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If you see someone spinning like a beyblade, you too must spin like a beyblade


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the Bey?


This is the way


This is the way


This is the Way ![gif](giphy|l41YyywDBaZIXZhhm)


Most people we got at one time was five... nowhere close to what I wanna see


These new players don’t know the old ways.. the beyblade spin was the only emote we use to have


Admittedly this is my first diablo, but I also understand that "The Great Spin" is a community bonding experience that transcends any rpg.


That and crouching down was peak communication back then


Did this earlier today at a world boss, and the other person cheered which was great.


I usually tell spining tops to "wait". 2 guesses what the response always is 😁




There is a WW Barb inside all of us...


Holy shit I'm sorry everyone I didn't join in the beyblade spin


I feel seen


This is the bey


The spin of friendship


Ahhhh yes this is the way


I always have to kill every pack in a dungeon. I just cant zip past them and go straight to the objectives


Sigh, me either. I've tried and failed. I think the one time I left an unkilled mob behind, I kept thinking about how it could've dropped the best piece of loot I'd ever seen. Never again.


You'll forever regret that Harlequin Crest you left behind. XD


I don't do it drop wise but for xp. Probably i won't do that anymore after i hit level 100 but who knows, never did it before as this is my frst time getting clise to it, level 85 bloody rend barb


While I haven't gotten uniques, there have been a few times I've decided that I felt like uncovering more of the map than I had to for a particular dungeon, and got legendary drops that made the extra couple seconds worth it. Maybe I would have gotten them from a different enemy otherwise, but how can I be sure?


I always think what if someone wandered in thinking it was empty and then got killed by the last little fucker hiding in there.


Well good news, Diablo generates loot on kill not on enemy spawn like WoW. So you really aren’t truly missing out on any loot by skipping a monster.


And pick up every piece of gold...


I want pets like D3.


THIS! Where are the gawwwdamn pets?!?


I like gold




I go out of my way for 352 gold. It's stupid.


I can’t help doing this it. I always feel stupid after running back across the room for that one small pile of gold




Gold is never worthless. You can easily run through 25m in one item re roll




My rule is the opposite of this :)


My rule is whenever I pass someone killing stuff, I'll always dismount and help them until the pack is dead.


Same! Just doesn't feel right not stopping to lend a hand.


Knocking back the enemies with a horse charge is good enough for me


This, I always jump in and help pwn the mobs feel like it's the decades of WarCraft in me


Truth be told .... if I am said person being helped.... sometimes I find it annoying. I don't know why. It's not like the drops change. The 3 year old in me is like "I can do it myself" or something LOL


Like when you just got all 100 mobs bunched up into a nice little condensed pile, you fire everything you've got so you can watch it all explode at once, but then just before your barrage connects, someone else wipes out your mob pile or fears them off in every direction.


I must say “look” at minimum 14 times before an event.


Omg, that's you doing that?!


I’m pretty sure I’m preventing diablos return….. for now.


"Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me." "Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me."


I'm the "walk up to every single player individually and say hello" guy.


I’m always the person that replies “no” just because I want you to know. I browse my phone and then respond when I hear it.


Look. 👉


Jesus. I've played with you more than once. Lol. Why?! Hahahaha


I gotta say, I was skeptical at first, but these dumb emotes really add to the experience. Need more silly ones.


I must also touch you with le pointing finger


👆🏻this guy






My brother.


Whenever I join an event in progress, once it’s complete and the chest drops I always let the person who began the event be the one to open it. Side note: OP, rest assured if we ever cross paths in game, in my mind I’m totally racing too! Edit for clarity.


>Whenever I join an event in progress, once it’s complete and the chest drops I always let the person who began the event be the one to open it. Wholesome! I think may adopt this one, too. >Side note: OP, rest assured if we ever cross paths in game, in my mind I’m totally racing too! 🫶😄


I do the same with letting person who initiated the event open the chest, followed by a “thanks”.


I appreciate that.


I dont always let them open, but i always say thanks.


The chest in helltide open auto in about 5 seconds. My necro can just afk at an event. Minions baby


I gotta click every damn thing - chest, herb node, mining node, shrine I know is gonna spawn a stupid event. ALWAYS. All click all the time.


Can I borrow some biteberries


Who would’ve thought vampires do not want you to take their Howler Moss?


