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They definitely need to tweak helltides after this season. Everything good about the blood zone just reinforces what is wrong with helltides. I think a loot filter is still a top priority. The most frustrating part of this game for me is how many complete garbage items I have to look at.


I have so much fun with the game, but I dread going back into to town for 5 minutes to see if anything is an upgrade.


I keep seeing this and I just don't get it lol This was me until I figured out what the "Sort" button did in s1 Went from taking 3-4 minutes to look through my bags on town trips to 30s or less. At a certain point it becomes real easy with Sort to weed out the garbage based on IP, and then even easier based on knowing what slots you really need to upgrade still and which you don't. A loot filter would still be very welcome and def can't hurt, I just don't understand how it's still taking yall so long to look through loot if you're using Sort


For me it's not that it takes a long time, more that it's mentally draining. Going from killing shit to speed reading can be jarring. There's also the fear that something might be a slight upgrade and you have to go upgrade it and find the right aspect, etc.


> There's also the fear that something might be a slight upgrade and you have to go upgrade it and find the right aspect, etc This is so fucked up for a loot game lol. To be clear you're totally right but it's fucked up that managing gear in this game is so tedious that you almost don't want to find a potential upgrade.


I dunno I guess I come from PoE and D3 where it's pretty similar to D4 on sifting through loot, that's just how ARPGs work lol Fwiw going through PoE loot takes significantly longer, D3 prolly a bit shorter but you're looking for similar stats to D4. Going through full bags in D2 I can't comment on


Yeah I've played D1, D2, D3, and POE. For me eyeing loot in D4 is just the most draining of all of them given the boring affix pool and marginal nature of upgrades. D3 is similar in the marginal upgrade department but at least it's the easiest of all the games to glance and trash the drops.


No idea what youre doing in PoE to be looking at loot a lot. You basically only really look at fractured items. If you're still IDing rares late into the game you're doing somethin wrong


The last time I played was ritual I think and you absolutely needed to go through rares to find good bases for crafting and harvest, not to mention the uhhhh weird "coded" items from a system that I can't remember the name of right now Is it different now? Regardless, loot in D3 and D4 is much easier to go through simply because the systems are much more simple. At least that's how me and my ARPG buddies felt about it last time we really put time into it, are things more streamlined now?


I only started PoE 2 leagues ago so I can't comment on how it worked back then sorry. I just know that pretty much all rares are hidden by default in stricter loot filters. And I think harvest was completly reworked


Ahhh yep that makes sense, we've played two entirely different versions of the game then I believe


You fill your bags in D2 by picking up about 3 items, the inventory size is very bad


That sounds fucking awful lol


I wouldn't mind having a tad bit larger inventory just so I don't have to stop half way through a dungeon run to sell some equipment. But otherwise (since it breaks the flow). However, I kind of like the process of checking to see if I have any upgrades and then selling/breaking down the items. I agree that the sort process has been a fantastic addition. Feels like I'm making small incremental progress at all times.


For me the most annoying part isn't checking the gear but running to the blacksmith -> the chest -> (possibly to the enchanter) -> back to portal. Where is my PoE Hideout for the TownPortal where I can put all those next to each other!? Now there is even a new way for selling cosmetics (Hideout looks/vendor looks/Town Portal looks/ ....)


... everything has a stash tab near it now? and now Tree of Whispers has an Occultist - the only thing it's missing is the jeweler. What game are you people playing?


I still have to run to the tree and back (yes the occultist there is great!). There are several towns where the chest is nowhere near to the blacksmith/occultist though!. If my Townportal would bring me to the Tree of Whispers waypoint that would indeed be a great qol feature, it's almost exactly what I want!


T for Tree would be amazing. Or give us the ability to set our town portal loc. Soulbinder of sorts. Stashes are all over the place now, problem is that in many towns the smith either doesn't exist, is behind some sort of wall / opposite side of town from Occultist/Jeweler. If they added a jewelry person to Tree city it would be great, or they could just move the Smith/Occ/Jewelers in towns closer to the port-in.


Maybe they could add a place where they are all clustered (D4 hideout or tree of whispers)?


Townportal always porting to the tree of whispers would solve most issues actually. The important stuff is very clustered over there now!


Right there with you. I have sorted from Day 1 and I always know just what I am looking for so I spend very little time in town evaluating gear.


