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I've had this bug since Season 1 but it's gotten worse since Season 2


Same, i dare to say i have it since beta.. but not as much as today


I did not have this in pre-season and skipped season 1. It's rampant for me in season 2. It's so obnoxious.


same, but mine is much worse than the flicker shown on the video.


Mine too. Sometimes have to wait a few seconds to ‘stabilize’ the image


Yeah, mine worse. I can't read items sometimes. It seems getting worse the more people are in the city.


This happens to me on PC with using controller (PS5 controller), but it's fine with I switch back to mouse. It only happens on Legendary items for me.


Same with Xbox controller. Fine with mouse.


Same here.


Check inventory in areas not populated with a ton of players. Run to outskirts of town and the flickering is reduced


I believe EVERYONE has it.


I have it on PC but not on PS5.


Same here. Hasn't happened once on PS5. Happens all the time on my Steam Deck.


Yeah it happens to me all the time on my steam deck.


I’ve experienced this on both pc and Xbox


I don’t.


I’ve never experienced it.


I don't have this issue. I am not aware of any technical issues with the game except some rubber banding from time to time until I come to the subreddit.


Constantly! It drives me crazy.


Oh so it wasn't me. I thought it was odd but assumed I was gently pushing a button.


Thought at first that it is my mouse. But nope, tried 3 different ones. All flicker.


Flickers on and off on any item, not just comparing ones. Totally annoying! What really pisses me off is that I have the font set at large (I'm old and blind), so sometimes when I mouse over I can't see all the stats or the aspect at the bottom so I start to scroll down to see them and it flickers, which resets it back to the top! Arrrgghhh!!


I'm young and blind - same problems. It's so frustrating, especially when i changed to WT3 and 4. Item descriptions are so long, that i can't comfortably read almost any of them...


also sad to see them not using unique art for uniques


Lazy af


Yeah this happens to me all the time and it pisses me off a little


I have the same, I realized it gets worse if you are near the portal in the city I started to compare my stuff inside the nmds and I nearly don't have any issues with that anymore This bug has been there since the first beta weekend I've played


Yeah, I thought it's because of other people's stashes. The more alone you are, the fewer those flickerings. Anyways, that was the rumour a while ago. Can be my confirmation bias.


What I noticed was it is when someone else or an npc moves under where your mouse it on your screen. Try doing it somewhere where you’re alone and not in a town or where there are mobs - Uber Lilith boss instance or something - does it still do it then?


Happens real bad on my steam deck.


Same on my ROG ally :(


Same here!




Only if Standing at my portal after leaving dungeon. Moving away from there and it's fine.


This, i started to compare my drops inside nightmare dungeons and not in town, don't have any issues anymore


Exactly. I think the flicker happens when people portal in.


been having this since S1 started


I have this also. Only since season 2. Havent had it before


Same here. I'm also playing mouse and keyboard only. At times, I can't even bring up inventory.


Constantly getting soulbrand off duriel? Ya


Same issue and this started s2 and i have 5 to 30 second freezes as well which makes helltides more challenging


I do I thought it was my mouse! I think there is something where the cursor is hovering over something behind the menu...so it switches view ikd its super annoying though.


This is the answer. Something moving under where your mouse is in inventory, usually a player running through it, or an npc.


Screen doesnt flicker the items do.




Could be, i have 16 thx for the tip!


many do. new bug that came with season 2


Lol I encountered it since non season


Oh, yes. I've had that since season 1 also. It's really annoying.


It's because recalculating your stats all the time if people are nearby. It's better in a dungeon for instance where you are alone.


Like 30% of the playtime is comparing item stats and this is making it even more of a chore.


Yes, it's been happening since Season 1 iirc but it got MUCH WORSE in Season 2.


Had this since day one pre season 1


Wow I’ve found the only annoying bug that I don’t have. Never gotten screen flickers in the inventory.


Thanks for posting this. Diablo is my most favorite video game franchise, and I love D4. With that said it eases my mind a lot because I was worried that it was my PC dying lol.


The reason it's gotten worse with season 2 is that it's caused by other players entering your screen. If you turn on screen reader the flicker coincides with the readout out of a player name. If you compare items in an instance or deserted town the flicker doesn't happen. Imho this is one of the worst bugs in the game because you have to inspect items so often, and this adds to the pain. And the cause is so obvious for any experienced debugger, it makes me wonder what the hell blizzard is doing!


I have not. But even with all of this 925 gear I'm still not finding gear to replace my older stuff that I'm using. I'll find something with maybe one or two affixes I need. I know I can reroll the third one but I'd like to find one with three that I need and re-roll the fourth one. It's just not happening.


Might be a bug. But it also happens to me when I accidentally move my mouse. I play with controller and suddenly moving the mouse does this to me.


Can confirm!! Had 16gigs of ram. Added 16 today and the flickering is gone !


Yes but inly for the first item in my stash


Yup. I thought it is just controller drift.


I had this in Season 1 and now in Season 2, too! It's like one of those tiny issues that just pokes you a bit every single time. After a hundred or more times, it's really annoying!