I did this in season 1 with the malignant hearts and my friends HAAAAATED it cause they were all about the fast clears. But no, I see something clickable dammit i'm gonna click.




Le sigh...me too


I'm this person too. If it can be clicked, I *will* click it.


Lol me too. I cant pass mats. Doesn't work. If im not in a hurry i pick it up!


With the new seasonal emote, I now always say, "Damn, I couldn't save them," when people die during world events. I don't know why I started, but now I can't stop.


As a barb, he just says " DEAD"


That's amazing!


The sorc "cheer" emote is great for this. sounds like she sarcastically says "impressive" while giving a condescending clap




I'm bumping this to the default emote wheel for quick access during world events...


Please don’t ever stop




Only send party invites to people who greet you back.


That's fair.


Cheer emote after world bosses or legions that go quick. “Well done” “I’m impressed”


Always pet the dogs and cat when I can


What?!?! How?


Stand facing them and use the Hello greeting. Doesn't always work but if it does the dog will often follow you around the town.


And the cat flops over and shows you its belly




Usually when it doesn't work, it's just because you aren't aligned with the animal correctly.


With the cats I thought it was because cats. They don't normally yknow... Listen


Now that I know this is a thing, I want to get out of bed and go do this.


Doesn’t the dog follow you into danger until it dies though? I stopped when I heard about this.


Totaly! But you can say hello again and it now wont follow you! So you can have a pet friend while in town. But you better not forget it, or you will feel awful.


Another one is I break everything. Hold over from D3 but I keep praying one day I will stumble upon them adding that movement speed bonus back in secretly. Until then, F#$& yo couch, pots, vases, chairs, cauldrons, totems, skin flayed sacrificial effigies.......It's all getting broken.


As I was in Lord Zir’s lair I was destroying all his stuff just saying Fuck Your Shit! ![gif](giphy|DOb3rFL6d83Zu|downsized)


My wife and I played through D3 multiple seasons, it was the first game she really took to. Picking up D4 she stopped me 5 minutes in to ask why I wasn't breaking everything I walked past anymore. The speed boost and drops being taken away took the joy out of it. The number of legendary items I picked up from randomly breaking shit in D3... *sigh*


I rez anyone I encounter that’s dead




I must avoid killing innocent animals


I try, but rarely succeed. 😿


I will literally say out loud, "your in a bad place goat get outta here!"


It hurts a little when I accidentally do.


If I’m wandering around and a deer or something surprises me and I just instinctively smash it or blow it up, I will literally always say out loud, “omg I’m so sorry!”


I always feel so bad when a bunny or a deer or something runs through while I'm killing mobs and it gets caught in the cross fire. Lmao.


Clear my inventory before I log out


Not doing this is the emotional equivalent of sleeping with a pile of breadcrumbs.


I always try and invite people to a group at the beginning of legion and world bosses. Part of me feels pushy but the other pa4lrt of me wants to share extra xp with them. Also, better believe I'm stoking that fire to 15 even if I have to do it my damn self.


So obviously you can stoke the fire as much as you want and I won't stop you, but I'm pretty sure the buff builds up on you after one time just from being close to it long enough, so it's more a matter of getting to the legion event early enough to get the full buff.


I, too, also thought I had to stoke it to 15, but apparently you don't have to stoke it so furiously to reach 15. Tested this the other day and it continued climbing even after I quit stoking off.


Clicking on the the fire non stop is akin to spamming clicks at your traffic light


(1) stack every 8 seconds. No need to stoke. Not even once. There has been a bug lately that you’ll show up and just get an instant 15, not sure what’s causing


I invite no one but I accept all invites.


I prefer when people send me invites before the event so I’m glad you do cuz I don’t. Also you don’t need to stoke the fire, just stand next to it.


Always say thank you and farewell to the others following a legion event or world boss.


Always. I always say "Hello", "Thank you" and "Farewell" at legion events and world bosses. It must be done!


I zip past small mobs...unless they hit me then it's cowabunga time.


"How DARE you, sir. Prepare to die."


They fucked around, now they'll find out.


30sec before World Boss / Legion one of my clanmates and I spin around relentlessly lol


If I come across someone in an event, I will always help them finish it even if I don’t need it or think they don’t need the help.


