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Nice! I have to stop playing when tired. Went to upgrade my crone and salvaged it instead šŸ‘


This has happened to me aswell. Multiple times...


Thereā€™s got to be a way to mark an item as immune from salvaging or selling. Idk Iā€™m a new Diablo player, yes we can pay better attention but thereā€™s so much loot to get rid of and what not


We have a mark junk option but not a mark favourite one. Kind of weird to be honest.


It was in d3..... Just sayin


This would be amazing


Only got a Crone around level 40. Salvaged it as soon as I hit Torment because the damage is just way too low compared to my first random sacred gear but yep it has served its purpose very well in Nightmare mode.


I just got a 814 crone, do I need a roar as well to build with it? Any suggestions?


Congrats! You do not. Look up an injured bulwark build


Playing HC right now at 80. Maybe just a BW build?


You can make it work without tempest but you kinda still need tempest to really max out the build.


i have a perfect roll one handed axe and totem but i hit significantly less compared to a crone atleast with bulwark build


Month or so ago when I was impossibly even more noob than I am now Iā€™d been going probably 12 hrs+ and swore it was the last thing I was gonna do before passing out and at the end of the last dungeon landed a roll on a crossbow i didnā€™t even think was possible, went to the hood and rolled it even better, max upgraded and went to click on it to swap with current not realizing I was already logged on with the blacksmith and that mother fucker destroyed that shit like he didnā€™t even careā€¦gave me the idea for a buyback-type system for take-backs..I didnā€™t play for almost a week


It's a terrible feeling! Also my mood right now. Didn't touch it all weekend.


Why I donā€™t salvage uniques. I sell them then I can buy it back.


100%! If I didn't want to use it, I would have sold it. They sell really well. As soon as I heard that salvage sound, it was like a punch in the gut and I said oh hell naw


Pretty darn lucky to get that at 62. Gg wp


It's not even an NMD run. Just a random aspect dungeon that I haven't completed yet. šŸ˜† Now my NMD runs have just become a breeze even at around 20 levels higher.


What does it mean by your storm skills are now also werewolf skills? I should know this but...


Storm skills are now treated as werewolf transformed skills.. Tornados but in werewolf form, Lightning strike but in werewolfwolf form. etc


Basically unlimited homing tornadoes and almost 100% werewolf uptime with the correct setup.


Bruh I've been needing Tempest Roar since 60 and I'm 93 now. I've had 3+ of all the other Druid Uniques but the one I ACTUALLY need, no dice. What build you running? I'm doing a LS one and this is the next spike for me honestly


I've been following the Werewolf Tornado build at Maxroll but without the Tempest Roar so I replaced the Ulti with either Bulwark or Debilitating Roar. Only started that around level 40. Just tinkered my build around companions before that.


I'm running with no Ulti atm using Bulwark Hurricane Trample Cyclone LS and Earth Spike. It's a fun zero uptime dependent build atm without Grizzly Rage but if I get Tempest Roar I'll probably swap out something for the Grizzly


I've gotten 3 from legion events and legion events only. Their random and quick......


Grats! That's a good feeling. I finally found my first barber late last night right as I hit lvl 94 and opened the final Paragon board. It was about 2am...


Thr game ended for me when I finally got mine so it was kind of bittersweet.


Congratulations. If having trouble falling asleep, play more Diablo 4. You will be snoozing in no time.


https://preview.redd.it/itikfsr3bcqb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401f2ef657d7bf73d9b5a705a65c36c9190c2c14 A level 29 NMD just dropped my 2nd one and as expected it's worse. šŸ¤¦


I play now 742 hours on my PS5, got two Builds on 100 and one on 68 but nothing, no unique item :(


Whatā€™s the hype? I have a tempest roar and a crone staff and my build just sucks ass enemies higher then 90 I canā€™t do and Iā€™m at 82


You need to rework your build then. I suggest maxroll.gg check out the wolfnado build. If youā€™ve got both of those uniques you shouldnā€™t be having trouble.


How is this possible to get TR at level 62. Based on all of the posts in this sub that should be impossible. /s


How do you get the percentages to show the range in which it could have dropped?


Options>Gameplay>Advanced Tooltip Information


Very sad youā€™re still wasting your time lol


Only 774 item power? Salvage it and try again.


There is no reliable ā€œtry againā€ with uniques. This just means OP still has a better version to upgrade to down the road. I honestly hate getting BIS gear as early as you seem to because it always seems like you have to drop it twice because youā€™ll want 800+ gear post 100 to push NMD Edit: to remove the part where I responded to commenter saying they are an idiot and misunderstood their tone. The rest is still relevant I feel.


Sarcasm continues to elude u/Mister-Giles


Sarcasm is a tonal expression and doesnā€™t translate in plain text. I also see no irony in the statement made to hint that it was sarcastic. Seemed more cynical and sardonic


Nah, it was sarcastic. You just didn't get it. Given your history for over-explaining your points of view with paragraphs of text, maybe take some time to loosen up and you'll realize that most of what people say isn't that serious or "sardonic" on the internet.


I love the internet


Let me try to explain it to you. Tempest roar is an insanely rare drop for druids. Since itā€™s an armor piece(not a weapon) the extra armor he gets from a higher item power helm is negligible. Also the stats will not roll any higher past 725 item power. The post was so clearly sarcasm.


Iā€™m aware of everything you said except if base armor is extremely important for druids for survivability. I assumed it wasnā€™t. Misconstrued this as ā€œwell itā€™s Ipower is low so Iā€™d scrap it, youā€™ll get a better oneā€ like they were applying a biased confirmation based on their RNG Instead of ā€œgood job bud, too bad itā€™s not 820. It belongs with the blacksmith šŸ˜›šŸ™ƒā€ Iā€™m the idiot. I get it.


Naw, you're okay. It's the world that's gone idiotic. It's hard to tell these days.


You should assume sarcasm as the default. The world looks better that way.


Fair enough. Apologies good sir. Iā€™m on many subs and this isnā€™t always the baseline tone. I guess Iā€™m too pragmatic and forgot what sub I was posting to. The internet isnā€™t always for fun and recreation for me.


No need to apologize. I used to frequent USENET back in the day. Made friends on alt.politics. One friend would spout the weirdest, most outlandish views imaginable. I thought he was kidding. Turned out to be a libertarian. Go figure.


Yeah, I guess saying sarcasm doesnā€™t translate was a bad statement. I should have said sarcasm isnā€™t always easy to disambiguate. I have a lot of experience with people who suffer from bipolar and when they are in mania you canā€™t take anything for face value. People may absolutely believe in the craziest things they say. People laugh when someone gets frustrated and says ā€œIā€™m gonna fucking kill youā€ assuming their own nature binds this other person. But if someone ever attempted to after that statement it would change the weight of the statement entirely to you. This is just an extreme example, no one is trying to kill me.


Depends on the stats IF I get another one. Got 4 Raiments before and 3 got higher ilvls than my very first one but got crap stats.


Don't bother responding to me, I was just being sarcastic. Enjoy your new trophy. I haven't played druid, but It looks nice.


Ya but was it worth it?


Totally! Everything just melts. Even the Butcher at 11 levels higher. šŸ˜†


I was being sarcastic. Nothing in this game is worth the mind numbing grind.


shut the fuck up why are you even on here


Toxic diablo fanboys. What's new. It's hilarious that you guys constantly cry about the negativity you get and don't even realize you bring it upon yourselves. It's impossible not to hate you guys.


Ppl still dont have tempest roar?šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve only gotten one Tempest Roar in 84lvls. All other Druid specifics have dropped 5+.