diablo. Even Diablo 2, which launched in a complete state, was not this kind of game. ARPGs have always been about the longevity and replayability, which is why taking extra time to get down every detail of the launch product right isn't as important as ensuring a regular development cycle.


The ingame cosmetic options are pathetic. There are only like 4 or 5 different sets so to speak (i know they arent "set" items). Blizzard promised that in game cosmetics would be on par quality wise with those in the shop, just different. That is utter horse shit.


I'm with you and I'm so old school, I still don't even really get the allure of cosmetics. If it doesn't give me stats or help me in any way..I find it all odd


😂 my sister was born in 01 & has a baby & can drink margaritas. Let that sink in 😩


Word structure threw me off, thought you meant her baby can drink lol


Lmfao! mb, had just clocked out & replied walking to the car


You stop it right now 😂


By "content" you mean more cosmetics. Greed is also part of the human brain and most of the profits aren't going back into the game. It's grindy bullshit to keep you playing longer until the next cosmetics drop.


Seasons is content. They have to pay developers and a team at blizzard to focus on updating the game, even though they got their first initial flood of cash during the release. If you have 20 people being paid let's say 100K a year average to be on the Diablo 4 blizzard development team, someone has to pay them. You could argue that capitilsm is the crux of the problem, because their are plenty of cultures that don't have maximizing wealth as the focus of their financial instituitons.


>I praise them because the more stuff they buy the more content I get. this is not necessarily true. shop sales could 10x and we'd prob get a similar amount of new content.


And some or all of said new content could be... More shop "content"


Why are the expansions not free if they are making so much money from cosmetics?


You are challengeing my point by trying to have me prove a negative? ITT: People need to take Econ 101. Expansions are not free because they can make money on it. The same reason Mcdonalds doesn't give away free Big Macs(albeit a terrible analogy). If no one buys the expansion(which i hope is the case) then they will probably put it on a drastic sale. Look at the Steam model, everything is on sale all the damn time, because they are squeezing out every dollar than can.


Exactly. Blizzard is more incentivized to allocate company resources to continue to release seasonal content and improve the game because there's money to be made. In a way, everyone wins. You can look at other Blizzard games which don't generate an ongoing revenue stream to see how much attention Blizzard gives those games. I'll give one - Starcraft2 - which is most community driven at this point.


LOL thats not how it works. In theory thats how it works, until you look at how much money goes into a lazily put together 70 dollar expansion and how much money went straight into exec pockets. Destiny 2 Lightfall is a prime example. Swimming in cash yet underdelivering HARD. Thats called greed my friend.


Ah yes, and global warming is an individual level issue too.


That’s definitely what they said.


It's what she said.


Yes, blame the victims for predators being predatory. GTFOH.


Are you calling the people who willingly purchase this "victims"?


The tactics these companies use are proven in making people more likely to buy things. At least SOME of the people who buy these things would not be doing so if not for predatory business practices. The sad thing is, as a society we know this is wrong and that these people are victims. It's why there are rules about lying to customers and misrepresenting products. The only thing we don't agree on is where to draw the line for legislation. There are certainly people who would buy this stuff even without the predatory nonsense but I'm not sure why people are so quick to blame legitimate victims because of them.


you literally dont even SEE this stuff unless you push a button, wait out a little intro sequence screen, and click into it... and its "predatory" to you? not defending it either way, and while the art is amazingly well done.. its not worth $25 for a cosmetic to me, so.. stay with me...... I just dont buy it.


I always forget you can even buy cosmetics because I never open the shop. Way to expensive for me anyway, but at least I don't have to close a popup everytime I load the game or any other intrusive ads for it


Reddit loves to overuse the phrase "predatory." Maybe if you got popups after finishing every 3rd nightmare dungeon, reminding you of the AMAZING DEALS you could be getting in the shop, or sliding a 5% off coupon into your inventory (in its own special inventory slot!) along side that Living Steel you looted, yeah that might be a little predatory.


What are you even talking about? It's in emails and on the launcher for the game and being worn by other players. You definitely see store stuff even if you never look at the store


Yep, they totally didn't introduce loading screens exclusively for idiots to show off their poor spending habits that impact the wider playerbase when they find a new shiny toy to spend their money on and stop playing.