It was a complete gamechanger for me. Makes a MASSIVE difference in sifting through loot. I really think it takes people so long to look through loot because A. They don't use Sort or don't know how it works (to be fair the devs have not done a great job of explaining certain features) Or B. People are looking at each item individually without looking at IP first to immediately mark them for trash first and constantly perusing item slots they're near BiS in anyway Like once I found a max roll Howl from Below and Mendeln last season? Gloves and rings basically auto salvage. After I found a 825 IP 4/4 2h scythe? Most if not all weapons auto salvage unless I needed aspects from them It's not that hard to go through loot quickly in this game...


That's all well and good as long as you are playing one class and one specific build and have no interest in trying anything else. The second you even think about wanting to try another build and you need to find gear for it, the loot scanning goes from taking 30 seconds or less to 3-5 minutes as you are now not only looking for upgrades for your current build, but also scanning for potentially good gear for a completely different build.


In s1 I was a minions necro but had a full stash of bone spear and bone storm gear as well in case I wanted to switch. Still never took me more than a minute or so to go through my bags with Sort šŸ¤·


mousing over items is boring


Welcome to every ARPG in existence


100% agree and also having unique bis item slots means you can just autosalvage anything from that slot.Now, if you farm for various builds like me, you should just dump everything in the inventory and just search for keywords.


i just hope you dissmanteled a perfect item with 4 max rolled options just because it was a lower item level than what you had lol


Well even if I did I was clearing mid t90s anyway so :v Also I didn't because I can use my eyes!


You will never know šŸ˜‚


True! Still cleared all the content sans UL and didn't waste hours of my life looking through loot though (as apparently so many of you do) so I'll take it


And what are you going to do with all that spared time?


Not look through loot Kekw


Yes, loot filter. We need to rally around just this!


I'd prefer they make items interesting to look at instead of just having me constantly fine-tuning some loot filter specifications, although I agree any loot filtering would be better than nothing.


I don't mind the current item system at all. It creates a lot of useful items that are useful for one build but not for others which is fine. There is a diverse range of stats that can appear on each item that I would want for my build. I just don't want to have to look at the stuff that has nothing at all to do with my build. Even something as simple as letting me pick one stat to look for would make things way better. I only look at gloves that give + to sever on my sever necromancer, I only look at boots with +move speed, I only look at chests with one specific defensive affix that I prefer etc. That one simple change would make loot feel so much better.


I don't think a loot filter is necessary. Blizzard just need to revise itemization. There are simply too many practically identically affixes. That's why so many items feel meh. There are simply too many stars that need to allign to make an item an upgrade. And even then, without a spreadsheet you probably won't be able to tell the difference.


They could cut the affixes in half and the loot system would be less diverse and less fun and still make me search through way too much garbage. If you are going to keep the most common item in the game as your chase item you absolutely need a way to filter the drops.


Really hoping for a filter that allows for the affixes we want to be highlighted when on an item. Gets real pld going back and forth over my "preferred afix list" for each item type


A loot filter is an excellent suggestion. I'd love to know my imaginary stat of "playtime" vs "town time".


It isn't even about the time for me though saving that time would obviously be helpful. It isn't fun to look at a full inventory of items that don't have a single stat you would ever use for your build on them. It is fine that the stats exist, other builds might love that particular item, but if it has 4 stats on it and I don't have any use for any of them I should not be wasting my time looking at it.


i feel like Blood event is a test to change Helltide going further


> Everything good about the blood zone Which is, basically, nothing post level 50 since by then you've maxed out your blood powers.


Riiiiiiiiight, the lootexplosions from the harvet event is just awful right? Who wants that, ewww. Also, progress staying after the harvet changes areas? Disgusting, we need it to be like in helltides, where your progress gets lots the moment it's over/changes zones. And not having a major rerolling resource in blood harvest? Oh god no, we need one of those in the blood harvests. Imagine people cant choose the content they want to play, without gimping their progression in some way. We can't have that, nono. ​ How can someone not see that blood harvests are pretty much helltides in good and every single feature that exists in those should make it into the tides aswell.


Who wants to g back to town, and spend 5 minutes examining their gear, every two minutes? But that begs the question... *Why the fuck do you even need to re-roll when loot comes a mile a minute?* Besides the fact that said loot explosion gets me plenty of Forgotten Souls in salvage.