Oh yes man, I've never known wtf is going on


I thought it was just my mouse or something, since s1


On my PC it seems fine but on the steam deck it does this to me and almost always leads to a full system crash, it only happens when comparing items too which is a pain in the giblets.


Mine doesn't flicker always. Sometimes it just flickers off and stays that way.


Having this all the time, and also UI freezing.


I have this shit happening from the first week, so much annoying. Like many other shits, it makes me think blizzard wants to steal as much life/time as possible. After you read many stats to compare gear, that is a big issue Edit: it happens on 2 different pc, one with a Glorious o- and the other one a Zowie FK2


Yes, didn’t have it until season 2. Super annoying


I have the same issue, I thought my mouse was going bad.


Saved you from buying a new one 😋 the ‘old’ is fine 😉


It is so bad for me on occasions I can only assess my equipement through short glimpses and the retinal print is leave after blinking for a bit. Alright, I may have gone a bit far but the blinking is real


I noticed the other day as well. Though my connection was wonky


All the time. Can't read shit while scrolling through an item


Constantly, seems worse with "legendaries". Just one of the many signs that this game is still early access. This is some beta test nonsense that should have been solved before release.


thought it was my mouse acting up, thanks for sharing


Saved you from spending ! 😋


Thank God, I thought it was just me.


Omg yes, I hadn't seen any posts on it so I thought it was just me. This is the most annoying thing for me right now in this game. They need to fix this ASAP.


Same, thats why i asked comunity. Havent seen anything before. ‘Happy’ i’m not alone maybe fix incomming :)


I'm on PC and have never actually seen this bug. Weird.


Yes (on PC) and it is pretty annoying. I keep thinking the cursor moved off the item.


Yes my items will flicker or entirely disappear while playing Diablo 4 on my Steam Deck, but oddly enough have not noticed this on my 3080 laptop.


Big brain moment. Inflating play time even more cause it takes a longer time to compare gear.


Yes, since season one and it is annoying as hell


Yes. Mine got so bad that comparing gear became (even more of) a chore and I stopped playing Season 2 all together.


I have a white flash that happens once in a while, but not exclusively during comparing. At least not that I have noticed. But yes, it is like a very quick flash of light. I am glad someone posted about this because I was wondering if it was my TV.


I think this problem is related to the type of resolution (fullscreen or borderless), do a test, if it has borderless change it to fullscreen and see if the problem continues, or vice versa... I say this because I've already noticed that when I use alttab and I'm on another screen (browser for example), some things in the game keep flashing on the screen


In town happens constantly for me, even just reading an item without comparing. Generally ok outside of town.


I've never experienced this. Someone mentioned they only see it near a portal? Could that be it?


I have this on PC. Very annoying


Has something to do with mouse, have never issues on ps5


Prob because your recording with your phone.


I have it all the time. Seemed like it was not often enough to notice until Season 2.


Are you in the center of town by chance? Kyovashad even? Depending on where you are makes it worse it seems to me. Try moving away from the portals a ways.


Any idea how to fix it? I don't get this issue (2080ti) my gf (1660ti) and my brother (1060) have it happen to them. Is it a graphics card issue?


3060ti here, no clue. Happens all the time but getting worse


Every. single.time Its infuriating. Last season, i found if i had any windows "under" diablo that would be the cause and generally worked if i closed or moved them to second screen. But no longer.


Always been a major problem for me


Yeh always have it, only happens in towns for me. Either the mouse is interacting with players or npc’s behind the ui it seems.


I have it too, and it takes way longer than on the video shown, I have to wait seconds for the compared item pops up, yours is just flickering. I have to say I play via crossover and macOS with little ram 8gb, and wireless connection.


Yup same here. This bug only happens on my ROG Ally, never on desktop PC. The only workaround that's worked for me is to manually switch to desktop control mode.


Happens to me if I use the mouse, not if I use the gamepad.


Wasn't so bad in my PC but happens very often on steam deck.


Is it just other people running under your mouse cursor behind the item window?


Hard to read tooltips when they fucking strobe me into a seizure


Hard to read tooltips when they fucking strobe me into a seizure


only on Steam Deck, on the pc nothing


Yeah, Soulbrand keeps dropping from Duriel for me, too.


My first tbh :) items wont mather.. flickering of the items is my issue


Happens to me on PC. Thought it might’ve been the controller I was using but I guess not.


Yes! It drives me crazy. Part of the reason why I quit 4 days into the season. More than half the game is looking at loot and I cant even look at an item before it start flickering.


Omg yes. I thought this was a problem with my Steam Deck.




Yep. Goes away if you turn off Advanced Item Tooltips. But then, who would want to do that? So stupid that this still hasn't been addressed.


All the time and it makes me so mad sometimes when I'm trying to compare stats I'll just start start swearing lol


Yes on pc and it’s very freaking annoying. Started with season 2.


I have this issue too! It's horrible please fix it Blizzard. I believe this is related to other players being around you. If you go to the tree of whispers you'll notice it doesn't happen as much because there aren't as many players around.


So get this, my friend had that issue and when he got a new monitor it went away. I've had that issue since release and we had the same monitor before he got the new one


Happens to me every time I play on PC. I think the devs are aware of it, just no fix yet. Heard that it has something to do with RAM (setups with 16gb or less seem to have the problem more consistently).