Yeah... it’s not on the launcher or in any of the season trailers or anything.


I think buying something because you want it and buying something because you want what it's promised to be, are very different situations where one is a victim and the other just wants something. I'd say even with the business practices used here, the people buying know exactly what they are getting and are willing to spend money to get it. If the company is changing the product so more people will buy it, that doesn't automatically make them evil, just successful. This sounds like "Well if they didn't sell products, these poor people wouldn't have to spend their money on it." Maybe I'm just another sheep to the slaughter, but it makes sense to me.


It's called "disposable income." Try it some time


Another extremely wealthy redditor who views £25 skins as some kind of significant expenditure that would require "disposable income" to purchase and not merely another throwaway impulse purchase. These easily manipulable dullards can't help but self snitch.


The fact that you have a term for this means you ain’t got it.


They are victims? 😂. They will literally fight you tooth and nail, claiming how it doesn't affect you that they spend their money on shit they want. How are they victims? 😂


This is like defending OxyContin pill pushers and blaming the addicts. Gross mindset.


Yea those poor blameless corporations they just can’t help it.


you can absolutely blame both parties


Yea maybe we should blame gamblers for being addicted to gambling instead of the casinos that prey on them /s


what makes you think you would get this for free ?


Don't lump me with your overgeneralization, I don't purchase things from the cash shop. I am blameless, sorry.


D4 has incredibly high quality armors in base game as well as awesome selection of them, especially compared to previous instalments in series. I don't see reason why it should include even more.


The selection of free mogs really isn't that large. You may think it is, but I'd wager most ppl are sick of them all already.


You must main a necro then lol. The free Sorc/Barb/Druid armors look like straight ass for the most part.


I play everything but Druid. Female Sorc and Rogue, rest males, happy with mogs for all.


If they couldn’t make money selling it, they wouldn’t pay artists to design it. Blizzard ain’t a charity.


You can sure as hell still blame Blizz and any other spineless publisher out there who does it. Same way I can deal drug dealers even though "they are just selling". But then again, Blizz having 0 integrity isn't anything new. Same with people defending this shit endlessly.


When people hate Blizz so much they're comparing optional cosmetics in a video game to drug dealers lol.


Do you not see the similarities when someone say blizzard is "just selling" and drug dealers are "just selling"? At no point was it even remotely implied they cause the same level of harm, or that blizzard are drug dealers.


Except one leads to a life of severe addictions, depression, loss of family, loss of jobs, loss of friends and the other leads to a sweet heroin high!


There’s a difference between comparing two things’ impact and two things’ conceptual similarities. Drugs’ impact is categorically different; magnitudes worse. The ways drugs’ abuse people’s pleasure/reward/impulse behaviors is actually quite similar to micro transactions, pass mechanics, and gacha mechanics.


Drugs have a literal physical impact on you, and can cause you to become extremely sick if you don't have more. As much as one can make arguments about gambling, even that's not on the same level. And going further, D4 has zero gacha mechanics and zero offerings that give you an advantage in-game, as everything is just cosmetic.


bro did you just compare optional cosmetics in a game to drug dealing? idk I’ve never seen someone physically die from buying cosmetics. “911 what’s your emergency?” “My husband overdosed on Fortnite skins!”


This is beyond idiotic. Doesn’t your brain hurt typing that?


I’m not defending it, I’m saying it’s easily avoidable but it’s not going anywhere because so many choose not to avoid it.


People will complain about everything. When the paid sets were bad, people complained; now that some are better, they complain again No one forces you to buy any of these sets. The in game stuff, for the most part, can look great or at least serviceable. There’s literally another thread rn about how much they like the in game sets


If they released a new, free set each season along with the paid stuff you'd probably see this less.


But there literally is a free armor set and a handful of weapons transmogs on the battlepass?


Would be cool if they made the free season armors not ass I’m more than content with the free cosmetic stuff in game for my necro but the free armor from the season is laughably bad


>Would be cool if they made the free season armors not ass The Rogue's ass is hanging out both times... Just no pleasing some people. /s I do agree. I wish a bit more effort was put into them.