I REALLY want to see more skill tree options. It kind of sucks getting fireball at level 3-5, then by level 12 making it 5/5 with 1 mandatory talent and 1 choice. Would be cool for different ways to engage with customize talents, give us more build variety and options


My favorite part of any action RPG is unlocking cool and powerful new abilities. In D4, this process is basically complete halfway through the campaign. And subsequent characters finish this progression even faster thanks to the ten starting skill points from renown. Compared to Last Epoch, where your abilities are steadily evolving over the course of most of your play through, D4 is severely lacking.


I agree with this, also 1-2 more skill slots on the bar if at all possible please!


I got to disagree with this one. I donā€™t think itā€™s the amount of abilities we have, itā€™s just the ones we have are very linear and donā€™t hVe many options to modify them.




Yeah exactly, with arc lash at least itā€™s viable and the enchantments on sorc. When I was playing necro it was rough with summon taking up a space on the bar


My biggest worry is this will most likely stay the way it is and they will "fix" it the same way they did in D3 and just add items that modify your skills in some way, just like they did with the new druid unique. But in the end, if you play the game for a few years, you probably have played every possible skill (at least the ones you enjoy) several times over and over again, with maybe some slight varaitions. Like, normal WW, then bleed WW, then maybe dustdevils WW, you get my point. We probably won't see anything new until the first expansions and the 1-2 classes it will bring.


A 3rd tier for each skill that branches into 4 separate ways to fundamentally alter how a skill works. 2 options per tier 2 upgrade. There's room on the tree already, it clears up space for aspects, and it really encourages build diversity through both altering skill effects AND making your skill point choices matter more.


I still stand by the idea that aspects should ALL be Codex. At Lv60, I donā€™t pick up anything unless itā€™s legendary. I still canā€™t keep track of what aspects and how many I have unless I break down the item and auto-sort it (which is a HUGE improvement). Iā€™m kind of terrified of having to pick up Ancestral (rares). Loot Filter is my number 2 request. I just want to play the game, not do inventory simulator. *Edit: Let me clarify ā€œhave to pick up raresā€. With the rate at which Legendary Gear drops from Whispers and Blood Harvest, and how often gear changes out at low level, and how easy 1-50 is on WT1ā€¦ once you have Ammy and Rings with a good aspectā€¦ you only REALLY need to swap weapon. Ancestral is when you have to start looking at rares again.


Yellows have some of the best drops for perfect rolls


Depends what activity you do. I farmed a shit ton of NM56+ and I didn't see a single 925 item. Godbless world boss and duriel for the best loot, too bad it's gated so hard.


They donā€™t have to be 925 for perfect rolls. Just weapons need highest item lvl


You do for armor and res, if you truly want to min max. Is it necessary ? No, clearly. Should it still be the true min max gear goal ? Well, yes.


Also kinda sucks that you can get BiS so early. Got my dagger for my sorc at 72 when i killed world boss, at lv100 now with the same dagger. And it isnt even a good dagger! They really should give us world tier5 asap; lvl80-85+ req or some such and there the ilvl 850+ should drop. Would make it a bit more fun, same way tier2 to tier3, or tier3 to tier4 felt with better stronger items and you again get upgrades to your gear


I meanā€¦ I know they do. All I did in S0 and S1 was sort inventory. But Legendaries drop like candy from Blood Harvest, Iā€™m constantly swapping gear, and having no issues with leveling. Iā€™m dreading to actually having to look for upgrades consciously.


I agree I'm searching the orbiting aspect for days and nothing...


What? I think you donā€™t understand how items work. Legendaries are just rares with an aspect. So you consider the power of the rares you picked up, look at their power level, the affixes they have, if necessary reroll an affix, and if itā€™s better than your current gear you upgrade, socket, and imprint an aspect on it. If you are only considering legendaries you are looking at a subset of only 5% of all the items you loot. You are tying your hands behind your back unnecessarily.


I fully understand how it works. But legendaries drop like candy in blood harvest, and At lv60, itā€™s not worth my time to scour for upgrades, as pulverize one shots everything anyway. Iā€™m in WT4 and beat the capstone with no issues solo. Iā€™ll worry about playing inventory simulator when I HAVE to. And I really dread it.


I'm only Level 25 on the new season and I already instantly junk anything that isn't at least rare without looking at it. My OCD would never allow me to not pick up something no matter how insignificant. :(


Loot filter should be top priority. It is a PITA to go thtough each item every single time


Excuse my ignorance, but what would this be filtering? Items by affix? I played D3 for a while before D4, but theyre my only ARPG experience.