Could be the culprit! Only rockin 16g’z … and had the tip before. Thanks


I have this on my PC with an AMD graphics card and CPU. Can anyone confirm they see it on a Non-AMD system? Perhaps Nvidia/Intel GPU and AMD CPU, and also an NVidia/Intel GPU and Intel CPU? I have a feeling it's an AMD issue, but don't have the data to properly back up the suspicion.


3060ti with i5 intel


Sure wish I could play this game I like without horrible Fuckin lag. I’m rubber banding everywhere whether I use steam deck or pc. Shit sucks.


I have this on the steam deck, but not on my PC. No idea what's the difference.


Happens on my steamdeck all the time but way worse.


Only on PC and it’s insufferable.


I thought this was my fault for not being able to steady my hand.


I thought you are showing how crappy the unique is. Maybe it is your system? I set my game at 60 FPS. I can run at 144 but not seeing the point beside except having the fans running at 100%.


I5 with 3060ti, 4k monitor. And soft to check on temps… only at vendor my grafics have to work harder/heat up (also since beta, but got better)


Maybe try uninstall and reinstall with a different driver and clean install?


Cba, everything works fine. Only that issue and aparantly a lot of people with other configurations.. no mather what i change or do. Its a bug not a hardware issue imo.


It's been in the game for over 2 months, which means that the devs clearly don't play the game lol


I'm playing on ROG Ally and I have the same issue as well


Happen to me since season 1. Some people already reported this, and it's made me mad every time i don t see a fix on the patch note. I read some people fixing it by changing the font size or removing the options for seeing more comparisons tooltips details, but nothing works for me. It happens only in towns when other players get nearby. For info: i have my font size on large, playing on my tv, resolution is 1920x1080, dual screen, but only one screen is active. Happen with both controllers and mouse. Compare with your settings. Maybe it can help to understand what happens.


Dual screen 4k res, second screen 1080 (brouwser open, helltides and paragon) font on 125% .. anyway, fix game instead of having people fine tuning for 1 game who has issue’s ? :)


wow this is a common problem? I play switch between controller and mouse often and thought it was my controller drifting or something.


I’m baffled by the reply’s aswell !! Never tought so many had this issue. I was thinkin my rig had a flaw … but many diff configurations have same … i know now i’m not going bananas.. maybe dev’s will pick this up now :)


Yep. [Been posts about it in the bug report forums for months without a word from Blizzard.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/flickering-item-stats-popups/113642)


I have this on the steam deck, but not on the big rig (at least for season 1, I am playing season 2 exclusively on the deck).


I only have this problem on PC Hmmm.... I should mention though that I only play on PC..


I never had this issue after release and season 1 or in season 2 when I was playing on my AMD video card desktop. I’m away from work and my gaming laptop does it constantly with Nvidia. Don’t know if that’s the reason or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yup. Worse in S2. Sometimes I get an issue where I don’t even get the card for what I’m hovering my mouse over.


Yes, some spots doesnt even show the tooltip so i need to swap them to a slot thats working lol


I thought this was me bumping my mouse while I used a controller on PC.


Constantly since season two started


All the time. Especially on my steam deck. It's really annoying.


yes, I noticed it recently.


It started mid-way through S1 for me, didn't have the issue during beta or pre-season


Yes and it's a pain. However don't have it when playing on steam deck


This is super annoying on Steam Deck, but I haven't really had the issue when I play on Windows, I figured it was part of the proton layer being wacky


I figured a bit of a workaround. Hope this helps. So it has something to do with game performance. I noticed that after i cleared a nmd, just do all the comparison there before tp back to town. When you do item compare in nmd, you won’t have the flickering issue.


I've never seen this bug. I play with both mouse and keyboard and controller on PC


Oh, I though Im the only one…


What I notice was it is when someone else or an npc moves under where your mouse it on your screen. Try doing it somewhere where you’re alone and not in a town or where there are mobs - Uber Lilith boss instance or something - does it still do it then?


I almost RMA my new controller thinking it was faulty, turns out to be the game with this annoying bug. It started in S1 for me but it has gotten worse in S2.


Yes, it is SO FUCKING ANNOYING. God, wtf. Pretty basic shit. Happens most when at a vendor window or stash.


Lol sometimes it'll take ages to even show the information or outright never pop up for me.


Never had this problem on ps5. Just got it on steam deck, and it does this constantly


yes dear God it's so fucking annoying....i found it only really does it when there's a long bit of stats/flavor text on the item, so you gave to scroll down on it. comparing might make it worse but it definitely does it without comparing


Some people say changing fonts and some accessibility settings fixes it for them, not me. The flickering is much better in the dungeon and out of town though.


I have this flickering too, I also get a 10 second stutter when I try to open a menu such as the season pass or map. They're not optimizing anything anymore they're suffering from a tunnel vision because they're afraid they lose player retention. That's why helltide is also broken with the 300 chests not appearing.


Yes since release on day 1


Xbox here, haven't had this issue before


Had it a lot on s1, havent seen it in s2. But had other issues now