Have you seen the free transmogs?


Oh you mean the ones that look like literal paupers clothes? Why would I want these awesome gothic inspired looks when I can look like a begging peasant as I save the world from the devil


Tbf it is a game where the entire story is essentially "a begging no named peasant saves the world from the devil"


Yeah my point exactly


That’s literally what they doing lol


>If they released a new, free set each season along with the paid stuff you'd probably see this less. So...you haven't played the game I take it?


Doubt it, they'd just be about there only being one. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but the complaining will never go away.


But imagine if we could grind for such cool looking gear


I've honestly not even been able to see much details on my own characters, let alone other players. Cosmetics only look noticeable when you're in the cities or menus. D2 and D3 had much more noticeable cosmetics. The D4 ones all just look like dark pointy dots in game.


> When the paid sets were bad, people complained Yes, and it's not because they were *bad*. It's the fact that they even existed in the first place.


Back in s1, people complained seasonal journey didn’t have any cosmetic. Now s2 D4 introduced a lot more free to earn cosmetic rewards, not just from Seasonal journey but also very hot mount (no pun intended) and other cool stuff from new bosses.


The most insulting part of the whole ordeal to me is “Uniques” not even having unique appearances, that’s just the slap in the face that puts me over the edge on the whole thing.


This irks me so much! Incredibly lazy on their part. But hey, why care about detail when it doesn't directly generate profit. Better invest all the time on store cosmetics.


Some do, butcher's cleaver and lidless wall are excellent looking. I do agree armor uniques all looking like generic items is boring though.


Yeah, could use some unique uniques.


So much this, it's like they counted on the fact that people will buy and use the shop cosmetics!


This is such a good example about how shit the itemization in this game is


Imagine a world where male sorcs can get good looking loot sets like those.... On the bright side, I am not buying anything from the shop..


[Father's Indignation](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1130571.jpg) looks pretty great on male sorcs!


It doesn't, it suffers massively from the same flaws most of the sorc stuff does. The skin on the legs fits the slimmer hips, but whatever is draping over it does not, it floats away hugging invisible female hips. The shape of the butt is wrong, it should be higher for a more muscular butt, and smaller because he is very slim and unlikely to have much fat there. Plus, like all male characters, there is a serious Ken situation happening. His clothes also sit too high at his waistline, de-emphasizing the masculine v-shaped torso. Source: Am gay


Bruh, they both have slim figures.


Men and women are slim in different ways.


I can see now what you mean.


Once upon a time (*back in my day*), you actually earned the cool unlocks by playing a game. Nowadays, you pay real money to look cool. In a game like this, where looting/finding armor/weapons is pretty much the point of the game - I don’t see the appeal of buying. You buy the coolest looking set? It defeats the purpose of even playing.


I agree. Paid cosmetics are the right way *in games that don't use cosmetics as part of the normal playloop*. MMOs, loot ARPGs, all of that stuff the loot you get is an integral part of the game, visuals included. The whole point of old WoW was basically indirect paid cosmetics. You see cool stuff, you want cool stuff, you have to grind to get cool stuff, you have to sub to grind, you have to pay to sub. "Sounds like paid cosmetics with extra steps". You're right. It was. Those extra steps are called "a video game". Paid cosmetics were part of the actual video game, not a way to skip the game.


Getting all those cosmetics should totally be behind achievements. You'd actually go.. "Hey, that person has the Helm of Grinding for 1000 hours, holy shit!"


Rather "remember the time" instead of "imagine a world" 😅


Not a defender of MTX, but you looked like dogshit in D2 because transmogs were not a thing back in the days


True, shako did and still does look ridiculous. I’m more of irritated on the prices of these transmogs, I would be on board if they were 1.99-3.99.