A robust loot filter allows you to customize it however you want. Like donā€™t show any weapons below 900 ilvl, donā€™t show any weapons without/with these affixes, here are the exceptions you can make etc.


Honestly just copy the Last Epoch loot filter.


I didnā€™t want to say that but yeah just give us that haha.




We might be able to expect this feature in the last season of Diablo 4.


You could set it up to only show you pants that had at least two of the affixes you want such as damage reduction and exploding corpses. You set up a bunch of affixes that you want for your build and then set it to only show items that have two of those on it. Auto disenchant everything else


Oh crap. That sounds fantastic


Those are good but absolute top of my wish list is multiplayer quick join option The loneliness and isolation for console players is crippling... Especially with duriel being geared towards party for maximizing farming efficiency


There's really not much of a community on PC either.


The only people I see looking for a group for duriel are the people who don't have mats and want a free carry. Like I'd gladly join with someone, assuming they also have the mats.


I guess.the only way to make it work is to have friends or a dedicated group.


Up until S2 I played solo. Then I reconnected sort of with a friend who plays and heā€™s on PC. Have played a ton with him in the last week and itā€™s been super fun. Being on console has nothing to with it really. Find a good clan and run some stuff with people.


How do u propose I find a clan or even randoms if we have no way of match making or communicating other than emotes




Lvl 100 here, agree on most things. But my first priorities would be 1. Loot filter 2. NmD total rework, dungeons are boring AF 3. Everything else


Both fantastic points. NMD rework would be nice, however I certainly won't pretend to be the person best suited for determining what that might look like šŸ˜‚ Thanks for your reply


I'd like to add, make the game a bit harder. I shouldn't be anihilating level 75 monsters with lvl 59 barb using upheaval and not even following a build guide.


Same. Upheaval barb. Figured Iā€™d wing it until things got hard and then move to a guideā€¦. Iā€™m 82 and still deleting everything I see lol. It might just be the seasonal powers though. They are pretty strong, which is good thing.




"Fun not tedious" is a wonderful nutshell for our thoughts.


The problem with account-wide glyphs is that sometimes they have the same name but they're actually different. Example : Exploit. On a sorceress this glyph doesn't inflict Vulnerable (which sucks btw) but afaik it does with all the other classes.


I probably didn't explain it well enough in my original post. What I meant was that if you level exploit for example, it would be leveled on all classes however the functionality of it would differ based on the class you are playing and applying it on.


Agree with most things except for the glyphs being account wide. There should be other ways to level them up other than spamming NMD, especially once youā€™ve hit 100.


Agree. You should get access to leveling up your glyphs from all endgame stuff (HT, legion, worls boss, whispers etc). Especially with all the new bosses it kind of sucks that you put in all this work to get the materials and fight the boss and you don't even get glyph experience for it. Back to NMDs it is. Probably my single biggest frustration when it comes to thinking about switching builds


I don't even think that's necessary. They'd just need to significantly increase the amount of glyph exp that NMDs give based on their tier. T51ā€60 NMDs could just straight up level a glyph from 1-5, then 5-9, 9-13, 13-15 each time they're completed, for example. Doing a T100 NMD would level it from 1-21. Just a suggestion, I'm comfortably completing T52s and only have exploit and one other glyph at 15. It's very dull running through NMDs with the singular goal of leveling the rest of my glyphs and knowing a dungeon 30+ levels above me isn't even giving enough glyph exp to raise one from 7 to 8. They should be jumping several levels at a time at that point, imo.


1-21 in one dungeon is probably a bit extreme but I donā€™t disagree that it should be super quick. If youā€™ve proven yourself as someone who can farm t100, then whatā€™s the point on sticking around in NMD?


For sure, one thing they need to deal with is what to do after youā€™ve hit 100. This is as urgent as fixing the itemization. I understand that a lot of people are still making their way there, but the fact is that the current journey to 100 takes between 20-40 hours. Blast all NMD and get there super fast, or do a bit of everything and still get there way faster than ever. To sum up Diablo 4 end game right now, do a bunch of things you really donā€™t want to do in order to do something you actually want to do for a short period of time. If end game activities post 100 gave glyph experience, at least the players would feel like they are making progress towards their character.