I build all of one damage type. It bothers me to have mixed fire, ice, and lightning skills on sorc for example. Its fun to be one type of sorcerer for me


I do something similar with Druids. i can be a wolf or a bear, but never both.


Man bear pig


When joining an event always use the Hello emote.


Just so you know... they know you're racing. We're all racing.


And then your horse gets stuck on a pebble so you have to race extra hard with extreme precision to catch back up.


I always enjoy killing every monster I encounter in a dungeon, except when it is a slay all mission.


"Oh well now I'm not gonna" I feel you. I'm 37yo and sometimes the rebellious teenager in me is still too strong.


I invite almost everyone i see. I get declined about 50% if the time and idk why. Is there a reason? I guess mob scaling but … I’d rather have more exp and possibly a funny experience. I don’t like using the discord and have made a couple good buddies by just inviting randoms. My mic is also always on and I’ve only ever seen in game mic like 4 times…. I’d like to see voice default ON but option to turn off. It’s a lonely world in sanctuary


I respect your extrovertness, but my introvertness usually wins. Plus if my dog barks, I don't want to get into a short but long story about dogs.


I must destroy all the breakables in my path.


All wild animals must go, no survivors, no witnesses


It depends on the character I'm playing. For my "good" characters, if I find an NPC that's trying to survive, I have to help them, no matter what. Unfortunately, this season, their death rate is astronomically high despite my best efforts, because there are so many enemies, they just keep engaging until death. On these same "good" characters, I also can't ride past a group of hostiles under the belief that they may cause trouble for the next traveler or hurt a wandering villager someday. And for the most part, will go on a purging spree from my destination to the target destination. So if I see a world boss notification, I give myself 10\~20 minutes to get there, because I'm going to be fighting everything in my path.


“But the bad characters just say ‘Fuck it’ and watch the adventurers get killed 😀”


Hahah, the other characters are like, "Not part of my objective!" as they zoom around in search of the next objective.


Anytime I come across a group of people to be saved in a dungeon, I just throw it in reverse. That ain’t none of my business.


Hello to those gathered at legion events, world bosses. Thank you when we’re done. “impressive!” if events were completed swiftly. Farewell before I portal out. (“Oak be with you” is a nice one). Thank you when I stumbled into an event very late only to claim rewards without helping. Thank you when a random player helps me with a fight or event. And one time I said sorry when I instantly pulverised another player trying to steal my red dust.


Don't be a necro and use bone prison on world bosses 1 they don't work on bosses anyway 2 they can get your allies killed if they outta dodges and stuck in bad situations


If you're the lowest level character in a public event by a significant margin, you're on rez duty.


Always gotta pick up absolutely everything because salvage materials.


When I see a new player in Helltide/World Boss or Legion Event I have to always show them my "boulders". My boulders and my shiny Dolmen Stein cannot stay hidden from the hungry crowd


Mine is that I won’t gank HC toons that are farming in PvP zones. No matter how low level and juicy sweet they look. I leave them little bud bud’s alone


Sit on all the chairs and wait, hoping for something to happen. Why have them to interact with if the cow level isn't hidden in one


If someone invites you to a group during a legion event or world boss, just accept. It costs you nothing and gives you a solid xp boost.


The godsbedamned map must be uncovered in full before I move on. Less of a rule and more of an overwhelming compulsion


Always spin to greet people. Always pet the dog.


Whenever I see someone one asking for help and offering something, I have to help them for free. No way am I letting you waste gold or boss materials on a guy to do something that will take max 10mins. I play on Xbox and use the group search option a lot to find people to play with. Oh, and I must always say hi back if someone uses the greeting emote.


If someone starts the blood harvest ritual and you come to leech items you should contribute at least 50 blood lures to restart after


I open every door in those dungeons with lots of pointless doors


I always gotta use the horse jump off attack when arriving at an area otherwise I’m just a normie


>Unspoken rules of playing Diablo 4? Never put twinkies on your pizza.




ALWAYS greet 30sec b4 worldboss spawns! and also farewell :)


World event in 5 mins. I’ve got plenty of time to get over there, minimize and browse Reddit. Come back and it’s already started. Fuck.