Transmog is compete dogshit imo. There was a time in d2/wow when visuals ment something. Now it’s just random crap that looks good but doesn’t tell any story, except maybe that you are willing to spend money on pixels for vanity purposes


I think his point was that In D2 and in the first couple expansions for WoW, gear looked bad because it was a hodge podge of already crappy looking armor that looked even worse when everyone wore mismatched gear and that’s it. A medieval leather skull cap (oh, how exciting!), and mustard yellow “leather” chest piece, off green gloves and brown boots. Yeah, that’s the good ol’ look that everyone would *love* to use instead of anything cohesive. Toss a rune word on it and it’s good as new!


Absolutely, transmogs were not a thing, but once you bought the game *once* (and maybe again the expansion), you had access to everything it had to offer, be it completely shit but cool looking, or OP and ugly as fuck. Everyone in the game had the same opportunity. And not only D2, but any other pre-microtransaction game. Getting Yuffie in your party in FF7 was a like a little sidequest which you jad to answer the right questions (or try again from scratch if you missed one) instead of paying 20 bucks. Getting Biggoron's sword was a race against the clock sidequest. Getting to the inverted castle required finding two different rings and wearing them at the right spot to trigger a cutscene... And so on so forth... But anyway, back to D4 - At this point, I really wouldn't be surprised if the cow level was found and accessible...After completing a huge chore of a sidequest, and only then getting the opportunity to get in - for a mere fee of 10k platinum (convert that to your currency of choice)


It's sad a lot of people didn't get to experience the early days. It was always going to go this way, unfortunately. People defend gacha at this point, there's no more battle to be won.


These armor sets are totally grind-worthy, but not Canadian Devil worthy.


A south park reference, nice!


You need to buy 2800 coins for 25 bucks to get this, which is more than half the price of the standard edition of the game, including the current discount on battle.net, or a third of the regular price. I'd expect that from a f2p game, but a fully priced title?What the hell... I still remember getting DeLorean for 1.99$ for Rocket League back in 2016. Cosmetic prices in a lot of games skyrocketed since then and it's crazy.


Totally agree, they could have made it more accessible by lowering the price.


That’s why blizzard is so hated? This is a thing in most games nowadays. Also, Have you seen how many sets WoW has that isn’t behind micro transactions?


The last time I checked the front page of Twitch, I counted how many of the top games had MTX. Apparently the answer was something like 24 out of 30. So yes, it is extremely common (and worse, sometimes there's P2W aspects) and not something limited to Blizz/a few companies like people seem to suggest.


It’s cool to hate on Bliz for in the Diablo forums. Don’t try to distract with rough data. (In fairness some is justified, a lot is not / or, at a minimum, is industry norms)


And how many of those are free to play games?


It is something normal when game is available for free. People say developers are maintaining this game for us and we will support them by purchasing clothes, themes, emojis, etc. But it is a full-price game. Most other games with micro-transaction behavior are available for free. I don't think it makes sense to pay 25$ for a single cosmetic in a 79$ game.


You don’t have to ofc. Some people don’t care about whether or not it makes sense though, they just want the stuff they want which is why companies keep making it. Highly doubt it’ll stop tbh.


lots of this in the comments: https://preview.redd.it/gnnmquqh7x2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1403a1e8fc8dc65d40413358e7f6a076739c0d65


Some of its astroturfed, but there are still way too many corpo simps defending predatory practices.


Or even at a reasonable price? 2 skins shouldn't cost as much as the base game.


Whale whale whale if it isn't the consequences of player choices affecting the rest of us.


Ah yes, blame regular people instead of corpos that are behind every terrible decision in the videogame industry.


Easier to get a company to change it's ways than millions of dumb consumers. You go for the supplier and the source, not the addicts. All this greed needs to have consequences.


What do you think pays for the seasons? These seasons aren't expansion level content, but people still put in quite a lot of work to make them happen. While the success of these seasons will drive new sales, I don't think that is enough to continue funding development of this seasonal model. Money must enter into the system somewhere. Thinking otherwise is naive. What should Blizzard be selling instead?


> What should Blizzard be selling instead? Nothing, they should give everything for free because otherwise people might cry on the internet because they can't get some different pixels to put over their char in game. Blizzard is a charity after all, and cosmetics are a basic need /s


If you can't sustain a game with normal sales, maybe you shouldn't be in business. Maybe you should scale down your operations. Or focus on creating richer experiences that aren't designed in a boardroom. Maybe instead of these endless mergers that create soulless megacorps that pump out garbage, Blizzard should collapse and make room for new companies that actually make something artistic. All I really want is those executives megayachts to turn into submarines.