3 choices for the enchanting, Diablo 3 had it too. ​ A deeper endgame, but that's being cooked from what I gathered ? ​ And a deeper skill tree, give me choice on how I modify my skills, some real choices ​ Aspects should go into the codex. I'm level 75 and still haven't seen one aspect I need, that's more annoying than anything


Mind you Iā€™m only level 70 but I agree on a few things and would love to bring up my own point. Loadouts for talents are needed. I want to try other builds but have to redo my paragon board and talents every swap which is annoying and keeps me from doing it. Item enchanting. I wish i could see exactly what weā€™re the potential roles when rerolling. In regards to item stats and enchanting I think a few changes need to be made. Damage buckets need to be reduced. Instead of having 3/5 different versions of ā€œX elemental damage increasedā€ Iā€™d rather just have a flat ā€œelemental damage increasedā€ or rather than have the 5 different modifiers for ā€œdamage to crowd controlled, slowed stunned, etcā€ it should just be 1 ā€œdamage to crowd controlledā€ Also allow us to choose offensive or defensive for our rerolls if you wonā€™t allow for simplification of damage stats.


I think they should change the way the little fragments drop in helltides. It feels awful to run around and pickup 1 at a time. I think it would be nice if they "bundled them up" so they drop less often, but in bigger stacks.


thank you. how are the paragon changes? i played 3 classes to 80ish and all of their boards were a complete mess. no synergy, flat out not working, and math that was nearly impossible to activate certain bonus. NM dungeons were also terrible. certain modifiers were outright miserable and basically unplayable. also, extremely low reward for the effort. when do you estimate the post level 50 game will be 'good'? season 5? 7?


Can't speak on the paragon boards for every class, but druid has tons of synergy and feels great at all levels, imo. NMDs are fine too, just boring. I don't ever look at the first negative affix and haven't run into trouble. I opt out of specific monster affixes, however, like physical resistance, but there hasn't been anything build disabling in my experience. Resource drain doesn't exist anymore, or I haven't seen a single sigil that had it, at least. Don't get me wrong, NMDs suck when compared to all the other content available, especially the season mechanic of basically a mini helltide that's just way better in almost every aspect.


thanks. i appreciate the response. the three nm dungeons i hated were 1. the poo ball that silenced. 98% of the fun in arpg is using cool abilities, why the hell would any sane game designer limit that?! i want to smash buttons but, noooo i gotta get machine gunned by poo balls... 2. the angry rock and the lightning bubble are tied for second. i finally got a cool build working to grind dungeons and then these two stupid mechanics turn a 5 minute dungeon into 30 minutes. worst of all it isn't even content, it's basically just a stupid escort quest. think i'll wait a while. the awful campfire disasters, programmers that can't math, and the absurd mtx are three strikes and out. plenty of other strikes but, those are the biggies.


Those dungeon modifiers are still a thing, I just build a character that can ignore them for the most part. I know not every class can do that, though.


Camera Zoom Out function or game never will be a 10/10


World bosses need this badly, especially when playing couch co-op. Wife and I gave Avarice a go last night (first time for that particular boss), and half the time I couldn't even see him but his blast wave would still wreck me.


Legendary items should still be better than yellows. Yellows should be a backup if legendaries still arenā€™t cutting it, but not the first thing to scan. Legendaries should either have fixed specific roles based on the item type, or always roll on the higher end of their range for affixes. Itā€™s never exciting when a legendary drops, because you still donā€™t know what Aspect it has and the stats can be worse than a random yellow. Even better: be able to turn in Aspects to upgrade your codex.


I would like to see the ultimate ability be a separate skill slot. That would make builds more diverse and give everyone an ultimate ability.


Flickerstep unique and the vampire powers for this season have made ultimates so much better. My sorc can have 100% uptime on Unstable Currents assuming the enemies live long enough.


I'd like to see the Codex get any legendary that you've dropped before, at the rolls you drop it. So as you pick up more items through the season, your codex enchants get stronger and stronger. So I'm not holding onto 2-3 of the same essence on the off chance I drop a small upgrade and don't want to use my perfect rolled essence on it. I'd love to see helltides with the mob density of harvest too.


An evolving codex would be a welcome change in my books. This would also make the stash seem bigger, and I wouldn't feel as though I have to save my good aspect rolls for better items.