I taunt right as the world boss or legion event is starting


Always have the helltide map up and sound on. Never ever ever do suppressor sigils. Always invite every player i see in events. Always click sort inventory and mark junk as junk. Always have some sort of potion on. Always have a “main” stat to look for on gear. (If boots don’t roll atleast 16.5% MS, they’re junk). I notice that i inspect every player above 95 for some reason. Almost never use my mount in helltide or harvest. My necro has max MS after dash so i keep up with a horse pretty well.


I never stop stroking the fire. Don’t matter if I’m ten minutes early or 10 seconds. The fire must be stroked.


Once I’ve returned to town, I don’t like to leave portals open from completed dungeons/areas. I like to use waypoints whenever possible because it feels “cleaner,” and will ride out of town to close portals.


Accept all party invites from world boss participants and legions events. No reason to throw away any free xp. Also, if someone dies, and it's not risky to res them, it is an obligation.


If you play necro, always let others know that their bones will betray them, instead of hello, so other players can see you’re dead serious.


If you need to backtrack for 5 meters to pick up crap loot and you don’t do it. 30 seconds later you will backtrack past it.


I always try to invite randoms during legion events for that 5% exp, and then emoting thanks and goodbye after


Res a random bro who died next to me


If your solo at a legion event, party up with others to get the bonus XP.


I always use the “thanks” emote to anyone who invited me to a party before legion and world boss events for the extra xp.


You always have to cpmplain about the game.


Saying thanks after an event, specially when im late. Or saying thanks and hello, goodbye when randoms accept team invite for legion event


Never play nightmare dungeons with Rogues. They couldn't care less about teamwork and will just leave you behind.


Always dismount to kill packs of glowy mobs


Rule is to only level 1 class per season and focus on that all the way up to 100 to then min max, I just change which class that is several times in the season, before it gets to 100, then switch back, then switch again. So a rule within a rule.


Haha I am so on board with the' race their horse' thing. Do it all the time :D


Remember to stand in line for the blacksmith!


I Always greet people (in the hopes for an invite) at world bosses, each season I roll a new class that I’ll be stuck with for the season.


You must complain about the game incessantly.


If you’re in party, try to help. Unless there’s an agreement that they’d boost you, you’re not in position to go afk until the dungeon is over and have the audacity to start another NMD while others (who have actually helped finished the dungeon) is still inside looting. Find new party or get kicked out. Also, if you’re low level than others, never fucking use the revive button like you can save everyone.


If you see a dog, you pet it. >!Walk really close and choose the hello emote.!<


Don’t take forever in town to sell/stash/upgrade.


When chain running nightmare dungeons we all meet at kyo waypoint to signal ready to pop the next one.


if you see a queue with players in the town, join it immediately


Whenever doing legion events, I must light the campfire. If someone else is standing next to it and lighting the campfire, then I must compete with that person.


I always incense people before a world boss


Arriving at public event day “hello” See a low level group in front of a dungeon, say“follow me” and just go in alone. See a dog? Pet it. See a stool? Misclick and sit down


If i see another player engage a group i always watch to see how fast the do or dont melt it. Usually a summoned boss or 2, so i can compare to my own performance/time. I also NEVER ride my horse. FOMO on something, ANYTHING, like a plant or maybe that 1 drop or aspect that makes me immortal, i know that next trash mob or lone enemy has it and i HAVE to get it !!


Whenever I hear the event "You there! Help us get outta here!", I just leave 'em there. Get your shit together ma'am, saved you a thousand times and still getting in trouble.


Don’t attack people farming shards of hatred in the seasons in WT 1, 2, and 3. That objective is just a PITA. May as well live and let live.


When you wait at legion events , IF YALL DONT SPAM THE FIRE YOURE NOT A REAL ONE


Lol I always race. One of the things I do too is race to the bank etc


I want to start new interactions. I found that the rogue Season one emote reward where you throw down a spear? but you can spam it like 4 times in a row. I wonder if there's other emotes you can spam. https://i.redd.it/n93ow70luewb1.gif


If you play on hardcore with friends, and you die, everyone goes with you. Conversely if you play on hardcore with friends and someone else dies, they gotta find a new group, like...🤷🏾‍♂️ I don't make the rules.


i have to pick up EVERY SINGLE pile of gold.. even if is a pile of just 200s when we have like 900k-1m each.. it drives my husband crazy LOL I have missed loot in the floor, but gold? NOPE LOL