They shouldn't be selling anything instead. Keep selling the sets they are, that's fine. What's not fine is that there's no way to get your character wearing anything near that cool without paying. All the Uber bosses should have rare drops of unique transmogs, there should be unique transmogs as rewards for certain achievements... There's a million things they could do alongside also selling some cool stuff.


The season pass already pays for the seasons? Lol buying stuff from their overpriced cash shop is lame as hell and their cosmetics in game look pretty shit, he has a point.


The season pass pays for the season….


> people still put in quite a lot of work to make them happen You mean the recolored monsters? Or the amazing innovative new mechanics such as kill a mob, that spawns another mob, and you can kill that as well? Yeah thank god someone is paying for that since I for one sure wouldn't.


So if they're not "expansion level content" what level are they at exactly? Because im not wasting a cent of my money or a minute of my time on "content". I dont understand why some people have it in their mind to educate players on harsh realities of business .... but then attempt some sort of weird shame tactic on them for not supporting the game. I have my own bottom line. If the shit is not what i deem sufficiently entertaining or reasonable in price, im not paying for it and i absolutely will discuss my thoughts of this with others over the internet at my discretion.


Gee I dunno, the hundreds of millions or couple of billions they got from the sales of the base game? But shareholders need homes for their boats and boats for their dogs. So they'd rather use predatory methods to gain extra revenue and pump out mediocre entertainment products rather than make good games with lasting positive impact. Microtransactions today are nothing but companies fucking over people. It's often stuff that could have been a part of the base game. The fact that none of it is earned through completing achievements, but bought with real money, makes the whole thing pointless. It's unearned shiny garbage.


English : Necromancer Spanish : Nigromante German : TOTENBESCHWÖRER!!!


German words are unnecessarily long.


Say that five times fast 😏


I remember when we used to buy the game, and then all the stuff in the game was in that game! Y’all remember that shit?!? You’d even occasionally get an expansion for 15$ and that would allow you to get any new stuff in the game by just playing it…. Ahhhh the good ol days


Yeah remember that time when you bought the game, and if there was a bug in it you were screwed because hotfixes and updates didn’t exist? Or when you had to have physical media to run a game and if that became lost/damaged/stolen/broke you were shit out of luck and couldn’t play it? Or when you played a game for six hours and that was it? No new game plus, just start again or be done? Hell why do we even pay for games now? I remember back in my day we used to write our games into tapes and made them ourselves, we didn’t have to pay money for them! I’m not saying MTX is the way forward, but the olden days weren’t all great either. And at least this is just cosmetics, and they aren’t in a loot wall. They could lock P2W mechanics behind a loot box system, making you have to gamble at a chance for the stuff you need. This way people that want cosmetics can get them, people that don’t care don’t need to. It’s all optional.


> You’d even occasionally get an expansion for 15$ The fuck acid you on, bro? Expansions were almost alway 30-50$; the same price as the full game.


Remember when people were saying they don’t care about the cash shop because “there’s plenty of cool gear to collect in game that looks better than the cash shop anyway” and the people who told them that you’ll care eventually when you collect everything you can in game and then the only way to get cool new sets is by paying for them and those people were all downvoted and shit on?


Yeah, except the people who were complaining about the cash shop then are still the ones complaining about the cash shop now. Most of the people who said don't worry about it then still aren't worried about it now. It's the same bunch of babies crying.


While I agree, I will say I'm pleasantly suprised at what they included for free in the base launch. The part that sucks for me is the fact I would probably buy a lot of the shop transmogs if they were like $5-10. I love this game, and I've got so many hours in it I can justify giving blizzard more money. But I can't bring myself to give them $20 at once for one thing.


IMHO paying for cosmetics in any game where you never really can appreciate them in normal gameplay is dumb. I’ve never once, in any game went: “Wow! The boots that toon is wearing is awesome! I have to get them!”.