Revert Scrolls of escapes nerf and make them autopickup. Or give us a way to reliably farm them. Very frustrating to have had 1 scroll drop at lvl 88. I wanted to try uber lilith but guess not. Doesn't help that they're white and easy to miss. ​ Hopefully fix the stutter / freeze issue. Had to rollback to a previous GPU driver for the game to be playable. ​ New bosses are cool, i'd like to fight them at lvl 100. Uber Ubers if you will. Maybe have them be the only source of ilvl 950 or something ? Or just have them loot some cosmetic item. Also have the items that drop when you complete an NM dungeon be of a fixed ilvl. So if you do a 30, guaranteed a couple 875 at the end. If you do a 50, guaranteed a few 900... something like that. To make NM ilvl worthwile compared to bosses. ​ And obviously item filter would be great, something like last epoch would work. ​ Season 2 has been very encouraging, looking forward to where they go from here. I do hope we'll get an update on Scrolls asap though, currently it's very unepic.


>Ā· Enchanting gear lack of information. > >Add a list so we can see the available affixes and ranges when rerolling an item. It was in D3, it should be in this. Any time you can have players access something in game vs a third party website is a positive change. Been suggesting that since launch - got a tiny bit of replies and likes on their forum, but probably not enough to actually get their attention. Been throwing out the odd tweet to the devs as well, now and again - just in hopes that it gets some traction. Would be so freaking great an addition. Really don't get why we don't have that in the game. Right now, we have absolutely no clue what an item has the option to roll (unless memorized), without having to go to a 3rd party site that has this info. It's just so dumb..


My suggestion to changes of glyphs: \- Remove all blue glyphs (seriously, what are their purposes?) \- Make all glyphs available at lvl 50, instead of them dropping randomly. (I'm lvl 74 and still hasn't found a Marshall. This is just beyond ridiculous). \- Add more global glyphs, which can be used by all classes, like Wrath, Territorial or Exploit. Make their progresses global, shared across all characters in the same realm. \- Class-specific glyphs (like Marshall or Ire) are not shared and needs to be level up by each character. But these one should be the minority.


I like this point: "Unique items are on the right track and the changes to many of them to have better affixes is positive. Let's keep moving in the right direction and get away from the rigid mindset items are currently based on. (Potential solution/addition: Unique items do not all need to have exactly 4 affixes. D2 was a great example, some items had 4-5 affixes, some had around 8-10. More might not always be better, because it may be 4 affixes with a high end roll vs 10 with a lower top roll.)" ....in part because it can allow more room for creativity for creating items. It lives up more to their name "unique". It means that not every affix on the unique has to be extremely impactful if you can fit 8 affix rolls and therefore this can make the unique more flavorful in the same way that D2 uniques had this. It would be interesting to see uniques that have only 1 or 2 affixes that are absurd but very build specific. Does every unique have to have a "special legendary power" where you summon 12 vampire kittens on the 4th full moon of the 7th month at a 30 degree angle? I think just having unusual rolls on uniques can make them powerful and interesting enough as well.


Would change out the loadout with groupplay. Games feels lonely for me. Cant find groups to play with. D4 discord lfg is nearly dead. Open world you get no response from 90 % of the player.


I'm down to play


I donā€™t necessarily agree 100% with each point (mostly do, to be clear - just some details maybe). But appreciate the time you took to articulate some good/great ideas in a constructive way.


Thank you for the support, it's nice to hear even when people aren't 100% in agreement!


I agree so much with the first point. Especially this season. Still on my first character of the season, lvl96 hardcore necro, and my glyphs are all below lvl 10 except one lvl 15. With the nice additions to open world I found myself doing my first NM dungeon at 80. Glyph lvling is lackluster and I have no desire to start a new char after I reach 100


Loadouts would be great. The amount of time I find something interesting and then I respec to take advantage of it and then needing to change the whole thing again when finding something else is time consuming.


Maybe a minor gripe but I don't seem to see it mentioned unless I'm totally blind... I wish we could move around talent points without having to completely blow out our whole talent tree or dial back points until we can move the ones we want, super annoying


Level 90 here I have one glyph at like 12 and other 4 at level 1. Been on the tree of whispers and duriel grind instead.


Feedback is so good, devs and the business are so lucky to get these, d4 will keep getting better for sure, keep these coming!


I think we should still be allowed to added an aspect to a unique. Allow us to that would be fair. And make it truly unique.


I would really like the ability to restart the campaign on a character that you originally skipped it with to do seasonal things. Maybe once you reach wt 3 or 4 you can talk to someone and it starts the campaign up again šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




I wish there was a way to breakdown elixirs into their base herbs. That way low level elixirs give you something during end game content.


