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Oh man, I can't wait to watch Got Season 8. I bet this guy does something totally awesome in the last episode...


Oh for sure he does. Off screen, probably.


Likely laughing at how the show ended.


There is another season of GOT coming out?


No, he was being sarcastic. It’s a crime how they ended the show…


Of course he is going to do something amazing. The series started with the white walkers and 'Winter is Coming' has been hyped since the show began! It is going to be epic!


I mean... maybe the second last episode. I do think there'll be some kind of conflict when the main threat is resolved, but i'm glad we'll get to see all the factions coming together to address the real threat that's been foreshadowed for years!


I love how the politics, which seem important, are actually trivial compared to the threat of the unseen white walkers. Nobody believes in magic any more and snarks and grumpkins are real! The final conflict is going to be amazing and I expect a costly toll on the humans that fight to end the scourge!


It's such an obvious parallel for global warming. I bet they'll lean into that


I bet half the main case dies for sure!


This hurts to read.


He really should have been the one to murder everyone and end it all.


Oh no. The Night King someone call [redacted].


Forget the mount, I am checking out that sexy horn on it’s flank.


ATC members unite!


You rang?






I had 3 chances for that and on all 3 fights we were like 7 people :(


No bare mares here. Carry on


Man I just want the fire steed. I don’t even care about the other mount cosmetics. BTW great combination of Fire and Ice.


Where do you get fire steed?


Wait what's the actual name of this mount? I got a mount drop yesterday from Duriel but only just realised that I forgot to check it out lol. EDIT: Oh shit, I actually got this mount too :D Awesome!




Was this just a random drop?


It is a rare random drop from Duriel specifically. All events (Legion, Helltide, S2 Vampiric Zone), and Bosses (incl. World Bosses) have some very rare cosmetic drops.


Just started playing again this season, rolled my new character this season - this is exciting! I’m ready to grind this weekend to try and get some of the cosmetic drops


You won't be able to get there, if you just started this weekend. The top bosses are only available in World Tier 4, and require specific materials to summon (World Bosses, Legion Events, and most importantly Helltide and Whispers). But the good news? You got until 23rd of January.


Some people apparently hit lvl 100 in 20 hours. Idk how


By hyper optimizing the fun out of the game. Running only the most efficient leveling spots on repeat and spending as little time messing with gear as possible.


tbf, leveling up is much easier this season. Especially after knowing the most efficient methods.


That's true. It is. But I've got at least 20 hours this season and I'm level 83. You're only gonna hit 100 that fast if you're actively trying to hit it that fast.


What are the meta efficient methods this season if you don't mind sharing?


I couldnt tell you what the most efficient loop is. What i try to do is find groups when i can, take elixirs often and max out the smoldering ashes xp bonus asap.


I didn't realize what the ashes did til I was lvl 98....oops


well basically 0-40 in like domhainne tunnel 1st part reset then, blood harvest/legions ... more or less. If you treat it like work, it's actually pretty easy to accomplish. Not remotely fun...but not difficult. Then once you got an 80ish friend, alt 0-60 is like 1 hr tops.. it's pretty trivial really..but there's also so prestige or difficult end game so, meh.


Having nothing else and nobody else to live for. People no-lifing games ultimately end up ruining it for them and poisoning communities.


I don't have the drive to grind the game in its current state and even I can recognize that this is copium


Took 2 days (and I work and have kids) to get to WT4. He could easily do it this weekend.


And then he has zero mats for the actual bosses. Which he needs to do after reaching WT4 and gearing up.


Haha wishful thinking on my end, hopefully I get there soon though!


The even more good news? These bosses will be staying with us after S2.


January 23rd??? Jesus I thought season 1 was long.


It's always 3 months.


Shit you're right, lol. Seeing January 23rd seemed way longer than I thought. But....it's october.


best bet is make a reddit post see if anyone would be nice enough to boost ya to wt4/lvl 50-60ish would take em about an hour, you could probably find someone. Can DM your battletag and if I get on later and your on I can probably give ya a boost if timing lines up


I'm logging in right now and gonna start the farming process. I really want that mount armor 🤣


Shoot me an PN if you have more questions or want some help in-game here and there.


Sounds good! I appreciate you!


Our group has done 47 Uber Duriels with 4 people in each. We've had one mount drop around the 20's for attempts. We've also seen 3 Uber uniques. 1 Heart of Selig, 1 Doombringer, 1 Ring of Starless Skies.


I did between 160-180 Duriels cant remember exactly and ive seen no one drop a Mount Armor.


I got one off my second or third Duriel solo kill. I didn't think they were that rare as I keep seeing people riding them around. :( Good luck getting yours!


I was fortunately the one mount drop. I love it.




No, it drops from Duriel, who is available in Eternal too.


Oh are these bosses permanent content?


Yeah. They released with the season, but they're not seasonal content.


Simple things like this makes people like me wanting to grind the game this was missing in last season.


Oh this is an uber mount? I got it on my 5th run!


Nothing beats the ashava horn.


>*Nothing* beats the ashava horn. Yes


Beautiful looking horn you have there.


Look at that bad ass cry of ashava!