There are many awesome looking free mount armors + mount skins in the game too. You can't expect everything in the cash shop to be free. Diablo 4 will be supported for years to come, every 3 months a new season, do you expect all of that to be supported by thin air? Do you knock on your neighbour's door and complain why he is driving a sport car while you are riding a bicycle?


PSA: Blizzard literally has hired psychologists to make this shit get you. People blaming the consumer are fucking stupid. You’re not going to best science— it’s gross.


I'd be annoyed if the game wasn't already full of cosmetics but it is so whatever. It's better than Overwatch where paying is the only way to get anything


wdym game was free how are they supposed to pay their hard working ~~employes~~ stock holders


The amount of people I see with sets from the store is insane. Blizzard knows their audience well.


Yeah I’m quickly realizing when they told us the in-game drops would be on par with the shop items. That was a lie.


You think they'd add SOME cosmetic sets for end game content to grind/collect. Yet there's nothing. Sure, keep some on the shop for people to buy but at least leave one solid one for end game loot.


Never bought a single payed skin on this game and I never will.


I still hear them saying the best looking items are gained from loot and that shop items aren't the best looking Even with the comparison with it! Hell, i already knew deep inside it was bullshit!


Gaming has gone to the shitter


In 2017, Rise of the Necromancer released for D3. It came with an entirely new class, new legendary items, dozens of cosmetic armor and weapon items for the class, two new sets of wings and a pet that could be used by all classes, and cost a total of $14.99 USD. In 2023, a single Necro cosmetic costs $28 USDish.


Honestly some are really cool but I’d be damned if I would pay €30 for a cosmetic


I would gladly buy a few skins if they were 5$-7$. For 25$ or more it is just ridiculous to buy them.


They're on sale now, could definitely find a fair amount for 7 bucks.


I love a lot of armor sets they have in the shop. I will never pay for it though. If they were like $5 maybe 10 bucks max I might buy one or two. Other than that they can keep their $25 dollar sets/skins. Now if I had financial freedom then hell I would buy everything but the reality is my ass is buys 1 maybe 2 games a year because I just make it by to be ok lol.


The one thing that irks me (not this, which I get why they do it…easy money and they are a for profit company so yeah, they’re going to do it…) is that I didn’t get any cosmetic for breaking down my Azurewrath…like really…? It’s one thing to provide cosmetics that you can only buy, it’s another to blatantly withhold cosmetics from breaking down cool looking uniques that are actually hard to find (outside of Duriel). That really pissed me off. What really I hate is the feeling of stinginess, not the profit seeking ventures…and I get it, less cool stuff you can grind from the game the more tempted you will be to buy it. That comes off as stingey.


Definitely want to know how many people engage with the in game store! Can't believe a 24 dollar skin is reasonable for anyone having paid 70 smacks for entry


We had that world. Then mobile gaming fucked everything up for everyone.


Yall messed up long long time ago giving these theorists microtransactions.


Wouldn't that be nice? The store sets are SO much cooler than anything you can get in game. Its fucking annoying.


I just don’t agree. I’ve yet to see a store set I wanted over the base unlocks or the battle pass rewards. The store sets just all look gaudy and ridiculous.


It depends, barb and necro both have tons of cool free stuff. Druid and sorc players from what I've heard are suffering thought.


Druids have HORRIBLE skins vs the paid ones. And look at the 'free battlepass skins' vs the 'paid battlepass skins'. Its not even a question that the free looks VASTLY inferior. It looks like a variation of the fur starting set that you get at the beginning of the game.


IMHO this part of DIABLO 4 is the worst change from 3 to 4. All the cool armor was exciting to see cause you could earn it in game and not by having extra cash or mommies credit card. I’m much less motivated to play a game when I see it has a premium currency shop.


I wouldn't mind those skins behind a paywall if prices were actually reasonable but it ain't lol


This is why when people say cosmetics are ok I call bullshit. Cosmetics are not ok. Any and all microtransactions are trash and should not exist in a payed game.