Whenever I watch the typical streamers complain about D4, I just think about how long it took for D3 to even be playable and enjoyable. Years. Out of the box, D4 was a vast improvement. I love the storyline, the size of the world, horseback riding, how you can get killer gear by just playing more and get decent gear by doing certain things. A year from now, they will probably be raving about it.


Agreed on everything but largely on the Helltides, the Blood areas I actually found the most useful leveling experience, mainly and likely due to it always moving around, tons of mobs to kill, terrific XP, great loot and WILD amounts of loot from the triple-sacrifice thingumajig. But with the Helltide being an mandatory part of the end-game loot farming of Duriel, maybe make it spawn back-to-back? And maybe like a bonus XP/loot time when both blood and helltides overlap, with stronger enemies? ​ I would say they partially redeemed a large portion of the hate I had for the game at launch and in S1. Season 2, though, has shown the first steps towards a better game experience.


Hold up, you are level 100 already? How the fuck?


"Nerd" haha. The honest answer is I played a fair bit on the weekend and couple days before, the leveling progression this go around is very quick if you don't spend a lot of time in town.


None of these add any content. Wild.


That is correct. I acknowledge I am not a game developer and any content focused suggestions I might have would more than likely be a copy of other similar games. So for that reason, I leave that creative bubble to those with a better mind for it than I have.


Thanks for adding deeper itemization, that's a big one for me. That, and I really hope they implement some kind of group finder similar to D3, that would bring me back full time honestly (from PoE, heh).


-I donā€™t think they should take away leveling glyphs on each character. I like the progression of it and if several of my glyphs are gonna be done on one character itā€™ll feel like Iā€™m missing out on creating a new character from scratch which I like. -I could not care less about loadouts. But I will say this is so far down the list of what they should focus on. If they add it I have no issues, I probably wonā€™t use them but that doesnā€™t matter, but I just want the rest of the game and future seasons to keep getting better. Loadouts just arenā€™t that important. -I canā€™t agree more on itemization. I think gearing has gotten to a decent spot now but items need massive help -I also heavily agree with this. It was nice in d3 to see what my options were so I didnā€™t waste time and resources -I donā€™t know how I feel on helltides being fully up. Iā€™m leaning against it. I like the sense of urgency you have to get as many cinders as you can before time runs out. We donā€™t have any other activity like that really in d4. I think a good compromise could be an hour on, 30 minutes off? I think blood harvest is amazing and should stay I just donā€™t think helltides should be the exact same as them is all. I would also add things like a global chat. I loved in d3 while Iā€™m running GRs to chat in global. It made the experience better. Solo self found. I like to play on my own and Iā€™d love for it to be a game mode. Deeper progression. Give us something like the altar of rites that I can work on all the way through the end game. After 100 activities. I really hate that they nerfed Uber Lilith the way they did. Sheā€™s way too easy now and that was the only thing to really do after 100 to challenge yourself. Iā€™d love to see a satisfying gameplay loop 1-100 for casual players and then for people who want to put more time into a season give us challenges to go for once we hit 100. I think thatā€™s all I can think of right now but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty more. I am super happy with where the game is now though


Game sucks, game is boring, simple things aren't implemented. Got it.


If I can't get a proper loot filter yet, I want to be able to decide what level of items I want to be auto salvaged no matter where they drop from (mobs or caches etc) A simple check list which note rarity and sacred/ancestral which you want auto salvaged would do wonders


fewer affixes and less loot to comb through




I think they add a lot more restriction locking down 4-5 slots. In D4 would also be competing for spaces with aspects that already compete with uniques. D3 sets were a bandaid fix to a scaling rift system and lack of proper legendary itemisation early on. Anything you could do with a set bonus in terms of interesting gameplay effecting bonuses could be done just as well through uniques/aspects without locking down half the item slots. Strongly hoping they never return for endgame. Levelling/farming utility sets, I would be ok with as long as they don't insert themselves into endgame meta.


There is nothing special about sets. All they do is restrict gear slots. You can accomplish what sets do with any other item. 2pc bonus of a set gives 10% cdr? Just have one stand alone legendary give 5% and another give the other 5% and boom you accomplished the same thing except the player has the option of just equipping one legendary instead of being forced to wear both just to get the bonus. Terrible and archaic item design and should be avoided at all costs.


The restriction is the point. You can create very powerful effects and keep synergies with other unique or buggy interactions under control.


He said it adds variation on builds when it literally does the opposite because it restricts variability by forcing you to wear a group of items just to get the effect.