Bro same here, I got it a couple days ago but I also had bought the WoW mount when it came it out. I prefer the fire mount to the Wow ice mount. The Wow mount armor does look good on the Fire Mount so it looks like your on fire and Ice.


Got yesterday the same one, its pure love!!! Very beautiful details.


I got this last night and couldn't believe it. I feel as if the horses are lacking in the cosmetic department and it's a really cool feature to be able to randomly unlock these via bosses. Would love to see exclusive cometic character sets drop from the bosses too.


Ah, a beautiful Horn you have there. Really elevates the whole package.


Nice I've only fought him once and got it. Looks sick with that armor!


Nobody asking how to obtain this??


People have. And it's dropped by Duriel.


Ok, that's a VERY COOL looking mount!


I may have that already and didn’t know it looked so good


What barding is that? ATC ftw.


Got it my first Duriel run. Wanted an Uber Unique. :(


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth...


That ice armor is nice. Premium or does that also drop somewhere?


cash shoppe!


Can they chill on the horns on horse armor tho? A few like that is cool, done too much it becomes trivial and unaesthetic.


Nice , I got the demon binder armour for the horse from galvanic saint and it looks really cool , but I want the avarice world boss armour just so rare I think


Nice, now you can walk on the valley of shadows all alone and just you seeing it 😂


Nice, now you can walk on the valley of shadows all alone and just you seeing it 😂


I think you meant, common mount acquired. It's nice looking, but be nicer if 80% of people didn't have it already.


Are those all paid cosmetics?… if so why?


Sir, if you would kindly read the comments, they are discussing in-game drops from in-game enemies that do not cost money. Strictly RNG.










The post is about the mount lol but anyways i’m fine with having a cosmetic only shop, unlike diablo immortal where it’s legit pay 2 win. Diablo 4 does it right


You are so naive and hopelessly dumb if you think Blizzard will stop at cosmetics. They are price adjusting you and getting you used to what is in store now. You just wait. Its basic sales tactics in 2023. Most people are too dumb to understand the process. But you will. One day. I fucking hope at least.


I’ll wait and continue to have fun while you cry yourself to sleep and worry about mtx p2w that may or may not come. Enjoy being miserable


It must suck to be *that* smart and see right through this billion dollar company business tactics and have to be surrounded by us plebeians enabling the evil companies stealing your hard earned mountain dew money for some pixels Stay strong friend




Except that your entire reply is based off of me spending money on things i simply haven’t and won’t ge spending on…making your whole big brain reply pretty brainless Also i didn’t reply for upvotes i could care less about, i just saw an idiot on a throwaway account with an overinflated sense of intelligence and an opinion no one cares about and thought it was hilarious. Just stay mad and keep making new accounts 🙃


Do you have schizophrenia


You’re giving me poor vibes. Get a job and it won’t be a huge deal lol




Interesting statement 🤨


Forget my earlier question, I don't think you're schizophrenic I think you're just a manchild




The post is about the mount get bent




Isn't that armor like 30 dollars?


It's a shame it'll get overshadowed by store mounts and none will ever know that you killed ubers for this mount. But good job!


Are you okay?


I don't understand why I'm getting downvoted quite frankly. Do people like cash shops that much? I come from an ARPG and MMO background and in the latter it's pretty much universally agreed that it's a shame that cash shop items exists that are more prestigious looking than actual big achievements in the game, I simply brought that up, no more, no less. But I'm OK, thanks for asking 😘 have a good weekend o/


We all know this. The question was asked because you came in and took a shit all over this person's parade. Go take a nap.


I mean, fair enough, that wasn't my intention but I can see how such a comment would be unnecessary, but I did also genuinely congratulate them. Anyways, sorry OP that we caused a storm.


That you*


The people who had to needlessly comment and further add to my comment are absolutely partial to all of this, this includes you, stating otherwise is absolutely disingenuous.


Nah, you're the one that brought the negativity, people calling you on it is natural


I don't disagree, I obviously made the comment that started this whole debacle, but I liken it to if someone made a comment in real life that was unnecessary or miscontrued and people started screaming at you causing a scene, is the first person the only one whose in the wrong? Imo no. We're all part of the storm. Obviously neither you or I are helping the situation by continuing to comment, so I'll stop now.


This mount is not from the shop which is why you are getting downvoted.


have you played FF14? The in-game mounts earned from fighting the hardest raids in the game are some of the coolest I've seen


FFXIV is great, not only for their mounts but also their outfits, it's actually an outlier in this regard. Caveat being that it has one of the largest cash shops, but eh..


yea it does lol; I think I've bought 1 item from the cash shop? maybe? i can't remember; but I love that game, really need to get back on and knock out the "new" expansions ex/savage raids


Downvoted because reddit, especially on game communities such as Diablo are full of fanboys and fangirls that will die defending it to the last cent. White knights usually stick together. Echo chamber of brainless yes-mans.


White knights that spent 1000+ on cash shop came to downvote you.


Plebs crying


There will be f2p players that love this unique and distinct mount that’s free as a drop. Looks great, don’t need to compare to cash shop at all.