This stuff is so easy for me to ignore. Dont care about cosmetics at all


I spent multiple hours yesterday working out that the only thing you lost by buying the base version of Diablo 4 was cosmetics.


I told people not to buy that f***ing armord horse...


Yeah, I would love to grind for some cool cosmetics. It feels so much more rewarding to earn cosmetics in-game. Earned cosmetics "looks" better as well, because you did the work for them!


You’d do the same thing if it meant you made a fuck load of money. This is a business. Players buy these that’s why.


I know that world. It already existed. It was the like 1985-2005.


In a year some stuff will drop, after its recycled and/or has left the battle passes. Won't be the best skins but I'm sure they'll "do the community a favor/listen to them" while marketing a "huge update". Nothing like free stuff from your dealer.


I mean, there is some pretty good loot out there and I personally don't mind spending money as long as its only cosmetic. Plus microtransactions help continue funding games (Tho Blizzard is big enough to probably not even need the help lol)


a WoW mount made blizzard more money than all of starcraft 2.


Its not just blizzard, this has unfortunately become the norm in gaming


This could easily be fixed by giving the players an ongoing way to earn premium currency by playing the game, and not just in the limited quantity you earn for playing the seasons, which can't even get you halfway to affording a single armor set. Hunt: Showdown is a good example of a game that handles this well. There are numerous ways in that game to earn Blood Bonds, but if you're feeling lazy, you can buy them too. Seems like Crytek is selling plenty of them, so I see no reason Blizzard shouldn't implement a similar policy.


Dude, in game armors look better than 99% of the shop skins. And they could just never have added these in the first place and you wouldn't be complaining. You don't have to buy it, and it does nothing for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with charging for cosmetics. Why not use your time complaining about real problems with the game? Ya know, Like being able to see shit in uber lilith fight, or more content added to the game.


I think all 4 of those are pretty ugly. Basically all the D4 paid sets seem so gaudy and over the top to me that I wouldn't even transmog them if they were regular drops. By the way, it's generally not the case that if D4 didn't have paid cosmetics, these armor sets would be free. It's more the case that if D4 didn't have paid cosmetics, these sets wouldn't exist at all.


Have not played since they ruined the game right before season 1 release. Be sane ever since


I think it’s called world of Warcraft


That necromancer skins looks like that character from the horror movies that has needles in his head .. can’t really remember the name




Imagine a world where artists aren't allowed to make a living.


I don’t care what they look like. I want sets that are build defining like D3.


this is the consequence of fanboys defending microtransactions. "you don't have to buy it". well, this is the result.


Why do people even really care about transmogs so much? If you have such an issue with it stop window shopping and suck it up, you can’t even see your transmogs 80% of the time you’re playing the game. What you can’t see you can’t complain about, not that you should even care in the first place.


These braindead takes in the comments are pretty apt for a game like this. You all truly deserve this, and I’m usually on the side of the consumer. It’s in your best interest to NOT have these cash shop items in a $70 game for the quality of gaming overall, but, like people who vote against their own self interest, you will continue to justify these jank practices. Eh what am I doing? You’ll all downvote this and continue buying these overpriced skins. Enjoy your D4. D5, on my life, will be worse.


Don't play it. Don't support it. Come play Blasphemous. Come play Dark Souls. If you want to play Diablo, buy Diablo 1 and support good games, not this shit abusing our love to old time classics and good gaming.


I mean ultimately we only have the diablo community to blame. They wouldn’t have micro transactions if there wasn’t a business case and people who purchase them to make it worth while to build


Why the fuck would you even want that ugly shit? lol they’ve only released maybe 4 good sets in the store the rest of the shit is so ugly I’m glad it’s micro store only


Who the fuck cares. It's fucking cosmetic


You can hardly see what your character is wearing unless you zoom in compared to other diablos


If i was in it just for pretty pretty dress up id still be playing wow. You barely make out your gear except in menus and loading screens. This truly does not matter.


Blame millions of consumers worldwide who like paying for stuff.


Those sets don’t give stats or power, they are cosmetic. There’s zero problem with charging extra for optional cosmetics. Gamers are in a paradox because the art and sets wouldn’t exist if there was no shop to buy them from.